building a draganddrop shopping cart with ajax

A smart shopping cart with automated payment based on artificial intelligence

A smart shopping cart with automated payment based on artificial intelligence

... iv ABSTRACT Project title: A smart shopping cart with automated payment based on Artificial Intelligence With the growing population in large cities such as Ho Chi Minh City or Ha Noi, supermarkets ... puts a product into the cart These images are then processed using a deep learning model that has been trained with datasets collected and labeled by the research team By analyzing the images, ... Mechatronics, Armament and Aerospace, Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego Street, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland, 2023 [14] Eka Maulana, M Aziz Muslim, Akhmad Zainuri, Inverse Kinematics of a TwoWheeled

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2023, 10:10

114 8 0
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 7 ppsx

railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 7 ppsx

... geo_data.csv to the db/migrate... violates database independence, which has both advantages and disadvantages (see the sidebar “Getting database religion”) Getting database religion In building ... location, location 351 11.4.1 A local database of geographical data We need to populate our local database with the locations (in latitude and longitude) of various zip codes We’ll use a free ... the way, we’ve told pagination_links about the params variable using :params => params so that it can incorporate submitted parameters into the URLs of the links it creates. We don’t actually

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

57 404 0
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 8 pps

railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 8 pps

... construct... challenging data modeling problem we’ve encountered so far To solve it, we’ll have to learn about simulated table names, foreign keys, and the has_many database association Adding and managing ... recipients mail[:recipient].email body mail end end By writing body mail we automatically make everything in the mail hash available in the message template, with an instance variable... inbox within ... hub_url assert_equal "Your avatar has been uploaded.", flash[:notice] assert @user.avatar.exists? post :delete assert !@user.avatar.exists? end end Here we’ve tested both avatar upload and deletion

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

57 428 0
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 9 docx

railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 9 docx

... use a tag modifier as if it were an action, so that /specs/1;tag would respond to a PUT request and update the spec with a tag. But look at it another way: Fundamentally, we are creating a tag and ... index as an action, just as it’s usually called an action in the context of ordinary URLs, but it isn’t really. Logically, such a listing should probably be associated with a modifier such as all, ... ) operations of relational databases. In contrast to the traditional controller/action/id approach, REST embraces the radical notion that there are only four actions—the four CRUD operations—which,

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

57 377 0
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 10 doc

railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 10 doc

... programming language; gaining a deeper understanding of Ruby can do your Rails programming... (typically a database) so that the individual Rails servers and processes don’t share any data ... space_development username: root password: host: localhost test: adapter: mysql database: rails_ space_test username: root password: host: localhost production: adapter: mysql database: rails_ ... avoid the computational and database-access expense of generating dynamic HTML Rails supports three types of caching: page caching, action caching, and fragment caching Page caching is the most

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

51 481 0
Building a home security system with arduino

Building a home security system with arduino

... Summary Getting Started with Arduino and Arduino IDE Arduino boards Arduino MEGA Arduino NANO Arduino ETHERNET Intel GALILEO Arduino UNO Safety precautions Arduino IDE Installation Installing IDE on Microsoft Windows ... IP Camera about / Camera and IP Camera J Joule’s law about / Joule’s law URL / Joule’s law L library creating / Making your own library Linux system Arduino IDE, installing on / GNU-Linux (Debian-Ubuntu) ... USB cameras demonstration / Camera and IP Camera V version control about / Version control and Git virtualenv about / Installing the application and its dependencies voltage about / Voltage reference link / Voltage

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 11:17

230 225 0
IT training building a linux HPC cluster with xCAT

IT training building a linux HPC cluster with xCAT

... Ford Brad Elkin Scott Denham Benjamin Khoo Matt Bohnsack Chris Turcksin Luis Ferreira International Technical Support Organization Building a Linux HPC Cluster with xCAT September ... cover Building a Linux HPC Cluster with xCAT Cluster installation with xCAT 1.1.0 Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit Linux clustering based on IBM eServer xSeries Red Hat Linux 7.3 Egan Ford ... Prepare the post installation directory structure 80 Chapter Cluster installation 83 iv Building a Linux HPC Cluster with xCAT 6.1 Stage 1: Hardware

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 14:33

282 187 0
Building a diagram recognition application with computer vision approach

