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Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P2 pdf

Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P2 pdf

... the OdbcDataAdapter with its associated OdbcCommand and OdbcConnection objects. For Oracle databases, use the OracleDataAdapter with its associated OracleCommand and OracleConnection objects. ... Provider Database Transaction Command ExecuteReader Parameters ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteScalar DataSet DataRelationCollection ConstraintCollection DataTable DataRowCollection DataColumnCollection Your A pplication Figure 3.2 Another architecture of ADO.NET 2.0. c0 3.indd ... instance or an object based on this class. Depending on your applications, you can create a global connection instance for your entire project or you can create some local connection objects...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

50 961 1
Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P4 pdf

Tài liệu Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET- P4 pdf

... based on the real location in which you save your database. D. The Connection object accConnection is initialized with the connection string and a con- nection is executed by calling the Open() ... catch block should be used for this connection operation to catch up any possible exception. Here we skip it since we try to make this connection coding simple. E. The facultyCommand object ... console window. A complete C# Console project named QueryRefl ectionLINQ can be found in the folder DBProjects\Chapter 4 located at the accompanying ftp site (see Chapter 1 ). c0 4.indd 17 5c0 4.indd...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20

50 1,2K 0
Tài liệu Practical C Programming Third Edition pdf

Tài liệu Practical C Programming Third Edition pdf

... generic cc compiler or the Free Software Foundation’s gcc compiler. For MS-DOS/Windows users, instructions are included for Borland C+ +, Turbo C+ +, and Microsoft Visual C+ +. (These compilers compile ... and continue. The switch statement is discussed in detail. Chapter 9, Variable Scope and Functions, introduces local variables, functions, and parameters. Chapter 10, C Preprocessor, describes ... many chapters, you will find a section called Programming Exercises.” These sections contain exercises that might be used in a programming class to test your knowl- edge of C programming. Notes...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20

456 3K 7
Tài liệu Beej''''s Guide to C Programming pdf

Tài liệu Beej''''s Guide to C Programming pdf

... work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ... include the name and contact information for the translator. The C source code presented in this document is hereby granted to the public domain, and is completely free of any license restriction. Educators ... the memory is cleared to zero when using calloc()) The pointer returned by calloc() can be used with realloc() and free( ) just as if you had used malloc(). The drawback to using calloc() is that...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 08:20

136 2,2K 1
Programming C# 4.0 pdf

Programming C# 4.0 pdf

... possible to call components from C# applications into COM and to call components from COM into C# . Chapter 22 describes how this is done. Programming C# p age 23 This chapter discusses the ... to read class metadata using CLR types that support reflection. Programming C# p age 3 Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 introduce Structs and Interfaces, respectively, both close cousins to classes. ... for collections. Chapter 9, explores the collection classes provided by the Base Class Library and how to create your own collection types as well. Chapter 10 discusses how you can use C# to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

520 541 0
C Programming Lecture Notes ppt

C Programming Lecture Notes ppt

... (in time or space) machine language constructions when compiled. If you write a C program simply and succinctly, it is likely to result in a succinct, efficient machine language executable. If you ... performed.) Character codes are usually small the largest code value in ASCII is 126, which is the ~ (tilde or circumflex) character. Characters usually fit in a byte, which is usually 8 bits. In C, type ... alphabetically less than the second string. Since characters in C are represented by their numeric character set values, and since most reasonable character sets assign values to characters in...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 15:20

192 4K 0
The C programming Langguage 2nd Edition

The C programming Langguage 2nd Edition

... used in comparisons with other characters. Certain characters can be represented in character and string constants by escape sequences like \n (newline); these sequences look like two characters, ... the other is specifically called for. For instance, consider the function squeeze(s ,c) , which removes all occurrences of the character c from the string s. /* squeeze: delete all c from s */ ... A character constant is an integer, written as one character within single quotes, such as 'x'. The value of a character constant is the numeric value of the character in the machine's character...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 11:09

217 864 1
Bài giảng C Programming Help

Bài giảng C Programming Help

... • Mỗi c u lệnh viết trên một dòng. C c câu lệnh c ng c p viết trên c ng một c t, c c câu lệnh c c p nhỏ hơn viết thụt vào trong, c ch lệnh c p trên bằng một khoảng Tab ... project : chọn menu Project/Close Project. 2. Một số nguyên t c khi kết nối dữ liệu trong Project. • C c tập tin .H thường dùng để khai báo c c biến dữ liệu và hàm dùng chung (export data). C c ... hiện c a chúng chỉ khai báo một lần duy nhất trong tập tin .CPP tương ứng. • Tập tin project thường chứa c c tập tin c i đặt .CPP, thư viện đối tượng .OBJ, … • C c tập tin trong c ng một project...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:26

2 691 0
The C programming language.

The C programming language.

... in comparisons with other characters. Certain characters can be represented in character and string constants by escape sequences like \n (newline); these sequences look like two characters, ... A character constant is an integer, written as one character within single quotes, such as 'x'. The value of a character constant is the numeric value of the character in the machine's ... '\xb' /* ASCII vertical tab */ #define BELL '\x7' /* ASCII bell character */ The complete set of escape sequences is \a alert (bell) character \\ backslash \b backspace \? ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 17:10

295 758 1