british english vs american english exercise pdf

American English vs British English

American English vs British English

... đương với chữ subject (thần dân, công dân của Anh).Chúng ta thường thấy trên báo chí American citizen và British subject. Ngoài ra, chữ citizen ở Mỹ còn có ý nghĩa là resident, inhabitant (cư ... đương với chữ subject (thần dân, công dân của Anh).Chúng ta thường thấy trên báo chí American citizen và British subject. Ngoài ra, chữ citizen ở Mỹ còn có ý nghĩa là resident, inhabitant (cư ... uống (thuốc ) “) của Anh. Người Anh dường như không sử dụng chữ administrate. Theo từ điển Oxford English Dictionary ( viết tắt : O.E.D ), chữ administrate là phó từ của administer. Administer thường...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2013, 01:26

141 1,1K 6
British English or American English? docx

British English or American English? docx

... tiếng Anh của người Anh (British English, B.E.) và tiếng Anh của người Mỹ có một ít điểm khác nhau. Và sau đây là một số thí dụ : British English or American English? bên A.E. theo ... kỳ này gọi là Old English, kéo dài mãi đến thế kỷ thừ mười một khi người Pháp xâm chiếm nước Anh (The Norman Conquest). Thời kỳ thứ nhì này, người ta thường gọi là Middle English, lúc này ... phạm càng lúc càng xuất hiện nhiều hơn và năm 1755 cụ Samuel Johnson soạn bộ Oxford Dictionary of English. Năm 1828, cụ Noah Webster hoàn thành bộ Webter’s Dictionary. Từ đó bộ ODE là nền tảng...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 19:20

7 363 0
What are the differences between British English and American English? pptx

What are the differences between British English and American English? pptx

... When you write the date in numbers British and American English differ. To write the date 7th of September 2007 a Brit would write dd/mm/yy (07/09/07) and an American would write mm/dd/yy (09/07/07)....

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 09:21

2 473 3
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 1 pdf

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 1 pdf

... about e 0 p.l30 Grammar Bank 1 B. Read the rules and do the exercises. - 5 LISTENING a Have you ever tried English food? What did you think of it? b 1.5 Kevin Poulter, an English chef, has a restaurant in Santiago, ... long. I was w __ (what kind of a boss ). W __ , you'll find out tomorrow. ~ US English apartment e UK English flat GII!IlII MultiROM Is food a pleasure for you? Yes, definitely, I love ... do? THE STORY SO FAR 1.13 Listen to the story of Mark and AlIie. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Mark met AlIie in London two years ago. 2 He's American and she's British. 3 They work for MTV. 4 He invited her to San Francisco for a vacation. S They both got...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

17 3,7K 26
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 5 pdf

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 5 pdf

... phrases. d 0 p.138 Grammar Bank 5A. Read the rules and do the exercises. e Talk in small groups about the things below. Are you happy with your work-life balance? How much time do you have _? for yoursel to exercise to see friends to ... who is pretending, but sometimes they can't! 2 _ Jessica Winters is a 26-year-old librarian. She studied English literature at a university before getting a job at her local library. She didn't know it, but two of her ... calor they painted my __ . e Which of the treatments would you choose to have? Meetings PRACTICAL ENGLISH GIVING OPINIONS a 5.18 Cover the conversation. Listen to AlIie, Mark, and Jacques discussing promotion for...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 2,5K 8
The Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style_10 pdf

The Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style_10 pdf

... Research Co., 1988. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 1st ed., William Morris, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970; 3rd ed., Anne H. Soukhanov, 1992. The American Heritage Dictionary, ... 1992. The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 20 vol., J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner, Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1989. Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: Collo- quialisms ... Macmillan, 1984. ———, Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1942; 4th ed., London: Hamish Hamilton, 1948; American ed. (Janet Whitcut, ed.), New York: W. W. Norton...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

46 770 0
Check Your English Vocabulary for Banking & Finance.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Banking & Finance.pdf

... beneficiary 9. probate 10. conveyancing a. (British English) a person qualified to act as a legal advocate, especially in higher courts b. a law firm c. (British English) a person qualified to draw ... deceased to carry out the terms of a will f. the process of proving a will is genuine g. (American English) a barrister h. drawing up contracts for the buying and selling of houses i. a person ... profit b. without-tax profit c. non-tax profit 6. Another word for shareholders (especially in American English) is __________. a. ticket-holders b. stockholders c. paper-holder 7. Another word for...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 8K 90
ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature

... HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH AND MODERN LANGUAGES ~~~~~~~oOo~~~~~~~ ASSIGNMENT ON English and American Literature Title: revenge in hamlet Hanoi, 2009 ... revenged To take him in the purging of his soul, References Books: ã An introduction to English and American Literature. (2008).HOU. Internet sites: ã ... 1600,is Shakespeare’s longest play,and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language.It provides a storyline capable of “seemingly endless retelling and adaption by...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 21:25

10 975 30
American - English Pronunciation

American - English Pronunciation

... Y-link 65 Cassette 5.2 65 Practice exercises using the W— link 66 Practice Y— link 66 Конец — Начало. The end + the beginning 66 Drop “T” and “D” 67 SECTION 4 Reduced English 67 PART I Reductions ... (. 18) Cassette 3.2 T d &D .41 Cassette 3.2 LIVING LANGUAGE đ A Random House Company American English Pronunciation Program Written by Barbara Raifsnider Edited by Christopher A.Wamasch ... 74 HAVAN’T 74 HAS/HE 74 HIS 74 HASN’T HE 74 HAS HIM 74 HERS 74 HASN’T&HER 74 HE’S 74 Rapid English Hints and Phrases 74 S, Z,T,D before “Y” 74 S+Y=[SH] [Ш] 74 Z+Н=[ZH] [ЖЬ] [ЖЬЁ] 75 T+Y=[CH]...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2013, 01:25

88 515 2