chapter 13  advice for policymakers from the field

More Show Me How: Everything We Couldn't Fit in the First Book Instructions for Life from the Everyday to the Exotic Perfect Paperback

More Show Me How: Everything We Couldn't Fit in the First Book Instructions for Life from the Everyday to the Exotic Perfect Paperback

... platfor  shoes m 141 shop for love at the market Not looking for a big commitment? Stay out of the baby aisle! Flirt by the fruit stand How ripe is that banana? Mingle with other singles by the ... evil spirits Just the two of you in town? Grab a witness off the street A rip in the veil brings good luck The pieces of a broken glass symbolize the many happy years ahead 167 Pay the officiant ... Keep a hamper for give-away clothes Store shoes vertically Insert plastic drawer dividers craft a dog bed To clean, unfasten the open end, pull out the foam, and throw the cover in the wash sew...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 12:15

25 674 0
Tài liệu Using New Media to Promote Adolescent Sexual Health: Examples from the Field doc

Tài liệu Using New Media to Promote Adolescent Sexual Health: Examples from the Field doc

... youth are, rather than asking them to come to you Follow the trends, while keeping your information current, accurate, and accessible • Use each form of technology for what it can best For instance, ... adolescent sexual health: Examples from the field prACTice Matters Ithaca, NY: ACT for Youth Center of Excellence ACT for Youth Center of Excellence ... digital video to the web where they can be viewed, tagged with keywords, rated, “favorited,” and commented on by others YouTube allows organizations to set up profiles and channels for their own video...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

6 478 0
Tài liệu Graphic Design Theory Readings from the Field docx

Tài liệu Graphic Design Theory Readings from the Field docx

... submitting the graphic designer to their programmatic design system Müller-Brockmann asserted, The withdrawal of the personality of the designer behind the idea, the themes, the enterprise, or the ... look the facts in the face what are they? the fact that nothing new has developed in recent decades? the boredom of the dead end without signs for a renewal? or is it the realization that a forced ... Discourse | Katherine McCoy with David Frej | 1988 The Macramé of Resistance | Lorraine Wild | 1998 87 The Dark in the Middle of the Stairs | Paula Scher | 1989 Section One: Creating the Field Theory...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

7 392 1
Social Marketing and Public Health Lessons from the Field pptx

Social Marketing and Public Health Lessons from the Field pptx

... grandmothers as the appropriate source for the intervention The grandmothers who participated in formative research developed the chitterlings cleaning method for their peers Having the grandmothers ... cooperation with the communities it serves For more information about the transformation of the health department, contact the project coordinator listed at the beginning of the case Chapter ... within their communities Lessons from the Field is one of the tools developed to help state, local, and not -for- profit professionals apply social marketing to public health issues For more information...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

80 589 0
Credit appraisal for projects in the field of Petroleum in Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for Industry and Trade - Hanoi branch

Credit appraisal for projects in the field of Petroleum in Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for Industry and Trade - Hanoi branch

... appraisal for projects in the field of Petroleum in Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for Industry and Trade - Hanoi branch 2013 the project and minimize the risk for the loan On the basis of the ... comparing with the discount rate or the interest rate of the bank If the IRR< the cost of capital, the project is rejected If the IRR = the cost of capital, the investor can 17 Credit appraisal for projects ... often at the top priority, appraisal is only for procedural purpose For example, the … Therefore, for projects that are assigned by the government, the economic-social efficiency is the determinant...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:45

59 898 0
Graphic design theory: Readings from the Field

Graphic design theory: Readings from the Field

... form for poetry The lines of the poem are printed in colors, according to content, so that they go over from one color to another following the changes in meaning In England during the war, the ... and Gan devote themselves to the book Some of them (Gan and several others) work in the printing works itself, along with the compositor and the machine The degree of respect for the actual art ... the same thing in the theater also Up to now in our country, even the newest theatrical productions have been performed in the pictureframe style of theater, with the public accommodated in the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:06

152 775 0
Leader Development in Army Units - Views from the Field docx

Leader Development in Army Units - Views from the Field docx

... in Army Units: Views from the Field some of the results from the questionnaires completed by the more junior officers Table S.1 provides a summary of the source and rank of the participating officers.1 ... heard from the captains and majors We decided the optimal time to talk to officers was when they were in school By interviewing them in the schools, we met them when they were relatively free from ... conducted the actual questionnaires and discussions The final version of the questionnaire asked officers whether there was a change in command for their unit during their assignment, and if so whether...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20

177 280 1
Managing Project Based Learning: Principles from the Field pdf

Managing Project Based Learning: Principles from the Field pdf

... send them tot he library until I’m sure they know why they are going there Before they go anywhere outside the classroom, I have their time organized for them “Here’s your research topic for today ... of the interview was to gather information on the strategies teachers employed to maximize project success The interview posed a series of questions for each of the themes outlined above For ... coach Bring the problems to the students to decide rather than solving the problems yourself and bring the solutions to the students Make the design of the project itself part of the curriculum...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 02:20

52 606 1
Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field pdf

Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field pdf

... income for farmers The intention of the Park is, for example, to manage the traditional agroecosystem of the valley pasture on the plateau of the Vercors and the alpine pastures and meadows in the ... particularly the case for Brazil, and to a certain extent for the USA and France In these situations, there is often a link between a political vision (the movement), a technological application (the ... achieve the goals, and a way to produce the knowledge (the science) A key point here for the scientists is to assess how these tight connections may influence the science of agroecology, where there...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:21

