chapter 1  an introduction to redis

Lecture Auditing and assurance services (Second international edition)  Chapter 1 An introduction to assurance and financial statement auditing

Lecture Auditing and assurance services (Second international edition) Chapter 1 An introduction to assurance and financial statement auditing

... Limited Observations Auditors use (1) their knowledge about the transactions and/or (2) a sampling approach to examine the transactions It would be too costly for the auditor to examine every transaction ... addressed to the stockholders of the company The audit report includes an introductory paragraph, a management’s responsibility paragraph, an auditor’s responsibility paragraph, and an auditor’s ... rise to an explosion in the demand for assurance provided by auditors © The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010 Principals and Agents A public company is a company that sells its stocks or bonds to the

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2017, 08:06

20 549 0
Lecture Undergraduate econometrics - Chapter 1: An introduction to econometrics

Lecture Undergraduate econometrics - Chapter 1: An introduction to econometrics

... increase to the south of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, over the next few years, and if it will be profitable to begin construction of a new strip-mall • You must decide how much of your savings will go into ... stock fund and how much into the money market This requires you to make predictions of the level of economic activity, the rate of inflation and interest rates over your planning horizon • To ... Chapter An Introduction to Econometrics 1.1 Why Study Econometrics? • Econometrics is a set of research tools also employed in the business disciplines of

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 14:03

20 44 0
Test bank accounting management 11e chapter 02 AN INTRODUCTION TO COST TERMS AND PURPOSES

Test bank accounting management 11e chapter 02 AN INTRODUCTION TO COST TERMS AND PURPOSES

... willing to say that to you.” One company uses the term “irate” to indicate a particularly troublesome customer The word carries special meaning to those who work within that department but the customer ... 2-3] i Changes in total in proportion to changes in the related level of total activity Chapter An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes ii Use as per unit for estimates of total costs b Fixed ... Communication (October 1999) p.379 [34p] 15 Chapter An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes 15 [...]... from their total cost behavior As the numerator changes (the cost) , the denominator (the

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2016, 16:12

15 671 0
Lecture AP Biology  Chapter 8 An introduction to metabolism

Lecture AP Biology Chapter 8 An introduction to metabolism

... Cofactors  Cofactors are nonprotein enzyme helpers such as  minerals (eg. Zn, Fe, Cu)  Coenzymes are organic cofactors (eg. vitamins) Enzyme Inhibitors  Competitive inhibitor: binds? ?to? ?the  ... Draw and label the following: enzyme, active  site, substrate Describe what is meant by the term  induced fit What types of factors can affect an enzyme’s  function? Chapter 8 An? ?Introduction? ?to? ? ... isolated from its surroundings  In an open system, energy and matter can be  transferred between the system and its  surroundings  Organisms are open systems Enzyme Action: Catabolism Enzyme Action: Anabolism INDUCED FIT: ENZYME FITS SNUGLY AROUND 

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 08:58

40 280 0
20150116  chapter i an introduction to marketing VN

20150116 chapter i an introduction to marketing VN

... sleepy, feel free to go out, no need to ask for lecturer’s permission) #4 No food (but drinks are permitted) #5 No cellphones (switch off your phone ring before class starting) #6 No laptop, iPad, iPod ... (switch off your phone ring before class starting) #6 No laptop, iPad, iPod #7 No need to ask for the permission to be absence for class (don’t cheat or tell lie) #8 No mark bargaining!!! Chương Giới

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2017, 09:17

70 293 0
Lecture Economics (19/e) - Chapter 23: An introduction to macroeconomics

Lecture Economics (19/e) - Chapter 23: An introduction to macroeconomics

... 23 AnIntroductiontoMacroeconomics McGrawưHill/Irwin Copyrightâ2012byTheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved ... living standards prior to Industrial Revolution Modern economic growth • Output per person rises • Not experienced by all countries 23-5 Global Perspective LO3 23-6 Savings and Investment • Saving ... Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks • The future is uncertain • Expectations affect investment • Shocks • What happens is not what you • • LO5 expected Demand shocks Supply shocks 23-8 Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 20:33

12 37 0
Lecture Macroeconomics (19/e) - Chapter 6: An introduction to macroeconomics

