chapter 1 1 6 control structures

Tài liệu động cơ FORD 6.4L P1- Chapter 1

Tài liệu động cơ FORD 6.4L P1- Chapter 1

... coolant before being sent into the front cover, just above the main coolant inlet from the radiotor 26 17 Coo ling S ystem COOLANT IN (from block) Cooling System Flow: Back of Front Cover • Coolant ... coolers, EGR valve, degas bottle, and the vehicle heater core • A dual thermostat sytem is used to control the flow of return coolant to the radiator If the thermostats are open, coolant flows to ... feed to degas bottle Coolant feed to EGR valve r# Hot exhaust in from right up-pipe EGR Cooler #1 Partially cooled exhaust gases Coolant Pump Cooled coolant to pump from bottom radiator port Hot...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2012, 08:08

5 692 13
Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structures of the human SUMO-2 protein at 1.6 A and 1.2 A resolution ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structures of the human SUMO-2 protein at 1.6 A and 1.2 A resolution ppt

... 0.292 14 5 20 1. 2 (1. 24 1. 20) 14 1402 (11 874) 217 81 ( 210 9) 10 0.0 (99.8) 39 .6 (2 .6) 4 .6 (55.9) CNS 1. 1 7 868 (63 3) 0 . 16 9 (0. 266 ) 0 .19 0 (0.273) 0. 017 1. 8 27 1. 3 97 .1 2.9 17 .7/ 312 22.8/322 34.3 /67 SHELX-97 ... C-terminus, add more waters 13 –98 (SMT3) 16 –88 (SUMO-2) 16 –88 12 –89 12 –89 16 –87 17 –87 17 –87 17 –88 Water Resolution 38 67 67 10 2 10 2 12 7 3.0 2.0 1. 6 1. 6 1. 5 1. 5 1. 2 1. 2 1. 2 ˚ A ˚ A ˚ A ˚ A ˚ A ˚ ... RAXIS-IV+ + 10 0 1. 0 0. 61 4 18 6 50 1. 6 (1. 66 1. 60 ) 42023 ( 212 0) 8 015 (69 0) 98.5 (85 .1) 45.5 (5.3) 3.9 (24 .6) R3 (hexagonal indexing) a ¼ b ¼ 74. 96, c ¼ 33.23 NSRRC BL17B2 1. 0 717 RAXIS-IV+ + 83.4 1. 5 0.292...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

9 442 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis for substrate recognition and drug ˚ resistance from 1.1 to 1.6 A resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease mutants with substrate analogs pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis for substrate recognition and drug ˚ resistance from 1.1 to 1.6 A resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease mutants with substrate analogs pptx

... CA-p2 P 212 12 p2-NC P 212 12 p2-NC P 212 12 p2-NC P 212 12 p6pol-PR P 212 12 p6pol-PR P 212 12 p1-p6 P 212 12 p1-p6 P 212 12 57.89 85. 96 46 .19 50 1. 54 34 544 6. 5 (37 .1) 13 .4 (5.8) 10 1. 54 0 .12 0 .19 19 4 58.00 ... 85.78 46. 53 50 1. 40 44 2 91 10 .1 (45 .6) 8.9 (2 .1) 10 1. 40 0 .15 0 .19 18 8 58.02 85.89 46. 61 50 1. 10 95 318 10 .2 (37.7) 10 .4 (2 .1) 10 1. 10 0 .13 0 .17 2 06 57.80 85.59 46. 46 50 1. 30 55 009 7.9 (33.0) 14 .4 ... 86. 07 46. 54 50 1. 38 47 418 10 .4 (28 .6) 14 .1 (13 .8) 10 1. 38 0 . 16 0. 21 190 58. 46 85.85 46. 39 50 1. 32 55 317 8.4 (57.7) 10 .4 (2.9) 10 1. 32 0 .13 0 .18 297 99 .6 (10 0) 95 .6 (66 .6) 94.8 (68 .4) 96. 0 (72.4)...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20

