chapter 6 6 2 tcp ip over a serial line

Tài liệu Module 2: TCP/IP as a Solution for Networking pdf

Tài liệu Module 2: TCP/IP as a Solution for Networking pdf

... information or explanation on optimizing IP performance IP Stack IP Stack Delay and Latency IP MTU Data Data Data Data IP TCP Data Link Link Link IP TCP Data Link Header Trailer Trailer Header ... select an IP address automatically when DHCP is not available Note The APIPA address is selected from the IANA-reserved address block 169 .25 4.0.0/ 16 APIPA does not provide a default gateway IP address ... Negotiate SA Exchange Data Host A Authentication and Encryption Policy TCP/ IP Stack TCP/ IP Stack Host B Authentication and Encryption Policy SA Negotiations Internet Key Exchange SA SA TCP/ IP Stack...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

58 440 0
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 6 doc

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 6 doc

... CMainView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMainView) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } void CMainView::OnInitialUpdate() ... that must appear in any application that expects to use WinSock in a data-handling capacity The next chapter describes a class that handles datagram socket communications P2/V6/ Programming WinSock ... CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMainView) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainView, CFormView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainView)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 268 1
Chapter 6 Working with Data in a Connected Environment

Chapter 6 Working with Data in a Connected Environment

... DataReader Action SQL Maintain data DataSet Get data Command Object Maintain data Get data Connection Object DataAdapter Provider Database VB.Net 20 05 - Chapter 6 Main Difference:DataSet-DataReader ... Places demand on client memory and CPU System.Data Architecture Program DataReader DataSet DataProvider DataAdapter Database VB.Net 20 05 - Chapter Details: System.Data Architecture Program DataReader ... Commandn Commandn Which data? DataReadern DataReadern Result 23 VB.Net 20 05 - Chapter DataReader Class Datareader and MS Access Store the information obtained by the command In stateless stream...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 12:19

27 259 0
lập trình mạng chapter 6 java tcp

lập trình mạng chapter 6 java tcp

... which a thread has not been started  runnable A state in which a thread is executing  blocked A state in which a thread is waiting for a lock to access an object  waiting A state in which a thread ... }; //Tao Threads ta, tb,tc Thread ta = new Thread (a, "threadA"); ta.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); Thread tb = new Thread(b, "threadB"); tb.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); Thread tc = new Thread(c, ... thread: " + t); t.setName("MainThread"); System.out.println(“The current thread after name change:”+ t); … } Java Simplified / Session 22 / 22 of 45 Create Thread  Có thể cách:  Extend the java.lang.Thread...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2015, 03:08

80 388 0
TCP- IP from a Security Viewpoint

TCP- IP from a Security Viewpoint

... serial ports built in Serial cables make a good poor man's LAN, and serial cables have the same vulnerabilities that other LANs • Vulnerabilities A serial cable can be spliced and the data sent over ... exchanged route data and supports a hierarchical management of domains called Domain Confederations Case Study: Where Is the Data Coming From? 75 Until you actually take a look at a protocol analyzer, ... fractional T1) to many times faster than typical LANs (an OC 12 allows 62 0Mbps) Leased lines may also be routed like a layer network (as in the case of Frame Relay), but this routing is typically...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 13:20

27 488 0
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 1 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 1 ppt

... layer defines the datagram and handles the routing of datagrams The datagram is the packet of data manipulated by the IP protocol A datagram contains the source address, destination address, and ... Data Data Transport Header Internet Header Physical Header Data Transport Header Data Internet Header Transport Header Data Transport Header Internet Header Physical Header Data Transport Header ... discussing data communications Figure 2. 2 shows the layered architecture of TCP/ IP FIGURE 2. 2 TCP/ IP layered architecture Application Layer Transport Layer Internet Layer Physical Layer Application Layer...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 300 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 2 doc