Building a diagram recognition application with computer vision approach

... Gervais, Thomas Deselaers, Emre Aksan, and Otmar Hilliges The didi dataset: Digital ink diagram data ArXiv, abs/2002.09303, 2020 [27] Kentaro Wada labelme: Image polygonal annotation with python https://github ... Quang Sang Huynh Tan Thanh Abstract Graphical language has been and is always one of the most effective tools for demonstrating ideas to others Besides text and images, a flow chart plays a vital ... Viard-Gaudin Online flowchart understanding by combining max-margin markov random field with grammatical analysis International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition(IJDAR), page 123–136, 2017

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2022, 20:17

120 7 0
Building a diagram recognition problem with machine vision approach

Building a diagram recognition problem with machine vision approach

... Accessed: 2020.12.06 [61] P Gervais, T Deselaers, E Aksan, and O Hilliges The didi dataset: Digital ink diagram data Computer Vision and Pattern ... 48–53, 2016 [58] A Bhattacharya, S Roy, N Sarkar, and S Malakar Circuit component detection in offline hand drawn electrical and electronic circuit diagram Calcutta Conference, page 151–156, 2020 ... Recognition, page 252–257, 2016 [54] C Wang, H Mouchere, and C Viard-Gaudin Online flowchart understanding by combining max-margin markov random field with grammatical analysis International Journal on

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2022, 16:06

62 2 0
Building a sell course website with reactjs and springboot

Building a sell course website with reactjs and springboot

... 2.2 Task RESEARCH 2.4 EXPECTED RESULTS ACHIEVED CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS 1.1 JAVA 1.1.1 What is Java language? 1.1.2 Features of the Java language 1.1.3 Advantages of Java 1.1.4 Disadvantages ... Java 1.2 JAVASCRIPT LANGUAGE 1.2.1 What is JavaScript? 1.2.2 Advantages of JavaScript 1.2.3 Disadvantages of JavaScript 1.2.4 How JavaScript works 1.3 SPRINGBOOT 1.3.1 What is Spring? 1.3.2 Advantages ... REACTJS 1.4.1 What is ReactJS? 1.4.2 Features of ReactJS 1.4.3 Advantages of ReactJS 1.4.4 Disadvantages of ReactJS 1.5 MYSQL 1.5.1 What is MySQL? 1.5.2 Advantages of MySQL 1.5.3 Disadvantages

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2023, 09:36

153 1 0
Building a sell course website with reactjs and springboot

Building a sell course website with reactjs and springboot

... 2.2 Task RESEARCH 2.4 EXPECTED RESULTS ACHIEVED CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS 1.1 JAVA 1.1.1 What is Java language? 1.1.2 Features of the Java language 1.1.3 Advantages of Java 1.1.4 Disadvantages ... Java 1.2 JAVASCRIPT LANGUAGE 1.2.1 What is JavaScript? 1.2.2 Advantages of JavaScript 1.2.3 Disadvantages of JavaScript 1.2.4 How JavaScript works 1.3 SPRINGBOOT 1.3.1 What is Spring? 1.3.2 Advantages ... REACTJS 1.4.1 What is ReactJS? 1.4.2 Features of ReactJS 1.4.3 Advantages of ReactJS 1.4.4 Disadvantages of ReactJS 1.5 MYSQL 1.5.1 What is MySQL? 1.5.2 Advantages of MySQL 1.5.3 Disadvantages

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2023, 09:51

159 5 0
Luận văn tốt nghiệp Khoa học máy tính: Building A Diagram Recognition Problem with Machine Vision Approach

Luận văn tốt nghiệp Khoa học máy tính: Building A Diagram Recognition Problem with Machine Vision Approach

... classes to deduct the final bounding box.Despite having certain advantages compared with traditional methods and bringing CNN back to practical use, R-CNN has some fatal disadvantages The training ... problem: Given an image containing diagramand text, create a model to convert this image to an output structure that can be used to makedigital diagrams in an Android application 4.2.2 Approaches To ... creates a set of m*n anchors with m differentaspect ratios and n different scales In practice, m and n are equal to five and three, respectively.Each anchor A has four attributes < xa, ya, wa, ha>

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2024, 10:19

62 2 0
Building A Release Pipeline With Team Foundation Server 2012

Building A Release Pipeline With Team Foundation Server 2012

... Clear, Anna Galaeva, David Pitcher, Francisco Xavier Fagas Albarracin, Gordon Beeming, Hamid Shahid, Hassan Fadili, John Spinella, Mathias Olausson, Mehmet Aras, Richard Fennell, Tiago Pascoal,... ... can create test plans, add and update test cases, and perform manual and automated tests Visual Studio Lab Management Visual Studio Lab Management works with TFS and allows you to orchestrate ... so that all builds that pass some designated stage are available Here’s... using automation can solve many problems that plague teams as they try to release their software Automation can help

