chapter 15  expressions and control flow in javascript

An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

... accuracy In a recent study, Cho et al [12] investigated the effect of a gap in the inclined rib on heat transfer in a square duct and reported that a gap in the inclined rib accelerates the flow and ... determine the optimum width of a gap in the inclined rib to form discrete rib This study will help in determining the gap size while descritizing the inclined (non-transverse) ribs for enhancing ... measure the flow field in a rectangular duct with 60º inclined and V-shaped rib arrangements in three planes and reported that the PIV technique is capable of obtaining the detailed flow structures...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 831 0
Bài giảng Chapter 15 Acids and Bases

Bài giảng Chapter 15 Acids and Bases

... heartburn can be cured by neutralizing the acid in the esophagus swallowing saliva which contains bicarbonate ion taking antacids that contain hydroxide ions and/ or carbonate ions Chemistry, ... and the original acid becomes a base in the reverse process • each reactant and the product it becomes is called a conjugate pair • the original base becomes the conjugate acid; and the original ... 36 Increasing Acidity Increasing Basicity Tro, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 37 General Trends in Acidity • the stronger an acid is at donating H, the weaker the conjugate base is at accepting...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 01:12

136 390 0
Chapter 15 Competitive and Monopsonistic Labor Markets

Chapter 15 Competitive and Monopsonistic Labor Markets

... understand that the Irvine Company controls much of the commercial space in the Fashion Island/Irvine area The Irvine Company greatly influences the overall order of things in the area, including ... job and was constantly complaining that the work standards were too demanding.7 Obviously, the striking workers had been doing something other than working on the job How can managers improve incentives, ... certainly not want bosses who engage in opportunism by cutting the rate of pay when workers respond to incentive pay by working harder and increasing output Some combination of straight salary and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 15:17

53 328 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Stochastic Language Generation Using WIDL-expressions and its Application in Machine Translation and Summarization" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Stochastic Language Generation Using WIDL-expressions and its Application in Machine Translation and Summarization" pot

... rebels ghting 0.130 in iraq attacked rebels turkish goverment D VC rebels ghting turkish government in iraq traversal of , starting from and ending in Each path (and its associated string) has ... produce headlines that have restrictions in the number of words allowed (10, in our case) The interpolation weights (Equation 2) are trained using discriminative training (Och, 2003) using ROUGE ... Franz Josef Och 2003 Minimum error rate training in statistical machine translation In Proceedings of the ACL, pages 160167 Kishore Papineni, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward, and WeiJing Zhu 2002 BLEU:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20

8 378 0


... shared my interest for training and so during breaks there was always some stimulating discussion about strength training, pulse intervals, nutrition or something else in this area Michael and I ... final product Recycled fibres are therefore usually used for products with lower quality demands such as newspapers, liner and fluting In developing countries, such as China and India, the main ... included in small amounts in other printing products Chemical pulping In chemical pulping, the cellulose fibres are uncovered by degradation and removal of the lignin in the wood This is done in large...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

138 452 0
Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions doc

Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions doc

... implemented" ♦ "Wait until used in program" ♦ "Then get implementation from object instance" ♦ Called late binding or dynamic binding ♦ Virtual functions implement late binding Copyright © 2006 Pearson ... explanation involves late binding ♦ Virtual functions implement late binding ♦ Tells compiler to "wait" until function is used in program ♦ Decide which definition to use based on calling object ... function: ppet->print(); ♦ Calls print member function in Dog class! ♦ Because it’s virtual ♦ C++ "waits" to see what object pointer ppet is actually pointing to before "binding" call Copyright...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 16:23

37 525 0
process dynamics modeling and control topics in chemical engineering

process dynamics modeling and control topics in chemical engineering

... Receptors: Models for Binding, Trafficking, and Signalling D Lauffenburger and f Lindennan Process Dynamics, Modeling, and Control B Ogunnaike and W H Ray process dynamics, modeling, and control BABATUNDE ... used process control concepts and termino settings, via a discussion arising between were first introdu ced, in their natural to a typical a plant enginee r and a control engineer in their search ... processes having interactions is introduced in Part IVB (Chapters 20-22) Methods of characterizing loop interactions, choosing loop pairing, and designing various types of multivariable controllers...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:11

