Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 05:20
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
... SUMMARY VPNs do not make use of dedicated leased lines VPNs send data through a secure tunnel that leads from one endpoint to another VPNs keep critical business communications private and secure VPN components VPN servers VPN clients Protocols 39 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Provides better security through IPSec IPSec enables L2TP to perform Authentication Encapsulation Encryption 18 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS Secure Shell (SSH) Provides authentication and encryption Works with UNIXbased systems Versions for Windows are also available Uses publickey cryptography Socks V. 5 Provides proxy services for applications That do not usually support proxying Socks version 5 adds encrypted authentication and support for UDP 20 16 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY VPNS (CONTINUED) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (continued) Steps Server uses its private key to decode premaster code Generates a master secret key Client and server use it to generate session keys Server and client exchange messages saying handshake is completed SSL session begins 34 SUMMARY (CONTINUED) VPN types Sitetosite Clienttosite Encapsulation encloses one packet within another Conceals the original information VPN protocols Secure Shell (SSH) Socks version 5 PointtoPoint Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 40 Virtual Private Network (VPN) 29 BIếN ĐổI ĐÓNG GÓI TRONG VPN (ENCAPSULATION) Các buớc trong tiến trình VPN Đóng gói (Encapsulation) Mã hoá (Encryption) Xác thực (Authentication) Encapsulation Đóng gói dữ liệu và các thông số khác nhau Ví dụ như IP header Bảo vệ tính nguyên vẹn dữ liệu 15 31 27 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 2: ENCRYPTION Encryption Process of rendering information unreadable by all but the intended recipient Components Key Digital certificate Certification Authority (CA) Key exchange methods Symmetric cryptography Asymmetric cryptography Internet Key Exchange FWZ 28 12 SUMMARY (CONTINUED) IPSec/IKE Encryption makes the contents of the packet unreadable Authentication ensures participating computers are authorized users Kerberos: strong authentication system VPN advantages High level of security at low cost VPN disadvantages Can introduce serious security risks 41 24 10 25 5 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY VPNS Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) Used by many VPN hardware and software 3DES is a variation on Data Encryption Standard (DES) DES is not secure 3DES is more secure Three separate 64bit keys to process data 3DES requires more computer resources than DES 30 WHY ESTABLISH A VPN? VPN combinations Combining VPN hardware with software adds layers of network security One useful combination is a VPN bundled with a firewall VPNs do not eliminate the need for firewalls Provide flexibility and versatility 13 FIREWALL CONFIGURATION FOR VPNS 37 Protocol ... 1723 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS PointtoPoint Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Used when you need to dial in to a server with a modem connection On a computer using an older OS version Encapsulates TCP/IP packets Header contains only information needed to route data from the VPN client to the server Uses Microsoft PointtoPoint Encryption (MPPE) Encrypt data that passes between the remote computer and the remote access server L2TP uses IPSec encryption More secure and widely supported 17 NỘI DUNG Nguyên lý VPN Các biến đổi đóng gói trong VPNs Mã hoá trong VPNs Xác thực trong VPNs Ưu nhược điểm của VPNs 2 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 3: AUTHENTICATION Authentication Identifying a user or computer as authorized to access and use network resources Types of authentication methods used in VPNs IPSec MSCHAP Both computers exchange authentication packets and authenticate one another VPNs use digital certificates to authenticate users 35 ... SUMMARY VPNs do not make use of dedicated leased lines VPNs send data through a secure tunnel that leads from one endpoint to another VPNs keep critical business communications private and secure VPN components VPN servers VPN clients Protocols 39 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Provides better security through IPSec IPSec enables L2TP to perform Authentication Encapsulation Encryption 18 TUNNELING PROTOCOLS Secure Shell (SSH) Provides authentication and encryption Works with UNIXbased systems Versions for Windows are also available Uses publickey cryptography Socks V. 5 Provides proxy services for applications That do not usually support proxying Socks version 5 adds encrypted authentication and support for UDP 20 16 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY VPNS (CONTINUED) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (continued) Steps Server uses its private key to decode premaster code Generates a master secret key Client and server use it to generate session keys Server and client exchange messages saying handshake is completed SSL session begins 34 SUMMARY (CONTINUED) VPN types Sitetosite Clienttosite Encapsulation encloses one packet within another Conceals the original information VPN protocols Secure Shell (SSH) Socks version 5 PointtoPoint Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) 40 Virtual Private Network (VPN) 29 BIếN ĐổI ĐÓNG GÓI TRONG VPN (ENCAPSULATION) Các buớc trong tiến trình VPN Đóng gói (Encapsulation) Mã hoá (Encryption) Xác thực (Authentication) Encapsulation Đóng gói dữ liệu và các thông số khác nhau Ví dụ như IP header Bảo vệ tính nguyên vẹn dữ liệu 15 31 27 VPN CORE ACTIVITY 2: ENCRYPTION Encryption Process of rendering information unreadable by all but the intended recipient Components Key Digital certificate Certification Authority (CA) Key exchange methods Symmetric cryptography Asymmetric cryptography Internet Key Exchange FWZ 28 12 SUMMARY (CONTINUED) IPSec/IKE Encryption makes the contents of the packet unreadable Authentication ensures participating computers are authorized users Kerberos: strong authentication system VPN advantages High level of security at low cost VPN disadvantages Can introduce serious security risks 41 24 10 25 5 ENCRYPTION SCHEMES USED BY VPNS Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) Used by many VPN hardware and software 3DES is a variation on Data Encryption Standard (DES) DES is not secure 3DES is more secure Three separate 64bit keys to process data 3DES requires more computer resources than DES 30 WHY ESTABLISH A VPN? VPN combinations Combining VPN hardware with software adds layers of network security One useful combination is a VPN bundled with a firewall VPNs do not eliminate the need for firewalls Provide flexibility and versatility 13 FIREWALL CONFIGURATION FOR VPNS 37 Protocol...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:44
