connectives and prepositions that go with verbs

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Nop53p, an essential nucleolar protein that interacts with Nop17p and Nip7p, is required for pre-rRNA processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Nop53p, an essential nucleolar protein that interacts with Nop17p and Nip7p, is required for pre-rRNA processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae pdf

... Nop58p, Nop56p and Snu13p, and is involved in cleavage and methylation of pre-rRNA The box H ⁄ ACA guide snoRNAs are associated with the core proteins Cbf5p, Gar1p, Nhp2p and Nop10p and function ... interaction between Nop53p and the exosome subunits and between Nop53p and snoRNP proteins of box C ⁄ D (Nop1p, Nop56p, Nop58p and Snu13p) and of box H ⁄ ACA (Cbf1p, Nop10p, Gar1p and Nhp2p), although ... glutathione-Sepharose beads and incubated at °C for h The glutathione-Sepharose beads were precipitated and washed again with NaCl ⁄ Pi and bound proteins were eluted and resolved on SDS ⁄ PAGE and transferred...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20

14 505 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification of a plant nucleotide pyrophosphatase as a protein that interferes with nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase assays pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Purification of a plant nucleotide pyrophosphatase as a protein that interferes with nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase assays pdf

... and methods) and run on SDS/PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue Molecular mass standards (in kDa) are phosphorylase (97), bovine serum albumin (66), ovalbumin (43), carbonic anhydrase (30) and ... (Roche) and incubated with shaking for 20 h at 30 °C The supernatant was removed and a further 250 lL buffer F without trypsin was added for h The combined supernatants were dried to 50 lL and applied ... (Fig and Table 1) Similar to the interfering protein, the GS inhibitor was eluted from Q-Sepharose by 0.2 M NaCl (Table and data not shown) Consistent with the possibility that the NR inhibitor and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

7 457 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Esculentin-1b(1–18) – a membrane-active antimicrobial peptide that synergizes with antibiotics and modifies the expression level of a limited number of proteins in Escherichia coli doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Esculentin-1b(1–18) – a membrane-active antimicrobial peptide that synergizes with antibiotics and modifies the expression level of a limited number of proteins in Escherichia coli doc

... B=MICB ị=n where A and B are the MICs of drug A and drug B in the combination, MICA and MICB are the MICs of drug A and drug B alone, FICA and FICB are the FICs of drug A and drug B and n is the number ... together, these observations are in line with those made above using intact cells (Figs and 6), and are consistent with the suggestion that Esc(1–18) binds and destabilizes the bacterial membrane, ... buffer, extensively washed with the same buffer, and dehydrated with a graded ethanol series After critical point drying and gold coating, the samples were observed with a Philips XL 30 CP instrument...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

18 494 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A prototype power assist wheelchair that provides for obstacle detection and avoidance for those with visual impairments" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " A prototype power assist wheelchair that provides for obstacle detection and avoidance for those with visual impairments" pptx

... alternative algorithms are being pursued Yamaha Roland Frisch and Andrew Martin designed and fabricated the sensor bar and bump sensors for the footrests and ... process, and allowed us to quickly produce a prototype that could be tested The trade-off, however, was that our microprocessor and control software were not communicating directly with the motors within ... communicating with the JWII microprocessor and control software which controlled the motors The control algorithms built into the JWII acted as a filter that made small adjustments in the speed and direction...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

11 421 0
Identification and characterization of proteins that interact with zonula occludens proteins

Identification and characterization of proteins that interact with zonula occludens proteins

... (Balda and Anderson, 1993) A B Fig 5: Proposed protein and lipid models of TJs The protein model (A) involves integral membrane proteins that polymerize within the lipid bilayers and interacts with ... identified Claudin-3 and -4 had previously been identified and cloned as RVP1 (Briehl and Miesfeld, 1991) and CPE-R, respectively, and were found to be homologous to claudin-1 and -2 Claudins are ... acids) and form a globular fold with the Nand C-termini in close proximity in the folded structure It comprises of six β-strands (βA-βF) and two α-helices (αA and αB), which fold into a six-stranded...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

