best software for writing a book with pictures

Best Practices for Developing a Web Site

Best Practices for Developing a Web Site

... the day was “Do you have a Web site?” A well-designed Web site was a new and exciting marketing medium that businesses and users alike saw as a novel, nice-to-have tool. Fast-forward a decade and ... support PHP Perl ASP .NET Database Support MS-Access MS-SQL MySQL Oracle DB2 PostgreSQL continued To avoid the administration hassles of having to deal with a separate Web site host and domain name registrar, register ... and park your domain name for safekeeping, but are not ready to subscribe to a Web site hosting package, the following table can be used to evaluate potential domain name registrars sep- arately...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:43

17 675 0
Guidelines for Writing a Master’s Thesis pptx

Guidelines for Writing a Master’s Thesis pptx

... JEL is a journal that systematically catalogues articles from relevant international economics journals. This data base is available under the name ‘ECONLIT’ in the online sources of the faculty ... EU, etc) are available from the commercial online data base ‘’ that can be accessed freely via the faculty library. Access requires a university IP, so you must use a university ... text and right after the quote in short form by using the following scheme: (last name of author and year of publication, exact page(s)). Example for an indirect quote: At least in the case...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

7 420 1
Báo cáo y học: "The development of the Quality Indicator for Rehabilitative Care (QuIRC): a measure of best practice for facilities for people with longer term mental health problems" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The development of the Quality Indicator for Rehabilitative Care (QuIRC): a measure of best practice for facilities for people with longer term mental health problems" potx

... pilot data in each centre clarified any coding queries. Double data entry was completed f or 10% of the toolkit data using a separate da tabase and the study statistician car- ried out data validation ... two databases for each centre. The maximum error rate was set at 5%. Any cen- tre that had an error rate above this was required to com- plete double data entry for all their data. Inter-rater ... third iteration a final allocation of items to domains was pro- duced. The reliability of these domains was assessed using two measures: 1) the KMO measure of sampling adequacy and2)Cronbach’s Alpha, a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:23

7 274 0
Báo cáo y học: " Study protocol for the development of a European measure of best practice for people with long term mental health problems in institutional care (DEMoBinc)" pptx

Báo cáo y học: " Study protocol for the development of a European measure of best practice for people with long term mental health problems in institutional care (DEMoBinc)" pptx

... by examining associations between institution and external service costs and the toolkit domain ratings. Data management Data Analysis Analysis of Delphi exercise data of 1–5. Overall ratings are ... prepared for publication and for presentation at national and international confer- ences. Local, national and international workshops for key stakeholders will be organised to disseminate the practical ... the average correlation with other items and Cronbach's alpha with that item removed. Analysis of associations between toolkit ratings and ratings of service user quality of life, autonomy,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

8 427 0


... 2005;106: 40 6a. 27. Oka Y, Tsuboi A, Murakami M, Hirai M, Tominaga N, Nakajima H, Elisseeva OA, Masuda T, Nakano A, Kawakami M, Oji Y, Ikegame K, Hosen N, Udaka K, Yasukawa M, Ogawa H, Kawase I, ... Transplantation, Niigata University Medical and Dental General Hospital, Niigata, Japan 3. Division of Hematology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, Niigata, ... Tohri Kurasaki 3 , Toshiki Kitajima 3 , Shoko Takenouchi 3 , Anri Sai- toh 1 , Norihiro Watanabe 1 , Tatsuo Furukawa 2 , Ken Toba 3 , Ichiro Fuse 4 , Yoshifusa Aizawa 3 , Manabu Kawa- kami 5 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39

10 740 0


... information is, in fact, a limitation that has been emphasised by many authors working with agricultural and land use planning in recent years (see, for instance, Vaughan et al., 1995; and Chidley ... initial space for five persons. The first extract is an example of academic register, used, for instance, in dissertations and academic journals. This typically uses cautious language like apparent ... real time. The last extract uses a very formal tone, suitable for a semi-legal text. Verbs such as identifies, adhered to and allocated, the use of passives (be allocated), and special vocabulary (persons...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:44

200 791 24
Writing a Property List for Management

Writing a Property List for Management

... Display" tab, that the preferences on each tab are managed separately and that you’ll need to select ‘‘Always’’ again. Enable the check box for ‘‘Automatically Show and Hide the Dock’’ and ... /Local/Default read /Users/marczak RealName RealName: Edward R. Marczak The dscl command can also be used to add an attribute/value pair to a record by creating it: $ sudo dscl . create ... Additionally, there are many non-Apple preferences that you may want to manage. Thankfully, Apple did include a way to handle this. As mentioned in Chapter 4, preferences are part and parcel...

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20

17 343 0