... katabatic wind throughout the year over the sloping surface of the ice sheet The wind regime on the ice sheet is dominated by semipermanent katabatic winds (Steffen and Box, 2001) Katabatic winds ... atmospheric factors Therefore, understanding the presentday climate of Greenland is important for the interpretation of the current state and prediction of the future state of the ice sheet Via multiple ... from ERA-40 at the beginning of the integration By starting the simulation at the end of the melting season, the tundra could realistically be prescribed as snow free Over the ice sheet, it is
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 09:07
... the mathematician's laboratory. Mastering these building blocks offers the mathematician the hope of discovering new ways of charting a course through the vast complexities of the mathematical ... of the Bridges of Konigsberg The River Pregel, known now as the Pregolya,... research, the argument, the proof is finished 31 The proof is the story of the trek and the ... terms of the. .. ballistics The Swiss mathematician's interests ranged far and wide over the mathematics of the day As well as military mathematics, Euler also wrote on the theory of
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 13:28
beyond the roof of the world music prayer and healing in the pamir mountains nov 2008
... the intoned prayer of a lamenting mother, Tibetan Buddhist chant; the musical life of a child with autism, that of Itzhak Perlman, or John Coltrane; the role of music in the ... the healing methods of a Lakota medicine woman, the musical life of a Kyrgyz itinerant musician, the rhythmic variations of an Inuit vocal game performer, the improvisations of ... spirituality,” and music and the arts.” 4 beyond the roof of the world While it is still overwhelmingly true that in the West, music simply is not part of the biomedically
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:41
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Edge Adaptive Color Demosaicking Based on the Spatial Correlation of the Bayer Color Difference" pptx
... 8.Ineachof the image crop, the vertically directed line edge pattern of the fence and the edge junctions of the window are depicted. In spite of the high PSNR performance, POCS method shows the Moir ... [11]. This value is computed by using the ratio of the perceptual color errors to the magnitude of the pixel vector of the original image in the CIE Lab color space. A smaller NCD value represents ... In the resultants of the proposed methodinFigures10(i) and 11(i), the interpolated pixels are consistent along the edge and this shows the robustness of the spatial correlation of the Bayer color
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
An Analysis of Opportunities in the Wind Power Value ChainEA IEnergy Alternatives pdf
... Value Chain The wind energy value chain consists of a number of specific and distinct steps - from the supply of raw materials to the transmission of electricity These steps, along with the prominent ... to the current structuring of the industry supply chain, but with the opening up of the Indian electricity sector, wind power producers can expect more options available for the trading of the ... communities are gaining an understanding of the tremendous value of their wind resource and are finding ways to keep more of the benefits in the local community These methods range from farmers negotiating
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20
Hints on the use of Pro-Engineer for Sheet Metal Design docx
... of the whole feature can be controlled with the dimension to DTM2 and the width of spacing by the depth of original cuts The width of brackets is controlled by the width of original cuts and the ... Evolving the Design Should the structure of the chassis need modifying, during the design process, then there are several techniques to choose from 3.1 Simple Modification of Dimensions To modify the ... “live” in the lime green rendered wall in the main window The example shown is a simple rectangular addition over the length of the attachment edge minus 16mm; observe that the first time the number
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20
... color that was not brown or blue The consensus rating of the individual examinations was used as the visual determined color 2.4.1 Color Components There are several generic color ... models that can describe color quantitatively, with the intent... provide any informative characteristics of the contributor other than the sex of the individual Therefore, an unknown ... quantitative method of eye color classification based on (RGB) color components of digital photographs of the eye taken from each study volunteer and placed in one of three eye color categories:
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 13:38
... At the centre of each side of the roof, behind the porticoes, the lateral spreading movement of the roof is one directional, normal to the line of the facade. At these locations the roof ... Fig 11 280 THE DESIGN OF THE ROOFS The Gateshead Roof The starting point for the Gateshead roof was to design a structure that would shelter the auditoria, the concourse and the music school ... efficiency of the section can be maximised. The successful connection of the some 6000 individual members is critical to the integrity of the roof structure. The high stresses and slenderness of the
Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2015, 17:25
Textile Application of the Color Sensitivity of a Dye Mixture
... Steps in the determination of a dyeing recipe: A recipe of dyes consists of one or many dyes, the quality of each dye (in the quantity of product that should be used at the beginning of the dyeing) ... some of this reduction, while a smaller part is used by the dyestuff as it hydrolysis. The effect of pH, account must be taken of the internal pH of the fibre as well as the external pH of the ... measurement process. There is a need of quality control at each step in the coloration and the measuring process. The core of the formulation system is based on the theory developed by Kubelka
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 15:14
... Characteristic of court music The influence of court music on the music played in the TDCT ceremony is seen very clearly Therefore, one of the outstanding features of the music played in the TDCT ceremony ... preserving the unity of the ceremonies and some aspects of music in the TDCT ceremony in of the Viet people Hue and HCMC The factors that made the difference and musical features in the TDCT of the ... tone of the majority of the instrumental music; the coordination method of Buddhist tools, musical instruments and vocal music; the use of instrumental music in performing the ceremony It is these
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2016, 17:35
Critical Review Of Valuation Modelsa Valuation Of The Intrinsic Value Of Vestas Wind Systems
