Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15
... simultaneously 12. 42 Figure 12. 23 Simple idea of communication with code 12. 43 Figure 12. 24 Chip sequences 12. 44 Figure 12. 25 Data representation in CDMA 12. 45 Figure 12. 26 Sharing channel in CDMA 12. 46 ... 0.1 35 (13 .5 percent) This means that the throughput is 1000 × 0.1 35 = 1 35 frames Only 1 35 frames out of 1000 will probably survive 12. 12 Example 12. 3 (continued) b If the system creates 50 0 frames ... 0.1 95 (19 .5 percent) This means that the throughput is 250 × 0.1 95 = 49 Only 49 frames out of 250 will probably survive 12. 18 Figure 12. 8 Space/time model of the collision in CSMA 12. 19 Figure 12. 9...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 20:20
Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control docx
... ch1- 1123 f.indd 31 11/28/ 05 12: 24: 35 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/2 253 60-6 /Chapter 32 Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control FIGURE 1-3 Effects of public and private access ... two's complement notation ch1- 1123 f.indd 49 11/28/ 05 12: 25: 01 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/2 253 60-6 /Chapter 50 Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control FIGURE 1-6 The Sign ... than one nonpublic class ch1- 1123 f.indd 11 11/28/ 05 12: 24:20 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/2 253 60-6 /Chapter 12 Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control n Files with no public...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 02:20
Chapter 12 fully controlled three phase bridge converters
... (12. 5- 2)– (12. 5- 4) into (12. 2-11)– (12. 2-13) yields ˆ vas = da vdc (12. 5- 5) ˆ vbs = db vdc (12. 5- 6) ˆ vcs = dc vdc (12. 5- 7) Although it has been assumed that the duty cycles are sinusoidal, (12. 5- 5)– (12. 5- 7) ... low-frequency harmonics Transforming (12. 5- 11)– (12. 5- 13) to the converter reference frame yields ˆc vqs = dvdc ˆc vds = (12. 5- 14) (12. 5- 15) Equation (12. 5- 14) and Equation (12. 5- 15) serve as both steady-state ... ⎟ ⎝ 3⎠ (12. 5- 10) it follows from (12. 5- 5)– (12. 5- 7) that 480 FULLY CONTROLLED THREE-PHASE BRIDGE CONVERTERS ˆ vas = dvdc cos θ c (12. 5- 11) ˆ vbs = 2π ⎞ ⎛ dvdc cos ⎜ θ c − ⎟ ⎝ 3⎠ (12. 5 -12) ˆ vcs...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:53
Handbook of Econometrics Vols1-5 _ Chapter 12 ppsx
... normal integral numbers distributed distributed variables variables 742 744 747 749 750 751 753 755 756 757 760 Ch 12: Computational Problems 701 Introduction The very substantial growth in econometric ... becomes logL=constant -51 0glsl++ 1og[ 15, 1]2, (3 .5) i=l where is the Jacobian matrix corresponding to the i th observation with typical element Jik, = &+/ilyi, For a modification of (3 .5) to perform robust ... singular value decomposition leads to v-v/3= x+Y (2 .5) Ch 12: Computationul Problems 101 Substitution of b = Xf Y in the transformed normal equations (2 .5) shows that they remain satisfied and that...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 22:20
Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 12 pptx
... errors with a weighting term on the control: D= nh ∑ [sˆp (t + h j ) − sR (t + h j )] + λ u2 (t ) [12. 47] j =1 Based on equations [12. 41], [12. 43] and [12. 45] , the criterion thus chosen minimizes ... Control, vol 55 -4, p 877-900, 1992 [NIC 93] DE NICOLAO G., SCATOLLINI R., “Stability and Output Terminal Constraints in Predictive Control , Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control, p 1 05 -121 , Oxford ... coefficient on the control This parameter is related to the gain of the system, through the empirical relation: λopt = tr(G TG ) (G matrix described in 12. 2.1) [12. 15] 382 Analysis and Control of Linear...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23