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 2 doc

... FIGURE 2. 10 Network routing 166 .78.4.139 166 .78.4.10 Subnet 166 .78.4.0 166 .78.4 .2 166 .78.1.1 Gateway Subnet 166 .78.1.0 166 .78.1.5 Multiple Default Gateways It’s also possible to have multiple default ... datagram Each datagram, or packet of data, has a source and destination address Routing of data is done at the datagram level As a datagram is routed from one network to another, it may be necessary ... network arrangement When 166 .78.4.139 sends data to 166 .78.4.10, the IP layer takes the subnet mask, in this case 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0, and performs a logical AND operation on both the source and destination...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 360 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 3 docx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 3 docx

... PASCAL FAR gethostname(char FAR * name, int namelen); name is a far pointer to a character array that will accept the null-terminated host name, and namelen is the size of that character array The ... message map //{{AFX_MSG(CMyWindow) afx_msg void OnDoAsyncGetHostByAddr(); afx_msg LONG OnAsyncGetHostByAddr(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; Note that the variables ... OnDoAsyncGetServByName(); afx_msg LONG OnAsyncGetServByName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; Notice that the variables are now member variables of the class The implementation...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 342 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 4 ppsx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 4 ppsx

... unreliable packet transmission Data may not arrive in the order it was sent, it may be duplicated, or it may not arrive at all The datagram socket sees the data flow as a sequence of packets ... such as a terminal emulator, streams are more appropriate For something inherently record oriented, such as database record retrieval, datagrams may be more appropriate But there is a trade-off ... Ethernet card is assigned one IP address (say 166 .78. 16. 20 0) and the other Ethernet card has a p2v6snrp2 Prog WinSock #30594-1 Everly/aw 11.15.94 CH07 LP #4 Chapter s Socket Functions different IP address...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 244 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 5 pdf

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 5 pdf

... //{{AFX_MSG(CMainWindow) afx_msg void OnHost(); afx_msg LONG OnAsyncHost(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg void OnCancelHost(); afx_msg void OnService(); afx_msg LONG OnAsyncService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ... CMainView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMainView) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP p2/v6 Programming WinSock ... Using a CFormView means first using App Studio to create a dialog box resource A dialog box is created that has a static text label and a list box that’s used for status messages Generally speaking,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 273 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 7 pptx

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 7 pptx

... to data, data length, and destination address LPDATAGRAMDATA pDatagramData = (LPDATAGRAMDATA)m_listWrite.GetHead(); LPVOID pData = pDatagramData–>pData; int nLen = pDatagramData–>nLen; SOCKADDR_IN ... destination address LPDATAGRAMDATA pDatagramData = new DATAGRAMDATA; if (pDatagramData == NULL) { nStatus = CWINSOCK_WINDOWS_ERROR; break; } pDatagramData–>pData = pData; pDatagramData–>nLen = ... incoming data LPVOID pData = malloc(READ_BUF_LEN); LPDATAGRAMDATA pDatagramData = new DATAGRAMDATA; if ((pData == NULL) || (pDatagramData == NULL)) { // free anything that was allocated if (pData !=...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 286 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 8 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 8 ppt

... LPSTREAMDATA pStreamData = new STREAMDATA; if ((pData == NULL) || (pStreamData == NULL)) { // free anything that was allocated if (pData != NULL) free(pData); pData = NULL; if (pStreamData != ... OnInitialUpdate(); // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CMainView) afx_msg LONG OnStreamSrv(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LONG OnStream(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //}}AFX_MSG ... CMainView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMainView) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } void CMainView::OnInitialUpdate()...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 189 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 9 ppt

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 9 ppt

... virtual void OnInitialUpdate(); // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CServerView) afx_msg LONG OnStream(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LONG OnDatagram(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ... cannot handle partial blocks”); free(pDataRead); return; } // copy the data to a database command structure memcpy(&dbcmd, pDataRead, sizeof(dbcmd)); free(pDataRead); // display database command ... CMainView::OnDatagram(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPVOID pDataWritten; // pointer to data that is completely written LPVOID pDataRead; // pointer to data just read int nLen; // length char...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

