cooperation beyond the european union

Tài liệu The Counterterror Coalitions - Cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union doc

Tài liệu The Counterterror Coalitions - Cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union doc

... between the United States and the Europeans as well as among the Europeans themselves (see pp 17–22) The long-term success of the counterterror campaign will depend on concerted cooperation from European ... bilateral basis STRENGTHENING THE EUROPEAN UNION An unexpected outcome of the September 11 attacks was that it spurred further integration within the European Union, particularly within the law enforcement ... countries that agree with it before the European Union can seek the compromises necessary to reach a common EU position Yet the strengthening of the European Union, particularly in Justice and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

82 335 0
Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

Tài liệu Data and Information on Women’s Health in the European Union docx

... The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or the position of the European Commission Neither the European Commission nor any ... remains one of the most important forms of cancer for the population of the European Union During the period 1995-2005 the greatest increases in female cancer incidence (per 100,000) of the trachea, ... Liechtenstein, as shown in Table The main sources used in the preparation of the report include: - the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT 2009), - the Organisation for Economic...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

92 728 0
Tài liệu ECTS Users’ Guide: Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union doc

Tài liệu ECTS Users’ Guide: Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union doc

... the other institution, together with the code numbers and the ECTS credits allocated to the components The Training Agreement should indicate clearly the location of the work placement, the period ... Website of the Secretariat of the Bologna process Benelux 2009: Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the European ... learner at the centre of the higher education experience This shift is the foundation of the European Higher Education Area, the Bologna Process and ECTS In the Qualifications Framework for the EHEA...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

64 424 0
Tài liệu Car Price Differentials in the European Union: An Economic Analysis doc

Tài liệu Car Price Differentials in the European Union: An Economic Analysis doc

... to fix the exchange rates for the entire period at their levels on January 1st 1999, the beginning of the EMU 14 European Union At the same time, the United Kingdom would now also become the most ... band of the EU9 average And even these two countries are considerably closer to the average than they were in the other segments As we discussed above, there are also other differences in the relative ... particularity in the ranking is found in the A/B segment, where Finland and the Netherlands no longer belong to the cheap categories, but are rather in line with the EU9 average Another change in the ranking...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

176 567 0
Tài liệu Official Journal of the European Union docx

Tài liệu Official Journal of the European Union docx

... Report to the European Parliament and the Council The Commission shall, not later than *, submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council The report shall, in particular, review the experience ... ensure the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation However, in the case of the direct supply of small quantities of primary products, by the food business operator producing them, to the ... of the European Union It shall apply 18 months after the date on which all of the following acts have entered into force: (a) Regulation (EC) No /2004 *; (b) Regulation (EC) No /2004 of the European...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 02:20

54 474 0
European Women’s Lobby Position Paper: Women’s Health in the European Union ppt

European Women’s Lobby Position Paper: Women’s Health in the European Union ppt

... Information on Women’s Health in the European Union, 2010; European Institute of Women's Health, Women’s Health in Europe Facts and Figures Across the European Union, 2006 Crepaldi, Ch Et al., ... Information on Women’s Health in the European Union, 2010; European Institute of Women's Health, Women’s Health in Europe Facts and Figures Across the European Union, 2006 Lin, V & al., ‘Gender-sensitive ... Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands have the lowest abortion rates in Europe and in the world Women living in these countries gained the right to free abortion in the 1970’s or 1980’s, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

19 596 0
Health and long-term care in the European Union pot

Health and long-term care in the European Union pot

... care of the elderly Between the 25th of May and the 30th of June 2007, TNS Opinion & Social interviewed 28,660 Europeans aged 15 and over living in the 27 European Union Member States and the two ... successively the following issues covered by the survey ♦ First of all, we focus on the lifestyle of Europeans, their health-limitations and their views about becoming dependent upon the help of others ... increasingly ageing population, the European Union is supporting the Member States in their efforts to improve health and long-term care in Europe In 2002, the Barcelona European Council recognised...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

247 515 0
Revised version for the consideration of Contact Committee of the Heads of the SAIs of the European Union docx

Revised version for the consideration of Contact Committee of the Heads of the SAIs of the European Union docx

... October In conclusion, the Contact Committee of Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Member States of the European Union and the European Court of Auditors, during the Meeting on 6-7 December ... need for the team to include staff with the needed IT skills and computer resources On the other hand, if the auditor has reason to doubt the soundness of the systems and/or the adequacy of the controls, ... consultation with other members of the team, if any, or the collegiate structure The plan should be developed with careful regard to, among other things, the following: • The number and skills of the staff...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

57 822 0


... complex and important part of the balance of the powers of the authorities on the one side and the rights of the citizen on the other The way in which civil liberties of the individual are weighed ... France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK, and the European Union This issue is at the nexus of migration and criminal law The system of criminal law in the Member States is a ... Works in the series will start from a European perspective The incresed co-operation within the European Union and the Council of Europe on matters related to immigration and asylum requires the publication...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

432 1,1K 0
Health Law and the European Union pdf

Health Law and the European Union pdf

... institutional contexts 31 I Introduction: what is the European Union? II What does the European Union do? III What methods of governance does the European Union employ? Deregulation “Old style” harmonisation ... page intentionally left blank Health Law and the European Union How does the law of the European Union affect health law and policy? At first sight, the impact of EU law in this area seems limited ... communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament concerning scientific and technological research: a strategic part of the European Union s development cooperation with...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

541 2K 0
Women raise their voices against tree plantations - The role of the European Union in disempowering women in the South docx