324 757 0
Lessons Learned from the Field: Where do we go from here? docx

Lessons Learned from the Field: Where do we go from here? docx

... account for 96 percent of the variation in prevalence.) It is, therefore, unlikely that they would be sufficient, along with the other risk factors, to increase the positive predictive value of the ... review the women's reported symptoms from the interview alone, and to review these reports in combination with the medical exam sheets In the former case, they determined that 61 percent of the ... quotes from the surveys illustrate this thinking: "If there is food in the house, there is no weakness," "Dhola comes from the same place as menstrual blood, so when a woman is strong, then blood...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

77 304 0
Evidence for God from the Design ppt

Evidence for God from the Design ppt

... assembled form in order to function Any one of the pieces on its own (the board or the pin or the spring or the wire hammer) are useless unless they work in harmony with the other pieces There is ... put this in real terms, the odds here are similar to the odds of finding the winning ticket for the state lottery lying in the street, and then finding another one on the very next day, and continuing ... discovered DNA, they unlocked a powerful secret within the cell They realized that the acids come together in response to INFROMATION and DIRECTION from the DNA molecule which exists alongside the acids...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

9 348 0
Lessons from the Field pptx

Lessons from the Field pptx

... align their tests with the new curriculum standards once they were completed.1 Although the request for proposals only called for the development of the first-stage “snapshot” test for the 2004 ... the end of the school year The development of the QSAS and QCEA involved contractors and experts from around the world: Europe, the Middle East, South America, and the United States Through the ... scores for these performance levels were determined by a panel of experts using the modified Angoff method for English and Arabic tests and the bookmark method for mathematics and science tests Performance-based...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

93 308 0
Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging potx

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging potx

... through the first few steps and then ask them to the rest of the exercise on their own at home Ask them to write down any questions or problems they have in the spaces provided and bring them to the ... another ending for a commercial website On the Internet, you get to a website by typing in the web address (or URL)  into the address box of the browser For example, to get to the website of the ... side of the home page Click inside the box with your mouse to clear the box of the words “Enter Search.” T  ype in the term forgetfulness to search for information about this topic  the Enter...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

42 345 0
managing major events   best practices from the field

managing major events best practices from the field

... information They’re the ones who are going to implement tactics Once commanders have the information needed to determine they need to act, they must have the intent to implement the actions They ... where the groups are moving and then immediately alert the officers in the field that there’s a group of 300 people coming down Madison Avenue from 45th Street, for example We could move the field ... like the Olympics are different from the The size and scale of the games are really quite models used in other situations Visits to Atlanta phenomenal The security budget handed to the and other...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:24

66 967 0
Báo cáo y học: " Identification of super-infected Aedes triseriatus mosquitoes collected as eggs from the field and partial characterization of the infecting La Crosse viruses" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Identification of super-infected Aedes triseriatus mosquitoes collected as eggs from the field and partial characterization of the infecting La Crosse viruses" pot

... primers are listed in Table The thermal cycling conditions for the RT-PCR protocol were: 55°C for 30 min, 94°C for min, 40 cycles of [94°C for 30 s, 56°C for 30 s, and 68°C for min] followed by a ... Orthobunyavirus, Serogroup: California) [14,15] suggested that the observed field infection rates for LACV are insufficient to maintain the virus in nature For KEYV, the model suggests that the TOT rate must ... However, also note that these two isolates collected from the same site in consecutive years are very similar to one another The other three SI+ isolates are paraphyletic and therefore not phylogenetically...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

27 308 0
Bóa cáo y học: "Does productivity influence priority setting? A case study from the field of CVD prevention" ppsx

Bóa cáo y học: "Does productivity influence priority setting? A case study from the field of CVD prevention" ppsx

... subject to the resources devoted for this purpose Thus it is natural for them to only be concerned with the costs and savings that affect the specific budget they are responsible for This in ... above are common for the two perspectives In the health sector perspective the higher risk and lower treatment costs for old women outweigh the longer duration of the gaining period for younger males ... for treatment in the two perspectives The exclusion of old women in the societal perspective is, however, not a trivial consequence from equity or fairness points of view On the other hand, the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22

6 296 0
Tiểu luận hệ thống thông tin quản trị LESSONS FOR BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SECTOR

Tiểu luận hệ thống thông tin quản trị LESSONS FOR BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SECTOR

... NGHỆ THÔNG TIN BÁO CÁO BÀI TẬP TÌNH HUỐNG HỆ THỐNG THÔNG TIN QUẢN TRỊ ĐỀ TÀI: LESSONS FOR BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SECTOR GVHD : Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Lớp : T19 Nhóm 14 1) Trần Nguyễn Minh Ánh – ... Tài liệu tiếng Anh: Brenda Whittaker, (1999) "What went wrong? Unsuccessful information technology projects", Information Management & Computer Security, pp.23 29 Tài liệu từ Internet: ... lý tay giảm thiểu nhờ hệ thống dòng công việc - Quản lý tri thức: ICT giúp phủ quản lý tri thức theo nhiều cách Với hỗ trợ hệ thống ICT, thông tin khuynh hướng toàn cầu thu thập qua mạng Internet,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2015, 09:23

20 390 0
Breaking into the Game Industry: Advice for a Successful Career from Those Who Have Done It

Breaking into the Game Industry: Advice for a Successful Career from Those Who Have Done It

... to two aspects— the hook and the grind The hook is profession-dependent—what are the features you notice first about the art or the tech? What makes this game stand out from the others? What about ... worked on for a couple years If you want to get into the game industry, learn from the people who have been there That said, depending on your ultimate goal, there are multiple programs at the forefront ... that the business of making games is a lot like the business of writing fiction: the more life experience a participant has, and the better they can communicate their ideas, the better off they’ll...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 17:23

304 1,7K 0