communicative language teaching and testing

High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... The role of grammar in foreign language teaching and learning 13 iv 1.4 Grammar teaching in the light of CLT 14 1.5 Teachers’ perceptions and attitudes to grammar teaching in the light of 16 CLT...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:08

64 966 1
COLT teachers  guilde to teaching and testing language courses   levels 1 41

COLT teachers guilde to teaching and testing language courses levels 1 41

... synonyms and antonyms English and Arabic meanings Word formation: prefixes, suffixes, derivatives and compounds Idioms and collocations Word families Teaching Technique • • • Book design and chapter ... suffixes and roots and identify its part of speech through inflectional endings, suffixes and word order, break down sentences into VP, NP and PP, identify the organizational clues, and outline ... Guide to Language Courses for Levels 1-4 Translation Program Goals Aim of language courses in levels 1-4 The need for efficient teaching and assessment of language...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 21:21

21 315 0
High school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

High school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Canh, L V (2004) Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology: Ha Noi National University Press Candlin, C.N (Ed.) (1981) The Communicative Teaching of English...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 19:06

64 88 0
A Study in the Application of Form- Focused and Communicative Language Teaching Approaches to teach Vocabulary to the First Year Non English Major Students at Ha Noi University of Business and Technology

A Study in the Application of Form- Focused and Communicative Language Teaching Approaches to teach Vocabulary to the First Year Non English Major Students at Ha Noi University of Business and Technology

... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ GIANG A STUDY IN THE APPLICATION OF FORM- FOCUSED AND COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING ... respondents had a clear perception and appreciation of the vocabulary teaching activities using the combination of Form – Focused and Communicative Language Teaching approaches They realized its ... FIGURE, TABLES AND CHARTS HUBT : Ha Noi University of Business and Technology CLT : Communicative Language Teaching FonFs : Focus on Forms FFI : Form-Focused Instruction L2 : Second Language CBI...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:17

87 17 0
High school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

High school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards applying Communicative Language Teaching in teaching ... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards applying Communicative Language Teaching in teaching ... Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Canh, L V (2004) Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology: Ha Noi National University Press Candlin, C.N (Ed.) (1981) The Communicative Teaching of English...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 14:50

70 27 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) high school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) high school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar

... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THỊ HUYỀN High school teachers’ perceptions and applying Communicative attitudes towards Language Teaching in teaching ... Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Canh, L V (2004) Understanding Foreign Language Teaching Methodology: Ha Noi National University Press Candlin, C.N (Ed.) (1981) The Communicative Teaching of English...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:13

64 24 0
A study on the application of communicative language teaching in english classrooms challenges and possible solutions

A study on the application of communicative language teaching in english classrooms challenges and possible solutions

... ideas about Communicative Competence 37 Figure 4: Teachers’ knowledge and belief about Communicative Competence and Communicative Language Teaching 40 Figure 5: The Use of the Language ... Communicative Competence and 43 Communicative Language Teaching 43 4.2.2 The Use of the Language 46 4.2.3 Aspects of English language teaching 47 4.2.4 Communicative ... to the teaching and learning of foreign languages and various methods and approaches have been defined They certainly differ from each other in how to teach and learn a target language, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2021, 21:28

69 28 1
A study on students’ reaction to the techniques teachers use for teaching pronunciation at Pham Ngu Lao high school, Hai Phong = Nghiên cứu phản ứng của học sin

A study on students’ reaction to the techniques teachers use for teaching pronunciation at Pham Ngu Lao high school, Hai Phong = Nghiên cứu phản ứng của học sin

... technique and reaction According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, language teaching is sometimes discussed in terms of three related aspects: approach, method, and ... abilities and motivation in language learning, and poor teaching equipments, all of which are challenges for both teachers and students in pronunciation practice particularly and learning foreign language ... comprehension, reading and writing, and non-linguistic cues, e.g gestures, facial expressions) and with other aspects of language- grammar, lexis, style, function and discourse; on the other hand, pronunciation...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:16

62 1,1K 0
Teaching Pronunciation

Teaching Pronunciation

... to conceptualise language itself This is a metalinguistic use of language, ie Using language to conceptualise language Knowing a language means understanding many words in that language But to ... Acknowledgments), and two additional workplace trainers who read drafts of the handbook © Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA) Teaching Pronunciation: A handbook for teachers and trainers ... pronunciation teaching taken in this project, and in this handbook, is a communicative one It has been developed by the author over the last five years to fit in with general principles of communicative language...

