building a targeted mailing structure basic data mining tutorial

Data Mining Tutorial

Data Mining Tutorial

... small dataset, need all observations to estimate parameters of interest • Data mining – loads of data, can afford “holdout sample” • Variation: n-fold cross validation – Randomly divide data into ... First Martian  information about average height information about variation 2nd Martian gives first piece of information (DF) about error variance around mean n Martians n-1 DF for error (variation) ... pruning Accounting for Costs • Pardon me (sir, ma’am) can you spare some change? • Say “sir” to male +$2.00 • Say “ma’am” to female +$5.00 • Say “sir” to female -$1.00 (balm for slapped face) • Say...

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2013, 14:32

102 599 3


... Stage 2: optimizes parameter settings  The test data can’t be used for parameter tuning!  Proper procedure uses three sets: training data, validation data, and test data  Validation data is ... classes that are very unbalanced, then how can we evaluate our classifier method? © 2006 KDnuggets 42 Balancing unbalanced data,  With two classes, a good approach is to build BALANCED train and ... statisticians (as bad name)  Data Mining :1990 - used in DB community, business  Knowledge Discovery in Databases (1989-)  used by AI, Machine Learning Community  also Data Archaeology, Information...

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2013, 14:32

89 594 2
data mining tutorial

data mining tutorial

... data Data cleaning involves transformations to correct the wrong data Data cleaning is performed as a data preprocessing step while preparing the data for a data warehouse Data Selection Data ... is added to it The data warehouse is kept separate from the operational database therefore frequent changes in operational database is not reflected in the data warehouse Data Warehousing Data ... - The database may contain complex data objects, multimedia data objects, spatial data, temporal data etc It is not possible for one system to mine all these kind of data Data Mining  Mining...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 12:31

64 289 0
Tài liệu Lab 5.2.3 Building a Basic Routed WAN ppt

Tài liệu Lab 5.2.3 Building a Basic Routed WAN ppt

... with an RJ45 Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interface (or an AUI interface) and at least one serial interface • 10Base-T AUI transceiver (DB15 to RJ45) for a router with an AUI Ethernet interface, ... serial cables available in the lab Depending on the type of router and/or serial card, the router may have different connectors b Router serial port characteristics 3-7 CCNA 1: Networking Basics ... or lab assistant to have the correct IP addresses on their LAN and WAN interfaces Router A will provide the clocking signal as DCE Start this lab with the equipment turned off and with cabling...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

7 474 1
Tài liệu Lab 5.2.3b Building a Basic Routed WAN pdf

Tài liệu Lab 5.2.3b Building a Basic Routed WAN pdf

... with an RJ-45 Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interface (or an AUI interface) and at least one serial interface • 10BASE-T AUI transceiver (DB-15 to RJ-45) for a router with an AUI Ethernet interface, ... or lab assistant to have the correct IP addresses on their LAN and WAN interfaces Router A will provide the clocking signal as DCE Start this lab with the equipment turned off and with cabling ... instructor or lab assistant to provide the DCE clock signal on the Serial interface The Serial interface on each router should have the proper IP address and subnet mast as indicated in the table below...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

8 440 0
Tài liệu Oracle - Building A Banking Customer Relationship Data Warehouse - A Case Study - White Paper (pdf) pptx

Tài liệu Oracle - Building A Banking Customer Relationship Data Warehouse - A Case Study - White Paper (pdf) pptx

... Enterprise Data Warehouse Logical Data Model Finalize MIS data mart logical data model Define data Implementation Road schedules warehouse map and Paper #132 / Page Data Warehouse and Business ... presentation layer accessed the Data Warehouse, as well as, Data Marts • The Hub component (Extraction Layer) fed data to the ODS, as well as, the Data Warehouse Extraction and Transformation ... Data Warehouse will contained enough information to enable enhancement/replacement of the Customer Data Warehouse with necessary relationships and possible branches into Data marts for data mining...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 06:20

10 491 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "A DOM Tree Alignment Model for Mining Parallel Data from the Web" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A DOM Tree Alignment Model for Mining Parallel Data from the Web" doc

