classroom commands and rules

spanish verbs made simple(r)

spanish verbs made simple(r)

... Past Tense Future and Conditional Tenses 45 50 Subjunctive and Imperative 54 Compound Verb Forms 67 Orthographic Modifications 71 Vosotros/Ustedes and Tuteo/ Voseo 91 Summary and Presentation of ... past tense must be crowed and so it has become Then he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I not know the man.” And immediately the cock crowed (Revised Standard Version) The verb ... *construiendo *huiendo *oiendo Also cernir and hendir —although the RAE prefers the forms cerner and hender and concernir Like discernir these were originally -er verbs and behave throughout their conjugations...

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2014, 12:51

287 429 1
báo cáo hóa học: " Managing variability in the summary and comparison of gait data" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Managing variability in the summary and comparison of gait data" pot

... the standard deviation bands and 90% Sensitivity estimated prediction bands Sensitivity curves for the standard deviation bands and 90% bootstrap estimated prediction bands Here, each point on a ... NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2005, 2:22 Table 3: Maximum spread estimates: registered and unregistered data Bootstrap bands Standard deviation bands Data ... The standard deviation bands around the sample with and without this outlying curve are shown on the left side of Figure The maximum spread, ˆ ˆ that is maxt σ (t ) and C σ (t ) , for standard...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

20 552 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Automorphisms and enumeration of switching classes of tournaments" doc

Báo cáo toán học: "Automorphisms and enumeration of switching classes of tournaments" doc

... follows that, if a, b ∈ X, then a and b are joined by an arc if and only if p(a) = p(b); and, if p(a) = p(a ) and b is another vertex, then the arcs on {a, b} and {a , b} are oppositely directed ... has 2-power order and interchanges a pair of points a, b ∈ X, then t = z and p(a) = p(b) For t2 fixes a and b, and so the image of t2 in G is a 2-element with a fixed point, and hence trivial; ... Combinatorial Problems and Exercises, Akad´miai Kiad´, a e o Budapest, and North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979 [25] C L Mallows and N J A Sloane, Two-graphs, switching classes, and Euler graphs are...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

25 296 0
Báo cáo toán học: "On the generation and enumeration of some classes of convex polyominoes" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "On the generation and enumeration of some classes of convex polyominoes" pps

... application in many areas: hardware and software testing, combinatorial chemistry and the design of pharmaceutical compounds, coding theory and reliability theory, and computational biology, to name ... provable by observing the productions of Ω and Ω Lemma 3.3 Let us consider the succession rulesand Ω ; the label (k2 )j2 is produced by (k1 )j1 if and only if (k2 − 1)j2 is produced by (k1 ... ∆, and starting with the axiom (1)b and (1)g , respectively By using the same arguments as for Ω (see Lemmas 3.3, 3.4), we are able to prove the following: Lemma 3.5 In the succession rules ∆ and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20

46 376 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible - review of the literature and presentation of a rare case" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible - review of the literature and presentation of a rare case" doc

... fibroma of the mandible: literature review and report of three cases J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1986, 44:385-391 Marlette RH, Gerhard RC: Intraosseous "fibroma" and "fibromyxoma" of the mandible Report ... abundant collagen formation and low proliferation activity (Fig and 4) In immunohistochemical stainings the tumour-cells showed a positive reaction for smooth muscle actin and a negative reaction ... Authors' contributions MS, AZ, RD, CN and JH made substantial contribution to the conception and design of the manuscript RE carried out the pathological investigations and participated in creating this...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

5 362 0
Báo cáo y học: "Golf and upper limb injuries: a summary and review of the literature" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Golf and upper limb injuries: a summary and review of the literature" pps

... right-handed golfer) It is the wrist/ hand flexors and forearm pronators that are injured at their insertion into the medial epicondyle These injuries are usually of a traumatic nature and occur ... swing and the more recent hybrid swing Many injuries in golf relate to the wrist and elbow and occur at impact during the golf swing Research into the forces that occur in the 'perfect' swing and ... Injuries of this nature tend to occur at the hand and wrist but can also occur at the elbow Muscular strains (particularly the flexor carpi ulnaris [FCU]) and ligamentous strains are common [21,22],...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:22

7 458 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Induction of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes Using Syntactic Frames and LSA" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Induction of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes Using Syntactic Frames and LSA" pdf