... statements The fourth sheet, the regular blue WACC sheet, depicts both historical and future calculations of the WACC The turquoise fifth and sixth sheets are also input sheets In the Driver sheet, the ... understanding others’ model The two dark blue sheets to the left are the input sheet in which the balance sheet and income statement data has been typed, which result in the third sheet, the historical ... is one the most important sheet in the model The ninth sheet, Output, contains, the ROIC tree and various other information, whereas the tenth sheet, Table, only includes a minor table of the development
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 11:11
The adventure of the refrain composing with improvised music
... Braxton The implications of this research include the application of the analysis method to a number of musical contexts including: to be used in the process of composing with improvised music; in the ... signify the power of organizing sound to evoke the deity from the source of the temple but more importantly, the power of this organized noise goes out into the world that surrounds the temple ... infinite possibilities of affectation For Deleuze and Guattari, the concept of the refrain encapsulates all of these intrinsic tendencies of music and this ability of music to re-contextualise
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 12:38
DSpace at VNU: An investigation into the contraction of the hurricane radius of maximum wind
... explaining for the contraction of the RMW, their results not seem to capture details of the RMW contraction including the sudden slowing down of the contraction at the middle of the hurricane ... contraction often signifies the strengthening of hurricanes; the smaller the RMW of a hurricane at the peak intensity, the stronger the hurricane (Willoughby and Rahn 2004) Such contraction is often ... problem that the RMW would contract all the way down to the center of the vortex as long as the radial inflow 123 50 C Q Kieu Fig Radial profile of the tangential wind (bold) and radial wind (dotted)
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 05:43
... regards to the problems and objectives of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of the study Therefore, this study concentrates on the analysis of Process Types in Chapter of the novel ... ANALYSIS OF PROCESS TYPES OF TRANSITIVITY SYSTEM USED IN CHAPTER OF THE NOVEL "GONE WITH THE WIND" 31 4.1 Process Types of Transitivity used in Chapter of the novel "Gone with the Wind" ... addition, the result also presents the occurrences of process types with each of the five characters in the chapter This will be carefully discussed in Chapter of the study The findings of the study
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46
... regards to the problems and objectives of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of the study Therefore, this study concentrates on the analysis of Process Types in Chapter of the novel ... ANALYSIS OF PROCESS TYPES OF TRANSITIVITY SYSTEM USED IN CHAPTER OF THE NOVEL "GONE WITH THE WIND" 31 4.1 Process Types of Transitivity used in Chapter of the novel "Gone with the Wind" ... addition, the result also presents the occurrences of process types with each of the five characters in the chapter This will be carefully discussed in Chapter of the study The findings of the study
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:46
Ebook Color atlas of anatomy - A photographic study of the human body (7th edition): Part 2
... – of arm 10 – axial – of a child – cranial, of newborn 35 – facial 23 – – of newborn 35 – of a female adult – of foot 442 f – of hand 11 – of leg 440 – of pelvis 435 ff – of thorax 192 ff – of ... aspect) The bronchopulmonary segments of the lungs are differentiated by the various colors Notice that there is no segment in the left lung that corresponds to the seventh segment of the right ... 390 f – – of foot 501 – of extensor tendons of hand 392 – of flexor tendons – – of foot 501 – – of hand 390 – of hand 14 – of tendon – – of extensor hallucis longus muscle 493 – – of flexor pollicis
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2020, 03:07
... objectives of the study 1.3.Research questions 1.4.Methods of the study 1.5.Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7.Design of the ... acknowledgement in the text of the thesis This thesis does not contain material which has been accepted for any other degree in any university To the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis contains ... Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr HOANG TUYET MINH Hanoi, 2017 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled, the polysemy of the English verbs
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:48
Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam
... newer, brings the song back to the listener with the whole new style and the performance is completely like remaining the life for the song. The cover music in Vietnam is the kind of music, which ... on the melody of the song of other country. Therefore, some people think the melody is stolen. For that result, they don’t like this music. There are some familiar faces, which usually cover music ... knowledge of students of Music cover, the author also asked them about the categories " ;music covers" that they know, and the answers are: 53% choose pop music; 13% choose rock music; 11%...
Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2013, 20:53
Tài liệu Đàn tính The Marvelous and Sarced Musical Instrument of the Tay People- La Công ý pptx
... Instrument of the Tày People A đàn tính, the musical instrument of Tày shamans, enables the performance of a Then (pronouned like the number “ten”) ritual; its music accompanies the journey of the Then ... army is on the march, going to rescue a client’s errant soul. Mrs. Kịt reports the adven- tures of their journey through her song. The liveliness of the music and the anima- tion of the Then women ... inside the instru- ment itself. The author, a Tày native scholar, researched the history of the instrument in relation to the career of the shaman Mrs. Mõ Thị Kịt, the original owner of the đàn...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 12): Inhibitors of the RAA System ppt
... by special- ized cells in the wall of the afferent ar- teriole of the renal glomerulus. These cells belong to the juxtaglomerular ap- paratus of the nephron, the site of con- tact between afferent ... membranous sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR); c) Ca 2+ bound to the inside of the plas- malemma. The plasmalemma of cardio- myocytes extends into the cell interior in the form of tubular invaginations (transverse ... conditions of license. Overview of Modes of Action (A) 1. The pumping capacity of the heart is regulated by sympathetic and parasym- pathetic nerves (pp. 84, 105). Drugs ca- pable of interfering...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
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