chapter 7 7 4 recap of conventions

advanced perl programming - o'reilly 1999

advanced perl programming - o'reilly 1999

... References and Closures Chapter 5: Eval Chapter 6: Modules Chapter 7: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 8: Object Orientation: The Next Few Steps Chapter 9: Tie Chapter 10: Persistence Chapter 11: Implementing ... Persistence Chapter 12: Networking with Sockets Chapter 13: Networking: Implementing RPC Chapter 14: User Interfaces with Tk Chapter 15: GUI Example: Tetris Chapter 16: GUI Example: Man Page Viewer Chapter ... This book presents detailed explanations of the first four topics (in Chapters Chapter 10, Persistence through Chapter 17) Instead of just presenting the API of publicly available modules, the book...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:25

549 689 0
o'reilly - advanced perl programming

o'reilly - advanced perl programming

... References and Closures Chapter 5: Eval Chapter 6: Modules Chapter 7: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 8: Object Orientation: The Next Few Steps Chapter 9: Tie Chapter 10: Persistence Chapter 11: Implementing ... Persistence Chapter 12: Networking with Sockets Chapter 13: Networking: Implementing RPC Chapter 14: User Interfaces with Tk Chapter 15: GUI Example: Tetris Chapter 16: GUI Example: Man Page Viewer Chapter ... This book presents detailed explanations of the first four topics (in Chapters Chapter 10, Persistence through Chapter 17) Instead of just presenting the API of publicly available modules, the book...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:39

549 1,2K 0
Tài liệu E-business 2.0: Roadmap for Success - Chapter 10 doc

Tài liệu E-business 2.0: Roadmap for Success - Chapter 10 doc

... extending responsibilities of purchasing professionals also necessary Application of spending analysis and planning across the spectrum of procurement activities a core competency of a successful procurement ... Purchase of goods and services the single largest cost item – For $1 earned on sale of product, $0.50-$0.60 spent on goods and services – Inefficient procurement practices wasting billions of dollars ... back office systems a significant issue © e-Business Strategies, Integration Sweet-spot Employees • Convenience • Ease of Use • Consistency Suppliers • Cost Reduction • Clean Orders Step 7: Educate,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

38 439 0
Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 10 :Judicious Use of Data Types doc

Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 10 :Judicious Use of Data Types doc

... u32 u 64 2 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 4 8 sparc ppc mips 4 ia 64 4 armv4l 4 4 alpha 4 ptr long- i686 long int i386 short sparc 64 4 4 8 kernel: arch Align: char short int long ptr long- long u8 u16 u32 u 64 kernel: ... u16 u32 u 64 shor int long ptr long- i386 1 2 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 sparc 64 sparc 8 ppc mips 4 m68k 8 ia 64 8 armv4l 8 alpha 4 2 It's interesting to note that the user space of Linux-sparc 64 runs 32-bit ... directory of the sample code, and an equivalent kdataalign module is part of misc-modules This is the output of the program on several platforms and the output of the module on the SPARC 64: arch...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17

23 360 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

... SelectionSort 32 Heap Sort 33 Build Heap (first stage) 5 5 34 Heap Sort (second stage) 5 45 56 78 5 45 56 78 56 78 56 78 32 45 56 78 23 32 45 56 78 Heap Sort Algorithm HeapSort () Sorts the contiguous ... called diminishing-increment sort 14 Shell Sort 15 Shell Sort 16 Example of Shell Sort 17 Example of Shell Sort 18 Choosing incremental values • From more of the comparisons, it is better when ... stage of heapsort loop (last > 0) swap(0, last) last = last - ReheapDown(0, last - 1) End HeapSort 36 Selection Sort Efficiency 37 Exchange Sort 38 Bubble Sort 39 Bubble Sort 40 Bubble Sort 23 41 ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

60 539 1
Chapter 10 Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases

Chapter 10 Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases

... Values in Tuples 1 .4 Spurious Tuples Functional Dependencies (FDs) 2.1 Definition of FD 2.2 Inference Rules for FDs 2.3 Equivalence of Sets of FDs 2 .4 Minimal Sets of FDs Chapter Outline(contd.) ... Rules for FDs (3)  Closure of a set F of FDs is the set F+ of all FDs that can be inferred from F  Closure of a set of attributes X with respect to F is the set X + of all attributes that are ... if G + subset -of F +)  F and G are equivalent if F covers G and G covers F  There is an algorithm for checking equivalence of sets of FDs 2 .4 Minimal Sets of FDs (1)  A set of FDs is minimal...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 11:55

