Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2015, 08:00
... pullover or jersey is a knit garment intended to cover the torso and arms, popular with men, women and children of all ages It is often worn over a shirt, blouse, T-shirt, or other top, but may ... made from wool, but can now be made of cotton, synthetic fibers, or any combination thereof Sweaters are maintained by washing or dry cleaning, and the use of a lint roller or pill razor CABLE ... collarless, oversize pullover made traditionally of heavy cotton jersey that has a fleeced backing a loose, long-sleeved, collarless pullover of soft, absorbent fabric, commonly worn during athletic...
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2015, 23:34
Thesis you are what you wear the examination of fashion leadership and general leadership among african american and caucasian b s davette angelo
... ideals of clothing and fashion O’Neal conducted interviews of African American females and males to investigate how the African American aesthetic of dress is visible, and the values and attitudes ... time and frequency of clothing purchases and social involvement, fashion involvement and clothing benefits sought Dixon (2007) examined the values and social and psychological factors on dress and ... similarities and differences of consumers from these ethnic groups and an examination of behavior and psychographics can provide understanding in relation to fashion Research Models A review of the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2015, 01:40
Gale group encyclopedia of fashion costume and culture volume 1 (2004)
... of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Pendergast, Sara Fashion, costume, and ... China and Japan, the Byzantine Empire, the nomadic and barbarian cultures of early Europe, and Europe in the formative Middle Ages This volume also highlights several of the ancient cultures of ... coverage of the development of costume and fashion in the West Volume features the costume traditions of the developing European nation-states in the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries, and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2018, 15:31
Báo cáo y học: "Bench-to-bedside review: The MET syndrome – the challenges of researching and adopting medical emergency teams"
... cohorts of patients at the start of an MET program and years later *p
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35
Tài liệu Explaining Ethnic Minority Poverty in Vietnam: a summary of recent trends and current challenges ppt
... amount of forest land of the country, very few people (Kinh and non-Kinh) actually have forest land as most of this land has not yet been allocated to households Table Size of land used by Kinh and ... services are often packaged as part of the NTPs, they are discussed here because of their importance in enabling ethnic minorities to use land productively and profitably Land Annual cropland is known ... attainment of Kinh/ Hoa and Ethnic minorities, adults of 18 years and older, 1993-2004 Source: Vietnam Living Standard Survey 1993 and 1998, Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2002 and 2004...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:15
Tài liệu Benefits and Challenges of Offshoring doc
... job security Offshore Market and Supplier Issues - Formative offshore market - Dependence on supplier-provided information - Limited understanding of suppliers’ true reputation and track record ... inefficiencies and bottlenecks and enhancing workflow using automation and other information technologies, can add additional cost savings as well as faster cycle times and other business benefits Challenges ... Challenges Before launching an offshore development initiative, senior management needs to thoroughly understand the challenges to successful offshoring Major risks and issues include differences...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Groundwater Pollution and Emerging Environmental Challenges of Industrial Effluent Irrigation in Mettupalayam Taluk, Tamil Nadu pdf
... disposal of effluents on land and the subsequent pollution of groundwater and soil of surrounding farmlands – is a relatively new area of research The environmental and socioeconomic aspects of industrial ... capacity of the land As a result the hydraulic and pollution load often exceeds the assimilative capacity of the land and pollutes groundwater and the soil Apart from the disposal of industrial ... own land for irrigation, (b) understand the impacts of groundwater and soil pollution on livelihoods, and (c) document the ways and means adopted by the farmers to mitigate the problem of pollution...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
Ground Water Pollution and Emerging Environmental Challenges of Industrial Effluent Irrigation: A Case Study of Mettupalayam Taluk, Tamilnadu pptx
... tonnes of TDS, 50 tonnes of TSS, tonnes of BOD, 18 tonnes of COD, 19 tonnes of Chloride and tonne of Sulphate (MSE, 2005) 12 494 tonnes/year of TDS, 22 tonnes/year of TSS and 24 tonnes/year of COD ... disposal of effluents exceed the assimilative capacity of the land there is contamination of the soil and groundwater Continuous disposal of industrial effluents on land could exceed the hydraulic and ... ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT IRRIGATION: A CASE STUDY OF METTUPALAYAM TALUK, TAMILNADU Sacchidananda Mukherjee* and Prakash Nelliyat Abstract Industrial disposal of effluents on land and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot
... advertising allowances and other merchandising payments and services, which seek to define the applicability of Sections 2(d) and 2(e) of Robinson-Patman to advertising and merchandising. 10 The new ... explain these types of fees in food retailing Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices OFF-INVOICE CHARGES AND IMPERFECT COMPETITION Economic Theories of Slotting and Other Fees M any ... suppliers in terms of Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices the competitive implications of slotting allowances and available only 21 weeks of the year on average As a other off-invoice...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20
Reproductive health in nomadic communities: Challenges of culture and choice pdf
