code coverage visual studio 2010 native c

 programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol i (microsoft)

programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol i (microsoft)

... Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, click Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) . 2. In the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, type the text in the following code ... created a new console application called MyProject, which is saved in the C: \Users\Student\Documents \Visual Studio 2010\ MyProject\ folder. 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft ... Integrating Visual C# Code with Dynamic Languages and COM Components Lesson 1: Integrating Visual C# Code with Ruby and Python 15-4 Lesson 2: Accessing COM Components from Visual C# 15-19 Lab:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:37

628 3,5K 0
 programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol II (microsoft)

programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol II (microsoft)

... implementation. OFFICIAL MICROSOFT LEARNING PRODUCT 10266A Programming in C# with Microsoftđ Visual Studio 2010 Be sure to access the extended learning content on your Course Companion CD enclosed on ... Ruby and Python 15-4 Lesson 2: Accessing COM Components from Visual C# 15-19 Lab: Integrating Visual C# Code with Dynamic Languages and COM Components 15-36 Encapsulating Data and Defining ... the compiler. The compiler converts code that accesses a property into a method call to the get accessor, and it similarly converts writing to a property to a method call to the set accessor....

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:43

884 7,7K 0
Tài liệu .Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng cường hỗ trợ các nhà phát triển docx

Tài liệu .Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng cường hỗ trợ các nhà phát triển docx

... giúp c c nhóm phát triển làm vi c hiệu quả hơn. Microsoft đã tung ra phiên bản cuối c ng c a môi trường phát triển tích hợp (IDE) Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010) Service Pack 1 (SP1), cung c p c c ... hình c y mở rộng hoàn toàn, tìm kiếm c c chủ đề thông qua từ khóa, và sử dụng c c phím tắt để truy c p vào nhiều tính năng. Với IntelliTrace, vi c sửa lỗi đư c tăng c ờng bằng c ch cho phép c c ... Visual Studio 2010 SP1 tăng c ờng hỗ trợ c c nhà phát triển Microsoft ra mắt trình trợ giúp tại chỗ (local help viewer) cho Visual Studio 2010, tích hợp Project Server với Team...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 01:20

7 527 1
Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

... performance-rights society (e.g. SoundExchange), royalties for the public digital performance (e.g. webcast) of the Work, subject to the compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 114 of the US Copyright ... automatically closed and the site scanning process will be launched. NOTE: This connection will use the credentials cookie called “FedAuth” saved in the web form by the claims authentication process ... phonorecord You create from the Work (“cover version”) and distribute, subject to the compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 115 of the US Copyright Act (or the equivalent in other jurisdictions)....

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 02:20

90 457 3
Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 doc

... { geocodeResponse = geocodeService.Geocode(geocodeRequest); geocodeService.Close(); } catch { geocodeService.Abort(); } } if (geocodeResponse != null && geocodeResponse.Results ... Microsoft.Samples.PlanMyNight.Bing.VEGeocodingService.GeocodeResponse geocodeResponse = null; // Make the geocode request using (var geocodeService = new Microsoft.Samples.PlanMyNight.Bing.VEGeocodingService.GeocodeServiceClient()) ... item.Activities.AddRange(this.Retrieve(item.Id).Activities); } MSDN - Configure Service Reference Dialog Box public BingCoordinate GeocodeAddress(ActivityAddress address, string token) { Microsoft.Samples.PlanMyNight.Bing.VEGeocodingService.GeocodeResponse...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

103 549 0
c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

... //StaticClass staticObject = new StaticClass(); DynamicClass dynamicObject = new DynamicClass(); Console.WriteLine(staticObject.IntValue); //Console.WriteLine(dynamicObject.DynValue); Console.ReadLine(); } Compile ... Contra-variance 2 Covariance with Generic Interfaces 3 Contra-Variance with Generic Interfaces 4 Tuples 5 The Dynamic Type 6 Dynamic Behind the Scenes 7 Code Contracts 11 Preconditions 13 Postconditions ... ConnectionString=”<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>“ SelectCommand=”SELECT TOP (5) Production.Product.Name, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE CODE FOUND IN THIS SECTION. VISIT WROX.COM AND SEARCH FOR ISBN...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:41

130 441 0
tiểu luận các nguyên lý sáng tạo áp dụng trong microsoft visual studio 2010

tiểu luận các nguyên lý sáng tạo áp dụng trong microsoft visual studio 2010

... 7 CHƢƠNG IV - KẾT LUẬN 7.1 Tóm tắt c c kết quả đạt đƣ c Bài tiểu luận này chỉ dừng ở m c phân tích lại c c tính năng c a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 để làm nổi bật c c phƣơng pháp nghiên c u ... chúng ta vốn chỉ quen với giao diện m c định c a Visual Studio mà quên rằng phần mềm này c ng hỗ trợ c c theme giúp cho code "màu mè” hơn. M c dù font Courier New và màu s c m c định c a ... Nguyên t c 7 - Nguyên t c th c hiện sơ bộ  Th c hiện trƣ c sự thay đổi, t c động c n c , hoàn toàn ho c từng phần, đối tƣợng với đối tƣợng.  C n sắp xếp c c đối tƣợng trƣ c, sao cho chúng c thể...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 10:29

