cool things to do with it

Biopython tutorial and cookbook

Biopython tutorial and cookbook

... Support Vector Machines • Code for dealing with alignments, including a standard way to create and deal with substitution matrices • Code making it easy to split up parallelizable tasks into separate ... position attributes of the fuzzy locations Similarly, to make it easy to create a position without worrying about fuzzy positions, you can just pass in numbers to the FeaturePosition constructors, ... most of the nitty gritty about dealing with fuzzy positions in Biopython It has been designed so that dealing with fuzziness is not that much more complicated than dealing with exact positions, and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2014, 21:00

324 1,5K 0
Indexing XML Data Stored in a Relational Database pot

Indexing XML Data Stored in a Relational Database pot

... retrieves section titles in the book with a specified ISBN: SELECT ID, XDOC.query(' for $s in /BOOK[@ISBN= “1-55860-438-3”]//SECTION return {data($s/TITLE)} ') FROM DOCS Query execution ... conforming to Infoset items [4] of nodes is stored in a B+tree This is referred to as the primary XML index A novel node labeling scheme called ORDPATH [13] allows us to capture document order and document ... column stores the node’s value, if one exists, otherwise it is NULL It stores typed XML values as SQL Server’s native type within a generic variant type The PATH_ID column contains a tokenized...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

12 433 1
trình bày báo cáo update and retrieval in a relational database though a universal schema interface

trình bày báo cáo update and retrieval in a relational database though a universal schema interface

... 3.4 Tính to n cửa sổ (windows)   M(Xi,X): tất tập Y chứa Xi mà có tồn thực thể đủ định nghĩa Y Y tập nhỏ cho attr(CED(Y) chứa X Thuật to n tính [X] (windows) 45 3.4 Tính to n cửa sổ (windows) ... sinh từ việc dùng to n tử insert to n tử delete mô tả d’ sinh tiếp to n tử insert 43 Cập nhật sở liệu      3.1 Thêm liệu 3.2 Định lý 3.3 Xóa liệu 3.4 Tính to n cửa sổ (windows) 3.5 Input Patterns ... 4.3)  Cho d sở liệu mà sinh từ to n tử insert, cho Ex kết ứng dụng sử dụng thuật to n X chứa U [X] = Ex 46 3.4 Tính to n cửa sổ (windows)  Nhận xét:   Việc tính to n cửa sổ chứng minh tính đắng...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2015, 10:44

59 475 0
Update and retrieval in a relational database through a universal schema interface (USI)

Update and retrieval in a relational database through a universal schema interface (USI)

... không vị phạm quán to n cục nếu:  Tập thuộc tính q thỏa điều kiện (ĐKDN)  Nếu không, phải xét vùng ureg(attr(q)) = {Qiq, Các Qj liên quan} Một q ∈ Qi thêm vào không vi phạm quán to n cục nếu:  ... thuộc tính cần truy vấn (trên Qo) – kí hiệu [X] X đạt qua phép to n sau: [X] = τ X(rep(d)) τ Với rep(d) thể tiêu biểu CSDL; phép Total Projection, tức chiếu lên tập X trả không chứa giá trị null ... r6: G I 1 r2: C D F r3: D I 1 1 1 r4: F D H 2 2 TH1: Thêm (C,D,F)=(4,1,2)  CDFIG = (4,1,2,1,1) Do chiếu CDFIG lên Q2, Q3, Q5 Q6 hợp lệ  (C,D,F) chèn TH2: Thêm (C,D,F)=(4,2,2)  CDFIG = (4,2,2,2,1)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2015, 16:15

25 711 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Mapping Lexical Entries in a Verbs Database to WordNet Senses" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Mapping Lexical Entries in a Verbs Database to WordNet Senses" doc

