chapter 18 18 40 java awt menu jdk 1 0

Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 18:mod_perl Data-Sharing Techniques

Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 18:mod_perl Data-Sharing Techniques

... Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 200 4 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved 5 51 ,ch18.2 50 21 Page 552 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :44 PM To accomodate this, Apache maintains ... Title of the Book, eMatter Edition Copyright © 200 4 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc All rights reserved 553 ,ch18.2 50 21 Page 554 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :44 PM References • mod_include, an Apache ... ,ch18.2 50 21 Page 5 51 Thursday, November 18 , 200 4 12 :44 PM $RA_CACHE = get_data( ) unless $RA_CACHE; my $second = $RA_CACHE->[SECOND];...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 09:15

5 372 0
Dive Into Python-Chapter 18. Performance Tuning

Dive Into Python-Chapter 18. Performance Tuning

... timeit.Timer("soundex.soundex('Pilgrim')", "import soundex") >>> t.timeit() 8. 216 83733547 >>> t.repeat(3, 200 000 0) [16 .48 319 30 9 10 9, 16 .4 612 8984923, 16 .44 203 948 912 ] The timeit module defines one class, Timer, which takes ... C:\samples\soundex\stage1>python Woo W 000 13 . 506 9 504 644 Pilgrim P426 18 . 219 93 9 405 7 Flingjingwaller F452 28.9975225 902 Example 18 . 3 Best Result So Far: soundex/stage1/ import string, re ... "0" return digits3[:4] These are the results for C:\samples\soundex\stage2>python Woo W 000 12 . 607 07687 71 Pilgrim P426 14 . 403 335 34 01 Flingjingwaller F452 19 .777488 200 3...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

46 444 0
Gián án Chapter 18 Electrochemistry

Gián án Chapter 18 Electrochemistry

... ClO3 -1 + Cl -1 → Cl2 (in acid) +5 -2 -1 reduction ox: red: tot oxidation Cl -1 → Cl2 + e -1 } x5 ClO3 -1 + 10 e -1 + 12 H+ → Cl2 + H2O} x1 10 Cl -1 + ClO3 -1 + 12 H+ → Cl2 + H2O ClO3 -1 + Cl -1 + H +1 → ... Burdge, 2nd e., McGraw Hill 10 Common Oxidizing Agents Oxidizing Agent Product when Reduced -2 O2 O H2O2 H2O -1 F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 -1 -1 -1 -1 F , Cl , Br , I -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ClO3 (BrO3 , IO3 ) Cl , ... + e−2→ He − log K = ( − 0. 34 V ) = 11 .5 0. 0592 2+ V + tot: Cu(s) + 2H (aq) → Cu (aq) + H2(g) E° = 0. 34 v K = 10 11 .5 = 3.2 10 12 Answer: since Κ < 1, the position of equilibrium lies far...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 01:12

93 198 1
Tài liệu Marketing Manager Course - Chapter 18 doc

Tài liệu Marketing Manager Course - Chapter 18 doc

... process (chapter 5) Decision making (chapter 6) Human resource management (chapter 10 ) Communication (chapter 15 ) Control (chapter 16 ) Operations management (chapter 17 ) McGraw-Hill © 200 4 The ... Chapter 18 Managing Information Systems McGraw-Hill © 200 4 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be ... McGraw-Hill © 200 4 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved Information Related to MIS Management information systems provide access to important information used in many other chapters:...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 15:15

28 447 0
Tài liệu Javascript bible_ Chapter 18 doc

Tài liệu Javascript bible_ Chapter 18 doc

... HREF="javascript:go('the Nile River')" COORDS= "1, 155,6 ,16 2 ,0 ,17 5,3,2 01 , 61, 232 , 10 9,227 ,16 7,238,274,239,292,2 20, 307 ,2 20, 319 ,2 30, 319 , 217 ,298, 213 ,282, 217 ,267,233 ,19 8,228 ,15 4,227 , 10 7,2 21 , 71, 225, 21, 199 ,19 ,16 5 ,0 ,14 9" ... Listing 18 - 1) to your tag Listing 18 - 1: Scripting image.complete function loadIt(theImage,form) { form.result.value = "" document.images [0] .src ... ALIGN=RIGHT>Image: Select...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 15:15