... ON HIV AND AIDS, SEXUALITY AND GENDER ON HIV AND AIDS, SEXUALITY AND GENDER distance to health services, high levels of illiteracy and local beliefs and practices On the other hand, HIV incidence ... risks of unplanned pregnancies, STI s and HIV Improvement and increase of FP services uptake and use of health facility-based maternal health care services will contribute to the achievement of ... ON HIV AND AIDS, SEXUALITY AND GENDER Links and resources How universal is access to reproductive health? A review of evidence UNFPA 2010 examine the number and distribution of health professionals...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20
ELDERLY SERVICES IN HEALTH CENTERS: A Guide to Address Unique Challenges of Caring for Elderly People with Disabilities, Frailty, and Other Special Needs pot
... Role of the Health Center: What follows are key components of end -of- life care, and how these can be incorporated at community health centers to promote continuity and quality of care, and enable ... walk and low levels of physical activity Frailty is predictive of falls, worsening mobility, disability, hospitalization and death Rates of frailty and disability are higher in women than men and ... The role of primary care is a critical part of delaying and managing health conditions related to frailty and disability, yet the onset of frailty and disability can impede the ability of elderly...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20
... On the other hand cost of saving at home is high due to physical risk of theft, floods and grabbing hand of the husband For example, a survey on women in Kenya by Anderson and Baland’s (2002) ... in demand of various saving products in Tajikistan” 31 REFERENCES Anderson S and Baland JM, (2002); “The Economics of ROSCAs and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, ... regions of ECA and NIS, Tajikistan Microfinance market is very small in terms of both absolute numbers and penetration rate Table as per attached appendix indicates that majority of microfinance...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Opportunities and challenges of GMO pot
... of no-tilling, norotation and no-culture techniques may promote the spread of superweeds in terms of diversity and quantity Shifts in weed communities and the spread of resistant weeds force farmers ... between GM crops and weeds which have relation to crops The ability of plants to breed between and among species allows for the movement of genes among crops and between crops and wild relatives ... feed source of livestock and biofuel for industry activities that have nothing to with meeting the basic food needs of the poor and hungry Feeding the world is the responsibility of not only...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 00:20
Assessing consumer awareness and usage of food labels and influences on food buying behavior
... higher levels of income and education would pay more attention to various kinds of label information Assessing Consumer Awareness and Usage of Food Labels and Influences on Food Buying Behavior ... 1997 Food and Nutrition Information: A Study of Sources, Uses, and Understanding British Food Journal, 99(2): 42-44 Bender M.M., and Derby B.M., 1992 Prevalence of reading nutrition and ingredient ... Awareness and Usage of Food Labels and Influences on Food Buying Behavior Abstract Food regulations and increased consumer awareness are forcing food companies across the world to display more and...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 16:55
challenges to the second law of thermodynamics theory and experiment
... Allahverdyan and Nieuwenhuizen [33] is noteworthy They rederive and extend the results of Pusz, Woronowicz [34] and Lenard [35], and provide an analytical proof of the following equilibrium formulation of ... Gyftopolous and Beretta [19]: (14) Gyftopolous and Beretta Among all the states of a system with given values of energy, the amounts of constituents and the parameters, there is one and only one ... and extremophile biology, biochemistry, and origin -of- life studies The latter topic explores the fate of life in the cosmos in light of the second law and its possible violation Roughly 80% of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:14
Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of the Market_2 pot
... Cash management and operational risk control • Employee and agent training and incentives • Image and branding The complexity of partnerships grows with the array of services offered, from relatively ... third of all deposits and a quarter of total credit portfolio In the late 1990s, Banco Pichincha found itself with excess liquidity and a network of 235 branches, many of them underutilized and ... of cer and the client The replication of this relationship millions of times is one of the key factors making microfinance a significant global force today Take Jesse Cabacheco, a loan of cer of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of the Market_3 pot
... operations in Namibia and Botswana, and plans to expand into Uganda and Zambia CompuScan has an Internet-based software platform Its combination of flexible technology, training programs, and focus on ... because of the number of clients covered and the number of data points per client The technology requirements and costs of such a system are significant The difference between negative and positive ... cost of handling cash, especially in countries with heavily devalued currency In the early 1990s, I talked with Polish bankers who complained of the high cost of counting and handling worn-out and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of the Market_4 pdf
... opportunities for local and international IT specialists As microfinance grows, the demand for efficient software and systems grows And as software, IT platforms, networks, and hardware become more ... Open-source software can be adapted by software developers in-country, and a Web-based community supports rapid adoption and ongoing improvements Some providers, such as Temenos and i-flex, provide standardized ... Systems and Banking Software • 125 in Kenya, Tunisia, the Philippines, and other countries SunGard and IBM have contributed to system development and implementation At first, system development and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20