... 3/8 6/16 4/8 4/8 8/14 14/28 (1/4″) (1/8″) 14/28 (1/16″) (1/8″) 4/8 8 /12 30 30 30 30 30 28 45 45 50 52 52 54 52 54 30 45 45 45 45 Activated carbon Silica gel Activated alumina Molecular sieves a ... 0. 25 0.34 0.34 0.37 0.37 310 446 6 45 460 720 450 230 720 300 380 480 970 200 400 970 650 400 347 56 5 200–1000 200–1000 200–1000 200–1000 200–1000 200–1000 250 – 450 250 – 450 300– 450 350 –600 350 –600 ... Breakthrough Data Time in Min y/yo bτ 17 21 23 .5 26.2 30 33 35. 5 38 .5 42 0.02 0.04 0. 150 0.3 05 0 .51 0 0.770 0.8 95 0.9 65 0.980 15. 87 19.60 21.93 24. 45 28.00 30.80 33.13 35. 63 39.20 The breakthrough model can...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22
... corrosion resistant alloys, or even in the form of cast ceramics Figure 12. 4 shows media offered by Rauschert and Figure 12. 5 shows media designed and supplied by Lantec Products, two of the leading ... upsetting its performance © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Figure 12. 4 Rauschert packed tower hiflow media (Rauschert Industries, Inc.) Figure 12. 5 Lantec packed tower media (Lantec Products, Inc.) Media ... Figure 12. 8 or by distribution weirs as shown in Figure 12. 9 Care is taken with spray type distributors to make certain that the spray patterns overlap, but don’t © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Figure 12. 7...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 12 pot
... solution of 5. 25% (or 52 ,50 0 ppm) sodium hypochlorite Note that a 10% or 1:10 dilution of bleach will result in a 0 .52 5% or 52 50-ppm solution of chlorine The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... 12. 15. 3 Nonionic Detergents 12. 16 Irradiation or Ultraviolet Light 12. 17 Desiccants 12. 18 Low Temperatures 12. 19 Equipment Decontamination or Disposal References and Resources This chapter ... cooling 12. 2.1.4 Autoclaving (121 °C) Autoclaving is another name for pressure cooking A temperature of 121 °C for 15 minutes at a pressure of 15 lb/in.2 sterilizes The effective temperature (121 °C)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
Environmental Pollution Control Microbiology - Chapter 12 pdf
... System, Jour Wat Poll Cont Fed., 55 , 65 Bovallius, A., Bucht, B., Roffey, R and Anas, P (1978) Long Range Air Transmission of Bacteria, Appl Environ Microbiol., 35, 123 1 Cannon, R E (1983) Aerosol ... Basins, Jour Wat Poll Cont Fed., 55 , 1070 Cox, C S (1987) The Agrobiological Pathway of Microorganisms, John Wiley & Sons, NYC Cox, C S and Wather, C M (Editors) (19 95) Bioaerosols Handbook, CRC ... AIR M^T + | I \ CLEAN AIR / CHARGED PLATES Figure 12- 1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF AN ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR precipitators use high voltage, about 50 ,000 volts, across a series of flat metal plates...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21
Handbook Of Pollution Control And Waste Minimization - Chapter 12 doc
... 68, pp 3670–3678, 1996 11 J Wang, Electroanalysis, vol 3, pp 255 – 259 , 1991 12 J Wang and Q Chen, Anal Chim Acta, vol 312, pp 39– 45, 19 95 13 J Wang, L Chen, A Mulchandani, P Mulchandani, and W Chen, ... Electroanalysis, vol 8, pp 124 127 , 1996 15 J Wang, Q Chen, and G Cerpia, Talanta, vol 43, pp 1387–1391, 1996 16 J Wang, R K Bhada, J Lu, and D MacDonald, Anal Chim Acta, vol 361, pp 85 91, 1998 17 J Wang ... B Tian, and K Olsen, Anal Chem., vol 69, pp 2640–26 45, 1997 J Wang, J Wang, J Tian, B., D MacDonald, and K Olsen, Analyst, vol 124 , pp 349– 352 , 1999 J Herdan, R Feeney, S Kounaves, A Flannery,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:22