18 493 0
115 useful keyboard shortcuts for visual studio 2010

115 useful keyboard shortcuts for visual studio 2010

... symbol Ctrl + D Put cursor in fin d /command box of the toolbar. Use ctrl + / in Ctrl + K + D Format document to code formatting settings Ctrl + K + F Format selection to code formatting settings Ctrl ... window Shift + Esc Close Find & Replace Window ▲ up Shortcuts published under Creative Common License where possible. Website: Copyright 2006-2014. Terms of Use Visual Studio 2010 win Comments (11) Edit ... of Contents: 1. Manage Visual Studio 2. Bookmarks 3. Code Editor 4. Coding 5. Build and Debug 6. Tool Windows Account My Shortcuts Login/ Register Platforms: Linux Shortcuts Mac OS Shortcuts Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:32

6 407 0
software testing using visual studio 2010

software testing using visual studio 2010

... VS. Using Visual Studio we can collect the test results and gather the code coverage data too. We can manage and run the generic tests in Visual Studio just like others tests. In fact, the test ... from a recorded test 184 Transactions in coded test 189 Custom code 190 Adding comment 190 Running the Coded Web Performance Test 190 Debugging the Coded Web Performance Test 193 ... UI Test from Action Recording 59 Files generated for the Coded UI Test 63 CodedUITest1.cs 63 UIMap.Designer.cs 64 UIMap.cs 65 UIMap.uitest 65 Data Driven Coded UI Test 65 Adding controls and validation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:33

387 458 0
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Visual Studio 2010

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Visual Studio 2010

... particular part of a solution  A Project contains source code file, settings & resource for application  A Project can contain Class Reference libraries  Etc… HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY ... 1 Write source code c# and saved file with .cs extension 2 C# compiler=> Compile source code to an intermediate language (MSIL) 3 MSIL is contained in an assembly(.exe ... Problem: We have many Window Computing Platform… To any PC can run your Application, you must config as below Right click on Project & choose Properties HO CHI MINH CITY...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 11:36

42 433 0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide doc

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide doc

... Chapter 1: Introducing Visual Studio 2010 5 automatically generated code. VS offers many premade controls, which include skeleton code, saving you from having to write your own code for ... Think about a company that has multiple customers. Each customer is a separate instance, which also means that each Customer instance contains methods 20 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s ... Sub End Module 3 Chapter 1 Introducing Visual Studio 2010 6 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide Installing Visual Studio 2010 Hopefully the preceding discussion whets your appetite...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

442 381 0
Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 1 docx

Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 1 docx

... at current recruitment trends when deciding on which areas to concentrate. I spoke to Jonathan Keen, head of search practice at a UK recruitment agency, Cognitive Group (, ... include box selection, snippets, class stub creation, call hierarchy, and quick search; we will look at these features in Chapter 2. There are also some great language enhancements that can ... enhancements that can make code cleaner, such as optional and named parameters, dynamic functionality, and changes to variance that will be covered in Chapter 3. Some of these changes will also assist...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20

7 364 1
Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 2 ppsx

Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 2 ppsx

... References allows you to quickly move between calls to the same method. Navigate To Sometimes if you need to find a specific piece of code it can be much quicker to use the search functionality ... Selection. Call Hierarchy The Call Hierarchy window allows you to see all calls made to a particular method and all calls from the method. Call hierarchy is recursive. To open the Call Hierarchy ... presentations /code reviews or to zoom out to help you navigate a lengthy piece of code. Figure 2-5. VS2010 includes the ability to zoom into the code editor window. CHAPTER 2  VISUAL STUDIO IDE...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20

16 354 1
Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 3 pptx

Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 3 pptx

... -visual- studio- team- system -2010. aspx Static Analysis of Code Contracts Code contracts (which I cover in Chapter 3) allow you to express constraints ... catalog: CompositionContainer container; DirectoryCatalog directoryCatalog = new DirectoryCatalog((Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location))); CHAPTER 2  VISUAL STUDIO ... code that can be analyzed at compile time to check if your code violates them. Although code contracts are present in all versions of Visual Studio, only Premium and Ultimate provide static...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20

10 362 1
Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 4 doc

Lập trình .net 4.0 và visual studio 2010 part 4 doc

... reduced functionality version of Dotfuscator has been bundled with previous releases of Visual Studio and VS2010 is no exception. However, the new version of Dotfuscator Software Services CE contains ... Visual Studio Shell. A popular project using the Visual Studio Shell is the add-on studio for the online game World of Warcraft ( For more information on the Visual ... and for more information on Runtime Intelligence see: http:// Conclusion Many developers were concerned at the prospect of Visual Studio s...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:20

6 446 1

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