carbohydrate digestion and absorption of monosaccharides

Effects of undigested soybean protein on lipid digestion and growth of yellowtail fish, Seriola quinqueradiata

Effects of undigested soybean protein on lipid digestion and growth of yellowtail fish, Seriola quinqueradiata

... efficiency of lipid digestion and absorption from the diet, the results of these studies suggest that fish fed SBM, SPI and DSPI have poor dietary lipid digestion and absorption, and the poor ... with secretion of bile acids into the intestine Conclusion In conclusion, undigested HMF of soybean protein reduced bile acid reabsorption and induced poor dietary lipid digestion and absorption ... levels of fingerling rainbow trout Fish Sci 66, pp 310-320 [16] AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists), 1995 Official Methods of Analysis (ed by Helrich K.) The Association of the Official

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 23:40

11 16 0
T 84-10 - Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate

T 84-10 - Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate

... specific gravity and absorption that is subsequently measured is that of the agglomerated and coated particles and not that of the parent material The difference in absorption and specific gravity ... Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying 2.2 ASTM Standards:  C 128, Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate  C 670, Standard Practice ... gravity and absorption of fine aggregate, no statement on bias is being made APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) X1 POTENTIAL DIFFERENCES IN BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND ABSORPTION DUE TO PRESENCE OF

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 09:31

10 4 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 1

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 1

... QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF RUMINANT DIGESTION AND METABOLISM Second Edition This page intentionally left blank QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF RUMINANT DIGESTION AND METABOLISM Second Edition Edited ... Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism / edited by J Dijkstra, J M Forbes, and J France.- ... Pondicherry, India Printed and bound in the UK by Biddles Ltd, King’s Lynn Contents Contributors ix 1 Introduction J Dijkstra, J.M Forbes and J France DIGESTION Rate and Extent of Digestion D.R Mertens

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15

60 366 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 2

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 2

... because of its role both in the processes of digestion and absorption and in the expression of voluntary feed consumption The Nature of Digesta The ruminant GI tract consists of a succession of mixing ... to the utilization of diets of moderate fibre content for the production of food and fibre and the provision of motive power They are not so well adapted to poor quality diets of high fibre content ... consist of particulate matter, including microorganisms, and water, in which is dissolved a range of organic and inorganic solutes of both dietary and endogenous origin The relative proportions of

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15

39 427 0
Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 9 pptx

Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 9 pptx

... P.C., Lupoli, B and Sutton, J.D (2001) Effects of intake and lactation on absorption and metabolism of leucine and phenyl alanine by splanchnic tissues of dairy cows Journal of Dairy Science ... R.J., Wolff, B.M and Bohmer, T (1971) Quantitative studies of the metabolism of chylomicron triglycerides and cholesterol by liver and extrahepatic tissues of sheep and dogs Journal of Clinical Investigation ... Wageningen, The Netherlands, p 273 Heath, T.J and Perkins, N.R (1985) Effect of development of the ovine forestomachs of the anatomy of portal vessels and on the intrahepatic distribution of portal blood

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 08:15

54 556 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification and characterization of zebrafish hatching enzyme – an evolutionary aspect of the mechanism of egg envelope digestion pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Purification and characterization of zebrafish hatching enzyme – an evolutionary aspect of the mechanism of egg envelope digestion pot

... min, bands with molecular masses of 43 and 39 kDa were observed in addition to undigested bands of ZP2 and ZP3. After incubation for 10 min, three major bands with molecu- lar masses of 43, 39 and ... and swells the envelope. The cross-species digestion using enzymes and substrates of zebrafish and medaka revealed that both ZHE1 and MHCE cleaved the same sites of the egg envelope proteins of ... those of ZHE1 and MHCE. As was true in the egg envelope digestion experiment, the cleaving sites of site A peptides of MLCE did not coincide with those of ZHE1 and MHCE. However, the ratios of the specific

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

13 581 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Transcriptomics of shading-induced and NAAinduced abscission in apple (Malus domestica) reveals a shared pathway involving reduced photosynthesis, alterations in carbohydrate transport and signaling and hormone crosstalk" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: "Transcriptomics of shading-induced and NAAinduced abscission in apple (Malus domestica) reveals a shared pathway involving reduced photosynthesis, alterations in carbohydrate transport and signaling and hormone crosstalk" pptx

