Chapter 2 - CSharp 3.0 Language Features
... nums.Add (3) ; nums.Add(20); List nums = new List { 5, 3, 20 Becomes }; Dictionary dict Dictionary dict= = new Dictionary new Dictionary(); dict.Add(“A”, ... List g initLocal1 = new List(); g initLocal1.Add(5); g initLocal1.Add (3) ; g initLocal1.Add(20); List nums = g initLocal1; Dictionary g initLocal2 = new Dictionary
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18
... right corner and-drop can be styled Spring loaded containers Reordering using drag- that open after hovering and-drop over a closed container for a second Sorting by clicking on a column header; custom ... features Plain or hierarchical rows Column features Multicolumn Multiselection based on Resizing using mouse selection ranges dragging Visual features Each cell can display an image preceding text ... Look of each element (row, cell, image, etc.) is defined in CSS Drag and drop, either on Column hiding using Appearance of the drop a row or in between pop-up menu in top- feedback during drag-...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
... up by a bug in gamma-corrected CSS color values and specified in both CSS1 and CSS2 3. 5 .3. 1 Images in other XUL elements Image display is not the sole province of the image element Using the list-style-image ... and in rows for easy association The flex is greater on the second column, allowing more space for the text input boxes As with all examples in this chapter, you can see Example 3- 12 in action ... id="holdtheFlyInput" cols= "3" rows="2" /> The initial value of an input widget is blank if no value is specified Setting the readonly attribute to true or false can control editing access 3. 5.1.1 Autocomplete...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P4
... id="content" type="content-primary" src="ch3.html"/> The behind-the-scenes implementation for browser gives you access to certain interfaces that can be used in your scripts These interfaces include: ... two ways to access specific content in a script: through the index of the frame within the containing document or by using the id attribute By index, starting at 0: var content = window.frames[ ... oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_cut');"/> The command updater is the mechanism...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P5
... a user clicks a button or in other places in the interface Example 3- 18 Deck layer switching var deck = document.getElementById("fly-deck"); var selected = deck.getAttribute("selectedIndex"); ... (!selected) selected = 0; if (selected < 2) { selected = parseInt(selected) + 1; deck.setAttribute("selectedIndex", selected); } else { selected = 0; deck.setAttribute("selectedIndex", selected); ... how your UI looks 3. 9 .3. 1 Visibility You can control the visibility of a box by showing and hiding it in different circumstances toggling the appearance of an advanced panel in a dialog, for...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P6
... capabilities in Mozilla by trying a simple XLink Again, the correct namespace is required: Then you define your link as follows: c. xml The element here is link, the type is simple, and the locator is href 3. 13 Building the Application Shell Now that the main XUL widgets and some crucial concepts...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 3. XUL Elements and Features- P1 ppt
... cycle to cater for some special needs of dialog windows, including their position relative to other windows (particularly the main application window) and the existence of buttons for accepting ... play an especially important role in managing and modularizing the code in your XUL application, so the section Section 3. 11, later in this chapter, is dedicated to them The remaining root elements ... shown in Figure 3- 1, selecting one of the topics in the left panel changes the page that is loaded into the frame Although the changeover requires quite a bit of scripting in practice, at a basic...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Dual P2Y12 receptor signaling in thrombin-stimulated platelets – involvement of phosphoinositide 3-kinase b but not c isoform in Ca2+ mobilization and procoagulant activity pdf
