chapter 1 drugs and drug targets an overview

smuggling drugs into the brain an overview of ligands targeting transcytosis for drug delivery across the blood brain barrier

smuggling drugs into the brain an overview of ligands targeting transcytosis for drug delivery across the blood brain barrier

... a significant decrease in beta-secretase 1( BACE1) mRNA (60%) and protein (62%) levels in wild-type mice [11 3] Pharmaceutics 2 014 , 5 71 4 .11 Tetanus Toxin, Tet1 and G23 Retrograde transport from ... Neurosci 2005, 6, 9 31? ??944 Pharmaceutics 2 014 , 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 575 Hori, S.; Ohtsuki, S.; Hosoya, K.; Nakashima, E.; Terasaki, T A pericyte-derived angiopoietin -1 multimeric complex ... specific ligands and whose mechanism of internalization can be exploited for achieving targeted delivery and passage of a variety of nanodevices across the BBB Blood–Brain Barrier—Morphology and Function

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:38

27 2 0
marketing manager course - chapter 1 Management and Its Evolution

marketing manager course - chapter 1 Management and Its Evolution

... 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Chapter Management and Its Evolution Management and Its Evolution McGraw-Hill © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. ... adapt to changing conditions. Successful organizations know how to manage people and resources efficiently to accomplish organizational goals and to keep those goals in tune with changes in ... reading this chapter, you should be able to: After reading this chapter, you should be able to: z Understand the roles played by individuals, teams, and managers in carrying out company activities.

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 04:45

34 410 0
Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control docx

Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control docx

... have a variable named size ch1 -11 23f.indd 11 /28/05 12 :24 :16 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225360-6 /Chapter JavaBeans Standards (Exam Objectives 1. 3 and 1. 4)   (although some IDEs ... any access control and can also be marked final ch1 -11 23f.indd 71 11/ 28/05 12 :25:29 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225360-6 /Chapter 72  Chapter 1:   Declarations and Access Control ... the method ch1 -11 23f.indd 11 /28/05 12 :24 :17 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225360-6 /Chapter 10   Chapter 1:   Declarations and Access Control Examples of valid JavaBean method signatures

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 02:20

80 553 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Science, institutional archives and open access: an overview and a pilot survey on the Italian cancer research institutions" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: " Science, institutional archives and open access: an overview and a pilot survey on the Italian cancer research institutions" ppt

... Clinical Cancer Research 2 010 , 29 :16 8 /1/ 168 RESEARCH Open Access Science, institutional archives and open access: an overview and a pilot survey on the Italian cancer ... archives and open access: an overview and a pilot survey on the Italian cancer research institutions Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2 010 29 :16 8 Submit your next manuscript ... been translated into many languages and have become an international standard for indexing biomedical literature The Italian MeSH translation, carried on by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità,

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

14 297 0
Chapter 1   concepts and behavior of gas

Chapter 1 concepts and behavior of gas

... CHEMISTRY Dr Ngo Thanh An Introduction • The principal goal of physical chemistry is to understand the properties and behaviour of material systems and to apply this understanding in useful ways ... by Torricelli Gas pressure conversion factors • 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr • 1 atm = 10 1. 325 kPa = 1. 013 25 bar • 1 bar = 1 x 10 5 Pa (exactly) 22 Some state variables Definition: ... moles of gas present in the mixture P1 and P2 are the partial pressures of gas 1 and gas 2, respectively • PT = P1 + P2 = nT (RT/V) • PT = P1 + P2 + P3 = ΣPi 32 Ideal gas law •

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2016, 17:47

54 625 1
chapter 1 intro and plate boundaries

chapter 1 intro and plate boundaries

... Introducing Geology and an Overview of Important Concepts Physical Geology, Chapter Tim Horner CSUS Geology Department ( 916 ) 278-5635 Office hours: M, Tu, Th 11 :00 - 12 :00 or by appointment ... damage buildings and break utility lines; large undersea quakes may generate tsunamis • V olcanoes – Ash flows and mudflows can overwhelm populated areas • Landslides, floods, and wave erosion ... understanding of the seafloor and explanation of driving force – Describes lithosphere as being broken into plates that are in motion – Explains origin and distribution of volcanoes, fault zones and