14 478 1
Tài liệu Chapter-18-Connecting to the Internet pptx

Tài liệu Chapter-18-Connecting to the Internet pptx

... this might be your only choice,v v4 . 10 ( 200 3 /04 /02 03 :09 :55) April 200 3, 17 :00 :47 The Complete FreeBSD ( /tools/tmac.Mn), page 317 317 Chapter 18 : Connecting to the Internet Establishing ... would change your telephone number,v v4 . 10 ( 200 3 /04 /02 03 :09 :55) April 200 3, 17 :00 :47 The Complete FreeBSD ( /tools/tmac.Mn), page 319 319 Chapter 18 : Connecting to the Internet Choosing an ... the number of hops, the better,v v4 . 10 ( 200 3 /04 /02 03 :09 :55) April 200 3, 17 :00 :47 The Complete FreeBSD ( /tools/tmac.Mn), page 3 21 3 21 Chapter 18 : Connecting to the Internet How many dialup...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 00:15

9 376 0
Tài liệu Thị trường tài chính và các định chế tài chính_ Chapter 18 pdf

Tài liệu Thị trường tài chính và các định chế tài chính_ Chapter 18 pdf

... in 19 33 as a response to bank runs  About 5 , 10 0 banks failed during the Great Depression  Deposit insurance has increased from $2, 500 in 19 33 to $ 10 0, 000 today  Insured deposits make up 80 ... pricing of Fed services Deregulation Act of 19 80 (cont’d)   DIDMCA also called for an increase in the maximum deposit insurance level from $ 40, 00 0 to $ 10 0, 000 per depositor Impact of DIDMCA  There ... from 23 cents to 31 cents per $ 10 0 of deposit In 200 3, three BIF-insured banks failed with total assets of $1. 1 billion As of 200 4, the BIF balance was about $34 billion In 19 91, the Federal Deposit...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 23:15

45 429 0
Tài liệu Physics exercises_solution: Chapter 18 doc

Tài liệu Physics exercises_solution: Chapter 18 doc

... 2(6. 21  10  21 J)     1. 24  10 19 N 2L v s L (0 . 10 0 m) L pave  Fave L2  1. 24  10 17 Pa    P Pave  1. 01 3  10 5 Pa 1. 24  10 17 Pa  8 .15  10 21 molecules pV NA RT   1. 00 atm 1. 00 ... of 11 .0 L 18 . 54: m  nM   MpV RT (28 .0  10 3 kg mol)(2 .02 6  10 8 Pa)( 300 0  10 6 m ) (8. 314 5 J mol  K)(295 .15 K)  6.94  10 16 kg pVM RT (1. 05  10 Pa )( (1. 00 m)π (0. 0 60 m) )(44 . 10  10 3 ... From Eq (18 . 19 ), m 3kT 3 (1. 3 81  10 23 J K)( 300 K)   1. 24  10 14 kg (0. 0 01 m s) v s2 b) mN A M  (1. 24  10 14 kg)(6 .02 3  10 23 molecules mol) (18 . 0  10 3 kg mol)  4 .16  10 11 molecules...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 03:16

29 366 0
Tài liệu Independent Component Analysis - Chapter 18: Methods using Time Structure ppt

Tài liệu Independent Component Analysis - Chapter 18: Methods using Time Structure ppt

... lag Thus, x x SEPARATION BY NONSTATIONARITY OF VARIANCES 347 1 −2 −3 −4 10 00 200 0 300 0 400 0 500 0 600 0 700 0 800 0 900 0 10 00 0 Fig 18 . 1 A signal with nonstationary variance ICs of this kind could ... 349 14 12 10 0 10 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 00 Fig 18 . 2 The energy (i.e., squares) of the initial part of the signal in Fig 18 . 1 This is clearly time-correlated The algorithm in (18 . 27) ... J3 can be evaluated as @ J3 @W = X Q WC z (18 . 18 ) 2S with Q = diag(WCz WT ) X Q WC (18 . 19 ) Thus we obtain the gradient descent algorithm W/ z (18 . 20) 2S W Here, should be orthogonalized after...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 11:20

14 367 0


... Sid was sitting by the woodbox, and Mary next to him." "Well, so we did So we always I'm glad -18 0 - your dreams could take even that much trouble about us." "And I dreamt that Joe Harper's mother ... made Sid go and and " "Well? Well? What did I make him do, Tom? What did I make him do?" -18 1 - "You made him you Oh, you made him shut it." "Well, for the land's sake! I never heard the ... And she seized the boy in a crushing embrace that made him feel like the guiltiest of villains -18 3 - "It was very kind, even though it was only a dream," Sid soliloquized just audibly "Shut...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 20:20

15 244 0