common and proper nouns worksheet for grade 1



... impacts on teaching and learning listening skill? 3 .1. 2. Subjects of the study The sample was drawn from two sources: 86 students in classes 10 A 3, 10 A 1, 10 A 8 , and 10 A 10 , and 9 teachers ... upper-secondary school. 3 .1. 4. Procedures I conducted my study within 6 weeks at the end of the second term in the class 10 A 3 10 A 3, 10 A 1, 10 A 8 , and 10 A 10 at Que Vo II upper-secondary ... teaching in the classroom In order to collect and analyze the data about such matter, questions 15 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 were designed and categorized. First of all, teachers’ assistance...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

53 1,2K 7
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora" doc

... where ~oz (1, 1) = ( (1, 1) Âpl(i, 1) = Â(i, 1) + ~o(i - 1, 1] ) toz (1, j) = ff (1, j)+~o (1, j-a) 9~(a, b) = minimum cost of moving from a to b ((c,d) = IVl[c]- V2[aq[ for i = 1, 2, ,N j = 1, 2, ,M ... (95 ,10 ), (13 9 ,13 1), , (98809, 932 51) divide the two texts into 388 non- linear segments. Textl is segmented by the points (95 ,13 9, , 98586, 98809) and text2 is segmented by the points (10 ,13 1, ... 47 ,19 3,275,3 21, 360. We can see that these two vectors share five segments in common. We compute the segment vector for all English nouns and proper nouns not found in the first lex- icon and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 22:20

8 427 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human glutamate carboxypeptidase II are required for enzymatic activity and proper folding pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acids at the N- and C-termini of human glutamate carboxypeptidase II are required for enzymatic activity and proper folding pptx

... 0.002 44/735 <0.0 01 <0.0 01 44/ 716 <0.0 01 <0.0 01 44/587 <0.0 01 <0.0 01 59/750 0.003 4.0 90/750 <0.0 01 <0.0 01 122/750 <0.0 01 <0.0 01 150/750 <0.0 01 ND 274/750 ND ND 274/587 ... k cat /K m (l M )1 ặs )1 ) 44/750 (rhGCPII) 5.4 0.3 16 0 44 33.7 ± 15 .4 1/ 750 8.5 ± 0.4 472 ± 88 18 .1 ± 5 .1 His_44/750 0.80 ± 0.05 12 7 ± 47 6.6 ± 4.0 59/750 1. 00 ± 0.04 81 ± 11 12 .7 ± 2.2 Ó FEBS ... (EC 3.4 .17 . 21) . (Received 26 March 2004, revised 3 May 2004, accepted 7 May 2004) Eur. J. Biochem. 2 71, 2782–2790 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi :10 .11 11/ j .14 32 -10 33.2004.04209.x of a stop codon, and consequently,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

9 415 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Example-Based Metonymy Recognition for Proper Nouns" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Example-Based Metonymy Recognition for Proper Nouns" pot

... (Lakoff and Johnson, 19 80, p.35). In example (1) , for in- stance, China and Taiwan stand for the govern- ments of the respective countries: (1) China has always threatened to use force if Taiwan declared ... names, Markert and Nissim distinguished between place -for- people, place -for- event and place -for- product. For the organi- zation names, the most frequent metonymies are organization -for- members and organization -for- product. ... classification. Commonly used metrics are the probability of the most likely label, or the entropy 75 Acc P R F TiMBL 86.6% 80.2% 49.5% 61. 2% N&M 87.0% 81. 4% 51. 0% 62.7% Table 1: Results for the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

8 374 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

... yy if 12 12 2 10 () () ( ) τ πτ = −∞ ∞ ∫ S yy 12 SfSfe xx xx if xx 12 12 12 () () () = − θ S xx 11 θπτ xx ff 12 211 0 () ( )= S yy 12 S xx 12 RHfSfedf Sfe yy xx if f xx i 12 12 0 12 2 22 0 2 12 () ... discharge properties and force tremor. Exp RBraines 19 95, 10 4 :11 5 -12 5. 19 . Adam A, De Luca CJ, Erim Z: Hand dominance and motor unit firing behavior. J Neurophysiol 19 98, 80 :13 73 -13 82. 20. Garland ... f − − + ∫ ≅− 2 2 2 0 0 12 213 ] / / ()cos ( ) ( ) ∆ ∆ ∆ R yy 12 () τ RSff xx xx 11 11 214 () ()cos ( ) τπτ ≅∆ RSf xx xx 11 11 015 () () ( )≅∆ Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2004, 1: 2 /1/ 1/2 Page...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

12 479 0
The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It Matters for Financial Development

The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It Matters for Financial Development

... over Liabilities (%) Leverage 19 97:Q4 1. 49 32.0 36.4 7.3 2.95 19 97:Q3 2.59 23.3 30.8 10 .2 2.95 19 97:Q2 3 .18 19 .9 18 .4 NA 2 .12 19 97:Q1 3.66 15 .3 16 .2 NA 2. 01 1996:Q4 3 .11 13 .8 11 .8 14 .9 1. 90 19 95:Q4 4. 01 9.6 7.6 18 .1 1.67 19 94:Q4 ... China N/A 1 1 1 1 4 0 Indonesia 1. 76 1 1 1 1 4 0 Korea 2 .19 1 1 0 1 3 0.5 Malaysia 2.26 1 1 1 1 4 0 Philippines 1. 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 Singapore 3.22 1 1 1 1 4 0 Taipei,China N/A 1 1 0 0 2 1 Thailand 2.23 1 ... 38.2% 19 90 7,633 10 ,16 0 17 ,793 65.6% 19 91 10,382 14 ,686 25,068 40.9% 19 92 12 ,18 9 18 ,364 30,553 21. 9% 19 93 15 ,302 22,634 37,936 24.2% 19 94 20 ,15 3 28,999 49 ,15 2 29.6% 19 95 25 ,15 5 41, 011 66 ,16 6 34.6% 19 96...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40