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 12
... simple controls The clamps illustrated here can be tightened or released with screws, levers, toggles, wedges, and combinations of them 414 Sclater Chapter 12 5/ 3/01 1: 25 PM Page 4 15 4 15 Sclater Chapter ... the technician can control the load to within ±10 lb ( 45 N) An estimated input torque of only 40 to 50 lb·in (4 .5 to 5. 6 N·m) is needed to apply the maximum allowable load of 2 ,55 0 lb (11.34 kN) ... quick-release mechanisms for remotely controlled manipulators This quick-release mechanism is shown locking a vehicle and plate 410 Sclater Chapter 12 5/ 3/01 1: 25 PM Page 411 RING SPRINGS CLAMP PLATFORM...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Tổ chức công tác kế toán tập hợp chi phí sản xuất và tính giá thành sản phẩm ở Xí nghiệp Sông Đà 12-5
... cho ch cụng trỡnh v ghi: N TK 111 55 .000.000 Cú TK 112 55 .000.000 k toỏn xut tin cho ch cụng trỡnh thỡ k toỏn lp phiu chi v ghi: N TK 141 55 .000.000 Cú TK 111 55 .000.000 Sau nhn c tin tm ng, ch ... Ban hnh theo Q s 186 ngy 14 thỏng nm 19 95 ca B ti chớnh CễNG TY SễNG 12 X NGHIP SễNG 12. 5 PHIU CHI Ngy 25 thỏng nm 2003 N TK 141: 55 .000.000 Cú TK 1111: 55 .000.000 H tờn: Lờ Minh Hi B phn cụng ... Thnh tin 3=1x2 17.271.216 73.341.071 24.214.2 05 5 .50 9. 456 Cng tin hng: 120 .3 35. 000 Thu sut GTGT: 5% Tin thu GTGT: 6.018.000 Tng cng tin toỏn: 126 . 353 .000 S tin vit bng ch: mt trm hai mi sỏu triu,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2012, 17:18
Thực trạng và giải pháp hoàn thiện kế toán chi phí sản xuất và tính giá thành sản phẩm ở xí nghiệp Sông Đà 12/5
... thực tế KLXL dở dang cuối = 654 .487 .52 1 1 .57 5.264.0 95 + 1. 112. 353 . 657 + 1 25 . 953 .6 85 x 1 25 . 953 .6 85 = 130. 812. 268 Thực trạng kế toán tính giá thành Xí nghiệp Sông Đà 12 5: 3.1 Đối tợng tính giá thành: ... đầu kỳ : 654 .487 .52 1 đ + CP thực tế KLXL thực kỳ : 1. 112. 353 . 657 đ + Giá trị dự toán KLXL hoàn thành bàn giao kỳ : 1 .57 5.264.0 95 đ + Giá trị dự toán KLXL dở dang cuối kỳ : 1 25 . 953 .6 85 đ Kế toán ... Nợ TK 141: 55 .694.000 Có TK 1121 : 55 .694.000 Sau với Biên giao nhận vật t hàng hoá, Hoá đơn GTGT, kế toán tổng hợp chứng từ: Nợ TK 621: 51 .54 0.000 Có TK 141: 51 .54 0.000 Nợ TK 1331: 5. 154 .000 Có...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2013, 13:22
Định hướng phát triển xí nghiệp Sông Đà 12.5 trong những năm tới
... 1.308. 658 2. 312. 847 5. 528.317 6.901.917 5. 996.0 35 6.642.468 5. 748.260 I Tài sản cố định : 5. 528.317 5. 440. 055 4. 958 . 859 6.176 .51 0 5. 063.8 95 1.461.862 1.037.176 4 65. 958 684.3 65 35. 0 95. 074 55 .369.232 ... 119.396 26.839. 755 316.180 252 .296 252 .296 31. 959 .53 9 122 .063 122 .063 35. 0 95. 0 75 55. 369.232 57 .913.0 15 119.396 56 .934.304 ( Nguồn số liệu: Báo cáo tài Xí nghiệp sông Đà 12. 5 năm 20 05, 2006, 2007, ... 4. 953 .727 916.349 6. 652 .193 848.488 4.226.670 1.867.342 14 .56 5 .53 4 614.717 12. 060 .54 7 193 .52 0 817.402 1.416.9 65 1. 357 . 152 13.834 25. 999.406 1.099.927 3.299.207 3.299.207 1 .58 8.7 15 12. 800 29. 055 .108...
Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2013, 09:49
Tom tat TG 12 - 5
... tình tham gia cách mạng kháng chiến, trở thành bút tiêu biểu nên văn học Từ năm 1948 đến năm 1 958 , ông giữ chức Tổng thư kí Hội Văn nghệ Việt Nam Ông năm 1987 Hà Nội - Nguyễn Tuân để lại nghiệp...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2013, 01:28