chapter 10  the state design pattern

The adapter design pattern   adapter structure (class)

The adapter design pattern adapter structure (class)

... Adapter Consequences (to QOCA class hierarchy) (to Unidraw class hierarchy) StateVariable ConstraintVariable ConstraintStateVariable Adapter Implememntation TreeDisplay (Client,Target ) GetChildren(node)...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:32

7 257 0
Chapter 10 - Link-State Routing Protocols CCNA ppt

Chapter 10 - Link-State Routing Protocols CCNA ppt

... Khoa - Website: 11 Link -State Routing Building the Link State Packet • Each router builds its own Link State Packet (LSP) • Contents of LSP: – State of each directly connected link ... Link State Routing Protocols reach convergence – Each routers learns about its own directly connected networks – Link state routers exchange hello packet to “meet” other directly connected link state ... Website: Link -State Routing • • • Directly Connected Networks Link: this is an interface on a router Link state: this is the information about the state of the links Học viện mạng...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2014, 18:21

28 312 0
New Products Management - CHAPTER 10 THE FULL SCREEN pps

New Products Management - CHAPTER 10 THE FULL SCREEN pps

... Accomplishment: Technical task difficulty Research skills required Rate of technological change Design superiority assurance Manufacturing equipment Commercial Accomplishment: Market volatility...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 01:20

15 713 0
Lecture management  a pacific rim focus   chapter 10  strategic organisation design

Lecture management a pacific rim focus chapter 10 strategic organisation design

... PowerPoint Lecture summary • Overview: Organisation structure design – Strategy & structure closely linked – Factors influencing design: contingency factors, need for innovation • Assessing structural ... structure Promoting innovation © 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint Organisation structure design • Strategy & structure: which comes first? – Strategy & structure are closely linked with ... other – Mismatches in strategy/structure lead to difficulties • Factors influencing organisation design – Contingency factors: technology, size, environment – Need to promote innovation: roles,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2016, 14:24

25 384 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 10 ppsx

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 10 ppsx

... are clear and simple rules of design for appropriate durability: • Design equal duration for components similar in terms of functionality and intensity of use • Design duration as a function ... theories of fatigue can be applied using three distinct approaches: • Design for infinite life • Design for finite life • Design for critical dimensions of defects Of the three approaches, the ... of the product’s effective useful life • Design heightened duration for components difficult to repair and maintain, and for those intended for reuse • Design limited duration (as close as possible...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

43 446 0
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 10: Files

Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 10: Files

... A POSIX-compliant program is written to a strict standard so that it is easily ported It’s also designed to run on any POSIX-compliant operating system, which includes most variants of Unix File...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

18 406 1
Tài liệu Addison Wesley - The Design Patterns Java Companion (1998) docx

Tài liệu Addison Wesley - The Design Patterns Java Companion (1998) docx

... the Observer Pattern 184 The State Pattern 185 Sample Code 185 Switching Between States 190 How the Mediator Interacts with the State Manager 191 Consequences of the State Pattern 192 State Transitions ... Java Design Patterns Each of the 23 design patterns in Design Patterns is discussed in the chapters that follow, along with at least one working program example for that pattern The authors of Design ... build Java design patterns Studying Design Patterns There are several alternate ways to become familiar with these patterns In each approach, you should read this book and the parent Design Patterns...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:20

218 384 1
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P3 docx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P3 docx

... checks if the previous statement still exists in the datasource datasource.HasAssertion(newSubject,predicate,object ,true); This function is useful when you create new statements and resources ... attached to an object Given the RDF statement "(Eric) wrote (a book)" again, in other words, the GetSource method would input "wrote" and "a book" and get back the statement subject "Eric." subject ... RDF.GetResource('Chapter1'); datasource.Assert(rootSubject,predicate,object,true ); Once you assert the statement's elements into the datasource in this way, the datasource contains the triple The truth...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

17 397 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P4 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P4 pptx

... section of an existing in-memory datasource in one fell swoop This means that all relatives all statements derived from that node are removed When you work with large in-memory datasources (such ... RDF.GetResource('Chapter1'); datasource.Mark(rootSubject,predicate,object,true); datasource.Sweep( ); In this instance, a statement about a chapter in a book is marked and then removed from the datasource You can also ... tests the equivalency of two resources, which can be useful when you try to put together different statements (e.g., "Eric wrote a book" and "[This] book is about XML") and want to verify that a...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

19 339 0
State and adapter design patterns

State and adapter design patterns

... doRollOverAnimation();  An object can be in one of several states, with different behavior in each state 21 State Design PatternState is one of the Behavioral patterns   It is similar to Strategy Allows ... devices The State Design Pattern 19 Sate    Most objects have state that changes State can become a prominent aspect of its behavior An object that can be in one of several states, with different ... different states of the state machine” “Derived” classes from the State class: Defines the true nature of the state that the state machine can be in 23 Example from Atri Jaterjee MyMood state variable...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:32

31 455 1
Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems - Chapter 10 docx

Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems - Chapter 10 docx

... human medicine in Germany in 1997, where scrip data are more widely accessible than in the United States, together with secondary wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) removal efficiencies obtained ... disinfectants, but chlorine and chloramines are most often employed for final disinfection in the United States so that a persistent residual is maintained in the distribution system © 2008 by Taylor & ... as free chlorine and chloramines, are widely used in drinking water disinfection in the United States Free aqueous chlorine (HOCl/OCl–) can be formed by dissolving chlorine gas or hypochlorite...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

13 493 0


... short-lived decay products of 222Rn and 220Rn are formed initially in an atomic, positively charged state that rapidly combines with submicron (mainly with nano-sized) aerosols The resulting ultra-fine ... individual particles in the aerosol sample An aerosol can be activated directly in a suspended state, independent of its chemical composition, in a stream of gas By repeated measurements of aerosol ... particles is led into a condenser and then into a homogenizer Several types of furnace, each specially designed for an individual aerosol or aerosol group, proved suitable.19-27 A longitudinal furnace...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

34 592 0

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