223 379 0
Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value

Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value

...   Recall the problem with integer division: int total_candy = 9, number_of_people = 4; double candy_per_person; candy_per_person = total_candy / number_of_people;  candy_per_person = 2, not ... 4; double candy_per_person; candy_per_person = static_cast(total_candy) / number_of_people;  candy_per_person now is 2.25!  This would also work: candy_per_person = total_candy / static_cast( ... function declaration and a function definition for a function that takes one argument of type int and one argument of type double, and that returns a value of type double that is the average of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:48

94 541 0


... Read the passage and answer question below: In the summer holidays, Mr Hung, Mrs Chi and their children, Tuan and Hoa often go to the beach for two or three days They always go to Vung Tau in ... the morning, Tuan and his father go jogging around Xuan Huong Lake Hoa and her mother walked along Bui Thi Xuan Street and then visited the flower garden Hoa liked it very much and the flowers ... (have) Math days ago …………………………………………… Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you ……………/ ……………………………… V Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: I often go to school on ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26

4 1K 10
Words and expressions that frequently appear on the TOEIC

Words and expressions that frequently appear on the TOEIC

... furnished with fine furniture get along with The boss should get along with the employees get in touch with I will get in touch with you wherever I go get through As soon as I get through with my ... four Americans and two Europeans contribute to Falling sales in the American market contributed to the company's collapse cooperate with He said that he had cooperated with the government in its ... like this become acquainted with( = get to know) John became acquainted with many well-known writers and artists be acquainted with Students who are already acquainted with one foreign language...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2013, 18:46

18 934 0
Grammar lessons and strategies that strengthen students’ writing

Grammar lessons and strategies that strengthen students’ writing

... between the words that start with lowercase letters and those that start with uppercase letters A sixth grader said: “ocean, city, and boy are not exactly like Atlantic, Chicago, and Adam A proper ... and was HELP CHART Start sentences this way: He and I… She and I… Mother and I… Jane and She and Mother… He and Jane… Mark, Jill, and I… After is and was, use subject pronouns: It was I… It was ... Strategies That Strengthen Students' Writing © Laura Robb, Scholastic Teaching Resources Dedication With love for Evan and Cookie and Rob and Anina Acknowledgments To all the students and teachers with...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2013, 00:21

128 476 0
Public attitudes, stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness

Public attitudes, stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness

... intentions, and found that ex-convicts were seen to be more acceptable than people with mental illness, and the only group less favoured by employers were those with tuberculosis (Brand, Jr and Clairborn, ... important to note that during the 1990s inaccurate beliefs about the risks posed by casual social contact with people with HIV and AIDS increased, as did the belief that people with AIDS deserve ... where we are and where we want to go 184 G Thornicroft and A Kassam The three core problems Stigma theories have not been enough to understand the feelings and experiences of people with mental...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

19 526 1
FOCUS ON - modals and present perfect passive phrasal verbs

FOCUS ON - modals and present perfect passive phrasal verbs

... particular right and back, and to demonstrate that many phrasal verbs comprised of get and a particle are actually variations of get to that can be modified with right andlor back Remember that back ... aren't really that complicated What it comes down to is whether you're willing to deal with your drinking problem deal with deal with & deals with dealing with dealt with dealt with deal with p.v ... for 11 go with 12 dried out 13 blow away 14 come through 15 set up 16 go with 17 came through 18 blown away 19 went with 20 came through 21 went with 22 head back 23 go with 15b He's going to...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

61 951 0
Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

... walked past me without saying a word She me a can't have seen b can't see c can't have been seen d can be seen 39 I think the match Everybody's gone into the stadium and you can hear ... Everybody agrees that no more staff a should employ b should not be employed c will not be employed d will he employed 47 Things clear to them so that they can the work in the way that you ... Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny to their name a needn't b couldn't c mayn't d mustn't 31 - Oh no! I completely forgot we were supposed to pick Jenny up at the airport...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 13:11