... information contained in the parallel data and effectively uses it to pinpoint the location holding more parallel data This approach is based on our observation that parallel pages share similar structures ... documents Parallel hyperlinks are used to pinpoint new parallel data, and make parallel data mining a recursive process Parallel text chunks are fed into sentence aligner to extract parallel sentences ... Mined Parallel Sentences As we know, the absolute value of mining system recall is hard to estimate because it is impractical to evaluate all the parallel data held by a bilingual website Instead,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 435 0
Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining pptx

Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining pptx

... Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Decision Tree Classification Task Decision Tree © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Apply Model to Test Data Test Data Start from ... to Data Mining 10 Apply Model to Test Data Test Data Refund Marital Status No Refund Yes Taxable Income Cheat 80K Married ? 10 No NO MarSt Single, Divorced TaxInc < 80K NO © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar ... Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Married NO > 80K YES Introduction to Data Mining 12 Apply Model to Test Data Test Data Refund Marital Status No Refund Yes Taxable Income Cheat 80K Married ? 10 No NO MarSt...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

101 4,3K 1
Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 6 Introduction to Data Mining pdf

Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 6 Introduction to Data Mining pdf

... Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 41 Projected Database Original Database: TID 10 Items {A, B} {B,C,D} {A, C,D,E} {A, D,E} {A, B,C} {A, B,C,D} {B,C} {A, B,C} {A, B,D} {B,C,E} Projected Database ... ECLAT For each item, store a list of transaction ids (tids) Horizontal Data Layout TID 10 © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Items A, B,E B,C,D C,E A, C,D A, B,C,D A, E A, B A, B,C A, C,D B Vertical Data Layout A ... Instead of matching each transaction against every candidate, match it against candidates contained in the hashed buckets © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 16 Generate Hash Tree...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

82 3,9K 0
Data Mining Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 8 Introduction to Data Mining pot

Data Mining Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 8 Introduction to Data Mining pot

... ISODATA © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 36 Bisecting K-means Bisecting K-means algorithm – Variant of K-means that can produce a partitional or a hierarchical clustering © Tan,Steinbach, ... Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 34 Updating Centers Incrementally In the basic K-means algorithm, centroids are updated after all points are assigned to a centroid An alternative ... that each data object is in exactly one subset Hierarchical clustering – A set of nested clusters organized as a hierarchical tree © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Partitional...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

104 2,2K 0
Building a basic cupboard

Building a basic cupboard

... important to start any appropriate projects with straight and square lines and it is very easy to accomplish The method is called 3,4,5 and for the technically minded is based on Pythagoras's theorem ... to decorate The joints between the cupboard and the wall/ceiling can easily be filled with flexible filler or decorators caulk using an sealant or "applicator" gun as shown below Alternatively ... your walls are square, if it doesn't, you need to mark some points that are square to start your work Draw your plan before you start Error! All joints need to be "made" before any of the frame...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2014, 11:22

6 227 0


... query languages; because human analysis breaks down with volume and dimensionality Traditional statistical methods not have the capacity and scale to analyse these data, and hence modern data mining ... management as well Foreign exchange Option Equities Custom Data Portfolio Data Company Data Global Data Warehouse & Data Marts Using Data Mining- Techniques for Credit Risk Market Risk Trading Portfolio ... credit and market risk present the central challenge, one can observe a major change in the area of how to measure and deal with them, based on the advent of advanced database and data mining...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 14:20

15 559 0
data mining a heuristic approach

data mining a heuristic approach

... Is Data Modeling? 1.5.3 Data Quality The data held in a database is usually a valuable business asset built up over a long period Inaccurate data (poor data quality) reduces the value of the asset ... functional specification), specifying the business processes that the system is ■ Chapter What Is Data Modeling? Report Report Program Program data data DATABASE data Program data data Program Figure ... common for the same data to appear in more than one database and for problems to arise in drawing together data from multiple databases How many other databases hold similar data about our customers...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:06

562 1,1K 1
báo cáo khoa học: " Development of a novel data mining tool to find cis-elements in rice gene promoter regions" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Development of a novel data mining tool to find cis-elements in rice gene promoter regions" pdf