33 251 1
Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 10 pps

Networking and Network Programming 2 TCP/IP phần 10 pps

... WSAEINTR (WSABASEERR+4) #define WSAEBADF (WSABASEERR+9) #define WSAEACCES (WSABASEERR+13) #define WSAEFAULT (WSABASEERR+14) #define WSAEINVAL (WSABASEERR +22 ) #define WSAEMFILE (WSABASEERR +24 ) ... PF_CHAOS PF_NS PF_IPX PF_ISO PF_OSI PF_ECMA PF_DATAKIT PF_CCITT PF_SNA PF_DECnet PF_DLI PF_LAT PF_HYLINK PF_APPLETALK #define PF_MAX AF_PUP AF_CHAOS AF_NS AF_IPX AF_ISO AF_OSI AF_ECMA AF_DATAKIT AF_CCITT ... request”); break; case CWINSOCK_DONE_READING: // lParam = # data chunks in queue pDataRead = pOrigDataRead = (LPCSTR)m_pStream–>Read(&nLen); if (pDataRead != NULL) { DisplayData(pDataRead, nLen);...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

31 163 1
tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2  tcp ip

tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2 tcp ip

... Status DoneTime 129 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58: 36 PM 130 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58:37 PM 131 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58:38 PM 1 32 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58:39 PM 133 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58:40 PM 134 Done 6/ 6 /20 08 2: 58:50 PM SVTH: ... strData tcpServer1.LocalIP Ch a đ a IP Server Lệnh Mô tả Trên Server tcpServer2.LocalPort = Khai báo đ a cổng Server kết 1001 nối với Server tcpServer2.Listen Server thực lắng nghe tcpServer2.Accept ... start frmServer1 + tcpServer1.RemoteHost= Đ a IP Server2 + tcpServer1.RemotePort= Cổng Server2 Trên Server 2: + chọn form start frmServer2 + ExecuteServer= IP Server1 IX Ví dụ Database MessageStore...

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 22:52

20 341 3
báo cáo tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2  tcp ip

báo cáo tiểu luận môn lập trình mạng mô phỏng quá trình làm việc của 2 tcp ip

... nhận kết nối tcpServer2.SendData Message Server thực hiện gửi liệu (lưu biến Message) lên mạng tcpServer2.GetData strData Server thực hiện nhận liệu lưu vào biến strData 12 THIẾT KẾ CHƯƠNG ... gửi liệu (lưu biến Message) lên mạng tcpServer1.GetData strData Server thực hiện nhận liệu lưu vào biến strData tcpServer1.LocalIP Ch a đ a IP cu a Server 11 GIẢI PHÁP (tt)  Giới thiệu ... dụng “chat” GIẢI PHÁP (tt)  L a chọn giao thức:   Chọn giao thức UDP hay TCP? Điểm khác hai giao thức nằm ở trạng thái (state) kết nối chúng: • TCP giao thức d a kết nối (connection-based)...

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 23:02

18 650 2
A Prince of Sinners E. Phillips Oppenheim BOOK 2 CHAPTER 6 ppsx

A Prince of Sinners E. Phillips Oppenheim BOOK 2 CHAPTER 6 ppsx

... bought an evening paper on his way to St James's Square, and leaning back in his brougham, glanced it carelessly through Just as he was throwing it aside a small paragraph at the bottom of the page ... amount of faith A miracle may happen at any moment." Sybil came in, dressed in a fascinating short skirt and a toque Her maid on the threshold was carrying a small green baize box "I am going to ... minutes after his arrival home he re-issued from the house in a bowler hat and a long, loose overcoat He took the Metropolitan and an omnibus to Stepney, and read the paragraph through again Soon...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 05:20

13 239 0
A Professional’s Guide to Data Communication in a TCP/IP World phần 6 potx

A Professional’s Guide to Data Communication in a TCP/IP World phần 6 potx

... bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data ... data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes 23 data bytes S i g n a l i n g B y t e s Frame 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Frame 24 Subchannels F = Framing D = Data link C = ... Various rate data lines Subrate multiplexer Full rate multiplexer Terminal ≤ 3000 feet Line repeater DSU/ CSU Subrate data lines Repeater Data payload ≤ 1 .28 8 Mbits/s 60 00 feet ESF controller Subrate...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:20

27 461 0