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... one of these two above. Usage Batchelor, R. and Pountain, C., Using Spanish, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 199 4; 2nd edition, 2005 (This book has a concise section on Spanish grammar but also ... 261 29 Word order (El orden de las palabras) 2 69 30 Augmentatives and diminutives (Los aumentativos y diminutivos) 278 Model answers / Soluciones y modelos 285 Index of grammar and vocabulary 3 19 Subjunctive ... intransitivos, y los verbos reflexivos) 107 15 Impersonal verbs (Los verbos impersonales) 1 19 16 Subjunctive (El subjuntivo) 1 29 17 Personal pronouns (Los pronombres personales) 154 18 Possessive adjectives...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

354 1,5K 8


... nineteenth century 164 9 Colonial invasion 193 10 Colonial change, 191 8– 195 0 2 19 11 Independent Africa, 195 0– 198 0 251 12 Industrialisation and race in South Africa, 1886– 199 4 273 13 In the time ... by Cambridge University Press. i P1: RNK 0521864381pre CUNY780B-African 97 8 0 521 68 297 8 May 15, 2007 19: 34 xii P1: RNK 0521864381pre CUNY780B-African 97 8 0 521 68 297 8 May 15, 2007 19: 34 iv ... CUNY780B-African 97 8 0 521 68 297 8 May 15, 2007 19: 34 ii P1: RNK 0521864381c02 CUNY780B-African 97 8 0 521 68 297 8 May 15, 2007 15:22 Emergence of food-producing communities 9 mitochondrial DNA...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

386 1,2K 4

... to education; in , the franchise was given to forty-shilling freeholders, and catholic men were admitted to army and navy commissions and to university. They were still, however, excluded from parliament ... friendship, and encouragement. I need to repay with interest those colleagues in English at Miami University who have contributed to the process and the product in either highly concrete or virtually ... subordination of the heart which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom. The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment...

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240 1,2K 5

... reading Baldwin, R. and Cave, M. 199 9. Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Baldwin, R., and McCrudden, C. 198 7. Regulation and Public Law, ... 198 5. The Politics of Deregulation, Washington DC: Brookings Institution. Harlow, C. and Rawlings, R. 2004. Law and Administration, Law in Context Series, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University ... pluralism 253 5.5.1 Discussion questions 2 79 5.6 Decentred regulatory legitimacy: Beyond and above the state 280 5.6.1 Discussion questions 298 5.7 Conclusion 299 x Contents Preface and Acknowledgements The...

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373 1,2K 5

... Philosophy at the University of Durham. His publications include Kinds of Being ( 198 9), Locke on Human Understanding ( 199 5), Subjects of Experience ( 199 6) and The Possibility of Metaphysics ( 199 8). AN ... Murdoch (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198 4). In recent times, one of Descar- tes’s best-known and severest critics has been Gilbert Ryle: see his The Concept of Mind (London: Hutchinson, 194 9), ... non-Cartesian substance dualism talked about here, see my Subjects of Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 199 6), ch. 2. This position is similar in some ways to the view of persons defended by...

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333 1,2K 2


... Ischaemic heart disease 226 95 Endocrine disease 228 96 Diabetes mellitus 2 29 97 Anaemia and polycythaemia 232 98 Deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 234 99 Thrombophilia 237 100 Coagulopathy ... Obstet Anesth 199 7; 6: 97 –100. Harrison GR. Topographical anatomy of the lumbar epidural region: an in vivo study using computerized axial tomography. Br J Anaesth 199 9; 83: 2 29 34. Render CA. ... Spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section 90 36 General anaesthesia for Caesarean section 94 37 Cricoid pressure 98 38 Failed and difficult intubation 99 39 Awake intubation 103 40 Post-Caesarean...

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416 969 2


... Williams ( 197 8), pp. 64–65. For further discussion see ibid., pp. 65–68, 211– 212, 2 39, 245–2 49, and 300–303; Williams ( 198 5), pp. 138140; Blackburn ( 199 4); Dancy ( 199 3), ch. 9, Đ2; Heal ( 198 9), Đ7.2; ... Dancy ( 199 3), ch. 9, Đ2; Heal ( 198 9), Đ7.2; Hookway ( 199 5); Jardine ( 198 0); Jardine ( 199 5); Putnam ( 199 2), ch. 5; and Strawson ( 198 9), Appendix B. 11 Moore ( 199 7a), Ch. 4, Đ3. I may, however, attach less ... want.” 29 25 Skorupski, this volume. 26 Williams ( 199 5c), p. 220, n. 3. 27 Nagel ( 197 0), p. 4. 28 Williams ( 199 5a). 29 Skorupski, this volume. P1: SBT 97 80521662161c01K CUNY946/Thomas 97 8 0 521...

