Chapter 3: IT project manager
... Project Schedule (summary) Project Budget (summary) Quality issues/standards/requirements Resources Assumptions & Risks Project Administration Acceptance & Approval References Terminology (acronyms ... introduced in this chapter and describe how this framework links the project s measurable organizational value (MOV) to the project s scope, schedule and budget PLC Phases Business Case Project Charter ... Serves as an agreement or contract between the project sponsor and team Documents the project s MOV Defines the project infrastructure Summarizes the details of the project plan Defines roles...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 13:15
... Oh yes, and I have some experience of using Macs too I: Great, that is often useful, as our designers all work on Macs, and may need you to some basic design work from time to time A: What sort ... might expect has clients in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries Healthcare PR requires specialist knowledge, so it makes sense to have a specific healthcare team A: It all sounds great, if ... communicates primarily with certain groups of people, namely shareholders, investors and analysts, who need to receive company information in specific ways A: So things like annual reports and quarterly...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 04:15
... expressed as the sum of three partial derviatves, Maxwell 's first equation is also described as the differential-equation form of Gauss 's law, and conversely, Gauss 's law is recognized as the ... contributions crossing each surface element S; É dÉ DS Á dS closed surface The resultant integral is a closed surface integral, and since the surface element dS always involves the differentials ... the scalars DS and dS and then to bring DS outside the integral sign The remaining integral is then S dS over that portion of the closed surface which DS crosses normally, and this is simply...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23
ASP.NET AJAX Programmer’s Reference - Chapter 3 doc
... simply raises a Sys.NotImplementedException exception to inform its caller that this class does not implement this method In subsequent chapters, you learn how to use a subclass of this class ... pop-up message shown in Figure 3-8 is displayed to warn you that the specified item already exists in the collection As Figure 3-8 shows, the warning message also displays the names and values of ... parameters The first set consists of a single string parameter that contains the error message The second set contains one parameter for each property of your custom exception type In other words,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23
báo cáo khoa học: ""For someone who''''s rich, it''''s not a problem". Insights from Tanzania on diabetes health-seeking and medical pluralism among Dar es Salaam''''s urban poor" ppsx
... burden of communicable diseases, poses new challenges Now this doubled threat of disease increases the pressure on relatives as well as the burden on health services and this is the current development ... clinical assessment procedures such as weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose level were heavily subsidised and cost 1000 Tsh (1 USD at the time) The poorest patients paid nothing because of the ... and mis-(self )diagnosis may predispose late presentation and worsen diabetes outcomes Many informants in the Tanzania study did not receive the T2DM diagnosis until the illness had progressed...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
... ENGINEER S MATHEMATICS HANDBOOK If X is less than 0.02, an aqueous solution can be considered dilute On a mass basis, similar expressions can be formulated to yield mass fractions Mass fractions can ... material content in solid and gas phases is different from those in liquid phases For example, the material content in solid phases is often quantified by a ratio of masses and expressed as parts per ... change of state with passage of time In many situations, the system not only is at steady state, but also is at equilibrium However, this is not always the case Sometimes, when flow rates are steady...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
C# 2005 Programmer’s Reference - chapter 3 ppsx
... List processNames = new List(); foreach (var p in Process.GetProcesses()) { processNames.Add(p.ProcessName); } return processNames; }); PrintSystemInfo(processes, true); Console.ReadKey(); ... Environment.OSVersion); Console.WriteLine(“DBG: Is process list created? {0}”, processNames.IsValueCreated); if (showProcesses) { Console.WriteLine(“Processes:”); foreach (string p in processNames.Value) ... MachineName: BEN-DESKTOP OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7100.0 DBG: Is process list created? False Processes: conhost explorer svchost svchost iexplore Idle many more DBG: Is process list created?...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:23
User’s Manual LG Programmable Logic Controller - Chapter 3 & 4 pps
... led gets off ▶ Without normal power supply to the base unit ▶ While key switch is stopped ▶ Detecting an error makes operation stop Indicates Base Units operation On/Off of led: self-inspected ... terminal Service power supply for DC 24V needed place -3 Chapter Names of Parts 4.1.3 30-points base unit 4.1.4 40-points base unit 4.1.5 60-points base unit -4 Chapter Names of Parts 4.2 Expansion ... are attached the expansion slot of main unit or expansion unit, and supplies optional functions such as memory expansion or real time clock K8 0S series have two option modules – external memory...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21
EC&M’s Electrical Calculations Handbook - Chapter 3 potx
... the first transformer s secondary winding Harmonic Filters Tuning of a series resonant filter is done as shown in Fig 328; this figure also shows the actual three-phase values and connections in ... permissible values of harmonic currents and harmonic voltages is Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 519-1992 (sometimes listed as IEEE 519-1993 because it was completed ... power systems as near to 100 percent as possible Although a detailed discussion of this is beyond the scope of this book, the peak kilovoltampere demand measured by the utility electric meters can...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21
Tài liệu Chapter 3 - QUEUE