... Results Effects of NAA and shading on young fruit abscission and ethylene production by young fruit and leaves A comparison of the relative effectiveness of NAA and shading as inducers of fruit abscission ... Expression profiling of young fruit abscission induced by NAA and shading Figure Effect of NAA and shading treatments on ethylene production of ‘Golden Delicious’ apples (A) NAA and shading induce ... 25 and 26 d after treatment For ethylene production measurements, 15 fruit and 20 leaves were collected from each of three replicate trees and h and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14 d after treatment and

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21

20 385 0
Calculations of microwave permeability, permittivity and absorption properties of magnetic particle composites

Calculations of microwave permeability, permittivity and absorption properties of magnetic particle composites

... to 50GHz S band 2 to 4GHz U band 40 to 60GHz C band 4 to 8GHz V band 50 to 75GHz X band 8 to 12GHz E band 60 to 90GHz Ku band 12 to 18GHz W band 75 to 110GHz K band 18 to 26.5GHz F band 90 to 140GHz ... property of magnetic thin film offers the potential of making of microwave absorbers. Lastly, we have considered a multi-domain 146 structure with a random distribution of the orientations of the ... in the design of magnetic absorber through the calculations of magnetic permeability and electric permittivity. The emphasis of this thesis is to calculate and design the intrinsic and extrinsic

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:18

165 317 0
Aspects of carbohydrate quality and their relevance for risk markers of type 2 diabetes and related health outcomes

Aspects of carbohydrate quality and their relevance for risk markers of type 2 diabetes and related health outcomes

... between the different aspects of carbohydrate quality and liver enzymes and serum lipids In conclusion, our results suggest a particular relevance of postprandial glycemic and also insulinemic excursions ... T2D accounted for 34% of the T2D cases [68] With a total diabetes prevalence of 0.84% (T1D and. .. standard deviation score SE Standard error SEM Standard error of the mean T1D, T2D ... thankful to Prof Dr Paul Mitchell for giving me this opportunity Furthermore, I am particularly grateful to Prof Dr Jennie Brand-Miller, School of Molecular Bioscience and Boden Institute of Obesity,

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2015, 14:52

203 432 0
Syntheses and structures of lithium zirconates forhigh-temperature CO2 absorption

Syntheses and structures of lithium zirconates forhigh-temperature CO2 absorption

... terms of their stability and the amount and rate of CO2 absorption include improvement of the zirconates and investigation of new ceramic systems other than zirconates, which is out of the scope of ... insufficient absorption capacity, kinetics, and stability The development of in situ high temperature precise measurement of weight variation of absorbents before and aer absorption of CO2 and the ... Li6Zr2O7 a ¼ 5.48 A, and Li2O upon prolonged heating above 1073 K.30 A mixture of Li6Zr2O7 and Li8ZrO6 was observed aer the calcination of Li2CO3 and ZrO2,13,29 and also of LiOH and Zr(NO3)4$5H2O

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2016, 19:13

11 212 0
Chapter 2  intestinal absorption and bioavailability of vitamins

Chapter 2 intestinal absorption and bioavailability of vitamins

... 2.2.4 Digestion, Absorption, and Transport of Dietary Fat Absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins takes place mainly in the proximal jejunum and depends on the proper functioning of the digestion and ... Binding of bile salts and other organic material Binding of water and cations Formation of gels, binding of bile salts and other organic material Similar to pectins Binding of water, formation of ... 2004, p 41 Anderson, J.W and Chen, W.-J.L., Plant fiber: carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, Am J Clin Nutr., 32, 346, 1979 10 Vahouny, G.V and Cassidy, M.M., Dietary fibers and absorption of nutrients,

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2017, 11:12

16 344 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 3

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 3

... cultures, and enable the study of long-term (weeks) effects of factors affecting the microbial population and the digestion of nutrients under controlled conditions of pH, turnover rate and nutrient ... overestimation of both the immediately soluble fraction and the extent of degradation, and likely underestimation of the rate of degradation (Huntington and Givens, 1995) Loss of particles from ... Comparative digestion of herbage by two breeds of sheep: effects of grass maturity stage and level of intake Animal Science 73, 513–522 Madsen, J and Hvelplund, T (1994) Prediction of in situ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15

35 432 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 4

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 4

... of the breakdown process of (A) leaves of tropical and temperate grasses and of legumes, and (B) mature stems of grass and legume, during eating and initial (0–6 h) digestion in the rumen to ... integrity of the leaf and stem components by removal of cuticle, crushing and separation of vascular bundles and other plant tissues, and release of plant cell contents (Ulyatt et al., 1986; Wilson and ... C.T and Handley, T.A (1986) The assessment of handling time ion in ruminants: the effect of plant chemical and physical structure on the rate of breakdown of plant particles in the rumen of mule...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15

