chemical terrorism sensors and detection systems

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

... and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, New York, 2003 [9] Y Cui, Q Wei, H Park, C.M Lieberet, Nanowire nanosensors for highly sensitive and selective detection of biological and chemical ... mass and highly effective enzyme loading [27] Composite electrodes containing MNP (metal nanoparticles) are used as chemical sensors [28] or for the construction of MNP based electrochemical biosensors ... electrodes and thus can be used in detection of several analytes [43] Dai and Mau [44] presented some important issues concerning the surface and interface control of polymeric biomaterials and conjugated...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:18

12 707 0
QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

... volume and, therefore, we use the subtitle Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Actuators and Sensors In view of the above, one may ask a question: If all feedback systems ... P(s) and C(s) represent the plant and controller, respectively, and the nonlinear functions f (·) and g(·) describe, respectively, the actuator and sensor The signals r, d, e, u, v, y, and ym ... coloring filter with the 3dB bandwidth r , the plant, and the controller, respectively, f (u) is the actuator nonlinearity, and wr and r are standard white noise and the reference signal Since,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

300 640 0
Báo cáo y học: "Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis-DNA in synovial fluid: evaluation of the sensitivity of different DNA extraction methods and amplification systems" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis-DNA in synovial fluid: evaluation of the sensitivity of different DNA extraction methods and amplification systems" pps

... performed transportation of samples HZ and JK conceived of the study and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript All authors read and approved the manuscript 14 ... plasmid genome of C trachomatis and conditions were used as first described by Wilkinson and colleagues [23] Primer set number (Table 1) was developed by Bas and colleagues and targets a 16s RNA sequence ... bp) 739 bp Gérard and colleagues [27] Freise and colleagues [9] PCR Plasmid 402 bp Wilkinson and colleagues [23] M Rudwaleit, Benjamin Franklin Hsp., Berlin PCR 16sRNA 141 bp Bas and colleagues...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:22

10 403 0
Application of computational intelligence for faulty detection and diagnosis of induction motors and electromechanical systems

Application of computational intelligence for faulty detection and diagnosis of induction motors and electromechanical systems

... diagnosis of induction motors and electromechanical systems, analyzing vibration data features and studying and comparing related algorithm, and targeting at a robust and highly accurate fault classification ... motivation and enthusiasm, which help me in my study and life in Singapore Finally, I would like to sincerely thank my friends and family for their endless, unconditional, and dedicated love and constant ... Fault Detection and Diagnosis Fig 1.2 Proposed automatic motor fault detection and diagnosis scheme 16 The thesis is therefore organized as follows: Chapter introduces the motivations and objectives...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 13:41

99 366 0
Channel estimation and detection for multi input multi  output (MIMO) systems

Channel estimation and detection for multi input multi output (MIMO) systems

... 33 Channel Estimation and Detection for MIMO systems 4.1 Decouple Maximum Likelihood (DEML) 4.2 Channel estimation and Detection for quasi-static flat fading 34 ... dissertation, we focus on MIMO systems under colored noise, i.e., the noise at the receiving antennas are correlated Channel information estimation and data detection for MIMO systems under spatially ... = 44 and M = 4, with and without LOS’s in the colored noise environment 5.6 Average MSE of channel coefficients in × flat fading system, N = 44 and M = 4, with and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 11:37

93 268 0


... Fierfort and coworkers (2008) and Drounilard and coworkers (2010) have successfully developed a microbiological process to economically produce 3′sialyllactose (Fierfort and Samain, 2008) and 6′sialyllactose ... (Guarner and Malagelada, 2003) In contrast, the infant GIT is more variable in its composition and less stable over time The foetal GIT is sterile and bathed in swallowed amniotic fluid and rapidly ... terminal structure Fucα1-2Gal is H antigen, and H antigen is attached to GlcNAc with β1,3 and β-1,4-linkages to create H1 and H2 antigens, respectively A and B antigens are formed by adding a Gal...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:28

14 708 0
Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

... Short-term and Heavy rainy, SDG: Short-term and Drainage, LSD: Long-term and Stagnant, LHT: Long-term and Heavy rainy, LMK: Long-term and Monsoon flood, PDL: Persistent and Drainage, PHS: Persistent and ... supply and (c) sanitation systems and attitudes for (d) water treatment at home, (e) children’s defecation habits and (f) hygiene practices Note: Communities code name, SRM: Short-term and Rainy, ... LHT LMK PDL PHS PSM NCD Hand washing with soap before eating Hand washing without soap before eating No hand washing before eating Hand washing after defecation with soap Hand washing after defecation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 703 0
Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

Integration of energy and environmental systems in wastewater treatment plants

... management and pollution controls Contamination of raw water source Implement and enforce water and land protection zones Water stress/ insufficient water allocation Study water yields; draft and conclude ... majority of the solid wastes The oxidation process reduces the odor and maintains the chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand levels No disinfection process is run in this plant After the ... include blower and oxidation ditch, pump and trickling filter, and clarifier Based on the literature review, specifications, operating time, and capacity, it was estimated that blower and oxidation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

10 636 1
The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information ... Numbering and coding systems Digital primer Inside the computer Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN NUMBERING AND CODING SYSTEMS Decimal and ... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 19:10

617 974 0
Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P4

Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P4

... (N), • cylindrical (C) and • asymmetrical (A) Using the possible electromagnetic systems and geometry, actuators and sensors (motion nano- and microstructures as well as nano- and microdevices) can ... or characteristic Let A stands for actuators, B stands for sensors, and C stands for translational motion microstructure Then, the region ABC represents actuators and sensors which are synthesized ... and Microstructures (Actuators and Sensors) Using the structural synthesis concept, nano-, micro-, and miniscale actuators and sensors can be synthesized, analyzed, and optimized In particular,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 11:15

20 454 1
Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P6

Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P6

... closed-loop systems use the data from different sensors, feedback commands (controls) are generated and executed, and intelligent updates and evolution are performed The feedback for sensor and control ... ) and k i (e(t ) ) = − + 4e −20t e(t ) Assume that in large-scale multi-node NEMS/MEMS, which have thousands of nodes (NEMS/MEMS with subsystems – sensors, actuators, and ICs), one sensor and ... NANOAND MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS Hierarchical distributed closed-loop systems must be designed for largescale multi-node NEMS and MEMS in order to perform a number of complex functions and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

36 515 0
Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P5

Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems P5

... the stator and rotor circuitry dynamics As the control and state variables we use the voltages applied to the stator (as and bs) and rotor (ar and br) windings, as well as the stator and rotor ... following relation and frequency f of the supplied voltages To attain the acceleration and settling time specified, overshoot and rise time needed, the general purpose (standard), soft- and high-starting ... the following variables and symbols are used: uas , ubs and ucs are the phase voltages in the stator windings as, bs and cs; uqs , uds and uos are the quadrature-, direct-, and zero-axis stator...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15

103 310 0