... Section 7, describes our evaluation data, metric, gold standard and results; In Section 8, we discuss the results and draw on some quantitative and qualitative observations of the data; Finally, we ... of precision and recall β = for all results we report The score measures the maximum overlap between a hypothesized cluster (HYP) and a corresponding gold standard cluster (GOLD), and computes ... compare our best results to a random baseline In the baseline, verbs are randomly assigned to clusters where a random cluster size is on average the same size as each other and as GOLD.7 The highest...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20

8 352 0



Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:08

2 456 0
An analysis of errors made by vietnamese secondary school students in using english modal auxiliary verbs can, could, may, must and semi   auxiliary verb have to

An analysis of errors made by vietnamese secondary school students in using english modal auxiliary verbs can, could, may, must and semi auxiliary verb have to

... commitment to assertion but also soften and hedge their judgments and orders and strengthen the expressions of their feelings and opinions of their feelings and opinions in order to reflect cooperation ... site, participants, and data collection techniques and data analysis methods Then, the results and findings of the study will be presented and discussed - Chapter 3: Implications and suggestions ... to transfer the form, meanings, and the distribution of forms and meanings of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture (Lado 1957: 2) and interference is a negative...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:04

51 756 0
Tài liệu Control the Creation and Behavior of Classes Now that you have code that can prepare all of the pdf

Tài liệu Control the Creation and Behavior of Classes Now that you have code that can prepare all of the pdf

... "Inherits CCustomerData" Add module-level variables of type dsCustomers and dsCustomers.CustomersRow, and name them mdsCust and mdrCust, respectively Add the following constructor to the CCustomer ... groups: system exceptions and application exceptions System exceptions are exceptions that are related to execution of code and the NET runtime, including things as standard as NullPointerExceptions ... code, and viceversa In the database, a null value is a null value, and it won't cause database runtime errors (unless nulls are not allowed) In Visual Basic, base datatypes, such as strings and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

7 357 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: P25a ⁄ TPPP expression increases plasma membrane presentation of the dopamine transporter and enhances cellular sensitivity to dopamine toxicity pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: P25a ⁄ TPPP expression increases plasma membrane presentation of the dopamine transporter and enhances cellular sensitivity to dopamine toxicity pptx

... structure [19], and NMR spectroscopic data of p25a homologs from mice, Caenorhabditis elegans and humans [20–22] demonTable Determination of Vmax and Km for DAT, NET and SERT in the presence and absence ... central core and unfolded N- and C-terminal extensions of  45 and 70 amino acid residues, respectively We constructed two deletion mutants: p25aDN, which lacked N-terminal residues 3–43, and p25aDC, ... antibodies toward DAT, p25a, a-syn and b-actin (as loading control) Total cellular DAT is present as two bands representing glycosylated and non-glycosylated DAT, and was slightly lower in the double...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

13 597 0
Tài liệu Clinical presentation and outcome of patients diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis in a large critical care unit docx

Tài liệu Clinical presentation and outcome of patients diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis in a large critical care unit docx

... global pandemic with almost million new cases and approximately million deaths each year (1) An estimated one-third of the population of the world is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and ... morbidity and mortality of tuberculosis is the source of major medical and social problems, especially in developing countries It is ranked as the seventh highest cause of morbidity worldwide, and ... for National Guard soldiers and their extended families It has one of the largest critical care units in the Kingdom serve 40 beds and runs by qualified pulmonary and critical care board certified...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 12:20

6 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Relationship between functional activity and protein stability in the presence of all classes of stabilizing osmolytes ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Relationship between functional activity and protein stability in the presence of all classes of stabilizing osmolytes ppt

... advances in understanding the effect of osmolytes on protein stability, folding and the activity of proteins and enzymes, the relationship between protein stabilization by osmolytes and its consequent ... based on their effects on stability and activity parameters of RNase-A Functional stability and activity by osmolytes Results and Discussion Protein stability and enzyme activity have a well-correlated ... Fig (see also Table 1) that sugars and methylamines affect both the thermodynamic (DGD°) and the kinetic (Km and kcat) properties, whereas polyols, amino acids and amino acid derivatives not have...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

9 547 0
Diffusion and Use of Genomic Innovations in Health and Medicine: Workshop Summary pot

Diffusion and Use of Genomic Innovations in Health and Medicine: Workshop Summary pot