... hai loại phổ biến hiện nay là VPN truy cập từ xa (Remote -Access ) và VPN điểm-nối-điểm (site-to-site). 1. VPN Remote Access - Remote Access VPNs cho phép truy cập bất cứ lúc nào bằng Remote, mobile, ... tunnel về mạng của họ. I. Giới Thiệu VPN 1. Khái niệm - Mạng riêng ảo hay VPN (viết tắt cho Virtual Private Network) là một mạng dành riêng để kết nối các máy tính của các công ty, tập đoàn hay các ... lại đóng vai _________________________________________________________________________ VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK (VPN) Nhóm 18 Lớp: DHTH3 GV: Th.s Nguyễn Hòa Danh sách: 1. Đặng Hồng Hải 2. Hồ Thanh...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 21:03
... Thí nghiệm TTDL & Mạng máy tính Trang 55 9. Nhấn Next. Trên trang Network Connection, chọn Virtual Private Network connection. 10. Nhấn Next. Trên trang Connection Name, gõ VPN Client ... and Remote Access nhấn vào Remote Access Policies nhấn chuột phải vào Connections to Microsoft Routing and Remote Access server chọn Properties. Trên thẻ Setting chọn Grant remote access permission. ... Routing and Remote Access Server Setup nhấn Finish Tiếp theo ta cấu hình giao diện quay số yêu cầu 1. Trên Routing and Remote Access chọn SIM01 và nhấn chuột phải vào network Interface...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu Virtual Private Network (VPN) Implementation Options pptx
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20
Đồ án tốt nghiệp công nghệ mạng riêng ảo virtual private network
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 07:36
ssl and remote access vpns an introduction to designing and configuring ssl virtual private networks
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:29
Virtual Private Networks
... services to keep your network safe. However, most modern VPN systems are combined with firewalls in a single device. Virtual Private Networking Explained Virtual Private Networks solve the problem ... gain local access to the laptop, and discovers that it is automatically connecting to a remote network via IPSec. This provides the hacker remote access to the private network, so he uses network ... of LAN communications, including file and print access, LAN e mail, Remote Procedure Calls, and client/server database access. − Virtual Private Networks between LANs can be established using server...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 13:20
Network Access Protection: New Ways To Keep Your Network Healthy
... 3 F or more restrictive access to the network, NAP can be set up to restrict or limit access to the private network, while permitting access to a restricted area of the network, and automatically ... health policy. Then, private network access will be granted. Four Features of Network Access Protection 1. Health Policy Validation When a user attempts to connect to a network, the computer’s ... net - work access and communication. Network Access Protections is also known as a network quarantine platform from Microsoft that isolates a computer that might be a danger to your network until...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
Module 8: Routing as a Solution for Private Network Connectivity
... segments or between the private network and public networks. Placing Routers Within the Private Network You need to place routers within the private network so that: The network traffic is isolated ... and Remote Access filters restrict: Internet access to private network resources, such as servers. Private network user access to Internet-based resources, such as partner networks or ... Internet, and other private network locations. Restricting the traffic enables you to limit user access between private network segments, and limit Internet user access to private network segments....
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15
Controlling Network Access and Use
... permit others access, or restrict one or more users from accessing a specific website. Define access restrictions with the access- list command, and use the access- group command to bind the access- list ... 3 Controlling Network Access and Use Simplifying Access Control with Object Grouping Configuring Network Object Groups This section describes the commands required to configure a network object ... 7 (Optional) Use the show access- list command to display the expanded access list entries: pix(config)# show access- list access- list acl permit tcp host host access- list acl permit...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:15
Virtual Private Networking in Windows 2000: An Overview
... public internetwork in a manner that emulates the properties of a point-to-point private link. The act of configuring and creating a virtual private network is known as virtual private networking. ... the internetwork appears to the user as a private network communication—despite the fact that this communication occurs over a public internetwork—hence the name virtual private network. VPN ... creation of VPNs from anywhere, networks need strong security features to prevent unwelcome access to private networks and to protect private data as it traverses the public network. User authentication...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 09:15
Cài đặt và cấu hình Verizon Network Access Manager
... Next để tiếp tục Bước 2: Chạy VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD Kích Start để chuyển tới menu VZAccess Manager để bắt đầu chương trình VZAccess Manager. Lần đầu tiên VZAccess Manager chạy, Setup Wizard ... Card Chạy VZAccess Manager (nếu chưa được khởi động). Cửa sổ ứng dụng VZAccess Manager sẽ được hiển thị. Chọn một trong số những kết nối sau: "NationalAccess", "NationalAccess - ... phần mềm VZAccess Manager vào, một số lựa chọn được hiển thị. Tại thời điểm này, bạn có thể tiếp tục cài đặt hoặc thoát cài đặt VZAccess Manager. Nếu bạn không có đĩa CD phần mềm VZAccess Manager,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Configuring VPN Client Remote Access
... between the L2TP Network Server (LNS), and the L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC). The LNS typically runs on a network gateway such as a router, while the LAC can be a dial-up Network Access Server ... Client Overview Remote access VPN users employing the Cisco VPN 3000 Client version 2.5/2.6, or the Cisco VPN Client version 3.x, can now securely access their private enterprise network through the ... 14 Create an access list that defines the PIX Firewall network( s) requiring IPSec protection: access- list 90 permit ip Step 15 Bind the access list...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 11:15
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