43 829 0


... Massive and widespread damage to structures. 13 14 > 14 13 4 -14 9 (84-93) 15 0 -16 6 (94 -10 3) > 16 7 (10 4) Very strong typhoon / 87 -10 7 (zone IIB) Super typhoon 10 8 -13 3 (zone ... cyclones; typhoons; and wind disasters. 1 Introduction In 19 95, a design code TCVN 2737 :19 95 Loads and actions – norms for design [1] was issued for analysis and design of buildings and structures ... is reduced. Land conditions: Trees uprooted. Considerable structural damage. 11 10 3 -11 7 (64-72) Strong typhoon / 51- 66 (zone IB 1 ) Sea conditions: Exceptionally high waves. Land conditions:...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 22:47

12 584 0
Aptitude Test for grade 12

Aptitude Test for grade 12

... (precise). 14 . Unfortunately, I do not have the information because our records are _______________ (complete). 15 . If the exercise causes _______________ (comfortable), stop immediately. 16 . He ... the billand now the electricity has been _______________ (connect). 17 . He’s so _______________ (decide)! He just can’t make up his mind! 18 . advisable 19 . appropriate 20. bearable 21. clearly ... (suitable) for children. 9. We can’t believe him because he is a(n) _______________ (trust) person. 10 . Would it be _______________ (polite) of me to ask exactly where you’ve been? 11 . It’s _______________...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,3K 5
Written test for grade 10 (term I)

Written test for grade 10 (term I)

... Key for first term test (grade 10 ) (40 X 0.25 = 10 Points) Câu I Câu IV: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10 . B 11 . D 12 . A 13 . C 14 . A 15 . A 16 . B 17 . C 18 . B 19 . B 20. A 21. D 22. ... ; - - - 10 ). - - - \ 18 ). - / - - 26). - - - \ 03). - - - \ 11 ). - / - - 19 ). - / - - 27). ; - - - 04). - - , - 12 ). - - - \ 20). - - , - 28). - / - - 05). - - - \ 13 ). - - , - 21) . - / - ... đề số : 4 01) . - - , - 09). - / - - 17 ). ; - - - 25). - - - \ 02). ; - - - 10 ). - - - \ 18 ). ; - - - 26). - - , - 03). - / - - 11 ). - / - - 19 ). - - , - 27). - - - \ 04). ; - - - 12 ). ; - -...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

14 1,8K 12
Word form for grade 9

Word form for grade 9

... discouraged/discouraging 10 . displeased/displeasing 11 . dissatisfied/dissatisfying 12 . distinguished/distinguishing 13 . embarrassed/embarrassing 14 . encouraged/encouraging 15 . exhausted/exhausting 16 . excited/exciting 17 . ... (add) 10 - They like Pho Bo. ________________, they enjoy Bun Bo. (add) 11 - The ___________________ anthem of Viet Nam is sung. (nation) 12 - There is an ________________ match between Vietnam and ... exhausted/exhausting 16 . excited/exciting 17 . fascinated/fascinating 18 . frightened/frightening 19 . horrified/horrifying 20. interested/interesting 21. moved/moving 22. pleased/pleasing 23. relaxed/relaxing 24....

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:27

4 3,7K 146
1st English TEST for grade 10

1st English TEST for grade 10

... barman, and an undertaker. Also, I and my wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel. I live and work on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 20 people live there but in summer 15 0 ... 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 I drive the island's children to school. At 9.00 I collect the post from the boat and deliver it to all the houses on the island. ... Exercise 5: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.(2m) My name is Seumas McSporran and I'm a very busy man. I'm 60 years old and I am a postman, a politician,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

2 2,3K 12
Test for grade 12

Test for grade 12

... T-shirt. A. typical B. comfortable C. cheerful D. interesting 14 . We got on the plane and waited about 10 minutes before it ____________. A. landed B. took off C. take off D. land 15 . The man asked us ... pond TN100 tổng hợp đáp án 6 đề Đáp án đề: 0 01 01. ­  |  ­  ­  10 . {  ­  ­  ­  19 . ­  ­  ­  ~  28. ­  ­  ­  ~  02. ­  ­  }  ­  11 . ­  ­  ­  ~  20. ­  ­  }  ­  29. ­  ­  }  ­  03. ­  ­  }  ­  12 . ... Jeans and T-shirt. A. cheerful B. interesting C. comfortable D. typical 29. We got on the plane and waited about 10 minutes before it ____________. A. take off B. took off C. land D. landed 30....

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:25

14 841 2
English department to test for grade 6

English department to test for grade 6

... Listening. 10 7 UNIT 11 : WHAT DO YOU EAT? 10 9 Test 1 109 Test 2 11 1 Test 3 11 4 Reading. 11 7 Listening 11 8 UNIT 12 : SPORTS AND PASTIMES 12 0 TEST 1 120 Test 2 12 3 Test 3 12 6 15 . Which ... UNIT 9 18 1 Test 1 1 81 Test 2 18 1 Test 3 18 2 Listening script 18 2 Answers : 18 2 UNIT 10 18 2 Test 1 182 Test 2 18 3 Test 3 18 3 Listening script 18 3 UNIT 11 18 3 Test 1 184 Test 2 18 4 Test ... 18 4 Test 3 18 4 Listening script 18 4 Answers : 18 5 UNIT 12 18 5 Test 1 185 Test 2 18 5 Test 3 18 6 Listening script 18 6 Answers: 18 7 UNIT 13 18 7 Test 1 187 Test 2 18 7 Test 3 18 7 Listening...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 10:39

194 1,3K 3