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2016, 23:13

15 159 0


... E E E 1. 76 1. 73 2 .18 13 87.56 13 2.5 11 5.7 765 064 420 280 19 256 13 600 25 498 33 33 40 29 60 55 11 6 Class Class Class 3 3 6 11 12 0 1 2 2 2 5 5 11 11 11 11 15 12 12 10 22 13 12 32 55 15 49 39 ... 6.26 1. 66 1. 67 1. 75 484 613 689 894 834 0 31 111 0 850 522 654 4 91 553 709 846 025 12 4 16 9 10 0 918 289 565 715 694 869 14 16 15 14 15 17 15 14 13 28 20 19 45 64 23 61 54 84 38 78 88 16 41 16 A ... elegans Drosophila melanogaster Arabidopsis thaliana B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A A A 0.58 0.75 0. 81 1.05 1. 11 1 .14 1. 23 1. 44 1. 55 1. 64 1. 64 1. 66 1. 83 1. 86 2.27 3.28 3.57 4. 21 4.41

Ngày tải lên: 29/12/2017, 15:51

33 156 0
Chapter 1: financial and accounting

Chapter 1: financial and accounting

... it back and forth, and finally announced, "It lies between 3.98 and 4.02" • The mathematician said, "In two hours I can demonstrate it equals with the following short proof.“ • The logician paused ... Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) 11 How much is + ? • The engineer pulled out his slide rule and shuffled ... principles (GAAP) made by Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) – U.S companies • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) made by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) –

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2018, 10:06

14 122 0
Deep learning and neural networks an overview

Deep learning and neural networks an overview

... 7 8 8 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 DL in FNNs and RNNs for Reinforcement Learning (RL) 6 .1 RL Through NN World Models ... (Stratonovich, 19 60; Baum and Petrie, 19 66) and Expectation Maximization (EM) (Dempster et al., 19 77; Friedman et al., 20 01) , e.g., (Bottou, 19 91; Bengio, 19 91; Bourlard and Morgan, 19 94; Baldi and Chauvin, ... 19 94; Baldi and Chauvin, 19 96; Jordan and Sejnowski, 20 01; Bishop, 2006; Hastie et al., 2009; Poon and Domingos, 2 011 ; Dahl et al., 2 012 ; Hinton et al., 2 012 a; Wu and Shao, 2 014 ) 4.2 Unsupervised

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2019, 00:28

88 91 0
Deep learning and neural networks an overview

Deep learning and neural networks an overview

... 7 8 8 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 DL in FNNs and RNNs for Reinforcement Learning (RL) 6 .1 RL Through NN World Models ... (Stratonovich, 19 60; Baum and Petrie, 19 66) and Expectation Maximization (EM) (Dempster et al., 19 77; Friedman et al., 20 01) , e.g., (Bottou, 19 91; Bengio, 19 91; Bourlard and Morgan, 19 94; Baldi and Chauvin, ... 19 94; Baldi and Chauvin, 19 96; Jordan and Sejnowski, 20 01; Bishop, 2006; Hastie et al., 2009; Poon and Domingos, 2 011 ; Dahl et al., 2 012 ; Hinton et al., 2 012 a; Wu and Shao, 2 014 ) 4.2 Unsupervised

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2019, 15:11

88 74 0
MAE101 CAL v1 chapter 1 function and graph

MAE101 CAL v1 chapter 1 function and graph

... ĐẠI HỌC FPT CẦN THƠ Chapter Function and Graphs Dr Tran Quoc Duy Email: Dr Tran Quoc Duy Mathematics for Engineering ĐẠI HỌC FPT CẦN THƠ Chapter 1: Function and Graphs (Page 5-94, ... function f is shown a Find the values of f (1) and f(5) b What is the domain and range of f ? f (1) = f(5) = - 0.7 D = [0, 7] Range(f) = [-2, 4] Dr Tran Quoc Duy Mathematics for Engineering ĐẠI ... CONTENTS 1. 1 Review of Functions 1. 2 Basic Classes of Functions 1. 3 Trigonometric Functions 1. 4 Inverse Functions 1. 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Fucntions Dr Tran Quoc Duy Mathematics for Engineering

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 22:23

47 236 1
Palaeozoic formations from Dobrogea and Pre-Dobrogea – an overview

Palaeozoic formations from Dobrogea and Pre-Dobrogea – an overview

... Vol.A 21, SEGHEDI 2 012 , pp 669–7 21 Copyright ©TÜBİTAK doi :10 .3906/yer -11 01- 20 First published online 11 December 2 011 Palaeozoic Formations from Dobrogea and Pre-Dobrogea – An Overview ANTONETA ... Silurian, conodonts and chitinozoans for the Lochkovian, tentaculites and trilobites for the Pragian–early Givetian and spiriferids, conodonts and foraminifera for the Givetian–Visean The Namurian–Westphalian ... Avalonian-Cadomian-Pan-African-Baikalian-Timanian deformation, terrane amalgamation and magmatism East Moesia (EM), Boclugea, Danubian, and other correlatives in the Balkans (DB) represent East Avalonian Peri-Gondwanan terranes

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 18:18

53 38 0
Lecture Intermediate accounting (IFRS/e) - Chapter 1: Environment and theoretical structure of financial accounting