... TGACAGGT CCAC [AC ]A [ACGT] [AC] [ACGT] [CT] [AC] GG [ACGT]CCCAC GTGG [ACGT]CCC CAACA [ACGT]*CACCTG A [TC]G [AT ]A [CT]CT AATATATTT TGTCTC TGACGTGG CCA [ACGT]TG CACCC CC [AT]{6}GG AATAAA [CT]AAA ... Kawai J, Nakamura M, Hirozane-Kishikawa T, Kanagawa S, Arakawa T, Takahashi-Iida J, Murata M, Ninomiya N, Sasaki D, Fukuda S, Tagami M, Yamagata H, Kurita K, Kamiya K, Yamamoto M, Kikuta A, Bito ... 6.231 PRHA BS in PAL1*3 PRHA BS in PAL1 PRHA BS in PAL1 PRHA BS in PAL1 - ACACAC ATACACA ATACACAC TACACAC CATGTCTC GTGTCTC TGTCTCCG TGTCTCTG *1 The number of TU possessing the designated motif...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20

10 397 0
a system for managing experiments in data mining

a system for managing experiments in data mining

... forward and can be easily understood The main entities identified are rawdata, ruledata, testdata, experimentdata Raw data contains all information about the data and attributes of the dataset ... performing data mining tasks and making predictive analysis, but this analysis is made in a single data mining task In reality, many data mining tasks are performed on a single data set, when there are ... use many datasets, and we might perform many experiments on the same dataset It is necessary to manage the datasets accordingly with respect to the raw data, learned data, test data etc Management...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 20:01

64 319 0
Basic data structure trong lập trình

Basic data structure trong lập trình

... (Siedel) and Aragon (Aragon) in 1989 The advantages of such an organization of data In the application, we consider (we consider deramidy as Cartesian tree - it is actually more general data structure) , ... tree Treap (treap, deramida) Treap - a data structure that combines binary search tree and a binary heap (hence its name, and the second: treap (tree + heap) and deramida (wood + pyramid) More ... is a data structure that stores a pair (X, Y) in the form of a binary tree, so that it is a binary search tree for x and binary pyramid y Assuming that all X and Y are all different, we see that...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2015, 05:53

63 412 2
Progressive data mining an exploration of using whole dataset feature selection in building classifiers on three biological problems

Progressive data mining an exploration of using whole dataset feature selection in building classifiers on three biological problems

... experimental data only Selecting appropriate datasets for functional analysis is becoming more crucial as some microarray data is of poor quality Multiple microarray datasets on the same set of ... individual data sets, using all available data sets, and using selected features from feature selection methods We show that for many of the 26 functional classes, we can find a combination of data ... “eisen” data set, 63% on “spo” data set, and 37% on “expr” data set, are achieved for second level functional annotations based on the MIPS catalogue dated April 24, 2002 on their test data Please...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 21:19

215 210 0
A Survey on Wavelet Applications in Data Mining

A Survey on Wavelet Applications in Data Mining

... huge amount of data So data management becomes very important for data mining The purpose of data management is to find methods for storing data to facilitate fast and efficient access Data management ... mining and many other applications A wavelet transformation converts data from an original domain to a wavelet domain by expanding the raw data in an orthonormal basis generated by dilation and translation ... approximate data mining etc Finally we eagerly await many future developments and applications of wavelet approaches in data mining REFERENCES [1] F Abramovich, T Bailey, and T Sapatinas Wavelet analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2016, 10:32

20 270 0


... entity classes, business rules, and middle-tier caching of data to reduce database roundtrips Data access layer Encapsulates database access and provides an interface that is database and data source ... Workflows Database Context Figure 2-2 Default.aspx calls DashboardFacade in the business layer for all operations, which, in turn, uses workflows that work with databases via DatabaseHelper and DatabaseContext ... a class that performs some unit task Activities use the DatabaseHelper and DashboardDataContext classes to work with the database DatabaseHelper is a class used for performing common database...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24

310 488 1
Data warehuose and data mining

Data warehuose and data mining

... quan trong qui trình KDD Pattern Evaluation Data mining Task relevant data Data warehouse Data cleaning Knowledge Data integration selection Mục đích KTDL Data Mining Descriptive Predictive Classification ... Savings • Application • Current • Accounts • Application • Loans • Application • Operational Environment • Subject = Customer • Data Warehouse Biến thời gian • Time • Data • 01/97 Data for January ... Nội Dung • Kho liệu (Data warehouse) • Khai thác liệu (Data mining) – Giới thiệu – Giới thiệu – Qui trình khám phá tri thức – Định ngh a – DW - Traditional Database – Luật kết hợp – Mục đích...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 16:15

36 481 0