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 14:09

110 960 22


... - Teachers’ beliefs and knowledge in pronunciation teaching; - Formal curricula; - Teaching goal and assessment; - Approaches and techniques; - Teacher’s roles - Teaching and learning materials ... Latin and Greek to Eskimo and Farsi Homographs and homophones are two typical examples of unequivalence of sound and spelling Referring to sound and spelling patterns, an effective pronunciation teaching ... transcribed and discovered the patterns of the teachers when they did the language teaching and especially teaching pronunciation Next, she conducted a questionnaire based on the literature on teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:45

40 985 4
Gilbert teaching pronunciation

Gilbert teaching pronunciation

... highlights and shadows of a sentence When students have a good command of these aspects of sentence rhythm and melody, they will be prepared to understand why some words are reduced and what it ... of both rhythm and melody The reason is that for the purposes of teaching pronunciation, the teacher needs to understand that both these aspects of spoken English work together and are vitally ... prosody provides us with a handy way to refer to the interconnected aspects of rhythm and melody with a single label Rhythm and Melody as Road Signs In English, rhythmic and melodic signals serve...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 14:14

56 268 0


... One and two and three and four One and a two and a three and a four One and then a two and then a three and then a four More Practice One two three four One and two and three and four One and ... Coffee, coffee Milk and sugar, milk and sugar Strawberries and cream, strawberries and cream Chocolate cake and chocolate biscuits Fish and chips Fish and chips Soup S-O-O-O-U-P Stress and Rhythm COffee, ... and Rhythm COffee, COffee MILK and SUGAR, MILK and SUGAR STRAWberries and CREAM, STRAWberries and CREAM CHOcolate CAKE and CHOcolate BIScuits FISH and CHIPS FISH and CHIPS SOUP S-O-O-O-U-P More...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

40 610 0
Module 4 Teaching Pronunciation

Module 4 Teaching Pronunciation

... Steps for teaching and practising stress and intonation: Give a good model of the sentence, saying it at normal speed, making a clear difference between stressed and unstressed syllables and using ... exist in the students’ language E.g: The consonant /δ/ in “the”, /θ/ in “thumb” The Vowel /3:/ in “bird” Confusion of similar sounds 3 E.g: /i:/ and /i/, /u:/ and /u/, /b/ and /p/ Difficulty in ... target language The result is a foreign-sounding accent, and possible misunderstanding - Getting learners to perceive The first thing that needs to be done is to check that the learners can heat and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 23:07

11 426 0
an application of games and other stimulating activities in teaching pronunciation to grage 10 english gifted student at ha noi specialised upper secondary school

an application of games and other stimulating activities in teaching pronunciation to grage 10 english gifted student at ha noi specialised upper secondary school

... reading and spelling Pronunciation in language teaching 2.1 The status of pronunciation in current language teaching The status of pronunciation teaching in different schools of language teaching ... as an international language and as a mean to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries In fact, more and more people desire to know and master English in ... strong and weak syllables (Kenworthy, 1987) Intonation Current ideas on pronunciation teaching and learning Changing outlooks on language learning and teaching have influenced the view of language...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2014, 13:27

35 510 0
teaching pronunciation activities

teaching pronunciation activities

... your fingers, and encouraging the learners to the same will really help with the rhythm of the English Teachers’ Network Workshop Teaching Pronunciation Nov 2010 chant, and make the language more ... to repeat again, both chorally and individually Keep repeating this English Teachers’ Network Workshop Teaching Pronunciation Nov 2010 process and adding on more and more of the sentence until ... Teachers’ Network Workshop Teaching Pronunciation Nov 2010 Procedure: 1) Display the poem on the board or with a projector Read it out to the class and check understanding of the language using translation...

Ngày tải lên: 02/02/2015, 16:00

19 338 0
Teachers’ beliefs about teaching reading strategies and their classroom practices- a case study of viet ba high school

Teachers’ beliefs about teaching reading strategies and their classroom practices- a case study of viet ba high school

... understand good language learning strategies and training them to develop and use such good language learning strategies can be considered to be the appreciated characteristics of a good language ... knowledge of and expectations about how language works, motivation, interest and attitudes towards the content of the text According to Ur (1996: 138) ―reading means reading and understanding‖ and according ... of them, and modify or adapt subsequent actions (Pajares, 1992) 2.3.2 The role of teachers’ beliefs in language learning and teaching: In fact, the way teachers think about, understand, and value...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 09:58

62 896 3
An application of games and other stimulating activities in teaching pronunciation  Áp dụng trò chơi và các hoạt động mang tính khích lệ khác trong việc dạy phá

An application of games and other stimulating activities in teaching pronunciation Áp dụng trò chơi và các hoạt động mang tính khích lệ khác trong việc dạy phá

... as an international language and as a mean to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries In fact, more and more people desire to know and master English in ... Briton and Goodwin, 1996) 1.2 Pronunciation in language teaching 1.2.1 The status of pronunciation in current language teaching The status of pronunciation teaching in different schools of language ... significant role of pronunciation in language teaching and learning Pronunciation is one of the most important aspects of language We may be proficient at grammar and have a huge store of vocabulary,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:27

76 638 0

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