between the base class

A Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese

A Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese

... accepted as the reflection of life. By comparing languages, the similarities and differences not only between the languages but also between the speakers of the languages as well as their cultures ... Contrastive Analysis between the Verb ‘Run’ in English and the Verb ‘Chạy’ in Vietnamese”. 2. Aims of the Study The study is aimed at: * Finding the similarities and differences between the verb ‘run’ ... that the study can help the translators when working with the verbs ‘run’ and ‘chạy’ in their general meanings, their idioms, their synonyms and other microlinguistic factors that effect the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 08:43

52 1,9K 27
Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

... presupposes the class discussion of the issues at stake, the reconstruction of the semantic shemata of the text in question, plus an evaluation of the situation at the end and a subsequent hypothesis ... discussion of the whereabouts of the characters, the analysis of the setting, main events, message and so on, the students are asked to establish a connection between the story and themselves. The focus ... production will be shared with your classmates in the next month's issue of THE BOX, our class magazine. • The perfect match / the ideal partner / the other half o Have you found him/her?...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

13 493 0
Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL Classroom

Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL Classroom

... particular topic and then sharing their findings with the rest of the class. For example, Give the students the topic of Martin Luther King Jr. and some questions to answer. At AudioNet there is an ... to the rest of the school. Having looked at the advantages and some possible drawbacks, I would like to suggest some possible uses of RA in the ESL Classroom. Real Audio in the Classroom The ... they can listen through the clip and write down any new words that they want the class to learn. Then the teacher puts the words on a practice sheet for students to guess the meaning. For example,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

7 427 0
Motivation in the ESL Classroom

Motivation in the ESL Classroom

... and flexible. Depending on the nature of the class and the students' levels, the dynamics of the class must be appropriate. I teach a first year high school class of 12 boys who are very ... Instruction Proper classroom explanation is needed by the teacher, so the students can well understand what is expected of them (Harris). In the ESL classroom this is more apt to create anxiety because the ... at the i+1 level, a little above what they already know. But sometimes when they don't understand, I have to change gears and think of another way as to not lose the energy of the class. ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 530 5
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

... literature. These activities are disconnected from the literary goals of the specific text in that they can be applied to any text. There is little engagement of the learner with the text other than ... the historic separation between the study of language and the study of literature, which has led to the limited role of literature in the language classroom. However, the use of literary texts ... which best serves the needs of EFL learners and the syllabus. Carter and Long (1991) describe the rationale for the use of the three main approaches to the teaching of literature: The Cultural...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 711 1
Doing Things with Sentences in the ESL Classroom

Doing Things with Sentences in the ESL Classroom

... before they guess the whole sentence. Begin in the Middle Write the middle word of the sentence on the board, and then give the class the two words that go one either side of it in the sentence. ... that when you hold the top of the fan and let the bottom fall to the ground, the sentence can be read vertically, i.e. from top to bottom. Show the class the back of the fan (the blank side) and ... sentence. The students' task is to decide which goes in front and which goes behind. If they choose correctly, write the words in their places on either side, then give them the next pair, then...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 491 0
The BitSet Class

The BitSet Class

... result of the method call. and(): If the size of the current set is smaller than the passed−in set, the extra bits are ignored. If the size of the current set is larger than the passed−in set, the ... position) Creating Bit Sets 74 If there is a size difference between the two sets, the size of the resulting set depends on the method called. Under no condition will the contents of the passed−in set change ... is only based on the position of the set bits: Determining Set Size 76 public boolean get(int position) If the position specified in the set() method is beyond the size of the bit set, the set...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 12:20

6 355 0
The SqlCommand Class

The SqlCommand Class

... Resets the CommandTimeout property to its default value. Note Although the SqlCommand class is specific to SQL Server, many of the properties The SqlCommand Class You use an object of the ... to be retrieved. The default is Text. Connection string Gets the name of the database connection. DesignTimeVisible bool Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Command object ... use an object of the SqlCommand class to execute a command against a SQL Server database, an object of the OleDbCommand class to execute a command against any database that supports OLE DB, such...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

3 401 0
The Base Station Subsystem

The Base Station Subsystem

... over the link from the BSC to the MSC. The specifications allow for the installation of the TRAU between the BTS and the BSC. That requires, however, the use of 64-Kbps channels between the BSC ... this chapter. 3.1 Base Transceiver Station The BTS provides the physical connection of an MS to the network in form of the Air-interface. On the other side, toward the NSS, the BTS is connected to the BSC ... TRX. 3 The Base Station Subsystem Via the Air-interface, the BSS provides a connection between the MSs of a lim- ited area and the network switching subsystem (NSS). The BSS consists of the following...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 03:20

12 404 1
The SqlDataAdapter Class

The SqlDataAdapter Class

... with a database that supports ODBC. Note Although the SqlDataAdapter class is specific to SQL Server, many of the properties and methods in this class are the same as those for the OleDbDataAdapter ... rows from the database. TableMappings DataTableMappingCollecti on Gets a DataTableMappingCollection that contains the mapping between a database table and a DataTable object in the DataSet. ... rows in the DataSet object to match those in the database. The int returned by this method is the number of rows synchronized in the DataSet with the Table 10.1: SqlDataAdapter PROPERTIES PROPERTY...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

6 289 0
The SqlDataReader Class

The SqlDataReader Class

... rows in the result set. Read() bool Moves the data reader to the next row in the result set and reads the row. The bool returned by this method indicates whether there are more rows in the result ... indicates whether the specified column contains a null value. NextResult() bool Moves the data reader to the next row in the result set. The bool returned by this method indicates whether there ... in the data reader. GetSqlBinary() SqlBinary Returns the value of the specified column as a SqlBinary object. The SqlBinary class is declared in the System.Data.SqlTypes namespace. All the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

4 309 0
Understanding the SqlConnection Class

Understanding the SqlConnection Class

... Gets the name of the current database (or the database to be used once the connection to the database is made). DataSource string Gets the name of the database server. PacketSize int Gets the ... Understanding the SqlConnection Class You use an object of the SqlConnection class to connect to a SQL Server database, and this object handles the communication between the database and your ... Although the SqlConnection class is specific to SQL Server, many of the properties, methods, and events in this class are the same as those for the OleDbConnection and OdbcConnection classes....

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

2 330 0
The transformation of the American class structure, 1960-1990

The transformation of the American class structure, 1960-1990

... By the 1980s, the class shift for the working class was -5%, meaning that the proportion of the labor force in the working class declined by an average 5% within sectors during that decade. There ... also the one sector in the 1960s within which there was a negative class shift for workers. Thus, while overall the direction of the class shift component for the working -class changes from the ... services) and the expansion of these class locations within sectors. In contrast, by the 1980s the relative expansion of these class locations was almost entirely a product of changes in the class composition...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

11 540 1

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