... water and of the impact of their development projects on the environment and natural surroundings; they should also deliver, with the greatest transparency and objectivity, information on their future ... that they have committed to double their investment in social impact and cut their environmental impact in half by 2030 Trang 5These overarching Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals are underpinned by ... sustainable way, calculating the environmental profile of their stay so they can make informed, low-waste choices and obtain carbon credits to mitigate the carbon footprint of their gatherings For Nourish,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2024, 17:22
... definitions apply 3.1 desorption efficiency ratio of the mass of the recovered organic material to the mass of organic material collected by the adsorbent expressed as a percentage 3.2 sampling ... steps of the measurement and to check that the operator can achieve a quantification level adapted to the task Principle There are three steps in the measurement of individual gaseous organic compounds: ... use of the TS and its applicability; c) a decision tree for the determination of the sampling procedure has been included; d) the sampling strategy has been aligned with EN 15259; e) the thermal
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2020, 10:19
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of rehydration nutrients on H2S metabolism and formation of volatile sulfur compounds by the wine yeast VL3" docx
... to their low detection threshold. These com- pounds can be classified into two groups based on their contribution to the sensorial pr operties of wine. Amongst the positive contributors are the ... effects upon the transcriptome. Classification of the genes to MIPS functional categories (Robinson et al. 2002) revealed that both treatments a ffected the same groups of genes, therefore the variation ... also has a significant effect on the formation of volatile sulfur compounds during wine fermentations. The concentration of the ‘fruity’ aroma compounds, the polyfunctional thiols 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution, by George John potx
... obvious that the facts are covered by the theory of natural selection no less completely than they are covered by the theory of intelligent design Perhaps it may be answered,— The fact ... shall do so by classifying the arguments in a way tending to show their distinct.. .THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCES OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION Although it is generally recognised that the Origin ... Darwin's theory has no point of logical contact with the theory of design in the larger... of the influence of guiding angels as they do of the influence of gravitation So much, then,
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: " Change in quality of life and their predictors in the long-term follow-up after group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: a prospective cohort study" pptx
... disorders were included, when these symptoms abated sufficiently to allow them to attend the group CBT sessions regularly, judged by their physicians. The patients provided their written informed consent ... disorders conducted the treatment program, guided by a therapists ’ manual. During the treatment, the therapists had group discussions once a month to check on therapist adherence to the program and ... of the patients at baseline Patients who entered the CBT but did not complete Patients who completed the CBT but not the 3- month FU assessments Patients who completed the the 3-month but not the
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
evaluation of the odor compounds sensed by explosive-detecting canines_erica lotspeich
... that affect their generation; thus, improving the training of canines Another area of uncertainty deals with the complexity of the odor generated by the explosive, as the headspace ... Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that the thesis/dissertation prepared By Entitled For the degree of Is approved by the final examining committee: Chair To the ... calculated by the ClausiusClapyeron equation The temperature of the system increases the vapor pressure of the compound... was the rate of evaporation� � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 The rate
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 11:45
Bees and their role in forest livelihoods A guide to the services provided by bees and the sustainable harvesting, processing and marketing of their products
... non-cultivated areas The main role of bees in the different ecosystems is their pollination work Other animal species are connected with bees: either because they eat the brood or... ... raises their awareness of. .. diversity with the species Apis dorsata, these two are once again regarded as separate species Apis laboriosa Apis laboriosa are the largest of the honeybees ... AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2009 NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS 19 Bees and their role in forest livelihoods A guide to the services provided by bees and the sustainable harvesting,
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2015, 08:41
Occurrence and fate of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the tropical atmosphere
... accurately the gas-particle partitioning of PAHs, especially for LMW compounds. On the other hand, the KOA absorption model (R2=0.86) using the measured organic matter fraction (fOM) value fitted the ... describe their distributions... measurements of SVOCs in the urban environment of SEA, but their distributions in gas- and particulate phases as well as in rainwater and their seasonal ... My Father, HE Xizhong, in the first place is the person who put the fundament for my learning character, showing me the joyness of intellectual pursuit ever since I was a child. My i Mother,
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:15
Surface chemistry of organic carbonyl compounds and their derivatives on ni (111
... CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC CARBONYL COMPOUNDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES ON Ni(111) LI TINGCHENG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2003 SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC CARBONYL COMPOUNDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES ... 111)-p(2×2)-O... of the Present Work The objectives of the present work are to investigate the adsorption and reactions of several groups of carbonyl compounds and their derivatives, ... is datively bound to the surface through the O lone pair electrons The second configuration involves the interaction of the carbonyl π* orbital with backdonation from the metal, plus π or
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:19
Ant functional group succession dynamics correlates with the age of vegetation succession data analysis of worldwide studies and a case study of a secondary tropical rain forest in singapore
... changes in the environment but some questions remain unanswered What functional groups dominate different types of ecosystems? What groups succeed one another? Are there trends in the succession ... functional group In tropical rain forests, Opportunist and Tropical Climate Specialist functional groups were the pioneer community that established in young, disturbed vegetation These two groups ... demonstrated this pattern of functional group succession by conducting a study of the ant community within a secondary tropical rain forest in Singapore Using the mathematical models, the ages of different
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 13:01
DSpace at VNU: Engineering of Band Gap in Metal Organic Frameworks by Functionalizing Organic Linker: A Systematic Density Functional Theory Investigation