Lecture Macroeconomics (19/e) - Chapter 6: An introduction to macroeconomics

... 06 AnIntroductiontoMacroeconomics McGrawưHill/Irwin Copyrightâ2012byTheMcGrawưHillCompanies,Inc.Allrightsreserved ... living standards prior to Industrial Revolution Modern economic growth • Output per person rises • Not experienced by all countries 6-5 Global Perspective LO3 6-6 Savings and Investment • Saving ... Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks • The future is uncertain • Expectations affect investment • Shocks • What happens is not what you • • LO5 expected Demand shocks Supply shocks 6-8 Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 23:51

12 78 0


... Quantitative Applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity Qualitative Analyze factors which motivate people's behavior & preferences Conceptual Related to abtracts idea(s) or ... of Data Establishing categories Condensing data into groups & tables; classifying data into categories Coding = transforming categories of data to symbols that may be tabulated and counted Editing ... info - Competence of researchers - Organization & reasoning leading to the selection of means of obtaining info - Time, cost factor, resources available for the research Determining sample design

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2022, 11:17

26 3 0
chapter 1 general introduction to supply chain and supply chain management autosaved

chapter 1 general introduction to supply chain and supply chain management autosaved

... can meet customer demands efficiently 8 Inventory Management: Efficient SCM ensures that inventory levels are optimal - not too much to incur high holding costs and not too little to miss out ... Drivers1.PRODUCTION What, how, and when to produce 5.INFORMATION Basis for making these decisions How much to make, how much to stock 3.LOCATION Where best to do what activity “Increase throughput ... Functional Focus– Warehouses for storing and distributing products • Stock Keeping Unit Storage• Job Lot Storage Trang 15Supply Chain Drivers3.Location– place facilities so as to maximize performance Trang

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2024, 17:07

26 0 0
The world of the Counselor An introduction to the counseling profession 5e chapter 1

The world of the Counselor An introduction to the counseling profession 5e chapter 1

... Branches ▪ 50 state branches ▪ Puerto Rico and Washington D C ▪ Associations in Latin America  Four Regional Associations in U S  Membership Benefits of ACA (see Bottom of p 14) © 2007 Thomson Brooks/Cole, ... More than any other component, most related to positive client outcomes  See Rogers’ definition, p 18  A personal characteristic to embrace  A skill to learn (Chapter will address this) © 2007 ... Genuineness • Refers to willingness of the therapist to be authentic, open, and honest within the helping relationship • Gelso and Carter: All counseling relationships have to deal with the “real

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2016, 11:27

26 704 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 1 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 1 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Is pervasive — easy to create multiple objects of the same type — easy to create similar objects without having to rewrite the overlapping code ¢ OOP makes programs easier to understand and more ... Trang 1 Chapter 1 What is Programming? Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by Trang 2 Chapter Preview In this ... source code in a data file using an editor Transform the source program into machine language or Java Bytecode using an compiler (e.g Javac) Use an interpreter to execute the compiled program (e.g

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:29

22 71 0
Lecture An introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations (4e) – Chapter 1: A framework for analyzing collective bargaining and industrial relations

Lecture An introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations (4e) – Chapter 1: A framework for analyzing collective bargaining and industrial relations

... Composed of at least three groups: • Owners and shareholders • Top executives and line managers • Industrial relations and human resource staff  professionals 1 ­ 5 1 ­5 Labor • Encompasses both employees and the unions that  ... Administration of the bargaining agreement is an  important part of this tier 1 ­ 19 1 ­19 Public Sector Collective Bargaining ­ Chapter 13  addresses the rules and procedures  of public sector collective bargaining ... Described as “a shift from commodities, individuals,  and exchanges? ?to? ?transactions and working rules of  collective action” • Placed great value on negotiation and  compromise  among the divergent interests 1 ­ 13 1 ­13 Sidney and Beatrice Webb

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2020, 00:41

22 72 0
An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 5: Modeling and Design of Distributed Intelligence Systems

An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 5: Modeling and Design of Distributed Intelligence Systems