13 302 0
Reliability of structures chapter 1

Reliability of structures chapter 1

... Reliability Index, β PF = F (-b) (- 1. 28 10 -2 2.33 10 -3 3.09 10 -4 Probability of failure, PF b 10 -1 b = - F -1( PF) PF 3. 71 10-5 4. 26 10 -6 4.75 10 -7 5 .19 10 -8 5 .62 10 -9 5.99 Typical values of β Structural ... predetermined lifetime => How to measure risk? 50 hours = hours /1 week * 12 weeks Evening of Thursday, from PM to PM From 13 /9/2 012 to 6 /12 /2 012 Exercises: 30% of the final result Presentation: 20% of ... Non-linear Limit State Function n β= a + ∑ μX i =1 n ∑ (a σ i =1 where ∂g = ∂X i i Xi i )2 calculated at (X1*, …, Xn*) But how to determine (X1*, …, Xn*)? It is called the design point Monte...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 20:44

27 289 0
Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control docx

Chapter 1: Declarations and Access Control docx

... 27 -1 short 16 - 215 215 -1 int 32 -2 31 2 31- 1 long 64 - 263 263 -1 float 32 n/a n/a double ch1 -11 23f.indd 50 Bits 64 n/a n/a 11 /28/05 12 :25:03 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225 360 -6 /Chapter ... itself is visible) ch1 -11 23f.indd 26 11 /28/05 12 :24:29 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225 360 -6 /Chapter Access Modifiers (Exam Objectives 1. 3 and 1. 4)  FIGURE 1- 2 ch1 -11 23f.indd 27 27 ... than one nonpublic class ch1 -11 23f.indd 11 11 /28/05 12 :24:20 AM CertPrs8/Java Cert StudyGuide/Sierra-Bates/225 360 -6 /Chapter 12   Chapter 1:   Declarations and Access Control n Files with no public...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 02:20

80 553 0
Control Engineering - A guide for beginners - Chapter 1 ppt

Control Engineering - A guide for beginners - Chapter 1 ppt

... and control 1. 4 The control action 11 1. 5 Construction of controllers 12 1. 6 Analog and digital controllers 18 1. 6 .1 Signal types 18 1. 6. 2 Fundamental ... 10 4 6. 4 Switched auxiliary process variable correction 10 7 6. 5 Coarse/fine control 10 7 6. 6 Cascade control 10 8 6. 7 Ratio control 11 0 6. 8 Multi-component control ... 11 1 Inhalt Special controller functions 11 3 7 .1 Control station / manual mode 11 3 7.2 Ramp function 11 4 7.3 Limiting the manipulating variable 11 4 7.4...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:20

30 304 0
Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 1 pptx

Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 1 pptx

... Figures 1. 17 and 1. 18 26 Analysis and Control of Linear Systems ω 8T 4T 2T T T T T δG ≈ db ≈ db – db – db – db ≈ db ≈ db δφ 7° 14 ° 26. 5° 45° 26. 5° 14 ° 7° Figure 1. 17 Black diagram Figure 1. 18 Nyquist ... function , inserted p 1 into the loop represented in Figure 1. 11 x(t) + – u(t) p 1 y(t) Figure 1. 11 Unstable system inserted into a loop The looped system is stable and p +1 hence we can begin ... Functions and Spectral Models 13 1. 4.5 .1 Cascading (or serialization) of systems Let us consider the association of Figure 1. 8 x1 LTI1 y1 LTI2 y2 LTI3 y3 Figure 1. 8 Serial association Hence y...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

42 332 0
Advanced Control Engineering - Chapter 1 pptx

Advanced Control Engineering - Chapter 1 pptx

... problems 14 5 14 5 14 7 14 7 DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN 7 .1 Microprocessor control 7.2 Shannon's sampling theorem 19 8 19 8 200 11 4 11 7 11 8 11 8 11 9 12 2 12 3 12 5 13 2 13 3 14 1 15 0 15 1 15 2 15 3 16 1 16 1 16 2 17 2 ... //SYS 21/ //SYS 21/ D/B&H3B2/ACE/REVISES(08-08- 01) /ACEA 01. 3D ± 11 ± [1 14 /14 ] 11 .8.20 01 12:37PM List of Tables 3 .1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 .1 4.2 4.3 5 .1 5.2 6 .1 6. 2 6. 3 6. 4 6. 5 7 .1 7.2 7.3 7.4 9 .1 9.2 10 .1 10.2 10 .3 10 .4 10 .5 10 .6 10 .7 Common ... 1 3 5 6 10 10 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 21 25 25 26 27 27 31 //SYS 21/ //SYS 21/ D/B&H3B2/ACE/REVISES(08-08- 01) /ACEA 01. 3D ± ± [1 14 /14 ] 11 .8.20 01 12:37PM vi Contents TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS 3 .1 Introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

