... the data column name. Therefore, in this case, make sure to change the text box name from CategoryName back to textbox9. This action will also add the group header Category Name automatically. ... and selecting Add ➤ New Item ➤ Dataset. Please name the dataset dsProductDrilldown. You’ll notice that Visual Studio will ask you to put the dataset inside the App_Code folder; go ahead and ... certain parts of a report can be toggled to hide and unhide based on a user’s choice. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s start. This chapter will cover creating Visual Studio 2008 reports with ASP.NET...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
... appear with the data table inside, like when we manually create the dataset and data table. All right, we have the data source ready. Let’s move on to work with the report type and report layout. ... output has the proper data grouping on ProductModel. Y ou’ll also notice that automatic subtotals are available for each group. Since we selected the block table layout, all data appears with blocks ... this report—that includes a Windows Forms application with ReportViewer, a dataset, and the related ADO.NET code to query and gather data. In fact, you don’t have to write a single line of code or do any...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Visual Studio 2008 - English
... Console Task 1 – Creating the ‘Lab01’ Project 1. Click the Start | Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 menu command. 2. Click the File | New | Project… menu command. 3. In ... the New Project dialog select the Visual C# | Windows project type. 4. Select the Console Application template. 5. Provide a name for the new project by entering “Lab01” in the Name field. 6. Click ... application, displaying the output in a console window: 3. Press any key to close the console window and terminate the program. Task 2 – Nhập dữ liệu từ bàn phím 4. Thay đổi nội dung code như sau Bài...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2012, 10:46
Client Side Reporting with Visual Studio in S Sharp
... in the same report. ■ Note Data quality is another important issue. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out.” It’s wise to always find out if we have any garbage to deal with and make sure ... Report Layout The best report layout is the one that reflects the nature of the data. Summary data is a good candidate for charts and graphs. Detail data often needs a list or drill-down approach. Industry-standard ... between Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 when it comes to developing reports. Appendix: The Visual Studio IDE Although I assume you are familiar with the workings of Visual Studio IDE...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:42
... ngoài nhà 11 11/11 /2008 11 12/11 /2008 14 Biên bản nghiệm thu c a cổng + sơn c a công 12 13/11 /2008 12 14/11 /2008 15 Biên bản nghiệm thu lắp đặt thiết 13 14/11 /2008 13 17/11 /2008 CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN ... TOÁN Công trình : CẢI TẠO S A CH A TRẠM Y TẾ PHƯỜNG THANH LƯƠNG Đ a điểm : SỐ 8 - TỔ 20 - PHƯỜNG THANH LƯƠNG - QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG Chủ đẩu tư : BAN QUẢN LÝ DỰ ÁN QUẬN HAI BÀ TRƯNG Đơn vị thi công ... CHỦ NGH A VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc ************ HỒ SƠ QUYẾT TOÁN Công trình : CẢI TẠO S A CH A TRẠM Y TẾ PHƯỜNG THANH LƯƠNG Đ a điểm : SỐ 8 - TỔ 20 - PHƯỜNG THANH LƯƠNG - QUẬN HAI BÀ...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2013, 15:41
Tài liệu Accessing a Database Using Visual Studio .NET ppt
... experiment with the Server Explorer-that's the best way to learn. Once you've connected to the database, you can view things such as the tables. You can also retrieve and modify ... clicking the Show Diagram button in the toolbar and selecting columns from the table, as shown in Figure 3.29 . As you can see, I've selected the ContactName, CompanyName, and CustomerID columns ... You can enter SQL statements by clicking the Show SQL Pane button in the toolbar, as shown in Figure 3.28 . Figure 3.28: Entering a SQL statement You can build SQL statements visually by...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15
Giáo trình Visual Studio 2008
... TagName Trả về tên c a thẻ Visible Giá trị boolean xác định control sẽ được hiển thị hay không. Width Xác định chiều rộng c a table Chúng ta có trang aspx như sau: <%@ Page Language="C#" ... HTML phần giao diện thanh công cụ namespace MinhHoa { public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblThoiGian.Text = ... ph a server như sau: public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void choose_image(object sender, EventArgs e) { image1.Src = select1.Value; } } Giao diện c a chúng...
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 00:25
Tài liệu Creating a DataView Using Visual Studio .NET pptx
... window for sqlDataAdapter1. Accept the defaults in the dialog box, and click the OK button to create a DataSet object named dataSet11. 5. Drag a DataView object from the Data tab of the Toolbox ... 15. InitializeComponent(); 16. 17. // call the Fill() method of sqlDataAdapter1 18. // to populate dataSet11 with a DataTable named 19. // Customers 20. sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet11, "Customers"); ... binds the data stored in dataView1 to dataGrid1 and allows dataGrid1 to access any data stored in dataView1. Figure 13.2: Setting the Properties of dataGrid1 9. Select View ➣ Code and set the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol i (microsoft)
... Console Application template in Visual Studio 2010. ã Use Visual Studio to compile and run an application. 1-30 Programming in C# with Microsoftđ .Visual Studio 2010 X Build an application ... using Visual Studio 2010. ã Explain the structure of a Visual C# application. ã Use the Windowsđ Presentation Foundation (WPF) Application template to build a simple graphical application. ... of applications such as Windows-based client applications, Web-based applications, services, and libraries. To help you get started, Visual Studio 2010 provides several application templates...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:37
programming in c# with visual studio 2010 vol II (microsoft)
... syntax may be a better approach when accessing data in a class that stores a collection of data. Similarly, if a class exposes a member that should have only read-only access, exposing a field ... that array by using a numeric subscript. For example, you can access the fifth element in an array and use syntax similar to myArray[4] (assuming a zero-based index). With arrays, you can only ... of a customer given the customer ID, or update the address. The address is stored in a database, accessed through the database variable. Encapsulating Data and Defining Overloaded Operators...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:43