... is directed to the environment Thus, the interface between the system and the environment is composed of the sensors and the effectors Whether to include the sensors or the effectors or both ... answer to this problem is the introduction of Colored Petri Nets, a form of High Level Nets introduced by Jensen [12], tokens are distinguishable A set of attributes is associated with each token, ... to coordinate the source model and to collect all the outputs of the net into a single node 2 The net & should have no loops; it should be acyclic Note that this constraint applies only to

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15

19 646 1
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 8: Modeling and Analysis of Artificially Intelligent Planning Systems ppt

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 8: Modeling and Analysis of Artificially Intelligent Planning Systems ppt

... trajectory Also note that for large N and total number of parts initially in the FMS, for many FMS track topologies the OPGP can easily become too difficult to solve via any method due to combinatorial ... object", and it will know how to move to the object, grip it, and pick it up Such a manipulator can be seen as an actuator, although simpler ones also exist Clearly, the inputs to the problem domain ... input to the system is the null input for all time A system is said to be stable if when it begins in a good state and is perturbed into any other state it will always return to a good state To

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

24 550 1
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 9: Fuzzy and Neural Control pdf

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 9: Fuzzy and Neural Control pdf

... operators known as Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) op- erators and have applied it to control The OWA operators introduced by Yager [40] for multi-criteria decision making provide a facility to ... also used to produce internal reinforcement ? e The Stochastic Action Modifier uses both F and f to produce an action F’ which is applied to the plant The ensuing state is fed back to the controller ... systems in more detail 3.7.1 Automatic train control Yasunobu and Miyamoto at Hitachi, Ltd [41] have designed a fuzzy controller for the Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system which has been in

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

22 551 1
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 10: Learning Control Systems pdf

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 10: Learning Control Systems pdf

... u(k) to the plant in state x(k) is seen to result in a change of the plant state to x(k+1) By setting the value of M(z) at 2(k) = [x(k), x(k +1)] to u(k), the learning system will have stored ... error is used to determine a control gain correction vector e the control gain correction vector is used to improve the radial basis function approximation The performance evaluator is responsible ... (direct) indication as to whether an alternative control action might be more appropriate As a result, reinforcement learning systems lead to stochastic learning rules that are used to search for the

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

26 526 0
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 11: Learning Control: Methods, Needs and Architectures pptx

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 11: Learning Control: Methods, Needs and Architectures pptx

... Antsaklis and K M Passino Introduction to intelligent con- trol systems with high degrees of autonomy In K M Passino and P J Antsaklis, editors, Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Cotrol Kluwer ... difficult to implement For instance, to implement a restructurable control system one would need to design a set of controllers appropriate for particular situations and a monitor/selector able to select ... and P J Antsaklis, editors, Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Cotrol Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992 [29] K S Narendra and M A L Thathachar Learning Automata: An Introduction Prentice-Hall,

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

20 474 0
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 14: Modeling of MultiSensory Robotic Systems with Failure Diagnostic Capabilities pdf

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 14: Modeling of MultiSensory Robotic Systems with Failure Diagnostic Capabilities pdf

... coordinators of a fixed structure, each performing a set of specific functions For an MRS, these coordinators are defined to be: i) the vision system coordinator, 1) the motion system coordinator, ... failures due to the vision subsystem Meth- ods are suggested to overcome several potential (soft) failures to enhance the flexibility of the vision system coordinator The hardware mechanisms to be built ... correspond to each other Trang 13 2.4 Sensor Fusion between Range and Intensity Images Several sensors are used to constantly monitor the environment in order to detect and respond to the dynamic

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

21 464 0
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 2: A Reference Model Architecture for Intelligent Systems Design pdf

Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 2: A Reference Model Architecture for Intelligent Systems Design pdf

... from tool path to joint actuator coordi - nates Planners interpolate between primitive trajectory points with a 30 millisec- ond look ahead Executors servo individual actuators and motors to the ... “chunked” into higher order entities, i.e points are chunked into lines, lines into surfaces, surfaces into objects, objects into groups, etc c) Difference images also are transmitted to the VJ ... transform from equip- ment to end-effector coordinates Forward and inverse transform from end-effector egosphere to equipment centered inertial egosphere coordinates Manipulator dynamic model Load

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

30 574 0

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