24 285 0


... and Phillip O Hutton LA 413 9/ch 01/ frame Page Wednesday, April 11 , 20 01 11. 25 SECTION I Biological Control Agents LA 413 9/ch 01/ frame Page Wednesday, April 11 , 20 01 11. 25 CHAPTER Parasitoids and ... fm/frame Page Wednesday, April 11 , 20 01 11. 11 Dedication To our parents and our family for their love and support LA 413 9/ fm/frame Page Wednesday, April 11 , 20 01 11. 11 Preface Pest and disease management ... Can Entomol 11 6: 11 09 11 21 Hokkanen, H M T and D Pimentel 19 89 New associations in biological control: theory and practice Can Entomol 12 1: 829–840 Hopper, K R 19 96 Making biological control introductions...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

45 653 0


... vinegar bottle 250 200 odor remaining in air 15 0 10 0 odor of contaminated 50 water 0 10 11 12 Minutes after adding clean water 13 14 15 Figure 1. 10 Equilibrium (Lantec Products, Inc.) it turns ... LLC Hot Cooling Tower To Atmosphere Hot gas inlet 18 00-2000°F 12 5 -13 0°F 10 5 -11 0°F Water Venturi Quencher Condenser Absorber Droplet Eliminator 17 0 -18 0°F Exhaust Fan Heat Exchanger Condensate out ... pollution control equipment selection guide / Kenneth Schifftner p cm Includes index ISBN 1- 58 7 16 - 069 -2 (alk paper) Air Purification Equipment and supplies I Title TD889 S35 2002 62 8.5′3 dc 21 2002 017 493...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

30 439 0
Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 1 docx

Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 1 docx

... neoformans 1. 7 .14 Cunninghamella (Zygomycete) 1. 7 .15 Curvularia 1. 7 . 16 Epicoccum 1. 7 .17 Eurotium 1. 7 .18 Fonsecea compacta 1. 7 .19 Fusarium 1. 7.20 Helminthosporium 1. 7. 21 Histoplasma (Ascomycete) 1. 7.22 ... (Ascomycete) 1. 7.5 Aureobasidium 1. 7 .6 Bipolaris 1. 7.7 Botrytis 1. 7.8 Cephalosporium 1. 7.9 Chaetomium (Ascomycete) 1. 7 .10 Chrysosporium 1. 7 .11 Cladosporium 1. 7 .12 Coccidioides 1. 7 .13 Cryptococcus ... 1. 2.9 Anaerobic Gram-Negative Cocci 1. 2 .10 Rickettsias and Chlamydias 1. 2 .11 Mycoplasmas 1. 2 .12 Gram-Positive Cocci 1. 2 .13 Mycobacteria 1. 2 .14 Nocardioforms 1. 2 .15 Gliding, Sheathed, and Budding...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

49 443 0
asterisk gateway interface 1 4 and 1 6 programming sample chapter 4 a primer to agi asterisk gateway interface

asterisk gateway interface 1 4 and 1 6 programming sample chapter 4 a primer to agi asterisk gateway interface

... Asterisk 1. 2.X and 1. 4.X Passing arguments to a FastAGI server from either Asterisk 1. 2.X or Asterisk 1. 4.X is performed by using an HTTP GET type request: exten => _X. ,1, AGI(agi:/ /19 2 . 16 8.2 .1: 1048/TestAGI?exten=${EXTEN}) ... Asterisk 1. 6. X Passing arguments to a FastAGI server from Asterisk 1. 6. X is simpler and highly resembles the methodology used for a regular AGI script: exten => _X. ,1, AGI(agi:/ /19 2 . 16 8.2 .1: 1048/TestAGI|${EXTEN}|{VAR2}) ... versions 1. 0.X and 1. 2.X of Asterisk, version 1. 4.X generates a warning upon the execution of a DeadAGI on a channel that has just been established, even if not answered Asterisk 1. 6. X is supposed...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2015, 08:33

