UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
... Nếu máy khởi động ở lần thử thứ hai và thứ ba thì ắt hẳn là do tín hiệu Power_ OK (hoặc Power_ Good). Khi có tín hiệu Power_ OK, mainboard sẽ hiểu rằng PSU đã ổn định, nếu không thì mainboard ... khởi động bằng cách chập hai chân của nút power switch trên mainboard bằng một chiếc tua-vít, chìa khóa hay bất cứ thứ gì có thể dẫn điện. Nếu công tắc power switch của bạn bị hỏng và bạn không ... Học 1. Đôi nét về bộ nguồn máy tính. 1.1.Bộ nguồn máy tính là gì ? - Bộ nguồn máy tính (PSU -Power Supply Unit) là một thiết bị phần cứng , nó chuyển đổi năng lượng (từ dòng xoay chiều dân dụng...
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 11:36
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:11
... parameters. Digital Control of Switching Power Supply - Power Factor Correction Stage Sangsun Kim and Dr. P. Enjeti Power Electronics and Power Quality Laboratory Department of Electrical ... higher bandwidth and higher switching frequency for ac/dc power supply. References [1] Jigna Patel, "The Hottest Markets for External Power Supplies Now ans a Look at Potential Future Markets", ... control of SMPS. The Power Electronics & Power Quality Laboratory of Texas A&M University is currently exploring several implementation aspects of digital control of power factor correction...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Power Supply Block Diagram ppt
... causing current to flow through C and D. Basic PushBasic Push Pull Power ConverterPull Power Converter Operates as a class D power amplifier. Output rectifier converts the sq are a e to dc Each ... current. o I V AmVregulationLoad Δ Δ =)/( L I g Δ )( V 100 Δ oL o V x I V regulationload 100 % Δ Δ = H. Chan; Mohawk College 8 Basic HalfBasic Half Bridge Power ConverterBridge Power Converter Each transistor “sees” approx. V in . Full flux reversal in the H. Chan; ... V R2 = 0.7 V. R2 is typically chosen so R2 is typically chosen so that max. I R2 is 0.1 A. Power dissipation of Q 1 iP (V V )Iis P = (V i - V o )I L . Q 2 is for current limiting protection....
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx
... USB (Make sure it matches the connector on the Motherboard). Power Supply AT __________ ATX _________ Other _________ Power Supply Wattage _______ Step 2 Examine the screws that ... 1 - 4 IT Essentials I v2.0 - Lab 3.3.4 Copyright 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 3.3.4: The Computer Case and Power Supply Estimated time: 45 Minutes Objective In this lab, identify ... required for this exercise: • ESD wrist strap • Tool kit and screws • Computer case with power supply • Motherboard standoffs and screws • Motherboard & manual • Devices that will not...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Single phase uninterruptible power supply based on z source inverter
... Uninterruptible Power Supply Based on Z-Source Inverter Zhi Jian Zhou, Xing Zhang, Po Xu, and Weixiang X. Shen, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents a new topology of uninterrupt- ible power supply ... loops, shoot-through, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), Z-source inverter. I. I NTRODUCTION U NINTERRUPTIBLE power supplies (UPSs) are widely used to supply critical loads, such as airline ... operation is zero (u B − u C )T 1 + u C T 0 =0 (6) ZHOU et al.: SINGLE-PHASE UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY BASED ON Z-SOURCE INVERTER 3003 Fig. 11. Experimental results. (a) Traditional UPS when...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:12
asg 2 electrical power supply
... or fused switches. A Fig. 2 Power supply functions A Fig. 1 Electrical power supply architecture 2.4 Power supply functions 2. Electrical power supply 6 2.4 Power supply functions There are ... distribution system. 2.4 Power supply functions 2.5 Power supply to the control circuit 2. Electrical power supply 7 b Power unit supply The table (C Fig. 5) summarises the power units and functions ... Electrical power supply 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M 2.1 Introduction Page 2.2 Power supply to machinery Page 2.3 Standards and conventions Page 2.4 Power supply functions Page 2.5 Power supply...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 08:33
Your PC, Inside and Out: Chassis, Power supply and Motherboard
... can see, a power supply is most efficient at around 50% load; that is to say, this power supply is at its most efficient when providing 275W of power to components. The vast majority of power supplies ... the more efficient the power supply is the less AC power it requires to provide sufficient DC power, meaning lower overall power consumption from the mains and a smaller power bill. The earth ... very powerful computer, it’s usually advisable to go for a full tower case. These are usually much larger than a standard midi case, giving plenty of room for Power Rating The power rating of a power...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 20:35
brown, m. (1990). practical switching power supply design
... major power supply parame- ters as a preliminary guide at the beginning of a switching power supply 4.3 Transformer-Isolated Switching Power Supply Topologies 29 As in all power supply ... Switching Power Supply former is improperly designed, it would adversely affect the supply op- eration and the reliability of the semiconductors. 3.4 Power Switches These are power transistors ... Transformer-Isolated Switching Power Supply Topologies 37 ing secondary rectifier conducts. So each power switch and rectifier op- erates at half the power supply operating frequency, but...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:25
A digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix converter
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55
Những điều cần biết về bộ lưu điện UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) pot
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 18:20
Chapter 3: Power Supply Concepts for Driverless Industrial Trucks pps
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 06:20
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