... spiking in free calcium concentration in single, human platelets Regulation by 38 4 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 modulation of the inositol trisphosphate receptors Eur J Biochem 269, 15 43 1552 ... store-regulated Ca2+ entry in the presence of CaCl2 P2Y12 stimulation increases InsP3 receptor function via PKA By linking to Gi, P2Y12 inhibits adenylyl cyclase and causes inactivation of cAMP-dependent ... Knowing that PKA-induced phosphorylation of platelet InsP3 receptors inhibits their Ca2+ channel function [26], we determined how P2Y12 signaling affects InsP3induced mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20
Entomology 3rd edition - C.Gillott - Chapter 3 pps
... CHAPTER FIGURE 3. 1 Articulations (A) Intrinsic (leg joint); and (B) extrinsic (articulation of mandible with cranium) [From R E Snodgrass, Principles of Insect Morphology Copyright 1 935 by McGraw-Hill, ... of internal, tubercular invaginations of the integument (apophyses) Secondary discontinuations of the exocuticular component of the cuticle may occur, for example, the ecdysial line along which ... primitive chewing condition Typical Chewing Mouthparts In a typical chewing insect the labrum (Figure 3. 3A) is a broadly flattened plate hinged to the clypeus Its ventral (inner) surface is usually...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 21:21
C# 2005 Programmer’s Reference - chapter 3 ppsx
... following code and its output: BookBinding binding = BookBinding.Hardcover; BookBinding doubleBinding = BookBinding.Hardcover | BookBinding.Paperback; Console.WriteLine(“Binding: {0}”, binding); Console.WriteLine(“Double ... floating-point Invariant 12 .3 % 1 234 5 D Integer Invariant 1 234 5 1 234 5 D8 Integer Invariant 0001 234 5 1 234 5 X Integer Invariant 30 39 1 234 5 X8 Integer Invariant 000 030 39 1 234 5.6789 000000.00 Integer, ... Strings (continued) Input Format String Types Allowed Culture Output 1 234 5.6789 C3 Integer, floating-point En-GB £12 ,34 5.679 0.1 234 5 P Integer, floating-point Invariant 12 .35 % 0.1 234 5 P1 Integer,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:23
U 10-C 1,2,3
... APPLES b RICE c MEAT d WATER e FRUIT f WEEK: 23 PERIOD: 64 Wednesday, January 27th 2 010 C1 -C3 Listen and repeat Then practice with a partner: * New words: - carrots(n) C rốt - tomatoes(n) C chua ... lettuce(n) Rau xà lách - potatoes(n) Khoai tây Hạt đỗ - beans(n) Đậu hạt tròn - peas(n) - cabbages(n) Bắp c i C hành - onions(n) - lemonade=lemon juice(n) Nư c chanh - Iced tea(n) Trà đá - Iced coffee(n) ... coffee(n) C phê đá - Apple juice(n) Nư c táo ép - soda(n) Nư c sô đa lemonade lettuce carrots tomatoes soda Iced tea Practice with a partner: What are these? They are beans What are those? They are carrots...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2015, 10:00
Tài liệu Chapter 3 - QUEUE
... and front must be updated (receive -1 value) In any successful case, count must be updated 30 31 32 33 34 Queue Applications Polynomial Arithmetic Categorizing Data Evaluate a Prefix ... destroying their basic sequence Samples: • Ticket selling: several lines of people waiting to purchase tickets and each window sell tickets of a particular flight • Delivery center: packages ... Received data: X Queue remains unchanged a) Successful operation: function returns success QueueRear (Queue remains unchanged) b) Unsuccessful operation: function returns underflow Queue ADT (cont.)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 12:05
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 3