Lecture Intermediate accounting (IFRS/e) - Chapter 1: Environment and theoretical structure of financial accounting

... your decision and take any indicated action Slide 20 The Conceptual Framework IASB conceptual framework provides structure and direction to financial accounting and reporting IASB and FASB are ... Accounting Carter Company has sales on account totaling $10 0,000 per year for three years Carter collected $50,000 in the first year and $12 5,000 in the second and third years The company prepaid $60,000 ... Company information Slide 17 Financial Reporting Reform in U.S As a result of numerous financial scandals, the U.S Congress passed the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 13:29

31 47 0
Lecture Exploring management - Chapter 1: Managers and the management process

Lecture Exploring management - Chapter 1: Managers and the management process

... coach – Customers and non-managerial workers are at the top 1. 2 What Managers Do • • • • • • Managerial work is intense and demanding Managers plan, organize, lead and control Managers enact informational, ... others achieve performance and satisfaction Managers must meet multiple and changing expectations THE MEANING OF MANAGEMENT Types and Levels of Management THE MEANING OF MANAGEMENT Accountability ... Exploring Management Chapter? ?1 Managers? ?and? ?the  Management Process Chapter • • • What does it mean to be a manager? What managers and what skills they use? What are some important career issues

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 03:21

24 20 0
Lecture Operations and supply chain management: The Core (3/e) – Chapter 1: Operations and supply chain management

Lecture Operations and supply chain management: The Core (3/e) – Chapter 1: Operations and supply chain management

... Inventory turnover  Asset turnover  1? ?10 Careers in Operations and Supply Chain Management 1? ?11 Historical Development of Operations and Supply Chain Management Manufacturing strategy developed J ... Operations and Supply Chain Management Chapter 01 McGraw­Hill/Irwin         Copyright © 2 013  by The McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Learning Objectives Understand operations and supply ... pioneered by the J apanese 19 80’s Mid 19 80’s Service quality and productivity Late 19 70’s Total Quality Management Early Six-Sigma (TQM) and Quality 19 90’s Certification programs Mid 19 90’s Quality

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 03:32

12 33 0
Lecture Data structures and other objects using C++ - Chapter 1: Preconditions and postconditions - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

Lecture Data structures and other objects using C++ - Chapter 1: Preconditions and postconditions - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

... (1) An? ?important topic:  An? ?important topic:  preconditions preconditions? ?and? ?? ?and? ? postconditions postconditions They are a method of  ... function accomplishes function accomplishes Preconditions? ?and? ?Postconditions Data Structures Data Structures and? ?Other Objects and? ?Other Objects Using C++ (2)Frequently a programmer must communicate  ... precisely whatwhat  a function accomplishes, a function accomplishes,  without any indication of  without any indication of howhow the function  the function  does its work does its work Can you think of a situation Can you think of a situation

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 19:26

10 7 0
1 1 reading 38   portfolio managment an overview pdf

1 1 reading 38 portfolio managment an overview pdf

... Management • Portfolio Management – An Overview  Portfolio Risk and Return – Part I • Portfolio Risk and Return – Part II • Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction • Risk Management – An ... Portfolio Management LOS • • • • • • Portfolio Management – An Overview Portfolio Risk and Return – Part I Portfolio Risk and Return – Part II Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction Risk Management ... balancing and monitoring • Performance measurement and reporting LOS LOS Describe the steps in the portfolio management process Planning • Understanding the client’s needs • Preparation of an

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2021, 12:51

24 21 0


... e.g. Dollar (19 92), Sachs and Warner (19 95), Edwards (19 98) and Frankel and Romer (19 99). These, however, received, and by and large deserved, pretty severe criti- cism from Rodriguez and Rodrik (20 01) , ... see, for example, Hay (20 01) and Ferriera and Rossi (20 01) on Brazil, Jonsson and Subramanian (19 99) on South Africa and Lee (19 96) on Korea. Kim (2000), on the other hand, also on Korea, suggests ... goods and services and on an assumed elasticity. Then one needs to measure and aggregate quantitative restrictions and make allowances for the effectiveness and predictability of enforcement and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

18 410 0
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts pot

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts pot

... long- and short-term plans (Planning) Formulating long- and short-term plans (Planning) Measuring performance (Controlling) Measuring performance (Controlling) Implementing plans (Directing and ... define and give examples of variable costs and fixed costs LO5 LO5 Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting Learning Objective To distinguish between product costs and period costs and ... Costs Direct Material Direct Material Direct Labor Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead Manufacturing Overhead Prime Cost Conversion Cost Manufacturing costs are often classified as follows: Chapter 1 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

70 944 1