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The Little Book of SEMAPHORES (2nd Edition)-The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes docx

The Little Book of SEMAPHORES (2nd Edition)-The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes docx

... College. I used the first edition of The Little Book of Semaphores along with one of the standard textbooks, and I taught Synchronization as a concurrent thread for the duration of the course. Each ... what this book is about: software techniques for enforcing synchro- nization constraints. 1.2 Execution mo del In order to understand software synchronization, you have to have a model of how computer ... number of events, and any kind of relationship (before, during, after). Computer programmers are often concerned with synchronization con- straints, which are requirements pertaining to the order of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:20

291 3,3K 0
The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition pdf

The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition pdf

... 271 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 14-6 273 THE BOOK OF JAVASCRIPT, 2ND EDITION. Copyright â 2007 by Dave Thau. First edition â 2000 by Dave Thau. All rights reserved. No part of this work ... pages for a company, you may not be given access to the CGI-enabled areas of the webserver. CONTENTS IN DETAIL FOREWORD by Luke Knowland xxi FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION ... the home page of the Book of JavaScript website (, which updates the time as well as the date (see Figure 2-2). You don’t have to sit in front of your computer,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20

519 1,2K 2
The Book of PF, 2nd Edition docx

The Book of PF, 2nd Edition docx

... Noodén for valuable input on various parts of the manuscript; and, finally, warm thanks to Megan Dunchak and Linda Recktenwald for their efforts in getting the first edition of the book into ... PF THE BOOK OF PF A NO-NONSENSE GUIDE TO THE OPENBSD FIREWALL 2ND EDITION HANSTEEN 2ND EDITION THE BOOK OF PF THE BOOK OF PF PF Configuration Basics 19 A Stricter Baseline Rule ... it might be useful to consult the first edition of this book, as well as the man pages and other documentation for the specific version you are using. xx Introduction z Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

220 1,8K 0
The Book of Xen: A Practical Guide for the System Administrator doc

The Book of Xen: A Practical Guide for the System Administrator doc

... INTRODUCTION Being an account of the struggles and travails encountered by Our Hero in his zealous quest for performance: In which there ... generic kernel. 52 Chapter 4 Be sure to stop the domain before attempting to resize its underlying filesystem. For one thing, all of the user-space resize ... is in, for the curious.) For this to work, your FORWARD chain should have a policy of DROP— network-bridge should handle that automatically. We use antispoofing with network-bridge....

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20

316 3,6K 0
The complete book of questions 1001 conversation starters for any occasion

The complete book of questions 1001 conversation starters for any occasion

... The Complete Book of Questions 8 Thanks for sharing your wealth of wisdom and keen insights. Thanks, Jim and Laura, for inspiring me to take this book to the next level and your ... Complete Book of Questions 42 190. Do you say “goodbye” quickly, slowly, or not at all? Why? 191. What spells adventure for you? 192. What tests the limits of your sense of balance? 193. How much of ... the smartest person you know? 92. What food do you eat for comfort? 93. How often do you read the newspaper? Which sections do you turn to first? 94. In one sentence, how would you describe your...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:08

165 524 1
the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 1 pptx

the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 1 pptx

... to start, JavaScript is for you. THE BOOK OF JAVASCRIPT, 2ND EDITION. Copyright â 2007 by Dave Thau. First edition â 2000 by Dave Thau. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced ... you dive in, here is a quick overview of what you’ll learn as you make your way through The Book of JavaScript. Have fun! THE BOOK of ™ JAVASCRIPT 2ND EDITION A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO INTERACTIVE ... Application The last appendix gives a couple of the book s longest code examples in their entirety. Companion Website The Book of JavaScript website ( contains the code...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 402 0
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 2 pot

... element objects: Button Checkbox FileUpload Hidden Password Radio Reset Select Submit Text Textarea options[] array of Option objects plugins[] array of Plugin objects mimeTypes[] array of MimeType objects forms[] array of Form objects embeds[] array of JavaObject objects applets[] array of JavaObject ..."", " ;book_ of_ javascript","width=605,height=350" ); Figure 5-5 shows the result. Figure 5-5: The Book of JavaScript window opened with a height of ... more than one piece of information. Line Y puts the first bit of information stored in the array into a variable called browser_name. Line Z puts the second piece of information stored in browser_info...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 534 0
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 3 pot

... on this information, and then writes the result to the form. Naming Form Elements Before you can read from or write to an element of your form, you need to tell JavaScript which form element ... offers an example of this. Figure 5-7 shows the code that triggers the remote control. Providing and Receiving Information with Forms 115 Pull-Down ... the form is constructed of normal HTML. Like most HTML, the form must go between the <body> and </body> tags. The form begins with a <form> tag and ends with a </form>...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 411 0
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... element objects: Button Checkbox FileUpload Hidden Password Radio Reset Select Submit Text Textarea options[] array of Option objects plugins[] array of Plugin objects mimeTypes[] array of MimeType objects forms[] array of Form objects embeds[] array of JavaObject objects applets[] array of JavaObject ... collapse into [ in the for loop. The format of a for loop is as follows: for (initializer; test; incrementer) { // some JavaScript } All for loops start with the word for, followed by parentheses ... 8 for Loops Another type of loop is the for loop. You format while and for loops differently, but they do the same things. Which loop you use is largely a matter of prefer- ence. Though for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 490 0
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 5 docx

... at Form_validators/Netscape’s_suite/index.html. indexOf() and lastIndexOf() The indexOf() method finds the location of a specified set of characters ... name, a correctly formatted email address, and several other pieces of information. Before saves your information, it checks your email address for correct formatting and tells ... HTML forms correctly z Make sure they have formatted strings (email addresses, for example) correctly z Make JavaScript work with server-side programs A Real-World Example of Form Validation Before...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 382 0
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 6 pot

... Description parentNode Parent node of the node childNodes List of the children of the node firstChild First child of the node lastchild Last child of the node nextSibling Next node, which is a child of this node’s ... of the send method contains information (for example, form information) to send to a webserver when making a POST request. Because the request we’re making is of type GET (remember the first ... setting the variable theForm to point to the form, and the variable theAddress to point to the form element that asks for an address, ] inserts the new div into the form before the address element....

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 405 0
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... old contents of the file are deleted. Therefore, if you want to edit the contents of a file, you should first read the contents of the file into a variable, then edit the contents of the variable, ... "doSubmission(this.form)"> </form> Notice that there are no action or method attributes in the <form> tag and that instead of an input of type submit at the end, an input of type button calls ... </div> </form> This form has one text input element and a div into which the results of the script will be placed. The ems you see in the style of the div set the width of the div equal...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 436 0
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... versions of PHP add backslashes to quotes inside text sent for parsing, and we want to remove those backslashes. For example, because we’re sending XML information, the first line of the file ... many others. For example, the getFirstValue() function is called by seven other functions, and the readFileDoFunction() function is called by six others. Putting the code of getFirstValue() ... where the bug is in the first place. Unfortunately, finding the little pests isn’t always easy. You can look for bugs in lots of different ways. This section covers some of your major options,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

50 427 0
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the book of javascript 2nd edition phần 9 ppt

... stores all of a document’s forms. See “Form” on page 424 for more information. images[] FF, IE 3 Array that stores all of a document’s images. See “Image” on page 429 for more information. lastModified ... page 413 for more information. applets[] FF, IE 3 Read-only: Array storing the applets in the document. See “Applet” on page 413 for more information. bgColor FF, IE 3 Background color of a page. ... deal of the work for you. Frameworks exist for handling XML, achieving common interface effects such as drag and drop, and working with numerous server-side languages. Here is a list of some of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

54 350 0