... the three with the highest weights, the three with the lowest weights, and the middle or remaining three Voting first occurs within the group, and the group’s vote is brought forward with a weight ... both with and without enforcement of the same-synset assumption If we use the harmonic mean of recall and precision as a criterion for comparing results, the best voting scheme is MajAggr, with ... Vocabulary Integration within a Subject Domain In C.A Bean and R Green, editors, Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge, pages 81–98 Kluwer, Dordrecht Mari Broman Olsen, Bonnie J Dorr, and David...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

8 415 0
Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend docx

Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend docx

... schema, — stores facts about objects and the relational calculus can be used to derive new facts SQL is quite exceptional in that in addition to a data definition language brings with it an “ontology ... former serve as metadata to interpret the latter The relatively large number of tables is due the number of modeling dimensions (with or without interfaces, with or without particles, linear ... stream to Import Import ingests this DX object, then passes it downstream to the Image module Result: an image, say with polygonal surfaces colored according to the attribute data that falls within...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20

30 402 0
Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

... be specified with either PAGLOCK or TABLOCK granularity Cannot be used with either NOLOCK or UPDLOCK There are a number ways to get information about database locks: • • The system stored procedure ... The Windows Performance Monitor has a SQL Server Locks Object counter that can be used to monitor lock activity For more information about database locks, using locking hints, or monitoring database ... allows you to read data and later update it with a guarantee that it has not changed since you last read it while other users are not blocked from reading the data Cannot be used with NOLOCK...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15

5 417 0
Inclusion of new types in relational database systems

Inclusion of new types in relational database systems

... problems with this representation are: The command is too hard to understand The command is too slow because the query planner will not be able to optimize something this complex The command is too ... error, it can easily crash the DBMS by overwriting DBMS data structures accidentally More seriously, a malicious ADT routine can overwrite the entire data base with zeros In addition, it is unclear ... performance can usually be obtained by a bulk loading utility Build is this utility and accepts a descriptor for a relation along with a key and operator to use in the build process There are many different...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15

19 378 0
Displaying an Image from a Database in a Web Forms Control

Displaying an Image from a Database in a Web Forms Control

... Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dr["Photo"]); } dr.Close( ); conn.Close( ); } Discussion Rendering an image from a database in a Web Forms Image control is easy to do, but not straightforward Fortunately, it ... HTTP MIME type of the output stream to image/bmp and writing the image to the stream The C# code for the code-behind is shown in Example 7-15 Example 7-15 File: ADOCookbookCS0707b.aspx.cs // Namespaces, ... simpler with ASP.NET than it was in ASP Two web pages are required: one that contains the user interface that the client sees and one that retrieves the required image from the database and serves it...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15

3 442 0
Displaying an Image from a Database in a Windows Forms Control

Displaying an Image from a Database in a Windows Forms Control

... response to each record reposition bm.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(bm_PositionChanged); // Update the display for the first record bm_PositionChanged(null, null); } private void bm_PositionChanged(Object ... object by Move Last Button.Click Sets the current record of the bound controls to the last record by setting the Position property of the BindingManagerBase object to the total number of records, ... command to retrieve the employee photo String sqlText = "SELECT Photo FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID=" + employeeId; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn); // Retrieve the employee photo to...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15

5 391 0
A study of pre sequences in english and vietnamese apology

A study of pre sequences in english and vietnamese apology

... Felicity Conditions Basing on the theory of felicity conditions of Austin [5], Searle [19, p.57-61] points out four conditions that a speech act must need: preparatory conditions, sincerity conditions, ... conditions, propositional content conditions Moreover, according to Austin [5], the meaning of a speech act is not in what it can be true or false but it is in felicity conditions These conditions ... Positive Politeness Brown and Levinson [6] also divide polite behaviour into positive politeness and negative politeness a Positive Politeness involves strategies employed by a S to show appreciation...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