48 467 0
CCNA 2 Chapter 10 potx

CCNA 2 Chapter 10 potx

... networks? DUAL Dijkstra Bellman-Ford Diffie-Hellman 16 What are some of the advantages of using a link-state routing protocol instead of a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.) The topology ... routers in the area have identical link state databases LSPs use the reserved multicast address of 2 24. 0.0.10 to reach neighbors routing loops are prevented by running the Diffusing Update Algorithm ... Which statement correctly describes the path traffic would take from the 24 network to the 24 network if a link-state routing protocol was in use? BOS -> ATL because this path...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 16:20

4 289 0


... dirty work for the railroad He was one of their top gun-fighters always up to his ears in the thick of any fightin' that was goin' on He never was leery of anything on two feet, I'll say that ... was a strange puzzle Perhaps Mercedes Higgins was right in her cruel statement of the terms of existence "What of it," Billy laughed harshly, as if in answer to her unuttered questions "It's ... coolness of poise that Billy so admired never deserted her in time of emergency She realized that she herself was no more than a mote caught up in this tangled, nonunderstandable conflict of many...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:21

14 372 0
A Prince of Sinners E. Phillips Oppenheim BOOK 2 CHAPTER 10 ppsx

A Prince of Sinners E. Phillips Oppenheim BOOK 2 CHAPTER 10 ppsx

... There were letters of abuse, of sympathy, of friendship, of remonstrance, of reproof There were offers of help, money, advice, suggestions, and advertisements There were small sums of money, and a ... residents of the immediate neighbourhood The list of streets is on the front door Please not present yourselves before any of the desks unless you lodge or live in one of them." There was a murmur of ... best opportunity of impressing upon the law-makers of the country their true responsibilities But of that there was no longer any hope Of the House of Lords he thought only with a cold shiver No,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 05:20

10 240 0
Book Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data By Wooldridge - Chapter 10 pdf

Book Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data By Wooldridge - Chapter 10 pdf

... estimated equation is logð^crapÞ ¼ :41 5 À :093 d88 À : 270 d89 þ : 548 union s ð: 243 Þ ð:109Þ ð:132Þ ð :41 1Þ À :215 grant À : 377 grantÀ1 ð: 148 Þ ð:205Þ The lagged value of grant has the larger impact and ... limiting distribution of your statistic under H0 ? 2 94 Chapter 10 10 .7 Use the two terms of data in GPA.RAW to estimate an unobserved e¤ects version of the model in Example 7. 8 You should drop ... ð10: 54 Xi Xi xit x it i¼1 i¼1 t¼1 The asymptotic standard errors of the fixed e¤ects estimates are obtained as the square roots of the diagonal elements of the matrix (10. 54) Expression (10. 54) ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20

51 351 0
The Man Who Laughs VICTOR HUGO PART 2 BOOK 1 CHAPTER 10 ppt

The Man Who Laughs VICTOR HUGO PART 2 BOOK 1 CHAPTER 10 ppt

... prevent him from dying of hunger Could the usurpation of the rich, the hateful elect of chance, go further? They put on the semblance of being generous to us, of protecting us, and of smiling on us, ... powerful, make use of the moment you stretch out your hand to place a penny in it, and at the crisis of your weakness make you a slave, and a slave of the worst kind, the slave of an act of charity a ... ring on her finger, the relief of a man of wit, the patronization of a clergyman She could give herself airs: say, "I lavish kindness; I fill the mouths of men of letters; I am his benefactress...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20

12 464 0
The Man Who Laughs VICTOR HUGO PART 2 BOOK 2 CHAPTER 10 pps

The Man Who Laughs VICTOR HUGO PART 2 BOOK 2 CHAPTER 10 pps

... physiognomy of man is modelled by conscience, and by the tenor of life, and is the result of a crowd of mysterious excavations There was never a suffering, not an anger, not a shame, not a despair, of ... pennyworth of forgetfulness From the height of his platform Gwynplaine passed those wretched people in review His spirit was enwrapt in the contemplation of every succeeding apparition of widespread ... disappearances He felt the vague oppression of a keen, universal suffering He saw the vision of the foaming wave of misery dashing over the crowd of humanity He was safe in port himself, as he...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20

9 259 0
The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources - Chapter 10 ppsx