34 392 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 5

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 5

... composition of supplements), level of intake, retention time of solids and liquids, and the timing of release of energy substrates and nitrogenous materials into the medium (rumen ‘synchrony’) Effect of ... valine and cysteine, probably due to poor re -absorption of mucin proteins (Lapierre and Lobley, 2001) Uncertainty about the sites and quantity of secretion of endogenous N and its fractional re -absorption ... and metabolism of volatile fatty acids, glucose and CO2 in steers and the effects of monensin on volatile fatty acid kinetics Journal of Nutrition 113, 1265–1277 Barcroft, J., McAnally, R.A and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15

50 488 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 6

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 6

... digestibility of feed and production of VFA and microbial protein However, the complexity of these analogues, which often employ pulse addition of heterogeneous, particulate substrate and differential and/ or ... notably when the quality of the feed and dietary levels of N are poor (mainly in the tropics and subtropics) Rumen bacteria are efficient scavengers of N sources and uptake of ammonia is represented ... described and this number is expected to increase with continued research Rumen Microorganisms and their Interactions 209 Species Diversity and Activity Species diversity and the size and activity of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15

22 442 0
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 7

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 7

... M.E and Marsh, P.B (1976) Effect of monensin fed with forage on digestion and the ruminal ecosystem of steers Journal of Animal Science 42, 229–234 Eadie, J.M and Gill, J.C (1971) Effect of the ... Applied and Environmental Microbiology 56, 2186–2192 Chen, M and Wolin, M.J (1979) Effect of monensin and lasalocid-sodium on the growth of methanogenic and rumen saccharolytic bacteria Applied and ... tools and bioinformatics offer the promise for an even better understanding of this ecologically complex environment References Abou Akada, A.R and El-Shazly, K (1964) Effect of absence of ciliate...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15

34 531 0
Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 8 docx

Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 8 docx

... of Dairy Science 80, 1005–1028 Nocek, J.E and Tamminga, S (1991) Site of digestion of starch in the gastrointestinal tract of dairy cows and its effect on milk yield and composition Journal of ... pattern of feed intake and the in situ degradation characteristics of carbohydrates and N First, a diet was simulated with a daily dry matter intake of 10.0 kg of grass silage, 6.5 kg of maize ... remainder of the body (Baldwin, 1995) Only Gill et al (1989) addressed the concept of energy costs of nutrients and ion transport, and of protein synthesis and degradation in tissues of the total...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 08:15

28 499 0
Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 10 pptx

Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 10 pptx

... (1967a) Rates of entry and oxidation of acetate, glucose, D(-)-b-hydroxy-butyrate, palmitate, oleate and stearate, and rates of production and oxidation of propionate and butyrate in fed and starved ... S and Nichols, B.W (1967b) The oxidation and utilisation of palmitate, stearate, oleate and acetate by the mammary gland of the fed goat in relation to their overall metabolism, and the role of ... R.J., Wolfe, B.M and Bohmer, T (1971) Quantitative studies of the metabolism of chylomicron triglycerides and cholesterol by liver and extra hepatic tissues of sheep and dogs Journal of Clinical Investigations...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

28 436 0
Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 11 ppt

Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 11 ppt

... approaches (e.g measurements of protein levels for some enzymes of the ubiquitination machinery and proteasomal subunits, of the rate of ubiquitination of protein substrates, and of proteasome activities) ... catheterization of an artery and a vein draining a hind limb bed An index of both the rates of protein breakdown and synthesis is calculated by measuring the concentration of the label and its isotopic ... incubated rodent muscles (see Attaix and Taillandier, 1998) These observations, together with the use of specific inhibitors of lysosomal and Ca2þ dependent proteases and of the proteasome, lead to the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

26 505 0
Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 12 docx

Tài liệu Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 12 docx

... (100% of ME and CP requirements) and high (160% of ME and CP requirements) intake levels, the liver removed approximately 34% of the AA absorbed by the PDV Removal of essential AA comprised 15% of ... the digestion and mastication of food; (iii) the heat of fermentation; (iv) the work of excretion by the kidney; and (v) the increased muscular activity of various organs due to the metabolism of ... relationships resulted in estimates of MEm of 0.58 and 0:66 MJ=kg0:75 for the linear and multiple regression methods, respectively, and kl of 0.64 and 0.69, respectively The weight of evidence from recent...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

44 458 0