1,3K 388 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Infra-red images of heat field around a linear heater and sap flow in stems of lime trees under natural and experimental conditions" doc

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Infra-red images of heat field around a linear heater and sap flow in stems of lime trees under natural and experimental conditions" doc

... panels in Fig 9B - no flow occurred any more in the right stem side after its cutting), flow slightly increased there using the remaining part of water source (roots) towards the same sink (remaining ... removing (see middle panel in Fig 9B) Flow from the side of the missing sink decreased significantly especially in outer xylem layers and the remaining flow moved to the second branch (Figs 9A and ... Temperature gradients around a linear heater in stems due to mowing sap, in: Cermak J., Nadezhdina N (Eds.), Measuring Sap Flow in Intact Plants, Proc of 4th Int Workshop, Zidlochovice, Czech...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:22

11 287 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Reproduction and gene flow in the genus Quercus" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Reproduction and gene flow in the genus Quercus" ppt

... produced in the same year Staminate inflorescences are initiated in late spring, flowers develop in early summer and meiosis occurs in the following spring, giving rise to binucleate pollen grains ... occur in late spring, when the staminate inflorescences develop Female flowers develop in late winter or early spring (Bonnet-Masimbert, 1978; Merkle et al, 1980) Each flower is included in a ... within individuals between years (Sharp, 1958; Grisez, 1975) Because each year’s flowers are initiated independently of the environmen- tal fluctuations the next spring occurring during flowering...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

16 320 0
Báo cáo y học: "JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and MMP9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and MMP9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells" ppsx

... functionally related zinc-containing enzymes that include interstitial collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysin, matrilysin, metalloelastase, and membrane-type MMPs [7,8] Upregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 has ... of proteins by immunoblotting assay Phosphorylation of JNK1/2 was significantly induced within 15 in response to PGE2 stimulation, and was maintained up for 24 h (Figure 3B) The findings suggested ... significantly inhibits PGE-induced activation of JNK1/2 within 30 min, and suppressed PGE2-induced expression of uPA and MMP-9 within 24 h in human LoVo colon cancer cells (Figure 4B) 17b-Estradiol Inhibits...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

12 274 0
Báo cáo y học: " AIDS epidemic at age 25 and control efforts in China" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " AIDS epidemic at age 25 and control efforts in China" ppsx

... Development and Reform Commission, The Ministry of Science and Technology, and The Ministry of Finance of People's Republic of China: Chinese Middle and Long Period AIDS Prevention and Control Programme ... are many challenges facing China in implementing the Four Frees and One Care policy and other new initiatives Bottlenecks impeding rapid and effective implementation of AIDS control programs are ... government providing free testing and treatment, people living with HIV/AIDS and people at risk are now voluntarily seeking testing and collaborating more frequently with health care workers Since the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

3 335 0


... found in all investigated locations in Hanoi, Son La, Hoa Binh and Lao Cai provinces The other 10 species were distributed individually in particular provinces 3.1.2 Species composition and host ... dorsalis in of adults B dorsalis in of adults B dorsalis in traps in 2010 in Moc traps in 2011 in Moc traps in 2012 in Moc Chau, Son La Chau, Son La Chau, Son La Note: Treatment 1: food – protein mixed ... respectively Feeding on diet containing protein, soya flour and soybean protein results in the sex ratio of 50.5% male: 49.5 % femal (Khan et al., 2011) Occurrence and factors affecting occurrence...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2014, 19:53

27 394 0
Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems - Chapter 15 docx

Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems - Chapter 15 docx

... various disinfection processes in the removal of pharmaceuticals in drinking water 15.3.1 BIODEGRADATION AND BIOTRANSFORMATIONS During biological degradation in WWTPs, pharmaceutical contaminants ... plants in the lower great lakes, Canada, Environ Toxic Chem., 22, 2881, 2003 29 Petrovic, M., Gonzalez, S., and Barcelo, D., Analysis and removal of emerging contaminants in wastewater and drinking ... composite sample and in grab samples were compared in two different WWTPs (Amherst, New York, and Holland, New York) The populations served by Amherst and Holland WWTPs are 115,000 and 1,750, respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

13 415 0


... marketing policies (advertising, sales promotion), manufacturing policies (in- house production, plant locations, outside sourcing), financial policies (balance among borrowing, equity financing, ... result in a handsome gain for the shareholders In these situations, directors must exercise great care in making a decision that is in the shareholders’ interests This is not always easy to determine ... Public accounting firms often perform various types of consulting engagements for the company: developing new accounting and control systems, analyzing proposed pension plans, and analyzing proposed...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 13:20

26 314 0
Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 15 pot

Analysis and Control of Linear Systems - Chapter 15 pot

... development and gathering all the patterns uncertainties in a single transfer matrix ∆ (s ) is a very poor representation which leads in most of the 482 Analysis and Control of Linear Systems ... 484 Analysis and Control of Linear Systems The scheme in Figure 15.3 is presented in the general form in Figure 15.1 by choosing w = r , y = ε and e = (e1 e e3 )T We are then going to search ... Analysis and Control of Linear Systems Figure 15.4 Bode diagrams for different transfers (full lines) and for their templates (dotted lines) We therefore infer that the closed loop control system in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

42 316 0
Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control - Srikanta Patnaik et al (Eds) Part 15 ppt

Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control - Srikanta Patnaik et al (Eds) Part 15 ppt

... produce high thrust force, are ideal for accelerating and moving large masses while maintaining stiffness during the machining and processing operations In this section, a simple approach will be developed ... property, i.e., if the process is of single-input and single-output, then the control system has at least a phase margin of 60 degree and a gain margin of infinity Under mild assumptions, the resultant ... configuration, both a dominant linear system model and a nonlinear friction model can be obtained 8.2.8 Vibration Control and Monitoring Mechanical vibration in machines and equipment can occur...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:22

20 266 0
Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control Part 15 pps

Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control Part 15 pps

... domain, the manufacturing domain, the army deployment domain and the numeric ferry domain as introduced in (Zalaket & Camilleri 2004a) We note that, some of these domains such as manufacturing and ... starting the design process from different initial points In future, both in theoretical reasoning and in practical examples, we shall assume that the problem of single-valuedness of the final point ... trajectories have identical initial and final points On the other hand, the objective function C ( X ) has a number of local minima, since design problems are nonlinear in principle, even if the design...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:21

30 221 0
Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 15 (end) doc

Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 15 (end) doc

... chemical and biological contingencies, assess the training effectiveness with rigorous proficiency standards and tests, and track individual training and proficiency The joint staff, commanders -in- chief, ... and local emergency responders by: • Providing training, exercises, technical assistance, and equipment programs • Assisting states in developing strategic plans, including funding for training, ... animal and plant resources by: • • • • Safeguarding resources from exotic invasive pests and diseases Monitoring and managing agricultural pests and diseases existing in the United States Resolving...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

33 779 0
Handbook Of Pollution Control And Waste Minimization - Chapter 15 pdf

Handbook Of Pollution Control And Waste Minimization - Chapter 15 pdf

... constant and continuous flow, while in the real world, emissions typically occur in a discontinuous fashion, varying from minute to minute FIGURE Comparison of “real-world” endpoints to LCIA indicators ... Prevention In Harry M Freeman (ed.), Industrial Pollution Prevention Handbook New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995 L Case, L Mendicino, and D Thomas, Developing and Maintaining a Pollution Prevention Program In ... that are included within the boundary of an LCA are shown in Figure LCA’s origins in mass and energy balance sheets have led to several important accounting conventions, including the following A...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:22

52 279 0