... tracking control system is shown in Fig.13 Fig 13 Tracking control system and control software interface Fig.14 indicates variations of the AGC voltage versus time when using the PID controller ... 3.1 Design of PID controller ysp e Σ u PID controller Object y -1 Fig Diagram of PID controller The structure of PID controller is shown in fig Where u is control signal and e is control error signal ... that the system performances obtain from applying the fuzzy PID controller was better than traditional PID controller Keywords: Satellite tracking system, step-tracking algorithm, PID controller,
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 12:58
... performed by using a control method based on a DCS (Distributed Control System) In the system, several navigation modules are executed in parallel, and they independently control the robot by using ... For the improvement, we focused on a DCS (Distributed Control System) In the MNPC, there is one navigation module that controls the robot using magnetic sensor and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) ... Distributed control system Thus far, many types of DCS have been proposed Brooks have proposed SA (Subsumption Architecture) [7] Recently, SA is used as typical DCS In SA, layers of control system
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 09:48
An object-oriented design method to implement the mechatronic system control by using hybrid automata and real-time uml
... design of a mechanical system and its embedded control system To carry out from the analysis to the design in An object-oriented design method to implement the mechatronic system control 183 our method, ... developed system and intervening systems It receives or sends episodic events, periodic signals between the developed system and intervening systems It makes it possible to display control results, ... carry out a general control system For example, collaborations of the control system are not well adapted to visualize, model interconnection types between the objects or sub-systems In the design
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2020, 19:45
Reactive power compensation in distributed system using centralized control
... VOLTAGE REGULATION DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM USING CENTRALIZED CONTROL Figure illustrates a voltage regulation distributed system using centralized control 2.1 The main elements of system - The controller: ... because of using only a controller Disadvantages: - The system requires complex adjustment 2.4 Control algorithm of the system The Decentralizing voltage regulation system with centralized control ... using centralized control. ” Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ Figure Schematic of voltage regulation distributed system using centralized control 2.2 The system? ??s working principles The central controller
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2020, 14:36
Rotor speed control for the PMSG Wind turbine system using dynamic surface control algorithm
... CONTROLLER DESIGN In this section, from the system? ??s model in section 2, a control is proposed base on DSC controller and the stability of closed-loop system is analyzed 3.1 Dynamic Surface controller ... section is designing controller using DSC algorithm for this system, the simulation in Matlab/Simulink is in section in order to show response of the system with the new controller, section is ... extraction Sliding Mode Control and Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller are considered as the popular techniques in nonlinear system design since the derived system control law and parameters
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2020, 14:41
Airline reservation system using concurrency control computer science
... better understanding about concurrency control and its effect on a database management system Building a simple airline reservation system as a demonstration system to investigate differences among ... management system, data structure algorithm or information system etc With this knowledge, a student can have an overall picture o f a system but this is not sufficient In case o f a real commercial system, ... isolation levels in airline reservation system 33 Remarkable problems in building the demo system 33 Four isolation levels in airline reservation system 34 Read Uncommitted isolation
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2021, 20:51
Ebook Analog and digital circuits for electronic control system applications: Using the TI MSP430 microcontroller - Part 1
... Electronic Control System Applications TEAM LRN This page intentionally left blank TEAM LRN Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications Using the TI MSP430 Microcontroller ... for electronic control system applications : using the TI MSP430 microcontroller / by Gerald Luecke p cm ISBN 0-7506-7810-0 Electronic circuit design Electronic control Programmable controllers ... Output Control Line C 0 B C Read Memory Signal Clock Timed Control Signal for Read Memory Truth Table t=0 10 time c Timed control signal using AND gate Figure 6-6: Clock signals for timing and control
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2023, 12:34
Ebook Analog and digital circuits for electronic control system applications: Using the TI MSP430 microcontroller - Part 2
... substitution, 119 system- on-chip (SoC), xi system buses, 86 system commands, 115 system development, 182 breadboard stages, 182 PCB stage, 182 system functions, xii system names, 115 system power ... is controlled accordingly Basic Clock System Control Registers The basic clock system is set up (configured) by using three control registers, the DCOCTL (the digitallycontrolled oscillator control ... and Figure The digitally-controlled oscillator Figure 7-8:7-8: The Digitally-Controlled Oscillator (DCO) Control Register BCSCTL2 basic clock system Referring (DCO) control register to Figure
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2023, 12:35
Position control for fan and plate system using pid controller
... “Balancing Control of Bicycle Robot Using PID Control, ” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp 145-147, 2013 [9] B M K.Kalpana, “Modelling and Control of Ball and Beam System using ... GRANDUATION PROJECT POSITION CONTROL FOR FAN AND PLATE SYSTEM USING PID CONTROLLER NGUYEN NGOC PHU Student ID: 18151028 HOANG NAM KON Student ID: 17151015 Major: AUTOMATIC AND CONTROL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ... Ball and Beam using PID controller,” MAYFEB Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, tập 1, pp 1-9, 2017 [7] Y G B Kada, “Robust PID Controller Design for an UAV Flight Control System, ” World
Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2023, 18:48
... factors 4.1 The OFDM system Parameter 79 4.2 The OFDM systems performance based on BPSK Modulation 81 4.3 The OFDM systems performance based on QPSK Modulation 83 4.4 The OFDM systems performance ... DBPSK Modulation 85 4.5 The OFDM systems performance based on DQPSK Modulation 87 4.6 The OFDM systems performance based on 16-QAM Modulation 90 4.7 The COFDM system Parameter 95 ... Modulation (TCM) 45 2.13 Viterbi Algorithm 50 CHAPTER III CHANNEL ESTIMATION USING PILOT SIGNAL 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 OFDM system 53 3.3 Pilot Sample Arrangment 54 3.4 Alnuaimy-Mahamod Interpolation
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2013, 21:28
Short term generation scheduling of cascaded hydro electric system using time varying acceleration coefficients PSO
... three National awards Her field of interest includes hydroelectric system, control systems and integrated renewable energy system its modeling & optimization E-mail address: saroj6@yahoo.com ... power systems”, International journal of electrical power and energy systems, vol 27, no.2, 2005, pp.147-153 [12] Huang Jier Shyh, “ Enhancement of Hydroelectric Generation scheduling using Ant ... J., “Short term hydro scheduling using ANN”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 15, no 1, Feb 2000 [16] Naresh R., Sharma J.,” Short term hydro scheduling using Two phase neural network”,
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Optimization of design and operating parameters on the year round performance of a multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system using transient mathematical analysis
... a stage The multi-stage desalination system consists of Ns number of such stages stacked one over the other The condenser surface of bottom stages acts as the evaporator surface for the stages ... The heated saline water enters each stage of the desalination system with a controlled mass flow rate using flow control valves The evaporator surface of each stage is covered with a porous silk ... performance and thermal characteristics of the system Description of the multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system The Multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system is a combination of evaporative-condenser
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
MATLAB control system toolbox & SIMULINK
... http://www.mathworks.com 1 Control System Toolbox Control System Toolbox là mt th vi$n ca Matlab dùng trong l"nh vc iu khi&n t ng. Cùng vi các l$nh ca Matlab, tp l$nh ca Control System Toolbox ... Control System Toolbox & Simulink 1 Control System Toolbox & SIMULINK ng dng phân ... dng tìm c hàm cn quan tâm. Có th& k& ra mt s th vi$n trong Matlab nh sau : - Control System (dành cho iu khi&n t ng) - Finacial Toolbox (l"nh vc kinh t) - Fuzzy
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2013, 20:02
PLC communications in a process control system
... PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM by GR MacKenzie, AEG Communication has become a major part of any process control automation system. Today PLC commu nication is as much for data acquisition as plant control. ... communication there immediately arose the problem of control of the bus. In point to point communication the control is a master-slave type control. This works well,as if either user fails, no ... 'master' device is always in control and the slaves are 'dumb' devices which need only to communicate with the master, this topology is sufficient. In a distributed control environment however,
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 08:50
Analysis and design of control systems using MATLAB
... G(s)H(s) of a control system is G(s)H(s) = K s(s + 0.5)(s + 0.5s + 8) = Plot the root loci for the system using MATLAB K s + s + 8.25s2 + s 246 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF CONTROL SYSTEMS USING MATLAB ... design of feedback control systems and MATLAB Control Systems Anand, D.K., Introduction to Control Systems, 2nd ed., Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1984 Atkinson, P., Feedback Control Theory for ... course in control systems for engineering students of all disciplines Chapter presents a brief introduction to control systems The fundamental strategy of controlling physical variables in systems
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:43
... unusual [26] They analyses system event streams, using statistical techniques to find patterns of activity that appear to be abnormal The primary disadvantages of this system are that they are ... gives an overview about intrusion detection system Section describes some existing intrusion detection systems and their problems Section and describes our system and its implementation Section describes ... Detection: HIDSs evaluate information found on a single or multiple host systems, including contents of operating systems, system and application files [22] Network Based Intrusion Detection: NIDSs
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
... BETWEEN THE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTION AND THE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR AGRI-ENVIRONMENT PAYMENTS NEEDS... regards the functioning of the control system in Member ... control system as set up allows for the traceability of each... existed for withdrawing the approval of control bodies Special Report No 9/2012 – Audit of the control system ... multiannual national control plan OFIS: Organic Farming Information System SCOF: Standing Committee on Organic Farming ABBREVIATION LIST Special Report No 9/2012 – Audit of the control system governing
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
RFID reader detector and tilt sensitive RFID tag
... 1. Tilt-sensitive RFID tag Image Notes 1. Simple RFID reader detector Image Notes 1. Tilt-sensitive RFID tag 2. RFID reader detector Image Notes 1. Small RFID stickers 2. RFID tag in the form of ... http://www.instructables.com/id /RFID_ Reader_Detector_and_Tilt_Sensitive _RFID_ Tag/ intro: RFID Reader Detector and Tilt-Sensitive RFID Tag The 'rub' Want to detect the presence of RFID readers? Want to control ... position, the tag is inactive http://www.instructables.com/id /RFID_ Reader_Detector_and_Tilt_Sensitive _RFID_ Tag/ Image Notes 1. Using the MIFARE RFID chips to create a tilt-sensitive RFID tag step
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 09:11
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