2 1,7K 35
Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

... SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); da.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(updateCommand, da.SelectCommand.Connection); da.UpdateCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; ... ExecuteReader( ) method of the Command object that is used to create the DataReader has an overload that takes an argument from the CommandBehavior enumeration Passing the value CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess ... // Create the connection and command SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); SqlCommand cmdWrite = new SqlCommand(sqlWrite, conn); // Create...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

10 624 0
Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with Oracle pdf

Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with Oracle pdf

... Create the connection and command OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Oracle_ConnectString"]); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sqlText, conn); ... da.FillSchema(table, SchemaType.Source); OracleCommandBuilder cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da); // Create a row containing the new BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB data DataRow row = table.NewRow( ); row[ID_FIELD] ... based on the national character set of the server with a maximum size of GB This data type maps to a String The Oracle NET data provider handles CLOB and NCLOB data as Unicode Each character is therefore...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

5 488 0
Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

... Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit The signer(s) certifies that he/she is authorized to execute this Credit Application on behalf of the Applicant named below, and that all information ... Board, at any time, and disclose information given Bank to the Applicant All owners / authorized signers must sign and include their titles The Applicant understands and agrees that his application ... his application is subject to final credit approval and that additional information may be required By signing below the Applicant agrees that the Bank may place a hold on the Collateral while...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

2 663 1
 english adjective antonyms and a contrative analysis with those in vietnamese

english adjective antonyms and a contrative analysis with those in vietnamese

... ones that are opposite and contrast with each other Antonyms are identical with each other and with its synonyms in different meanings If not,we only have "pseudo - antonyms" E.g "vang déi "and ... property At that time they are antonyms E.g."sky" and " earth" are antonyms when they symbolize the meaning of “high” and “low” "day " and "night " symbolize for "light anddark", “up date” and “out ... far that litter candle throws this beams So shines a good deed in a naughty word " ( From "merchant of vernice "by Shakespears) In this context,"naughty" is wicked, evil and we can say that "good...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:16

55 1,1K 16
Structural and semantic features of english idioms referring to head and a contrastive analysis with vietnamese idioms

Structural and semantic features of english idioms referring to head and a contrastive analysis with vietnamese idioms

... groups and proverbs, we will come to the next part 1.1.4 Distinction between idioms and free word groups and proverbs Free word groups and idioms The distinction between free word groups and ... added with any other element For example: with a high hand” (in a haughty way) This idiom cannot be shortened in any circumstances, we also cannot say with a tall hand” although “high” and “tall” ... Laura’s with them and she’s got a good head on her shoulders (Oxford Idioms Dictionary (2003:161)) 15 Have (got) a (good) head for heights Be able to stand on a high place without feeling ill or afraid...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33

54 1,8K 13
Discrete systems and digital signal processing with MATLAB

Discrete systems and digital signal processing with MATLAB

... Introduction to Engineering and Computer Science with C and MATLAB and Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB Dr ElAli has contributed a chapter to The Engineering Handbook published by CRC ... analytically and then solved using MATLAB in a clear and understandable fashion The book concentrates on understanding the subject matter with an easyto-follow mathematical development and many solved ... systems with many examples and illustrations A very comprehensive chapter on the DFT and FFT is also unique in terms of the FFT applications In working with the examples that are solved with MATLAB,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 21:13

689 590 5
Tài liệu Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET MCSD/MCAD/MCDBA Version 5.1 pdf

Tài liệu Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET MCSD/MCAD/MCDBA Version 5.1 pdf

... toggleButton_Click so that pages that contain instances of TKToggle can handle the ChangedValue event and process custom event handling code Which lines of code are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each ... application, you must provide an event handler (an event-handling method) that executes program logic in response to the event and register the event handler with the event source This process is ... retrieve the data You want to assign the UnitsOnHand quantity to a variable named OnHand, Which line of code should you use? A B C D OnHand OnHand OnHand OnHand = = = = reader.GetInt16(0); reader.GetInt16(1);...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

129 476 0