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... NAB Page 13 Internship report Supervisor: Luong Kim Thu CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. CONTENT OF THE REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION 2. JOB DESCRIPTION III. THE PERSONAL ... and soft skills from every body in the company. I myself think that the company is an ideal organization that students of foreign languages can collect information and get valuable experience of ... 2011 To Teachers in Duy Tan university! To Director and all of Officer Staff in “Dong Hanh Viet” Travel Company in Da Nang! First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to teachers’...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 10:21

18 843 2
WP/07/20 The Use of Mortgage Covered Bonds potx

WP/07/20 The Use of Mortgage Covered Bonds potx

... structure of the cover pool and covered bonds in buckets; and 3. Percentage of derivatives registered in the pool. 4. Stratifications of the cover pool by size, origin, and type of loan; 5. ... the cover asset monitors acting in the interest of the covered bondholders reinforce the safety of the covered bond in most countries. The described attractive risk/return features of the covered ... The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section II provides a description of European mortgage covered bonds as well as the main features of the two largest jumbo covered bond...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

23 410 0
A review on the cd content of rice daily cd intake and accumulation in the kidneys

A review on the cd content of rice daily cd intake and accumulation in the kidneys

... considerable geographical differences exist in the cadmium content of rice. The rice of West Java has been found to have double the cadmium content of rice from Central and East Java 22) . The soil type ... intake of lead and cadmium in the general population of the Republic of Croatia. Sci Total Environ 1996; 177: 31–35. 35) Louekari K, Valkonen S, Pousi S, Virtanen L. Estimated dietary intake of lead ... toxicology of metals. 2 nd ed. Vol II, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986: 140. 28) Kowal NE, Johnson DE, Kraemer DF, Pahren HR. Normal levels of cadmium in diet, urine, blood, and tissues of inhabitants of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:11

6 552 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein and mRNA content of TcDHH1-containing mRNPs in Trypanosoma cruzi pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Protein and mRNA content of TcDHH1-containing mRNPs in Trypanosoma cruzi pdf

... with 40% coverage and 75% identity. For the probe design, array- oligoselector software (v. 3.8.1) was used, with 50% GC content; 10 359 probes were designed to the longest T. cruzi CDS of each ... compo- nents of SGs than of P-bodies. We cannot rule out the possibility that the identified proteins of TcDHH1-con- taining complexes also correspond to the cytoplasmic granule-free fraction of TcDHH1. We ... expres- sion profile of the mucin-associated surface protein (masp) family of the human pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi. Nucleic Acids Res 37, 3407–3417. 37 Teixeira SM, Kirchhoff LV & Donelson...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

12 481 0
effect of water content of ethylene glycol as electrolyte for synthesis

effect of water content of ethylene glycol as electrolyte for synthesis

... passivation of metal has been considered to occur either by a re-precip- itated salt layer composed of dissolved metal cation and anion of the salt or by a monolayer of the oxidized species of the ... initial water content of the polyhydric alcohol, relative hum idity, expo- sure time of the electro lyte to the atmosphere and anodiza- tion duration. Therefore, initial water content of the electrolyte ... investigations, the major focus of this study was to understand the role of water content in the formation of ordered TiO 2 nanotubes and to estimate the minimum amount of water required for obtaining...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:48

8 403 0
Improving Medical Education: Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical School Curricula doc

Improving Medical Education: Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical School Curricula doc

... means of improving quality -of- life mea- Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Improving Medical Education: Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical ... because of the nature of the content, the lack of faculty mem- bers in these disciplines, the lower status accorded to these disciplines by some in the medical school community, the lack of departmental ... 1998). Just as medical schools offer a wide range of content in the behavioral and social sciences, they also use a variety of teaching methods to impart that content. Currently, no national...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

169 243 0
The information content of central bank interest rate projections: Evidence from New Zealand pot

The information content of central bank interest rate projections: Evidence from New Zealand pot

... the information content of interest rate projections relative to the no-change prediction of a random walk has increased further. According to Table 1, the information content of the RBNZ’s interest ... crisis. 11 Table 2 summarizes the main results of the regressions, the complete set of results is provided in the appendix. The results show that the information content of the RBNZ’s interest rate projections ... new evidence on the information content of interest rate projections for market expectations and the behavior of long-term interest rates in New Zealand. The role of interest rate projections for...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

32 419 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Comparing the content of participation instruments using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Comparing the content of participation instruments using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health" pdf

... definition. Content of the Participation Instruments Although all the instruments cover six to eight of the nine activities and participation domains, there are differences in the actual content. All of ... component. The content in each of the instruments was examined by reporting the: 1) coverage of the ICF chapters (domains) within the activi- ties and participation component; 2) relevance of the meaningful ... Dvorak 1 Address: 1 Division of Spine, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2 School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

12 541 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Establishment of an animal model of a pasteurized bone graft, with a preliminary analysis of muscle coverage or FGF-2 administration to the graft" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Establishment of an animal model of a pasteurized bone graft, with a preliminary analysis of muscle coverage or FGF-2 administration to the graft" potx

... course of the establish- ment of a pasteurized bone model in rats, a preliminary analysis of the effect of the presence of muscle-covering to the pasteurized bone graft or the application of FGF-2 ... cases of the (MC+; FGF2-) group (4/4; 100%), in 3 out of 4 cases of the (MC- ; FGF2-) group (3/4; 75%) and in 3 out of 4 cases of the (MC-; FGF2+) group (3/4; 75%) (Table 1). The average area of ... surrounding muscle in the expectation of a profitable clinical result. The benefit of muscle coverage seems to be supported by previous research showing the positive role of muscle stem cells in the bone...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

10 479 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Aluminium content of selected foods and food products" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Aluminium content of selected foods and food products" pptx

... minimal increase of aluminium content of beverages in cans must be attributed to the high quality of the cans used. This may be assumed to be the reason for the low contents of aluminium in ... 1,795 g of chocolate and for children 772 g of chocolate. On the basis of the maximum aluminium content of chocolate, the PTWI for adults would be reached after a weekly consumption of 467 g ... weight/week. Analysis of aluminium content of a number of foods and food products was therefore undertaken in order to evaluate the nutritional intake of aluminium. A total of 1,431 samples were...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

26 557 0

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