count unique records in pivot table excel 2010

Tài liệu Find Records in a Table Without Corresponding Entries in a Related Table pptx

Tài liệu Find Records in a Table Without Corresponding Entries in a Related Table pptx

... Joins You can use three types of joins to bring back different information. These join types include inner joins, left outer joins, and right outer joins. Inner Join This join displays records ... the right outer join shows you all records in the second table (invoices) and only those records from the first table (customers) in which there is a matching record on the joined column (CustomerID). ... situation in which I need to find which clients don't have invoices. How do I do this? Technique To find out which records (customers) don't have corresponding records (invoices) in a...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

5 274 0
Calculations in a Pivot Table

Calculations in a Pivot Table

... fields. CHAPTER 3 ■ CALCULATIONS IN A PIVOT TABLE5 6 Figure 3-4. The first error in the source Excel table appears in the pivot table. 3.2. Using Summary Functions: Counting Blank Cells Problem The ... the dates in the source Excel table were sorted in descending order, the #N/A error would be listed first, and would appear in the pivot table. CHAPTER 3 ■ CALCULATIONS IN A PIVOT TABLE4 4 Figure ... then create formulas below the pivot table to total the columns. 3.24. Using Formulas: Calculated Field Count of Unique Items Problem In your pivot table, you want a count of unique products that have...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

29 371 0
Giao trinh Huong dan su dung Excel 2010 - Toan tap

Giao trinh Huong dan su dung Excel 2010 - Toan tap

... tin và nhp chut hai ln lên tên tp tin. 3. Chn nút Office Open, hp thoi Open hin ra. Trong hp thoi Open, chúng ta ph tp tin (ti Look In) và chn tên tp tin ...  m nhóm này nhn vào nút Office Excel Options Popular Chn Show Developer tab in the Ribbon. Add-Ins: Tab này ch xut hin khi Excel m mt tp tin có s dng các tin ích b sung, ... cnh t 0 n 409 ng bng m (point: 1 point = 1/72 inch). Chiu cao mnh ca dòng là 12.75 point, khi chiu cao là 0 thì dòng b c u chnh...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2013, 19:50

219 1,7K 72
Modifying a Pivot Table

Modifying a Pivot Table

... column, as described in the following steps. CHAPTER 6 ■ MODIFYING A PIVOT TABLE 135 How It Works The default setting in a pivot table is to store deleted items in the pivot table s pivot cache, as long ... of the pivot table s filter lists, and to prevent old items from being retained in the future: 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and then click PivotTable Options. 2. In the PivotTable ... replace the City field in the pivot table. CHAPTER 6 ■ MODIFYING A PIVOT TABLE1 36 6.14. Using Pivot Items: Showing All Months for Grouped Dates Problem In your pivot table, you added the OrderDate...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

16 500 0
Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

... when sorting in a pivot table, you can change a pivot table setting, to block their use. ■ Note Changing the Use Custom Lists When Sorting setting affects all fields in the active pivot table, ... Service.xlsx. CHAPTER 2 ■ SORTING AND FILTERING PIVOT TABLE DATA 33 Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data A s you analyze data in a pivot table, you may want to rearrange the items in the Row Labels and ... It Works In a pivot table, when you do an ascending sort, values are sorted in the following order: 1. Numbers (including dates, which Excel stores as numbers). 2. Text, in the following order:0123456789(space)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

19 522 0
Formatting a Pivot Table

Formatting a Pivot Table

... Formatting a Pivot Table N ew formatting features were introduced for pivot tables in Excel 2007, including PivotTable Styles, Document Themes, Conditional Formatting, and Report Layouts, ... changing the PivotTable Options, so blank cells appear instead of the errors: 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and in the context menu, click PivotTable Options. 2. In the PivotTable ... paste the pivot table. 3. Delete the pasted copy of the pivot table. The custom PivotTable style now appears in the PivotTable Styles gallery, and it can be applied to any pivot table in the workbook. 4.6....

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

30 379 0
Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

... ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA 115 Figure 5-13. Individual dates appear in the OrderDate field in the pivot table at the left; the YrMth field summarizes data in the pivot table at ... blank. CHAPTER 5 ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA 119 pivot table. You’d like to change one pivot table without affecting the other pivot table. This problem is based on the GroupTwoTables.xlsx sample ... However, when you change the grouping in one pivot table, the same grouping appears in the other CHAPTER 5 ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA110 5.5. Grouping Text Items Problem Three new...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

21 425 0
Pivot Table Security, Limits, and Performance

Pivot Table Security, Limits, and Performance

... want to use the pivot table. This is slower than refreshing a pivot table with a saved cache. Storing the Excel Table in a Separate Workbook The Excel Table on which the pivot tables are based ... may encounter this situation in creating a pivot table from your own data. Solution To reduce the file size, try one of the following options. Changing the Pivot Table Layout The pivot table ... prefer to use programming to protect the pivot table, while leaving the worksheet unprotected. Allowing Use PivotTable Reports If you enable pivot table use when protecting the worksheet, users...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

11 750 0
Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

... ■ PRINTING AND EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA 183 Also, you can include up to 126 pairs of pivot fields and pivot items in the GetPivotData function, after the pivot_ table argument: =GETPIVOTDATA("TotalPrice",$A$3,field1,item1, ... cell is double-clicked. CHAPTER 9 ■ PRINTING AND EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA174 Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data O ne of the strengths of pivot tables is the capability to change the ... EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA 185 Figure 9-5. The Generate GetPivotData command 9.12. Using GetPivotData: Referencing Pivot Tables in Other Workbooks Problem Your GetPivotData formula refers to a pivot...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

22 467 0