... he moaned and sobbed, it was with the pain of living that was of old the pain of his wild fathers, and the fear and mystery of the cold and dark that was to them fear and mystery. And that he ... pride of the trail and trace - that pride which holds dogs in the toil to the last gasp, which lures them to die joyfully in the harness, and breaks their hearts if they are cut out of the harness. ... marked the completeness with which he harked back through the ages of fire and roof to the raw beginnings of life in the howling ages. Seven days from the time they pulled into Dawson, they
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... the man whose turn it was to run towed behind the sled at the end of a rope. And on the last night of the second week they topped White Pass and dropped down the sea slope with the lights of ... could hear the crashing of their bodies through the undergrowth, and the noises they made in the night. And dreaming there by the Yukon bank, with lazy eyes blinking at the fire, these sounds ... first. They ate before the drivers ate, and no man sought his sleeping-robe till he had seen to the feet of the dogs he drove. Still, their strength went down. Since the beginning of the winter they
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... CALL OF THE WILD JACK LONDON CHAPTER 5 (P1) V. The Toil of Trace and Trail Thirty days from the time it left Dawson, the Salt Water Mail, with Buck and his mates at the fore, ... in the way of her men and kept up an unbroken chattering of remonstrance and advice. When they put a clothes-sack on the front of the sled, she suggested it should go on the back; and when they ... tripped and was pulled off his feet. The capsized sled ground over him, and the dogs dashed on up the street, adding to the gayety of Skaguay as they scattered the remainder of the outfit along its
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... great misery they had become insensible to the bite of the lash or the bruise of the club. The pain of the beating was dull and distant, just as the things their eyes saw and their ears heard ... lugged in the rest of the family, fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, people thousands of miles away, and some of them dead. That Hal's views on art, or the sort of society plays his mother's ... CALL OF THE WILD JACK LONDON CHAPTER 5 (P2) Then came the underfeeding. Hal awoke one day to the fact that his dog-food was half gone and the distance only quarter covered; further,
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... wildness and wiliness. He was a thing of the wild, come in from the wild to sit by John Thornton's fire, rather than a dog of the soft Southland stamped with the marks of generations of ... change of feature. Or, as chance might have it, he would lie farther away, to the side or rear, watching the outlines of the man and the occasional movements of his body. And often, such was the ... something; but, further, he was the ideal master. Other men saw to the welfare of their dogs from a sense of duty and business expediency; he saw to the welfare of his as if they were his own
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... CALL OF THE WILD JACK LONDON CHAPTER 6 (P2) They knew that the time a man could cling to a slippery rock in the face of that driving current was a matter of minutes, and they ran ... insisted that the phrase included breaking the runners from the frozen grip of the snow. A majority of the men who had witnessed the making of the bet decided in his favor, whereat the odds went ... that the beast can do the trick." The Eldorado emptied its occupants into the street to see the test. The tables were deserted, and the dealers and gamekeepers came forth to see the
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... recollections of the wild brother, and of the smiling land beyond the divide and the run side by side through the wide forest stretches. Once again he took to wandering in the woods, but the wild brother ... In the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake country, sad and silent, where wild-fowl had been, but where then there was no life nor sign of life - only the blowing of chill winds, the ... butter across the bottom of the washing-pan. They sought no farther. Each day they worked earned them thousands of dollars in clean dust and nuggets, and they worked every day. The gold was
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:20
... force that the point broke through the skin of the back and stood out beyond. Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods, proclaiming as they fled the advent of the Evil ... CALL OF THE WILD JACK LONDON CHAPTER 7(P2) As the fall of the year came on, the moose appeared in greater abundance, moving slowly down to meet the winter in the lower and ... it was not the life of the herd, or of the young bulls, that was threatened. The life of only one member was demanded, which was a remoter interest than their lives, and in the end they were
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 16:21
an in-depth analysis of the english - vietnamese translation version of jack london's famous novel the call of the wild = phân tích sâu về bản dịch anh - việt cuốn tiểu thuyết nổi tiếng của jack london
... literary work such as “The call of the wild”, “White fang”, The sea wolf” and many others I.2 The novel “The call of the wild” “The call of the wild” is the story of Buck, a domesticated ... introduction of the chapter……… 11 I.1 The author Jack London……… 11 Trang 4I.2 The novel “The Call of the Wild”……… 11 I.3 Introduction of Chapter 6……… 11 II Discourse features of the source ... confined to chapter 6 of the novel “The Call of the Wild”, which partly features Jack London’s basic writing style in the novel With such a limit set out at the beginning of the study, all the analysis
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:26
An in-depth analysis of the English - Vietnamese translation version of Jack London's famous novel The Call of the Wild
... widespread recognition subsequent to the publication of the novel “The call of the wild” in 1903 I.2 The novel “The call of the wild” “The call of the wild” is the story of Buck, a domesticated dog which ... confined to chapter of the novel “The Call of the Wild”, which partly features Jack London’s basic writing style in the novel With such a limit set out at the beginning of the study, all the analysis ... mainly on the theory of functional grammar by K Halliday The novel “The Call of the Wild” by Jack London is the author’s first literary work, which helped him rise to the prominence as the top
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50
top truyện tiếng anh nên đọc The call of the wild
... skeletons There were seven all together, including him In their very great misery they had become insensible to the bite of the lash or the bruise of the club The pain of the beating ... to be the eyes of great beasts of prey And he could hear the crashing of their bodies through the undergrowth, and the noises they made in the night And dreaming there by the ... blinking at the fire, these sounds and sights of another... lugged in the rest of the family, fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, people thousands of miles away, and some of them dead
