c primer plus 6th edition pdf free download

C++ Primer Plus (P10) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P10) pdf

... hold values. In this case, pointers become the only access to that memory. In C, you could allocate memory with the library function malloc(). You still can do so in C++, but C++ also has a better ... look at two basic matters concerning dynamic arrays: how to use C++'s new operator to create an array and how to use a pointer to access array elements. Creating a Dynamic Array with new ... use_new.cpp // use_new.cpp _ using the new operator #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() This document was created by an unregistered ChmMagic, please go to http://www.bisenter.com

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 901 1
C++ Primer Plus (P18) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P18) pdf

... run: Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Give me a number: 5 A 5-foot cube has a volume of 125 cubic feet. Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Note that main() calls ... following: The compiler correctly handles the function return value. The compiler checks that you use the correct number of function arguments. The compiler checks that you use the correct type of ... place during compile time and is termed static type checking. Static type checking, as we've just seen, catches many errors that are much more difficult to catch during runtime. Function Arguments

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 599 0
C++ Primer Plus (P26) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P26) pdf

... _spiff_d_d The C++ approach is C++ language linkage When the linker looks for a function to match a C++ function call, it uses a different look-up method than it does to match a C function call But ... terminates. The variable count, which is declared inside of funct1(), has local scope and no linkage, which means it can be used only inside the funct1() function, just like the automatic variable llama. ... explicitly Storage Schemes and Dynamic Allocation You've seen the five schemes C++ uses to allocate memory for variables (including arrays and structures) They don't apply to memory allocated

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 529 0
C++ Primer Plus (P31) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P31) pdf

... item) Trang 5You can check to see if the stack is full.You can check to see if the stack is empty You can match this description with a class declaration in which the public member functions provide ... defining a constant within aclass—using the keyword static: class Stock { private: static const int Len = 30; // declare a constant! WORKS char company[Len]; This creates a single constant called ... ViewIk into scope Class Scope Constants Trang 3Sometimes it would be nice to have symbolic constants of class scope For example, theStock class declaration used a literal 30 to specify the array

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 356 0
C++ Primer Plus (P41) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P41) pdf

... how ViewAcct() works void BrassPlus::ViewAcct() const { ViewAcct(); // oops! recursive call } If code doesn't use the scope resolution operator, the compiler assumes that ViewAcct() is ... source code as executing a particular block of function code is termed binding the function name. With C, the task was simple, for each function name corresponded to a distinct function. With C++, ... called. And once a BrassPlus destructor finishes, it automatically calls the base class constructor. Thus, using virtual destructors ensures that the correct sequence of destructors is called. In

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 370 0
C++ Primer Plus (P48) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P48) pdf

... Versatility You can apply the same techniques to template classes as you do to regular classes Template classes can serve as base classes, and they can be component classes They can themselves ... needed The second statement causes the compiler to generate a class definition and also an object created according to that definition Explicit Instantiations The compiler generates an explicit instantiation ... explicit instantiations, and explicit specializations, collectively known as specializations. That is, a template describes a class in terms of a general type, while a specialization is a class

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 406 0
C++ Primer Plus (P60) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P60) pdf

... ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee has worked to make C++ I/O more compatible with existing C I/O, and this has produced some changes from traditional C++ practices. This document was created by ... these facilities, you use objects of the appropriate classes. For example, use an ostream object such as cout to handle output. Creating such an object opens a stream, automatically creates a ... The C++ facilities for file input and output are based on the same basic class definitions that cin and cout are based on, so this chapter uses the discussion of console I/O (keyboard and screen)

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 443 0
C++ Primer Plus (P64) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P64) pdf

... Listing 17.17 combines the command-line technique with file stream techniques to count characters in those files listed on the command line. Listing 17.17 count.cpp // count.cpp count characters in ... Then sample runs could look like this: C>count Usage: c:\count.exe filename[s] C>count paris rome 3580 characters in paris 4886 characters in rome 8466 characters in all files C> Note that ... placing the following code in your program: #include <console.h> // for emulating command-line arguments int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { argc = ccommand(&argv); // yes, ccommand,

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 492 0
C++ Primer Plus (P71) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P71) pdf

... example,... Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 2 1: ... accumulate() function initializes a value acc to init; then it performs the operation acc = acc + *i (first version) or acc = binary_op(acc, *i) (second version) for each iterator i in the range [first, ... preprocessor then does a text substitution in your source code, replacing occurrences of MAX_LENGTH with 100 prior to compilation. The C++ approach is to apply the const modifier to a variable declaration:

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 447 1
C++ Primer Plus (P78) pdf

C++ Primer Plus (P78) pdf

... setf.cpp LISTINGS COUT OBJECT, CONSTANTS SETF.CPP COUT OBJECT, FIELD WIDTH DISPLAY WIDTH.CPP listings cout object, field width display width.cpp cout object, fill characters fill.cpp ... COUT OBJECT, FILL CHARACTERS FILL.CPP listings cout object, floating-point display precision precise.cpp LISTINGS COUT OBJECT, FLOATING-POINT DISPLAY PRECISION PRECISE.CPP listings cout ... MANIP.CPP listings cout object, setf() function set2.cpp LISTINGS COUT OBJECT, SETF() FUNCTION SET2.CPP COUT OBJECT, TRAILING ZEROS/DECIMAL POINTS SHOWPT.CPP listings cout object, trailing