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 09:41

161 258 0
Vasilis Tzivaras-Building a Quadcopter with Arduino-Packt Publishing (2016)

Vasilis Tzivaras-Building a Quadcopter with Arduino-Packt Publishing (2016)

... Development Editor Arshiya Ayaz Umer Technical Editor Taabish Khan Copy Editors Rashmi Sawant Sneha Singh Shantanu N Zagade About the Author Vasilis Tzivaras is a software developer and hardware engineer ... components Vibrations Camera for FPV Failsafe parachute landing Servo mechanism LED strips Arduino boards GPS systems Summary Crash analysis Common issues Damaged propellers Damaged frame Vibrations ... Hospital of Ioannina as an assistant for various computer issues, and he has been part of the support team of his CSE department for over a year He has participated in IEEE UOI Student Branch and

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2018, 11:33

120 0 0
Building a recommendation system with r

Building a recommendation system with r

... K Gorakala is a blogger, data analyst, and consultant on data mining, big data analytics, and visualization tools Since 2013, he has been writing and maintaining a blog on data science at ... building data products, teaching, photography, and travelling Suresh can be reached at can also follow him on Twitter at @sureshgorakala With great pleasure, I ... Publishing About the Reviewer Ratanlal Mahanta has several years of experience in the modeling and simulation of quantitative trading He works as a senior quantitative analyst at GPSK

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2019, 00:26

158 101 0
IT training building a monitoring infrastructure with nagios

IT training building a monitoring infrastructure with nagios

... products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters ... make install-cgis target, 44 make install-commandmode target, 44 make install-config target, 44 make install-html target, 44 make install-init target, 44 make modules target, 44 make nagios target, ... make targets, Nagios installation, 44 make uninstall target, 44 management interface (data visualization), 158–159, 162 GD Graphics Library, 164–165 GraphViz, 167–168 jsvis force directed graphs,

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 14:29

255 123 0
Vasilis tzivaras building a quadcopter with arduino packt publishing (2016)

Vasilis tzivaras building a quadcopter with arduino packt publishing (2016)

... Development Editor Arshiya Ayaz Umer Technical Editor Taabish Khan Copy Editors Rashmi Sawant Sneha Singh Shantanu N Zagade About the Author Vasilis Tzivaras is a software developer and hardware engineer ... There are some small things that you can after a flight to have a stable and well-maintained craft Firstly, fly and land safe This indicates that you are a good pilot, and you can land your quadcopter ... you can get your location as a mark on a map via telemetry and use the Mission Planner software or any other navigation software to place some navigation points and set your quadcopter to autopilot

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2019, 15:50

120 41 0
Building a management model for teacher training with webinars

Building a management model for teacher training with webinars

... research on the management and use of webinars, leading to not fully exploiting the advantages of webinars in education This study deals with building a webinar management model for teacher training ... 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION IN LEARNING INSTRUCTION AND TEACHER EDUCATION – ILITE Pham Ngoc Son 1, Nguyen Thanh Huyen1 Abstract: Webinars are named as a general term for various types ... online teaching (Authors’ compilation) PART 1: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN EDUCATION Webinars and the building of a management model for teacher training PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2022, 15:04

12 4 0
peachpit press visual quickproject guide building a web site with ajax (2008)

peachpit press visual quickproject guide building a web site with ajax (2008)

... developed an Ajax as well as a non -Ajax approach for browsing the employees by department. In this chapter, let’s create a way to add employees to the database. Naturally we’ll start with the non -Ajax ... who can’t take advantage of Ajax (because their browser doesn’t support JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest). Creating an Ajax- enabled application that will still func- tion for non -Ajax- enabled ... to add the Ajax layer on top of the non- Ajax version. The intent of the Ajax layer will be the same as the non -Ajax layer, but all the steps will take place in a more sophisticated way...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:38

168 575 0


... can add more widgets from a widget catalog and decorate the page as they like. How an Ajax- Powered Start Page Is Different The advantages of Ajax and a rich client-side experience give users a ... any part of the Start page asynchronously and give any web site an Ajax look-and-feel. However, UpdatePanel s are a significant drag on the page. The more UpdatePanel s you have, the slower asynchronous ... Widget. User UserSetting Pages Widget instances Widget Inherits hashas has Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5 Praise for Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5 “Omar and his collaborators have applied their awesome talents...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24

310 488 1