checklist—principles of business communication

psychology of business communication

psychology of business communication

... choosing alternatives; • Cooperative Discernment of Ego-Status: Free Child-I Characteristic Features of Behavior: • Spontaneous, impatient, full of energy; • Inquisitive, creative, inventive; • ... 10 Discernment of Ego-Status: Adaptable Child-I Characteristic Features of Behavior: • Cautious, conserved, thinking about consequences; • Feeling shame, fault, demanding much of oneself; • Timid, ... advising, helpful; • Understanding, patronizing; • Over considerate Discernment of Ego-Status: Adults-I Characteristic Features of Behavior: • Liberated, objective, emotionless; • Attentive, interested,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 07:38

5 535 0
Principles of Mobile Communication potx

Principles of Mobile Communication potx

... of Digitally Modulated Signals 4.9.1 Psd of a Complex Envelope 4.9.2 Psd of QAM 4.9.3 Psd of PSK 4.9.4 Psd of OQPSK 4.9.5 Psd of 4.9.6 Psd of OFDM 4.9.7 Psd of Full Response CPM Psd of ... requires a shadow margin of 5.6 dB With soft handoffs, the required shadow margin is 1.8 dB The difference of 3.8 dB represents the soft handoff gain The corresponding hard handoff gain is about 2.8 ... such as IS-95 use soft handoff, while TDMA cellular systems such as GSM and DAMPS typically use hard handoff To illustrate the principle of handoff gain, consider a cluster of cells; the target...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:20

771 6,2K 2
21 Power Principles of Business Builders Who Get Rich potx

21 Power Principles of Business Builders Who Get Rich potx

... of editorial content It requires the cost of printing 10,000 or 110,000 or a million of those pages, the cost of paying someone to write it, and the cost of getting it typeset But the truth of ... “USP”) is at the heart of all your marketing efforts For, unless it is, you’ll be needlessly forfeiting the use of one of the most powerful sales weapons at the disposal of any business: uniqueness ... Works I find that business people get tired of their advertising and marketing campaigns long before the marketplace tires of them If you fell into this business “sin,” you might call off an advertising...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20

29 287 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 1 ppt

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 1 ppt

... Ilja van Roon, Lucid Communication ( Proofread by Mark Biss, WordsRU ( Designed by Made of Man visual identity ( Lucid Communication Paulinastraat ... Paulinastraat 78 2595 GK The Hague The Netherlands Table of contents Acknowledgements Introduction Overview of the principles of business writing 11 The first principle: focus 13 ... strategic business communication c apture deliver e xcel acknowledgements Introduction Consider the vast amount of text that your organisation produces Picture the sea of memos and the stack of reports...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 348 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 2 doc

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 2 doc

... Or the 120-page business plan that never led to funding? These products of wasted human toil (and organisational resources) probably lacked one of the crucial ingredients of good business writing: ... address a conference about the future of the UN The issue is contentious and highly politicised, with this of cial’s country one of the few in favour of an overhaul of the UN Based on the questions ... overview of the business case underlying the plan, financials, and an overview of our product pipeline The article should not exceed 1,200 words and include quotes from a board member and a business...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 289 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 3 potx

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 3 potx

... terms of their purpose and explaining what this means to people’s lives or the organisation The principle of meaning is the subject of the next chapter, this chapter will tackle the principle of ... styles of communication Companies with a strong sense of purpose tend to have shared values and beliefs Unlike goal-oriented language, purposeful language engages people on the level of their ... town) This is because a purely rational approach to business writing doesn’t engage people on the level of their identity As a result, traditional business writing fails to achieve full support for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 400 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 4 pps

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 4 pps

... which you build a roof: they strengthen the structure of what you are creating If there is only one thing you remember after reading this book, it should be that the best kinds of business writing ... goal-oriented language Good business language, that is language that effectively changes your readers’ attitude and behaviour, balances both From a linguistic point of view, good business writing requires ... (relating to sense of touch: I feel that, grasp the idea) • auditory (relating to sense of hearing: I hear what you are saying, it sounds good to me) • visual (relating to sense of vision: it appears...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 304 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 5 pps

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 5 pps

... people is crucial to the success of the change process Answering the question ‘what does X mean to Y’ for each of your stakeholders is a simple yet effective way of connecting with your readers ... opinionated This is due to more consumer-friendly legislation, the power of litigation, and the empowering effect of technology As a result of this, stakeholders - whether they are consumers, investors, ... substantiate claims of market leadership or the company’s capabilities in a particular area Case studies can be simple descriptions of a particular problem, its solution and the result Instead of just saying...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 387 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 6 ppsx

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 6 ppsx

... sequence of paragraphs dealing with a new product X could be: - Description of how people solve a particular problem in their life - Limitations of available products - Consequences of these ... A sequence of paragraphs for a presentation of a team’s plan for next year could be as follows: - Last year’s business environment - Last year’s goals and outcomes - Changes in the business environment ... story with a recap of the main points Summaries within a text offer a natural point for reflection and indicate that a new part of the story is about to start If, for example, a business case has...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 327 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 7 docx