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 304 1
C++ Primer Plus (P8) potx

C++ Primer Plus (P8) potx

... null character. If you ask cout to display a nice string like cat above, it displays the first four characters, detects the null character, and stops. But if you are ungracious enough to tell cout ... marching through memory byte-by-byte, interpreting each byte as a character to print, until it reached a null character. Because null characters, which really are bytes set to zero, tend to be common ... the circumstances. Strings A string is a series of characters stored in consecutive bytes of memory. C++ has two ways of dealing with strings. The first, taken from C and often called a C-style

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 334 1
C++ Primer Plus (P9) pot

C++ Primer Plus (P9) pot

... declaration. For this program, there is no practical difference between the two choices. But for programs consisting of two or more functions, the difference can be crucial. The external declaration ... function, just after the opening brace. The second choice, and the one made here, is to place it outside of and preceding main(). When a declaration occurs outside of any function, it's called ... Audacious Arthur! You can have both for $62.98! Program Notes One important matter is where to place the structure declaration. There are two choices for structur.cpp. You could place the declaration

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 277 1
C++ Primer Plus (P11) ppt

C++ Primer Plus (P11) ppt

... in this construction. Listing 4.16 uses new to create an unnamed structure and demonstrates both pointer notations for accessing structure members. Listing 4.16 newstrct.cpp // newstrct.cpp _ using ... memory is allocated during runtime, not during compilation. Incidentally, because classes are much like structures, you are able to use the techniques you learn for structures with classes, too. ... new with structures has two parts: creating the structure and accessing its members. To create a structure, use the structure type with new. For example, to create an unnamed structure of the

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

20 504 1
Tài liệu The C++ Standard Library Second Edition pdf

Tài liệu The C++ Standard Library Second Edition pdf

... numeric components of the C+ + standard library: in par- ticular, classes for random numbers and distributions, types for complex numbers, and some numeric C functions. ã Chapter 18: Concurrency ... functions of STL containers). So, compiling all parts, including the libraries, of a C+ +98 program using a C+ +11 compiler should usually work. Linking code compiled using a C+ +11 compiler with code ... (std::set<X>& coll) { X x; // create an object of type X coll.insert(x); // insert it into the passed collection } Here, we insert a new object into a collection, which provides a member function that creates...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

1,2K 8,5K 1
C++ Primer Plus pot

C++ Primer Plus pot

... Windows compiler. You start by selecting File, New Project. You are then given a choice of project types. For CodeWarrior, choose MacOS :C/ C++:ANSI C+ + Console in older versions, or MacOS :C/ C++:Standard ... Console:Std C+ + Console in mid-vintage versions, or MacOS C+ + Stationery:Mac OS Carbon:Standard Console :C+ + Console Carbon. (You can make other valid choices; for example, you might opt for Classic ... Classic instead of Carbon or C+ + Console Carbon Altivec instead of plain C+ + Console Carbon.) CodeWarrior supplies a small source code file as part of the initial project. You can try compil- ing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

1,2K 2,7K 3
Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition pdf

Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition pdf

... global name space into distinct regions. Chapter 11: References and the Copy-Constructor . C+ + pointers work like C pointers with the additional benefit of stronger C+ + type checking. C+ + also provides ... state, each account has a different balance, each teller has a name. Thus, the tellers, customers, accounts, transactions, etc., can each be represented with a unique entity in the computer ... create compile- time constants inside classes. Chapter 9: Inline Functions . Preprocessor macros eliminate function call overhead, but the preprocessor also eliminates valuable C+ + type checking....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

878 13K 2
C primer plus

C primer plus

... For example, compiling and linking a source code file called concrete .c produces a file called concrete.exe. Some compilers provide an option to create an executable named concrete.com instead. ... The compile command would look like this: 8 C Primer Plus 5th Edition 8 Recall that the compiler is a program whose job is to convert source code into executable code. Executable code ... numbers; each character has a numeric code. The instructions that a computer loads into its registers are stored as numbers; each instruction in the instruction set has a numeric code. Second, computer...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32

800 778 1
Stephen prata   c primer plus  2005

Stephen prata c primer plus 2005

... functions you use from the library (see Figure 1.4). 12 C PRIMER PLUS FIGURE 1.4 Compiler and linker. concrete .c concrete.obj concrete.exe source code Compiler object code library code executable ... executable file, which appends the .EXE exten- sion to the original source code basename. For example, compiling and linking a source code file called concrete .c produces a file called concrete.exe. ... 1.5 Preparing a C program using Unix. name .c a.out source code enter source code Compiler executable code run program by typing filename a.out Text Editor What about the object code? The cc compiler creates...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:13

983 913 2
programming c 4.0 6th edition

programming c 4.0 6th edition

... provides a couple of concepts for structuring your programs across those files: projects and solutions. A project is a collection of source files that the C# compiler combines to produce a single ... 349 Finding and Replacing Content 353 All Sorts of “Empty” Strings 355 Trimming Whitespace 357 Checking Character Types 360 Encoding Characters 360 Why Encodings Matter 362 Encoding and Decoding 363 Why ... Studio 2010. Any edition will do, including the free Express edition for C# , which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/express/. For Chapter 14 you will need a copy of SQL Server...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:52

857 6K 0