Women raise their voices against tree plantations - The role of the European Union in disempowering women in the South docx

... the upcoming year Men used to the ewere dance in the evening while the women theirs in the early hours of the morning To them, the celebration of the ewere during the Igue festival drives away ... Guineans are far from being poor They have their own land were they can grow almost all the products they need for their livelihoods, they can raise their animals, they have their forests, and beautiful ... fortnight The men are in charge of cutting the big bunches of fruit from the palm After the harvest they leave the fruits on the road, where the company trucks pass, weigh and collect them The industry...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

31 538 0
Islamic Banking and Finance in the European Union pptx

Islamic Banking and Finance in the European Union pptx

... look at European Union legislation In European countries the business of receiving deposits or other repayable funds from the public is not free, and the European Commission and the European ... neither denies nor forgets the internal differences and, From the poor to the merchant 19 therefore, suggests that the differences not contradict the radical and essential unity of the whole The ... due to the performance of the party who claimed it (for example, when the party of the contract has made ‘no further’ act to legitimate the reward) (Piccinelli 1996, p 17) THE OLD TESTAMENT The...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

253 488 3


... closing the life cycle of their products, from production and throughout their useful life, until they finally become waste The principles of the waste management strategy in the European Union ... and then either burned in a bark-fired boiler together with bark from wood handling, or used for landfilling The problems associated with the landfilling of sludges and other wastes are the large ... concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste” In addition, it has the dual aim of protecting the environment and, at the same time, optimising the functioning of the internal market The...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

50 485 0
SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 359: Attitudes on Data Protection and Electronic Identity in the European Union pdf

SPECIAL EUROBAROMETER 359: Attitudes on Data Protection and Electronic Identity in the European Union pdf

... Electronic Identity in the European Union were the result of the cooperation between TNS opinion and the eID team at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the Joint Research ... INTRODUCTION Article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union expressly recognises the fundamental right to the protection of personal data However, since the adoption of the Data Protection ... in databases for processing, their concerns regarding these further uses of their personal data, their ways of protecting these data and their expectations regarding the regulation of data protection...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

330 525 0
Report on the Regulation of Reproductive Cell Donation in the European Union potx

Report on the Regulation of Reproductive Cell Donation in the European Union potx

... Report presents the results of the survey The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or the position of the European Commission Neither the European Commission ... Subsection (1); b) the donor offers the cells exclusively for the use of the recipient specified in the declaration of donation; c) the declaration of donation includes – beyond the provisions set ... to the use of their gametes for the treatment of others They must be given an opportunity to receive proper counselling about the implications of donation The donor can withdraw consent up to the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

21 302 0
The European Union’s Framework Program 7 (with an emphasis on ICT) ppt

The European Union’s Framework Program 7 (with an emphasis on ICT) ppt

... FP7 is under the new "ideas" part of the program) These consortia are notionally "self forming" One member of the consortium is designated as the and it is their job to put together the proposal ... potential of the enlarged Union by unlocking and developing the potential of research groups in the EU’s convergence regions and outermost regions and helping them to strengthen the capacities of their ... ISERD, the Israeli body responsible for managing the Association Agreement with the EU on behalf of the Israeli government He represented the State of Israel on the IST Management Committee for the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

285 1K 0
Economic implications of socio-economic inequalities in health in the European Union docx

Economic implications of socio-economic inequalities in health in the European Union docx

... report are entirely those of the authors and not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission The European Commision does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report, ... report written at the request of the UK Presidency of the European Union (EU), which aimed to review the evidence on the existence of socioeconomic inequalities in health in the EU and its immediate ... about the effectiveness of these strategies, it is possible to make some educated guesses about their potential impact on the economic implications of health inequalities in the European Union...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20

166 402 0
Poultry Meat Exports from the European Union to West- and Central Africa: Comments on EU Answers to APRODEV Questions pptx

Poultry Meat Exports from the European Union to West- and Central Africa: Comments on EU Answers to APRODEV Questions pptx

... taken as absolute, because of these variations There are further significant contradictions between the numbers of the EU and the numbers published by the FAO and the UN The total import amounts for ... Leone, Liberia and the DRC The base for the amounts of export from the EU is the European export statistics Unfortunately, there are some considerable contradictions between the EU numbers and ... 1.43 € There is a considerable difference in the pricing of the same chicken whether it is frozen or fresh The European consumers buy meanwhile more than 60 - 70 % of the poultry meat freshly The...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20

56 687 0
EudraLex The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union  Volume 4

EudraLex The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union Volume 4

... made of the time taken to complete the cycle, of the pressure, temperature and humidity within the chamber during the process and of the gas concentration and of the total amount of gas used The ... although the sample frequency may be decreased The importance of the particle monitoring system should be determined by the effectiveness of the segregation between the adjacent Grade A and B zones The ... combination of the two The system selected must be appropriate for the particle size considered Where remote sampling systems are used, the length of tubing and the radii of any bends in the tubing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:43

16 625 0
Scientific report: "The principle of access to rural development by region: experience from LEADER program of the European Union" pps

Scientific report: "The principle of access to rural development by region: experience from LEADER program of the European Union" pps

... to respond to the fundamental core of the territory The axes are defined around the fundamental core All the axes are connected one with each other and there are synergies between them Projects ... have to come from the private sector The local action groups prepare their local development plans and introduce them into a selection procedure The best plans are then selected by the regional or ... activities - The programmes will have a local and endogenous focus to add value to the resources of the regions themselves - The promotion of any innovative solutions through the creation of a European...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

8 331 0