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239 798 1


... speciation) (Maynard Smith, 196 6; Rice & Hostert, 199 3; Gavrilets et al., 199 8; Dieckmann & Doebeli, 199 9; Kondrashov & Kondrashov, 199 9; Tregenza & Butlin, 199 9; Danley et al., 2000; ... & Tzedakis, 199 6). The milder, western, part was colonised by humans at a rela- tively early stage, perhaps before half-a-million years ago (Stringer & Gamble, 199 3; Klein, 199 9). The open ... (eds) 0 521 57173 1 cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK First...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

268 914 3


... 196 ±2 09 at 196 . 28 H. Guillotel, `Administration et ®nances ducales en Bretagne sous le re Á gne de Conan III', MSHAB 68 ( 199 1), 19 43 at 27±8. 29 Guillotel, `Conan III', pp. 21, 29, ... Wood- bridge, Suffolk, 199 9. `Communes petitiones A. de la Borderie (ed.), `Nouveau recueil d'actes Britonum' ine  dits des ducs de Bretagne', BSAIV 21 (1 892 ), 97 ±134 at 97 ±105. `Coutume ... Brittany, Cambridge, 199 2, pp. 144±5; H. Guillotel, `Le premier sie Á cle du pouvoir ducal breton (93 6±1040)', in Actes du 103e congre Á s national des socie  te  s savantes, Paris, 197 9, pp....

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265 1,2K 2


... at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is the author of eight books, most recently Reconstructing Marxism (with Elliott Sober and Andrew Levin, 199 2), Interrogating Inequality ( 199 5), and ... transformation of the American class structure, 196 0± 199 056 4ThefallandriseoftheAmericanpettybourgeoisie67 5Thepermeabilityofclassboundaries 79 PartIIClassandgender113 6Conceptualizingtheinteractionofclassandgender115 7Individuals,familiesandclassanalysis125 8 ... see Wright ( 199 7: 5±7). 7Class analysis Studies in Marxism and Social Theory Edited by g. a. cohen, jon elster and john roemer The series is jointly published by the Cambridge University Press and...

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311 705 3


... and their past in the prison cell where, ironically, Joshua has felt greater freedom than he had in a community dedicated to freedom. But even now they are obliged to address one another rather than ... Studies at the University of East Anglia and has published more than twenty-five books covering American theatre, popular culture and British drama, including Modern American Drama (Cambridge, ). ... about all those undergraduates I saw around me, so free and happy but wondering what in adult life would allow them to keep their spirit and freedom? How do we keep any ideals in this particular...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

452 757 3

... format ISBN-13 97 8-0-521-8 294 9-6 ISBN-13 97 8-0-521-7 099 0-3 ISBN-13 97 8-0-511-33751-2 â Cambridge University Press 2004, 2006 2004 Information on this title: www .cambridge. org /97 805218 294 96 This publication ... Time ( 196 8, 2nd ed. 198 1), The Concept of Miracle ( 197 1), An Introduction to Confirmation Theory ( 197 3), The Coherence of Theism ( 197 7, 2nd ed. 199 3), The Existence of God ( 197 9, 2nd ed. 199 1), ... and Reason ( 198 1), Personal Identity (with Sidney Shoemaker) ( 198 4), The Evo- lution of the Soul ( 198 6, 2nd ed. 199 7), Responsibility and Atonement ( 198 9), Revelation ( 199 1), The Christian God ( 199 4),...

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423 599 0

... University of Cambridge Jonathan Dollimore, University of York Marjorie Garber, Harvard University Jonathan Goldberg, Johns Hopkins University Nancy Vickers, Bryn Mawr College Since the 197 0s there ... England Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture General editor STEPHEN ORGEL Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor of Humanities, Stanford University Editorial board Anne Barton, University ... consideration of the essay on Peele already offered, one could compare the 197 9 essay on the Shepheardes Calender with the 198 6 essay on the “Elizabethan Subject.” In the former Montrose suggests...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

204 816 3


... São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK First published in print format ISBN-13 97 8-0-521-87 898 -2 ISBN-13 97 8-0-521-70 395 -6 ISBN-13 97 8-0-511-4 090 8-0 â ... Moral Combat 214–21 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 199 9); Tom D. Campbell, The Legal Theory of Ethical Positivism 6, 50, 53, 58 (Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing 199 6); Jules L. Coleman, ... of the faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Law from 198 5 to 199 0 and the University of San Diego School of Law from 199 0 to 2003, when she moved to Cornell University. She is a member...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

263 637 5

... framework. Significance of freedom to procreate Let us begin with reproductive freedom, which includes freedom to procreate and freedom not to procreate. It turns out that these two components of reproductive freedom ... oocytes. The ability to freeze mature oocytes would be useful for several reasons. First, oocyte freezing could replace pre-embryo freezing when couples use in vitro fertilization (Dawson, 199 0). Some couples ... should be given to procreative freedom? Is procreative freedom valuable simply because freedom in general is valuable, or is there special signiWcance to the fact that the freedom in question is procreative? Need...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

367 785 2

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