... namespaces shown below, one for C (Compilers .C) and another for C# (Compilers.Csharp), can own (and access) different classes with the same name Therefore, Lexer and Parser for the C compiler are accessed ... structure, an interface, an enumeration, or a delegate NamespaceMemberDecl = NamespaceDecl | TypeDecl TypeDecl = ClassDecl | StructDecl | InterfaceDecl | EnumDecl | DelegateDecl So far, only class ... (reversed) to package classes and other subnamespaces For example, the source files for the project were developed under the namespace Project: namespace com.DeepObjectKnowledge.PracticalGuideForCsharp...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:57
... 0, or blocking communication This paper will deal //The port MUST exist before-hand exclusively with non-overlapped communication as //we cannot create serial ports overlapped communication requires ... the serial port one calls the functions } Provided that the serial port is successfully opened at which the serial port can send and receive data the next step is to configure it to the speci c ... //non-overlapped communication The two operating systems discussed here, Win//To use overlapped communication dows and Linux, both have simple communication //replace with API’s that facilitate communication...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Writing C Code for the 8051 pptx
... int code *)end; /* Now perform the checksum calculation, looping */ /* until the end of the range is reached */ while (codeptr
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 02:20
Giáo trình C Sharp
... namespace Collection chia thành nhiều namesapce Namespace giúp tổ ch c ngăn c ch kiểu Khi viết chương trình C# ph c tạp, phải tạo kiến tr c namespace riêng cho mình, không giới hạn chiều sâu phân c p ... C# phương th c thu c tính nó, bảo mật c n thiết thu c tính kh c Mã nguồn chứa đựng logic c n thiết để th c ch c Do vậy, lớp biên dịch khối self-contained, nên môi trường hosting biết c ch đ c ... Visual Basic, ngôn ngữ kh c nghĩ cung c p tất ch c cần thiết Ngôn ngữ C# ngôn ngữ dẫn xuất từ C C++, tạo từ tảng phát triển Microsoft bắt đầu với c ng vi c C C+ + thêm vào đ c tính để làm cho ngôn...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 14:00
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp
... WSDL (for the service contract), and XSD (for defining data type schemas) It also includes the WS-Policy specification, which describes the policy that a Web service enforces when it communicates ... that consumer to search for services that conform to this requirement Components of Web Service Architecture Experienced developers are comfortable with n-tier application architecture, in which ... to execute a successful service request Finally, this group includes the UDDI specification for discovering and describing Web services Service Assurances: Web services cannot simply exchange...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:57
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp Using the Web Services Enhancements
... secure channel for communication between a Web service and client WS-Secure Conversation is analogous to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol that secures communications over HTTP This chapter ... The code examples are chosen to illustrate complicated concepts clearly Although Web Services Enhancements are conceptually complicated, this does not mean that they translate into complex code ... of the chapters is as follows: Chapter 1, “Introducing Service-Oriented Architecture”: This chapter introduces the concepts behind service-oriented architecture, and the characteristics of a...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:59
101-235 câu hỏi đáp trong C Sharp
... above code when compiled and run? a) The code will compile successfully and output of the code will False b) The code will compile successfully and d) The code generates an output of the code ... declared as a) Interface c) Static d) Private b) Abstract Which of the following are correct statements for implementing an abstract class a) public abstract void class c) abstract public ClassA ... above code when compile/run? a) The code will generate a compile time c) The code will error as the method Function1( ) compile cannot be called without an object successfully and reference output...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
C Sharp Review Questions
... following code is meant to handle exceptions Explain why this code is not correct try { … } catch(Exception){…} catch(IOException){…} Select answer : We can’t use the type of IOException class as catch ... [ambiguous call’static MainClass()’ and ‘MainClass()’] Instance Static Instance Static Static instance Question 94 : What is the output of following C# code? class MainClass { static void Main() ... Sorting Caching Bubbling Question 20 : Difference between the C# statements “catch(Exception ex){}” and “catch{}”? A try statement can only have one catch{} statement(general catch clause) general clause;...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
Giải thuật C Sharp.pdf
... password c thông báo password Ø Ngư c lại c passwd t ì kiểm tra c ch h so sánh chuỗi với nhau: _ Nếu cho số chọn cho t c độ phù hợp với _ Nếu không cho thông báo messagebox báo nhập sai cho chơi ... trò chơi Ta cho c FLAGS=TRUE trường hợp dầu chưa chảy f_start = TRUE; // cho dầu chảy ống khởi đầu f_killtimer = FALSE;// c hủy Timer để thông báo f_xoa = FALSE; // c xóa ống chưa c dầu chảy ... man khung combobox !"); switch(atoi(m _chonsoman)) { case : if(m_tenpasswd.Compare("son")==0) { pch .c_ man = 4; pch .c_ diem = 0; pch.n_tocdo = (2000-200); pch.status =0; pch.reset(); } else if(MessageBox("Password...
Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 13:21
C++ Basics - Functions for All Subtasks
... Slide 5- 24 Functions Calling Functions A function body may contain a call to another function The called function declaration must still appear before it is called Functions cannot be defined ... Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 5- 16 Call Comparisons Call By Reference vs Value Call-by-reference The function call: f(age); Call-by-value The function call: ... interchanged Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 5- 27 Function celsius Preconditions and postconditions make the declaration for celsius: double celsius(double...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:49
Multicarrier Techniques for 4G Mobile Communications
... provides continuous service coverage in 2-GHz band with code division multiplexing /code division multiple access (CDM/CDMA) scheme and supports both circuit-switched and packet-oriented services Furthermore, ... OFDM and CDMA One combination is called multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) Since it was born in 1993, intensive research has been conducted on this interesting new access scheme, ... and a receiver and classified considering the coherence bandwidth and coherence time Accordingly, a wireless channel can be frequency selective or frequency nonselective (explained in Section 2.4)...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 09:50
unit 4. BIG OR SMALL leson 6. C. Getting ready for school(4-7)
... time to practice - Practice in the class - Call some pairs to practice in the class Further practice * Guessing game - Give instruction and check - Listen and answer - Have Ss use the cue cards in ... Thus school ? LN - Call on some pairs to practice in the class - Get feedback - Check up and correct their predictions * Phongs school :- classrooms - 400 students * Thus school :- 20 classrooms ... pairs (closed pairs) - Let them have time to practice - Call on some pairs to practice in the class - Control and give feedback Production (10) Crossword puzzule - Give instruction and check -...
Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27
Bai tap C Sharp
... trình gọi ch c “thêm account vào danh sách” o Nhập “Save” gọi ch c lưu danh sách account vào file… o Nhập “Load” gọi ch c đ c file liệu account đĩa - Lệnh Exit kết th c chương trình Created by ... lớp Account AccountList Phần ch c SaveFile lớp AccountList làm sau: Ch c LoadFile th c sau: Created by Nguyen Ha Giang Email: nguyenha.giang@yahoo.com -3- Lập trình Windows dùng C# Khoa CNTT- ... ArrayList cho danh sách đối tượng Bổ sung thêm phương th c tiện ích sau a NewAccount: tạo account đưa vào danh sách b SaveFile: cho phép user nhập vào tên file, th c vi c lưu danh sách account vào...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 10:20
Building C++CLI Programs for the .NET Developer Platform with Visual C++
... except for the code in Chapter 12, which deals specifically with unverifiable code, and code that uses specific constructs such as unsafe uses of static_cast If you’re familiar with C# , safe code ... programmer in the C+ + language with the C+ +/CLI extensions may use classic C+ + code and libraries if needed In fact, you can compile nearly all classic C+ + code with the /clr option The C+ + language ... any specific processor architecture However, as you’ve seen, code compiled with /clr rather than /clr:pure or /clr:safe may contain platform-specific code Also, even in pure mode, you can invoke...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 07:20
Tạo Ứng dụng Duyệt File và thư mục đơn giản với C Sharp
... TreeNodeCollection nodeCollection = nodeTreeNode.Nodes; // Lấy danh sách ổ đĩa ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = GetDrivers(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection) { switch ... (int.Parse(mo["DriveType"].ToString())) { case Removable: // C c Ổ Đĩa Mềm imageIndex = 5; selectIndex = 5; break; case LocalDisk: // C c Ổ Đĩa C ng imageIndex = 6; selectIndex = 6; break; case CD: // C c Ổ Đĩa CD imageIndex ... PopulateDirectory(TreeNode currentNode, TreeNodeCollection currentNodeCollection) { TreeNode nodeDir; int imageIndex = 2; // Chỉ m c ảnh không chọn int selectIndex = 3; // Chỉ m c ảnh chọn if (currentNode.SelectedImageIndex...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 18:15