... the inclined top of the slot This causes a wedging action that tilts the drop wire against the terminal strip at C and D, reinforcing the circuit-closing action Fig Bobbin changer When a bobbin ... rotary conveyor inverts electrical capacitors that are to be sealed at both ends by engaging radial pins which have holding clips attached 70 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10: 20 AM Page 71 The wedging action ... relative positions 72 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10: 20 AM Page 73 TRAVERSING MECHANISMS FOR WINDING MACHINES The seven mechanisms shown are parts of different yarn- and coil-winding machines Their fundamentals,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 3
... c nhiều nhu c u l c - C c nhu c u kích thích đến m c độ đủ mạnh để người tìm c ch thỏa mãn nhu c u * Nhận th c: - Quá trình c nhân chọn l c, tổ ch c diễn dòch thông tin nhận để tạo nhìn riêng ... đến c nhu c u kh c * Điều kiện kinh tế: - nh hưởng nhiều đến c ch th c hưởng thụ hành vi mua hàng * Phong c ch sống: - Là c ch th c tồn thông qua hành vi mua, sở thích quan điểm - Là s c, c ch ... thông tin để cung c p cho - Hướng dẫn khách hàng tiêu chuẩn chọn sản phẩm - Tổ ch c cửa hàng chuyên doanh -L c lượng bán hàng chuyên nghiệp 13 QUÁ TRÌNH RA QUYẾT ĐỊNH MUA • Ý TH C NHU C U TÌM...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 08:58
Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 2) - Chapter 3
... 80 C : 31 0Ω 100 C : 180Ω 86 CR-2 CR-7 CR-9 CR-29 CR -30 CR -35 CR-47 CR-79 Solenoid valve CN-68 CN-122 CN-140 CN-181 CN-220 CN-69 CN-1 23 CN-149 CN-206 CN- 236 CN-70 CN-128 CN-1 53 CN-214 CN- 237 CN-88 ... CN- 135 CN-154 CN-216 Air cleaner pressure switch (N.O TYPE) CN-75 CN- 133 CN- 238 CN- 239 CN-240 CN-241 CN-242 CN-246 Fuel sender - Relay (air blower) ※ Check resistance 12 10 12 24V 20A CS- 23 CS-52 ... Symbol Specifications Check 24V 200A Glow plug ※ Check resistance 0.25~0.12Ω - ※ Check resistance 50 C : 804Ω 80 C : 31 0Ω 100 C : 180Ω CN-80 C Temperature sensor (hydraulic) CD-8 CD-1 Pa Air cleaner...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:16
Máy xúc lất HuynDai HL760 - Chapter 3
... setting · Brightness setting 75793CD 33 75793CD33A 75793CD33B 75793CD3 3C Manual (1st~8th step) 75793CD33D 75793CD33E Auto (day / night) ※ If "Automatic" is chosen, brightness for day and night can ... 75793CD33F 75793CD33H 75793CD33G A type 75793CD33I B type ③ Unit setting 75793CD34 75793CD34A · Temperature : C ↔ ˚F · Distance : km ↔ mile · Pressure : bar ↔ Mpa ↔ kgf/m2 ↔ psi 7-42 75793CD34B ... sensor need to be checked (3) Monitoring ① Fault code 75793CD 23 75793CD23A 75793CD23B · Monitor the fault code of the Machine / ECU /TCU / SCU ※ Not define will be indicated in case of that there's...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:17
Nghiên cứu sự ảnh hưởng của một số tham số lượng tử đến tính axit của dãy Benzoic thế - Chương 3-10
... thẳng Suy phương trình hồi quy (2) phù hợp phản ánh tương đối tốt mối quan hệ c u tr c – tính axit dãy axit benzoic c nhóm vị trí meta ... Dãy meta pKa(LT) 4.5 3. 5 pKa(TN) 2.5 2.5 3. 5 4.5 Hình 5: Biểu đồ biểu diễn tuyến tính phương trình (2) Trong hình 4, điểm với thành...
Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2012, 15:04
Giáo trình Xử lý ảnh -Giáo trình bằng tiếng anh-Chapter 3
... R x C Hàm trù mật x c suất x c định: pI k ( g ) = hI k ( g ) A k 30 Hàm trù mật x c suất ảnh • pband(g) phần pixel (với band) ảnh c giá trị g • pband(g) x c suất để xẩy vi c chọn pixel c c ờng ... không giảm 33 Xử lý điểm ảnh: C n Histogram Yêu c u: Ánh xạ lại ảnh I cho histogram xấp xỉ Gọi PI(ɣ) hàm phân bố x c suất I Khi đó, J c histogram nếu: J(r ,c) = 255 PI[I(r ,c) ] Khi thao t c, hàm ... (γ ) 32 Hàm phân bố x c suất ảnh • Pband(g) phần pixel (theo band) ảnh c c ờng độ sáng không lớn g • Pband(g) x c suất để pixel chọn ảnh band c c ờng độ sáng không lớn g • Pband(g) tổng tích...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 14:35