The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources - Chapter 10 ppsx

... 576 4, 0 84 910 3, 045 959 3, 973 5 ,76 8 151, 677 233 160 101 77 2 385 70 ,606 213 4, 9 24 80 241 1,086 47 0 ,153 42 525 7, 577 5 87 3,628 218 35 1 94 19,336 75 5 18,0 27 90 119 1,2 37 20,5 54 83 280 529 45 4, 413 ... 2, 043 0 72 , 241 4 47 , 838 228 2, 249 6 ,70 3 501,586 93 17, 979 70 2 51,693 19 75 0 518 7, 773 70 3 172 99 31,369 64 19,890 2,616 58,9 64 1,3 47 50,9 07 4, 066 269 ,71 4 598 82, 975 920 3,118 71 150 1,390 10 30 ,79 9 ... 3 14, 0 84 0 67, 633 43 6 ,76 3 67 32,1 67 0 8 94 29,692 0 0 20 74 12 0 13 , 74 7 14 0 44 1 11,1 54 4,295 293,999 3 17 46 2 33 ,40 3 0 0 10 0 845 179 ,553 43 3 10 -49 Mississippi 17 603 6,808 72 ,256 45 2, 878 1,120 17 15,015...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

366 370 0
Một số giải pháp thúc đẩy xuất khẩu hàng may mặc sang thị trường Nhật Bản của công ty cổ phần May 10 (2).DOC

Một số giải pháp thúc đẩy xuất khẩu hàng may mặc sang thị trường Nhật Bản của công ty cổ phần May 10 (2).DOC

... Nhật Bản từ năm 20 04 – 20 07 Đơn vị: triệu USD Năm Tổng KNXK dệt may KNXK DM sang Nhật Tỉ trọng (%) 20 04 4 .42 9,8 531 11,98 2005 4 .77 2 ,4 603 12, 64 2006 5.8 34, 4 6 27 10 ,75 20 07 7.8 675 8,65 (Nguồn: ... Tỷ đồng Chỉ tiêu Năm 20 07 Tỷ lệ (%) Tổng nguồn vốn 2 17. 771 100 Vốn lưu động 141 .235 64, 85 Vốn cố định 76 .536 35,15 Vốn chủ sở hữu 73 .521 33 ,76 Nợ phải trả 144 .25 66, 24 Theo tính chất 2.Theo nguồn ... bậc cao 8 87 12,65 Lao động phổ thông 545 1 77 ,71 ( Nguồn: Phòng tổ chức hành công ty phần May 10) Phan Thị Cảnh - Lớp TMQT 46 Số lượng lao động phổ thông số lượng đông nhất, chiếm 77 ,71 % lực lượng...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2012, 14:53

93 1,3K 26
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 10

Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 10

... the output shaft backwards 344 Sclater Chapter 10 5/3/01 1: 07 PM Page 345 Fig A magnetic fluid is the coupler in this torque limiter The case is filled with a mixture of iron or nickel powder in ... help reduce the impact force 3 47 Sclater Chapter 10 5/3/01 1: 07 PM Page 348 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING TENSION AND SPEED The key to the successful operation of any continuous-processing ... design is that a slipping clutch can destroy itself if it goes undetected 343 Sclater Chapter 10 5/3/01 1: 07 PM Page 344 Fig A cylinder cut at an angle forms a torque limiter A spring clamps the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26

29 511 0
Giáo trình Xử lý ảnh-  Chapter 10 - Compression.

Giáo trình Xử lý ảnh- Chapter 10 - Compression.

... thực) dung lượng file ảnh tăng (đáng kể) – Ví dụ file ảnh kích thước ( 640 x 48 0), sử dụng 24 bit màu có kích thước: 640 x 48 0 x = 921600 Byte = 900KB Kích thước lớn tốn không gian lưu trữ thời ... ASCII A - 65; B - 66; C - 67; D - 68) • Từ điểm khởi tạo đến khoá 2 57, tiếp tục xây dựng trình mã hoá chuỗi vào sau: • Chuỗi mã hoá là: 65 - 66 - 67 - 259 - 258 - 67 - 262 - 68 Phương pháp LZW ... Khái niệm nén từ điển Jacob Lampel Abraham Ziv đưa lần vào năm 1 977 Sau phát triển thành họ giải thuật nén từ điển LZ Năm 19 84 Terry Welch cải tiến thuật giải LZ thành họ giải thuật hiệu đặt...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 14:36

25 1,1K 14