... access to something • Queues are used in every operating system and network: processing system services and resource supply: printer, disk storage, use of the CPU, • Queues are used in business ... elements into as many sublists as there are possibilities for given character from the key To eleminate multiplicity of sublists, consider characters in the key from right to left 43 Radix Sort Sorted ... data: X Queue remains unchanged a) Successful operation: function returns success QueueFront (Queue remains unchanged) b) Unsuccessful operation: function returns underflow Basic operation of Queue...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 12:05
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 3
... been selected from many sources and are typical of the simplest solutions of such problems The paths, as indicated in these illustrations, can be varied by changes in the cams, levers, and associated ... stops the machine in the same position when a seam in the cloth passes between the rolls A seam passing between the rolls causes the swivelmounted roll to lift slightly This motion closes contacts ... all points in the main moving members follow similar and equal paths This is necessary so that the Fig In this design a rotary action is used The shafts D rotate in unison and also support the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 3
... Phong cách s ng: - Là cách thức tồn thông qua hành vi mua, s thích quan điểm - Là s c, cách thức người giao tiếp với môi trường s ng - Cùng nhóm văn hóa, đòa vò xã hội, nghề nghiệp có cách s ng hoàn ... củng cố - Con người học tập để suy diễn phân biệt sau mua s n phẩm * Niềm tin thái độ: – Qua hành động học tập, người hình thành niềm tin thái độ s ng – Niềm tin: suy nghó người vấn đề, dựa kiến ... THÁI THỎA MÃN Rất thỏa mãn Khiếu nại Lần sau không mua Rất không thỏa mãn Khiếu nại Lần sau không mua Truyền tin điều không thỏa mãn Thỏa mãn Lần sau mua Lần sau mua Giới thiệu cho người khác 21...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 08:58
Máy đào HuynDai R170W-9 (Phần 2) - Chapter 3
... pressure switch (N.O TYPE) CN-75 CN-133 CN-238 CN-239 CN-240 CN-241 CN-242 CN-246 Fuel sender - Relay (air blower) ※ Check resistance 12 10 12 24V 20A CS-23 CS-52 CS-67 CS-79 CS-82 CS-83 CS-99 ... resistance Normal : ∞Ω 60A ※Check disconnection normal : 0Ω (connect ring terminal and check resist between terminal and 2) CR-23 M Blower motor Duct sensor (switch) Door switch CS-1 CS-1 Switch ... TYPE) ※Check contact Normal : ∞Ω Safety switch CS-4 CS-4 CS-20 Wiper cut switch CS-53 CS-53 CS-20 P Receiver dryer 14 16 13 SPK FRT LH+ 15 12 REMOCON GND 11 REMOCON+ SPK FRT RH+ 10 NC ※Check contact...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:16
Máy xúc lất HuynDai HL760 - Chapter 3
... (pressure sensors at boom cylinder head area and rod area, boom link angle sensor (CD-80), bell crank angle sensor (CD-81) ※ Sensor error message during pressure sensor calibration : sensor need ... MONITOR DISPLAY 1) When pressing work load button for over seconds, the weight is shown sequence basis (main display → → → → 1) Main display Main display Press 75793CD116 75793CD115 Press Press Main ... (1) Press this switch in order to disengage the quick coupler pins Safety button Lock Unlock (2) If this switch is pressed for seconds, the quick coupler pins move in the disengaged position...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:17
Lập trình hệ điều hành Chapter 3 (cont).
... phần tĩnh a Dữ liệu tĩnh Khai báo: static ; Ví dụ: class PS{ int ts, ms; static int count; public: PS(int m=0, int n=1){ ts=t; ms=m; count++;} }; 9/20 Thành phần tĩnh ... 16:38 Mảng trỏ đối tượng Khai báo [spt]; Ví dụ: SV sinhvien[50]; PS a[8]; *; Ví dụ: SV *p = sinhvien; 3/20 Hàm bạn lớp bạn Khái niệm hàm bạn: Hàm ... chung cho lớp Trong thân hàm đối tượng ẩn static (tham s ); Ví dụ: xây dựng lớp SV gồm pt nhập, in sinh viên Nhập, in danh s ch sinh viên 13/20 Thành phần a Dữ liệu Khái...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 16:37
Giáo trình Xử lý ảnh -Giáo trình bằng tiếng anh-Chapter 3
... Histogram ảnh mầu Histogram mầu R, G, B trung bình độ s ng L=(R+G+B)/3 Histogram ảnh mầu 10 Histogram theo giá trị hay độ chói • Histogram theo giá trị ảnh mầu (truecolor) I tính theo histogram ảnh xám ... ảnh: Cân Histogram Yêu cầu: Ánh xạ lại ảnh I cho histogram xấp xỉ Gọi PI(ɣ) hàm phân bố xác suất I Khi đó, J có histogram nếu: J(r,c) = 255 PI[I(r,c)] Khi thao tác, hàm phân bố xác suất s dụng ... đó, I(r,c,b) s nguyên nằm khoảng từ đến 255 • Hoặc I có histogram: – hR(g) = s pixel ảnh ứng với mầu RED có giá trị g – hG(g) = s pixel ảnh ứng với mầu GREEN có giá trị g – hB(g) = s pixel ảnh...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 14:35
Chapter 3 - LINQ Query Operators
... Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51202 Israel This Looks Familiar • The SQL resemblance is obvious: SELECT product_name, COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE ... Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51202 Israel Revisiting “Where” static class EnumerableExtensions { public static IEnumerable Where( this IEnumerable ... Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51202 Israel Standard LINQ Query Operators • LINQ query operators are extension methods in the static Enumerable class •...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18
Chapter 3 Categories Software
... trang Presentation software allows users to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group Note taking software is application software ... Presentation Note taking Personal information manager Business software for phones Business software suites Project management Accounting Document management Enterprise computing software ... depicts data in a spreadsheet in graphical form A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data Database software allows users to create,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 10:26
Mafiaboy How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken
... alias was being reported in the press They had moved surprisingly fast "The FBI sought to question several hackers Tuesday in its investigation into last week 's attacks against major Web sites, ... other serious crimes Technology companies continue to earn profits, but the average user is overwhelmed with spam, worms, viruses, and other threats This wasn't the way the internet was supposed ... qualms about telling the press that Mafiaboy was a troubled student He acted as if he wasn't surprised I was Mafiaboy The press soon figured out my name, as did my fellow students, though I still...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2013, 17:05