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2016, 21:54
The Call Of The Wild By Jack London
... boast In the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake country, sad and silent, where wildfowl had been, but where then there was no life nor sign of life—only the blowing of chill winds, the ... through the chest of another hunter with such force that the point broke through the skin of the back and stood out beyond Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods, ... I say," one of the men on the wall cried enthusiastically "Druther break cayuses any day, and twice on Sundays," was the reply of the driver, as he climbed on the wagon and started the horses
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2016, 17:43
The call of the wild
... boast In the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake country, sad and silent, where wildfowl had been, but where then there was no life nor sign of life—only the blowing of chill winds, the ... through the chest of another hunter with such force that the point broke through the skin of the back and stood out beyond Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods, ... I say," one of the men on the wall cried enthusiastically "Druther break cayuses any day, and twice on Sundays," was the reply of the driver, as he climbed on the wagon and started the horses
Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 14:10
Truyện hay tiếng Anh.The call of the wild
... boast In the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake country, sad and silent, where wildfowl had been, but where then there was no life nor sign of life—only the blowing of chill winds, the ... through the chest of another hunter with such force that the point broke through the skin of the back and stood out beyond Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in terror to the woods, ... I say," one of the men on the wall cried enthusiastically "Druther break cayuses any day, and twice on Sundays," was the reply of the driver, as he climbed on the wagon and started the horses
Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:05
Truyện hay tiếng Anh. The call of the wild
... by the aid of the rope, and night found them back on the river with a quarter of a mile to the day's credit By the time they made the Hootalinqua and good ice, Buck was played out The rest of the ... dogs in the toil to the last gasp, which lures them to die joyfully in the harness, and breaks their hearts if they are cut out of the harness This was the pride of Dave as wheel-dog, of Sol-leks ... that the man whose turn it was to run towed behind the sled at the end of a rope And on the last night of the second week they topped White Pass and dropped down the sea slope with the lights of
Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:26
Translation procedures applied in the english vietnamese translation of the conceptual metaphors in the novel the call of the wild
... INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the reason for choosing the research topic and highlights the purposes and the methods of the study Also, the structure and the scope of the research are also ... studies on the English-Vietnamese translation of conceptual metaphors can be found Therefore, this paper examines some conceptual metaphors available in the novel “The Call of the Wild” and the translation ... chịu tuân theo The lash of Francois’s whip sang through the air Ngọn roi Francois vút khơng khí They had become insensible to the bite of the lash chúng trơ lỳ trước vệt toạc roi quật The lash
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 14:23
An analysis of grammatical cohesion used in The call of the wild" by Jack London. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15"
... in “The Call of the Wild” 19 Table 3.4 Comparative Reference in “The Call of the Wild” 19 Table 3.5: Substitution in “The Call of the Wild” 21 Table 3.6: Specific Deitics in “The Call of the Wild” ... Deitics in “The Call of the Wild” 26 Table 3.8: Numerative in “The Call of the Wild” 27 Table 3.9: Verbal Ellipsis in “The Call of the Wild” 29 Table 3.10: Clausal Ellipsis in “The Call of the Wild” ... Chapter 2: An overview on "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London 13 2.1 A brief summary of "The Call of the Wild" .13 2.2 An overview on "The Call of the Wild" .13 2.2.1 Characters
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:05
An Evaluation of the Vietnamese Translated Version of “The Call of the Wild” by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu Tuan Phuong . M.A Thesis Linguisti
... Within the limitation of the minor thesis, only some of these models will be introduced, and then, the model of Peter Newmark will be applied in evaluating the Vietnamese translated version of ―The ... some experiences from them Objective of the study This thesis mainly aims at answering the three research questions: How good is the Vietnamese version of ―The Call of the Wild‖ according to Newmark‘s ... are the weaknesses of the translated version? What might be some lessons learned from the translation version? Scope and method of the study 3.1 Scope of the study The masterpiece ―The Call of
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:25
An evaluation of the vietnamese translated version of the call of the wild by nguyen cung ai and vu tuan phuong m a thesis linguisti
... model……………………………… CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION OF NEWMARK’S MODEL FOR 12 12 13 14 14 16 TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF CHAPTER OF “THE 18 CALL OF THE WILD” 2.1 A brief analysis of the Source Language ... requires the translator both the knowledge of the language and the background knowledge of the culture which the literary works belongs to Sometimes, due to lack of either of these or because of the ... Within the limitation of the minor thesis, only some of these models will be introduced, and then, the model of Peter Newmark will be applied in evaluating the Vietnamese translated version of ―The
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:17
Translation procedures applied in the english vietnamese translation of the conceptual metaphors in the novel the call of the wild
... presents the reason for choosing the research topic and highlights the purposes and the methods of the study Also, the structure and the scope of the research are also discussed Rationale The world ... studies on the English-Vietnamese translation of conceptual metaphors can be found Therefore, this paper examines some conceptual metaphors available in the novel “The Call of the Wild” and the translation ... translate them from English to Vietnamese Based on the conceptual theory of metaphors proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (2003), a number of conceptual metaphors have been uncovered in the English
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:02