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 7 docx

... merely a matter of efficiency, or of saying much with few words, but of accurately describing what matters in a way simple and compelling enough for others to act on Clarity in business is essential, ... the fullness of our inner world The process of interpreting someone’s words, in turn, is equally ambiguous and is heavily influenced by our personal and cultural background Because of this, that ... head to the sound of a cello playing a single note: the sound is smooth, pleasing and exactly how it should be Similar descriptions apply to business writing as well, as clarity of language is characterised...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 282 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 8 docx

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 8 docx

... on draft versions of the text because of their position - often at higher levels of the organisation - or their interests Tend not to be involved in the practical struggles of the writing team, ... stages of the process Proofreaders fix spelling and grammatical mistakes or make minor edits to the flow of sentences or paragraphs Because they have not been involved in the earlier stages of the ... recognition of their hierarchical position only, meaning people at lower levels of the organisation may know more about the subject - The Proofreaders: concerned with the technical quality of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

10 397 0
learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 9 doc

learn the Principles of Business Writing PHẦN 9 doc

... issues of style and content left for discussion The two remaining things to are to proofread the text and to get the Boss to sign it off As for the proofreading, it is best to have a fresh pair of ... process 89 About the author Ilja van Roon is the owner of Lucid Communication, a business writing agency Ilja writes for senior executives and professionals at blue chip firms such as ING Group, Heineken ... in Corporate Communication from RSM Erasmus University, the Netherlands, and studied NLP with PPD Learning in London Lucid Communication

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20

12 260 0
learn the principles of business writing

learn the principles of business writing

... Ilja van Roon, Lucid Communication ( Proofread by Mark Biss, WordsRU ( Designed by Made of Man visual identity ( Lucid Communication Paulinastraat ... Paulinastraat 78 2595 GK The Hague The Netherlands Table of contents Acknowledgements Introduction Overview of the principles of business writing 11 The first principle: focus 13 ... strategic business communication c apture deliver e xcel acknowledgements Introduction Consider the vast amount of text that your organisation produces Picture the sea of memos and the stack of reports...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 16:19

92 202 0
Mary ellen guffey essentials of business communication

Mary ellen guffey essentials of business communication

... N T I A L S O F BUSINESS COMMUNICATION EDITION MARY ELLEN GUFFEY Professor of Business Emerita Los Angeles Pierce College • CAROLYN M SEEFER, Contributing Editor Professor of Business, Diablo ... Essentials of Business Communication explores how technology has changed the world of work Discussions of these technologies are integrated into relevant chapters and become part of end -of- chapter ... Carolyn M Seefer), and Essentials of Business Communication, the leading text/workbook in its market Essentials of Business Communication recently received an award of excellence from the Text and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2016, 10:21

560 1,1K 1
The Principles of Business Management

The Principles of Business Management

... Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 20 of 15 GLENCOE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & The Importance of Small Businesses Connections Section 1.1 The Importance of Business Management • A small business is ... to the Small Business Administration, a small business has fewer than 100 employees • Owners of small businesses often perform all management tasks • More that 98 percent of the businesses in ... small businesses Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 21 of 15 GLENCOE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & The Importance of Small Business Connections Section 1.1 The Importance of Business...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2016, 00:23

23 146 0
Principles of business law

Principles of business law

... Association of Business Executives ABE Diploma in Business Administration Study Manual PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LAW Contents Study Unit Title Syllabus Page i Nature and Sources of Law Nature of Law ... the principles and concepts of the system of justice within the business community Acquire an understanding of the principles and practical implications of the law of business Acquire an understanding ... administrative courts It is often said that it is from the principle of the rule of law that all forms of British liberty – personal liberty, liberty of speech and of the press, liberty of meeting and discussion...

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2017, 15:13

453 1,5K 0
principles of business taxition

principles of business taxition

... is t he exist ence of a pr of it 10 Pr inciples of Business Taxat ion ‘Finance Act 2006’ B1.4 Land transactions The Revenue of t en look closely at t he pur chase and sale of land and buildings, ... esult s; Profit & Loss Account; Tur nover Cost of sales Gr oss Pr of it Rent al income I nt er est r eceivable Gr oss pr of it Of f ice expenses Pr emises expenses Depr eciat ion Profit before ... ment t o pr of it s calculat ion Answer Allow Disallow a) Loss on sale of comput er (Capit al) X b) Amor t isat ion of goodwill (Type of depr eciat ion) X c) Employee t hef t of cash (Business r...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2017, 17:10

636 170 0


... decoding sphere of radius Let is the number of sequences of Hamming weight that lie within a decoding sphere of radius associated with a particular codeword of weight Then Consider sequences of weight ... probability of an error in a specific set of positions that results in a specific set of erroneous symbols is For an undetected error to occur at the output of a bounded-distance decoder, the number of ... Preface The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and derivation of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum communication systems Although spread-spectrum communication is...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 06:20

457 421 0