... varying either the metallic oxide cluster or functionalizing the organic linker Lin et al.22 showed that the band gap value can alter by varying the cluster size and the conjugation of the linker ... and Ba Their result shows that the band gap variation by changing the metal is negligible in comparison with the effect of the linker In other work,23 the replacment of Zn atoms in IRMOF-1 by Co ... by the +C effect is more effective than the +I effect Hence, the electrondonating group by the +C effect is a potential candidate for engineering the band gap of MOFs One of other ways to alter the
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 05:36
Biocatalytic reduction of Carbonyl compounds by Actinobacteria from two genera of the Micromonosporaceae family: Actinoplanes and Dactylosporangium
... βhydroxy esters (2a-h and 2j), and the αhydroxy amide (2i) were identified by comparing their retention times as determined by the GC analyses with those of authentic samples (Mitsuhashi and Yamamoto, ... the stereo selectivity of the alcohols produced by the NBRC15555 strain by introducing additives into the reduction reaction catalyzed by NBRC15555 wet cells cultured in the 227 medium (see Table ... cultured in 227 and 266 media The stereoselective reduction of various carbonyl compounds using these four strains was therefore investigated The present study discovered that these strains can reduce
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 00:48
Barriers and enablers for participation in healthy lifestyle programs by adolescents who are overweight: A qualitative study of the opinions of adolescents, their parents and community
... to thematically code identified Page of 14 topics that emerged from the data [38] The themes were then grouped into categories based around the structure of the three research questions The themes ... assigned categories were then validated by a second member of the research team and reviewed independently by the other authors to validate the themes thus adding to the overall credibility of ... validates it, if they’re getting reminders on their email or on their Facebook… even text messages Maybe some online self-assessments- if they have something that they can go in and their own little
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 17:31
Secretions from the ventral eversible gland of Spodoptera exigua caterpillars activate defenserelated genes and induce emission of volatile organic compounds in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum
... on the ventral surface of the caterpillar thorax and reaches the injured plant surface [32,61] Furthermore, because the tip of the everted VEG can reach the mandibles during feeding [35], the ... from the VEG gland of Spodoptera exigua caterpillars contain elicitors that induce plant defenses by regulating the expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of volatile organic compounds ... to play a role in plant-plant interactions [56] Another highly diverse group of plant compounds are the terpenoids, which are synthesized by a group of enzymes called terpene synthases (TPS) to
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2020, 01:24
Freeze-drying: An alternative method for the analysis of volatile organic compounds in the headspace of urine samples using solid phase micro-extraction coupled to gas chromatography - mass
... concentration of compounds in the headspace of the urine samples by increasing the ionic strength of these samples, which result in a richer profile of VOCs detected by GC-MS [11] Although the addition ... analysed on the same days that urine samples were processed The intensities of reference compounds were normalized by their intensities detected on day Compound identification In order to assess the ... urine [6] These reactions potentially produce secondary volatile and non-volatile compounds In this case, the VOC profiles reported by GC-MS will not represent the metabolite content of the urine
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 13:33
Study on constraints in seeking information by the rural women and their suggestions
... helps the process of adoption of house and agricultural innovations The aspect is generally overlooked by most of the extension agent, and the genuine difficulties of the women due to their limited ... commerce, service and agriculture These require them to know how to perform these economic activities in order for them to get more return on their effort They need to know the way to grow vegetables, ... hairdressing, tailoring etc for these groups of people to perform excellently in their work activities, they require information The information seeking behavior depends on their individual personalities,
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2020, 23:15
... based chemical compounds. Carbon (C) is the main element that appears in the formation of organic compounds. The atoms that most frequently appear in these compounds, further than the carbon, ... to the compound name proposed by the user. 4.4. How OCLAS Utilizes the Principals of the TLG Qualia Structures This section shows how the analysis performed by OCLAS fits the TLG formalism. The ... represented by their qualia structures. Each compound name is obtained by combining theses qualia structures according to their type constraints, as exemplified below with the analysis of the name...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20
Volatile Organic Compounds in the Nation’s Ground Water and Drinking-Water Supply Wells pdf
... These VOCs were assigned to the following groups on the basis of their primary usage (or origin): (1) fumigants, (2) gasoline hydrocarbons, (3) gasoline oxygenates, (4) organic synthesis compounds, ... product in organic synthesis. Also, chloroform and other THMs are by- products of the chlorination of drinking waters and wastewaters, and the disinfection of domestic and public wells. These compounds ... concentrations near and greater than their MCLs, the solvents PCE and TCE appear to warrant special emphasis to understand their sources and their capture by both domestic and public wells. • • • Additional VOCs that may warrant inclusion in a low-concentration, trends-monitoring program (compounds listed by VOC group) Compound name...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 19:20
... (MeCl2) by adding the solvent to the disk, drawing about half through the disk, allowing it to soak the disk for about a minute, then drawing the remaining solvent through the disk. Note: Soaking the ... µg/mL) to the sample and shake or mix until the sample is homogeneous. The resulting concentration of these compounds in the water should be 5 µg/L. 11.2.4 Add the water sample to the reservoir ... 0.10 525.2-6 The concentration of each identified component is measured by relating the MS response of the quantitation ion produced by that compound to the MS response of the quantitation ion produced by...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
Chemical evolution of volatile organic compounds in the outflow of the Mexico City Metropolitan area potx
... volatile organic compounds 2365 (lower panel) shows the averaged mixing ratios for the top 20 VOCs obtained on the C130 during the over-flights and the pie chart to the right of the bar chart gives the ... both sites, the OVOCs contribute a relatively larger portion in the after- noon to the total reactivity with the OVOCs surpassing the NMHCs in their contribution to the OH reactivity in the af- ternoon ... Chemical evolution of volatile organic compounds 2355 Fig. 1. (top panel) Map of Mexico and the flight tracks taken by the NCAR C130 during the experiment. The flight track for the 19 March outflow event...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
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