26 1,5K 4
A study of pre sequences in announcements in english versus vietnamese

A study of pre sequences in announcements in english versus vietnamese

... Felicity conditions According to Yule [38], a speech act must need five types of felicity conditions: (i) general conditions, (ii) content conditions, (iii) preparatory conditions, (iv) sincerity ... similarity shows that both English 200 100 and Vietnamese conversationalists have a great tendency to use PAs Total Total Similarities to check the H’s pre-action, pre-knowledge or condition ... maxims rational agents seek to avoid FTAs or will try to use certain strategies to minimize the threat including maxims of quantity, maxims of quality, maxim of relation d Politeness and Indirectness...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:22

13 755 0
A study of pre sequences in invitation in english and vietnamese

A study of pre sequences in invitation in english and vietnamese

... Pre-sequence to give a reason before they give an official invitation It can be also seen as a polite strategy because it can express their respect to their teacher while the British not use ... like to use PIs with many most popular way to make PIs It makes both the speaker and hearer different functions and are distributed quite equally While English feel free or comfortable in inviting ... carried out with our great effort However, it certainly cannot avoid some weakness due to the researcher’s limitation of time, knowledge, materials and other objective factors invitation sequence...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:22

13 895 1
Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

... be specified with either PAGLOCK or TABLOCK granularity Cannot be used with either NOLOCK or UPDLOCK There are a number ways to get information about database locks: • • The system stored procedure ... The Windows Performance Monitor has a SQL Server Locks Object counter that can be used to monitor lock activity For more information about database locks, using locking hints, or monitoring database ... allows you to read data and later update it with a guarantee that it has not changed since you last read it while other users are not blocked from reading the data Cannot be used with NOLOCK...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

5 541 0
Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P1 ppt

Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P1 ppt

... databases managed with today’s DBMSs, and accessed with today’s SQL, is to encapsulate that complexity Asserted Versioning does this In doing so, it also provides an enterprise solution to the problem ... throughout the years I would like to thank all of them, too This book would have never come to fruition without my coauthor, Tom Johnston I wanted to write a book on this topic for several years because ... they did not agree with Bi-temporality is a difficult topic, and it is easy to write unclearly about it Our reviewers have helped us eliminate the most egregious un-clarities, and to sharpen our...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:16

20 372 1
Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P2 pptx

Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P2 pptx

... deletes to uni-temporal or bi-temporal tables are and are not valid For example, think of the possibilities of getting it wrong when it comes to a delete cascade that begins with, or comes to as it ... the decades, is accessibility to temporal data These days, it takes less effort to get to temporal data than it used to, and it takes less time as well But significant additional progress is possible, ... stake The first edition of Inmon’s first book was apparently published in 1991, but we can find no reliable references to it It seems to us that it was only with the second edition, published...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:16

20 399 1
Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P3 doc

Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P3 doc

... based on And so it is frequently necessary to bump the issue up a level, and for Directors or even VPs within IT to talk to one another Finally, when Operations at last agrees to restore a backup ... Nonetheless, we can make historical data accessible to queries by organizing it into specialized databases, or into specialized tables within databases, or even into specialized rows within tables that ... relational model, with its supporting theory and technology, is now in much the same position that the CODASYL network model, with its supporting theory and technology, was three decades ago It is in...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:16

20 436 1
Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P4 pptx

Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P4 pptx

... is with how to implement temporal concepts with today’s technologies, and also with how to support both kinds of uni-temporal data, as well as fully bi-temporal data, we will have little more to ... everything that it is conceptually possible to with versions In addition, Asserted Versioning also integrates the management of versions with the management of assertions and with the management ... conform to entity integrity and referential integrity constraints In an asserted version table, each version must conform to temporal entity integrity and temporal referential integrity constraints...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:16

20 420 1
Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P5 pptx

Tài liệu Managing time in relational databases- P5 pptx

... transaction logs if nowhere else But if it is important to be able to quickly and easily access data about what objects used to be like, either by itself or together with data about what those objects ... overlooked It has been this one -to- one correlation between rows and the objects they represent that has made it easy to give short shrift to semantics, and to then get right down to what really fascinates ... related to changes in the SQL standard is support for temporal primary keys With those temporal extensions, we will be able to declare a temporal primary key to the DBMS and, by the same token,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:16

20 420 1