... discovery and commercialization and between commercialization and public health In the arena of drugs and biologics, for Copyright © National Academy of Sciences All rights reserved Diffusion and ... better prognostic understanding of a genomic test as a better understanding develops about the interactions among genes and between genes and environmental factors (Burke and Psaty, 2007) Additionally, ... short-term ­inefficiencies in order to understand and benefit from long-term value Still, optimal learning takes time and experience, and payers may be understandably uncomfortable in underwriting such...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

117 334 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Inducing Frame Semantic Verb Classes from WordNet and LDOCE" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Inducing Frame Semantic Verb Classes from WordNet and LDOCE" pot

... Buyer, a Seller, some Merchandise, and Money Words corresponding to the Money (money, value), the Merchandise (property, goods), and the Buyer (buyer, buyers) are present in, and to some extent shared ... synonyms, hierarchically related verbs, and antonyms, alongside verbs with looser semantic relationships The verb categories based on Pantel and Lin (2002) and Lin and Pantel (2001) are induced automatically ... buy, purchase, sell, and pay are related together: buy and purchase comprise one synset; they entail paying and are opposed to sell The relationship of buy, purchase, sell, and pay to other COMMERCIAL...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

8 288 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Experiments on the Choice of Features for Learning Verb Classes" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Experiments on the Choice of Features for Learning Verb Classes" potx

... Manner of Motion verbs primarily demand directional PPs, Aspect verbs are distinguished by patient mitp and time and location prepositions, and Existence and Position verbs are distinguished ... widely and successfully used and we not have any comparable source at hand, we have to exclude this variation Clustering Results The baseline for the clustering experiments is Radj — —0.004 and ... Radj — —0.004 and refers to 50 random clusterings: The verbs are randomly assigned to a cluster (with a cluster number between and the number of manual classes 43), and the resulting clustering...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

8 442 0
summary and commentary on the first three scenes in act iii of macbeth

summary and commentary on the first three scenes in act iii of macbeth

... Macbeth tells him to wear a bright and jovial face for the banquet, Macbeth agrees, adding that while the crown is unsafe, they should keep their titles honourable and let their faces mask their ... scorpions is my mind, dear wife; / Thou know'st that Banquo and his Fleance lives," Macbeth reveals to Lady Macbeth that the existence of Banquo and his son worries him Lady Macbeth is unaware of Macbeth's ... kill Banquo In this scene, it seems like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have switched roles Lady Macbeth seems to be disintegrating from her former strong and evil self Macbeth seems to have newfound courage...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:51

2 451 0


... requirements on determination and presentation of income and expense on available-for-sale debt investments It also shows when foreign exchange gains and losses and interest income from debt ... How you determine and present gains and losses on available-for-sale equity instruments? The table below summarises the determination and presentation requirements for gains and losses on available-for-sale ... effective and insightful advice to our global investment management clients Our professionals in Audit, Tax and Advisory are specialists in their ields and have deep experience in the issues and needs...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

15 402 0
 structure and function of the arabic verb

structure and function of the arabic verb

... (1968) and rooted within the Chomskian Principles and Parameters on the one hand, and an enunciative approach, represented by Culioli and Adamczewski and inspired by the early works of Guillaume and ... “there is not, and can not be, in universal grammar any sharp distinction between tense and aspect, on the one hand, and between tense and modality, on 22 VERBAL FORMS, CLAUSES, AND METHODOLOGY ... including tense and aspect, on the one hand, and a small clause (Vn) constituent, which hosts the verb and its arguments, namely a subject, and possibly a direct object, on the other hand This might...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:48

249 1,2K 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Enhanced presentation of MHC class Ia, Ib and class II-restricted peptides encapsulated in biodegradable nanoparticles: a promising strategy for tumor immunotherapy" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Enhanced presentation of MHC class Ia, Ib and class II-restricted peptides encapsulated in biodegradable nanoparticles: a promising strategy for tumor immunotherapy" docx

... (Waters, Milford, MA) Specifically, the peptides and nanoparticles were separated and identified using ultraviolet (UV) detection and known standards, at a wavelength of 280nm (attenuation 0.002 ... GM-CSF and 300 U/ml IL-4, with cytokines added on days 2, 4, and Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was added to the culture medium on day 7, and two days later, the mature DC (mDC) were harvested and characterized ... WM carried out and participated in all of the studies, including nanoparticle preparation and characterization, DC isolation and loading, CTL induction in vitro, data analysis and manuscript...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 386 0