22 494 0
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 1

Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 1

... be controlled through a VB graphical interface 39 Sclater Chapter 40 5/3/ 01 10:09 AM Page 40 Sclater Chapter 5/3/ 01 10:09 AM Page 41 41 Sclater Chapter 42 5/3/ 01 10:09 AM Page 42 Sclater Chapter ... has a nominal payload capacity of 6. 6 to 8.8 lb (3 to kg) and a 24.4-in (62 0 mm) reach Its payload can be increased to 11 lb with a shorter reach of 23 .6 in (60 0 mm) This modular electric servo-driven ... axes are driven by servo-controlled electric motors The digital computer and remote -control pendant are located in the computer control console 34 Sclater Chapter 5/3/ 01 10:09 AM Page 35 sequence...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

17 510 0
 Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 1

Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 1

... người tiêu dùng xã hội 10 VAI TRÒ CỦA MARKETING • Giúp nhà quản trò khắc phục khác biệt sản xuất tiêu thụ: Không gian Thời gian Thông tin Giá trò Sở hữu Số lượng Chủng loại 11 QUÁ TRÌNH QUẢN TRỊ ... phối chiêu thò ý tưởng, sản phẩm hay dòch vụ nhằm tạo trao đổi làm thỏa mãn cá nhân tổ chức (AMA, 19 96) VẤN ĐỀ CỐT LÕI CỦA MARKETING TRAO ĐỔI ĐỂ THỎA MÃN Trao đổi gì? Là hành vi thu nhận thứ mong ... tích thò trường Lựa chọn thò trường trọng tâm Xây dựng tổ hợp tiếp thò Quản lý hoạt động marketing 12 ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 08:58

12 583 1
Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 2) - Chapter 1

Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 2) - Chapter 1

... LOCATION LOCATION 19 20 21 B A C 18 17 16 15 Travel pilot lamp 14 13 12 11 10 22 ON push 23 24 Electric box CALL MUTE MODE SEEK VOL 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CN - 16 & 16 A CN - 16 B 32 14 W94EL 01 10 11 Service meter ... connector LOCATION 1 28 31 1 30 SOLENOID VALVE CAB BOOM COUNTERWEIGHT 29 10 12 13 14 15 16 a3 ON OF F a2 a1 26 27 BRAKE VALVE 32 25 Ai 23 22 24 Patt Pd6 d1 h1 11 18 21 17 Pn2 c 19 Pn1 20 SHUTTLE BLOCK ... Accel dial Breaker operation switch Horn switch Creep switch Remote controller Air conditioner switch 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ram lock switch Hazard switch Select switch Main light switch...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:16

3 412 1
Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 8) - Chapter 1

Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 8) - Chapter 1

... pressure fluids 13 031GE18 If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result 13 031GE19 1- 6 AVOID HEATING ... moving parts 13 031GE 16 STAY CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS Entanglements in moving parts can cause serious injury To prevent accidents, use care when working around rotating parts 13 031GE17 AVOID HIGH ... volt-meter or hydrometer Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode Warm battery to 16 ˚C (60 ˚F) 13 031GE 21 PREVENT ACID BURNS Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous It is strong enough...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:17

9 424 1
Đề thi quản trị chiến lược - Chapter 1

Đề thi quản trị chiến lược - Chapter 1

... Qun Tr Chin Lc (QTCL) 1. 1) Khỏi nim & Vai trũ ca QTCL 1. 1 .1) Khỏi nim QTCL 1. 1.2) Vai trũ ca QTCL 1. 2) Mt s thut ng c bn QTCL 1. 2 .1) Nh chin lc 1. 2.2) Chin lc & Chớnh sỏch 1. 2.3) Tm nhỡn CL, Nhim ... CL 1. 2.4) C hi & Thỏch thc t bờn ngoi 1. 2.5) im mnh & im yu bờn 1. 2 .6) n v kinh doanh chin lc (SBU) 1. 3) Cỏc giai on v mụ hỡnh QTCL 1. 3 .1) giai on QTCL: Hoch nh , Thc thi, Kim tra & ỏnh giỏ 1. 3.2) ... ỏnh giỏ 1. 3.2) Mụ hỡnh QTCL tng quỏt 1. 4) V trớ, i tng, ni dung & phng phỏp nghiờn cu BM Qun tr chin lc i hc Thng Mi Chng 1. 1) Khỏi nim & Vai trũ QTCL 1. 1 .1) Khỏi nim QTCL Qun tr chin lc c nh...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 12:27

28 1K 12