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a study on english to vietnamese translation of noun phrases in j k rowlings harry potter

a study on english to vietnamese translation of noun phrases in j k rowlings harry potter

... Writing in English The study of how to translate nouns from English to Vietnamese contributes to determining appropriate translation methods, improving the efficiency of English- Vietnamese translation ... it very necessary to go into depth, learn, compare and contrast nouns between the two languages English and Vietnamese So I choose the topic: A study on English to Vietnamese translation of noun ... adding theories and references on translation for English- Vietnamese translation, all subjects learning English and translating English and Vietnamese can be referenced to be more effective in study

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2024, 18:03

53 0 0
A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

... sometimes too high to overcome, even with the help of the four techniques above When translators fail to keep the original title, to translate it literally, to explicate or to adapt it, they have to ... translation and translators 15 CHAPTER III: CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLES AND PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLE TRANSLATION Error! Bookmark not defined Characteristics of English ... 1.Definition of translation 2.Types of translation 2.1.Word-for-Word translation 2.2.Literal translation 2.3.Faithful translation 2.4.Free translation

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2018, 09:53

61 344 0
A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from English to Vietnamese

A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from English to Vietnamese

... sometimes too high to overcome, even with the help of the four techniques above When translators fail to keep the original title, to translate it literally, to explicate or to adapt it, they have to ... translation and translators 15 CHAPTER III: CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLES AND PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLE TRANSLATION Error! Bookmark not defined Characteristics of English ... 1.Definition of translation 2.Types of translation 2.1.Word-for-Word translation 2.2.Literal translation 2.3.Faithful translation 2.4.Free translation

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:43

61 129 0
Assessing the translation of person reference forms in a literary text: Acase of harry potter’s journey from English to Vietnamese

Assessing the translation of person reference forms in a literary text: Acase of harry potter’s journey from English to Vietnamese

... linguistic approach to translation assessment includes not only textual, situational but also cultural aspects Since the research purpose is to assess English- Vietnamese translation of person ... written to be read a fictional text to entertain and inform the readers Target Text profile Subject matter boarding school life Translator’s a Vietnamese provenance novelist, a translator Translator’s ... of view, the translator is successful in breaking through the cultural barriers between English and Vietnamese to recreate a functionally adequate translation in comparison to the original We

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 03:52

17 135 0
A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

... sometimes too high to overcome, even with the help of the four techniques above When translators fail to keep the original title, to translate it literally, to explicate or to adapt it, they have to ... translation and translators 15 CHAPTER III: CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLES AND PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLE TRANSLATION Error! Bookmark not defined Characteristics of English ... 1.Definition of translation 2.Types of translation 2.1.Word-for-Word translation 2.2.Literal translation 2.3.Faithful translation 2.4.Free translation

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2020, 00:52

61 19 0
Luận văn a study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

Luận văn a study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

... sometimes too high to overcome, even with the help of the four techniques above When translators fail to keep the original title, to translate it literally, to explicate or to adapt it, they have to ... translation and translators 15 CHAPTER III: CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLES AND PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH MOVIE TITLE TRANSLATION Error! Bookmark not defined Characteristics of English ... 1.Definition of translation 2.Types of translation 2.1.Word-for-Word translation 2.2.Literal translation 2.3.Faithful translation 2.4.Free translation

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2021, 21:11

61 6 0


... G2 Group 2: Translators R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Reader 1,Reader 2, Reader 3, Reader 4, Reader T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 Translator 1, Translator 2, Translator 3, Translator 4, Translator rumours and misinformation ... failed to reproduce the same impact as the ST which leads to inaccurate and inadequate translation as COVID-19 lexicon is still strange and unfamiliar to the Vietnamese T2: 70-80% of the translations ... knowledge, understanding translation theory which may turn out to be useful for novice translators only when it comes to the actual translating task T3: With new terms, translators need to first understand

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2021, 15:38

175 62 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Cultural factors affecting translation versions of slang from english to vietnamese of third-year and fourth-year business english students at national economics university

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Cultural factors affecting translation versions of slang from english to vietnamese of third-year and fourth-year business english students at national economics university

... of slang from English to Vietnamese. Trang 12CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK2.1 Translation and Cultural Factors2.1.1 Definition of TranslationDue to its extensive connections to the majority ... categories of translation: literal translation and non-literal translation, sometimes known as free translation Word-for-wordtranslation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, ... students face when translating slang from English toVIETNAMESE 304.1.5 The English slang expression that presents the greatest difficulty intranslation to Vietnamese eee eeccssceseeseeseeeseessececeseeesseesseceeseeeeaeesseesees

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2024, 10:42

50 4 0
Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: : An investigation into the application of machine translation tools in translating texts from english to vietnamese among ffl’s students at neu

Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: : An investigation into the application of machine translation tools in translating texts from english to vietnamese among ffl’s students at neu

... five MT tools given,there are other MT tools which are close to FFL’s students in the translationprocess such as English to Vietnamese translator,, etc.This is not difficult to explain ... linguisticfactors, translators need to pay attention to non-linguistic factors such as culturalcontexts, so readers can fully understand the translated text.2.1.2 The process of TranslationAccording to ... & Somers, 1992): Human Translation, Machine-AssistedHuman Translation, Human-Assisted Machine Translation and Fully AutomaticMachine Translation. 2.2.2 History of Machine TranslationKũbler (2007)

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2024, 22:07

47 0 0
An investigation into the translation of advertisement slogans from english to vietnamese

An investigation into the translation of advertisement slogans from english to vietnamese

... out the factors to influence the translation of advertisement slogan from English into Vietnamese - Making suggestions for the translation of advertisement slogans from English into Vietnamese ... are the factors which affect the translation of advertisement slogan from English into Vietnamese - What are suggestion for the translation of advertisement slogan from English into Vietnamese ... UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH _ GRADUATION THESIS B.A DEGREE IN ENGLISH STUDIES AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE TRANSLATION OF ADVERTISEMENT SLOGANS FROM ENGLISH TO VIETNAMESE Supervisor

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2016, 08:31

44 1,2K 3
Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

... IV: Suggestions to improve short-term memory in English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting 24 Introduction 24 Techniques to improve STM in English to Vietnamese consecutive ... Consecutive interpreting 2.3 STM and English to Vietnamese consecutive interpreting Chapter III: The study of short-term memory usage in English to Vietnamese interpreting 13 Introduction ... notes Which worked best for you? c As you listen to the passage, try to condense it into a few meaningful units Organize the information into groups For example, if a person were to list the schools

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 20:37

62 567 3
A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

... THE TRANSLATION OF MARKETING TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE II.1 Shift or transposition translation ………………………………… 30 II.2 Translation by paraphrase using related words ………………… 33 II.3 Translation ... is an attempt to make an investigation and exploration into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of Marketing terms However, translation is an extensive sector, and Marketing ... objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to select new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2018, 12:34

56 374 1
A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

... THE TRANSLATION OF MARKETING TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE II.1 Shift or transposition translation ………………………………… II.2 Translation by paraphrase using related words ………………… 30 33 II.3 Translation ... is an attempt to make an investigation and exploration into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of Marketing terms However, translation is an extensive sector, and Marketing ... objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to select new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2019, 20:05

56 147 0
A study on common methods to translate Marketing terms from English to Vietnamese

A study on common methods to translate Marketing terms from English to Vietnamese

... THE TRANSLATION OF MARKETING TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE II.1 Shift or transposition translation ………………………………… 30 II.2 Translation by paraphrase using related words ………………… 33 II.3 Translation ... is an attempt to make an investigation and exploration into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of Marketing terms However, translation is an extensive sector, and Marketing ... objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to select new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 06:26

56 119 1
Syntactic and semantic features of SET phrasal verbs with reference to vietnamese translation equivalents

Syntactic and semantic features of SET phrasal verbs with reference to vietnamese translation equivalents

... the conveyance of SET PVs from English source texts into Vietnamese ones seems to be a tough task for Vietnamese translators The current paper, to some extent, helps to remove the obstacle posed ... variety of the Vietnamese translation equivalents stem from the differences in formality or contextual factors These findings will be useful to all those who translation from English into Vietnamese ... written translation test to measure students‟ abilities to translate SET phrasal verbs from English into Vietnamese and vice versa Dear students, You are invited to participate in a written translation

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

87 130 0
Syntactic and semantic features of SET phrasal verbs with reference to vietnamese translation equivalents

Syntactic and semantic features of SET phrasal verbs with reference to vietnamese translation equivalents

... the conveyance of SET PVs from English source texts into Vietnamese ones seems to be a tough task for Vietnamese translators The current paper, to some extent, helps to remove the obstacle posed ... variety of the Vietnamese translation equivalents stem from the differences in formality or contextual factors These findings will be useful to all those who translation from English into Vietnamese ... written translation test to measure students‟ abilities to translate SET phrasal verbs from English into Vietnamese and vice versa Dear students, You are invited to participate in a written translation

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:46

87 313 0
The equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

The equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

... literal translation and the mismatches prove for the viewpoint that idiomatic translation is the best choice in translation The translator must avoid both literal translation and duly free translation ... the data for the study “The equivalence of English and Vietnamese Translation of Noun Phrases in the book Fire and Fury” Both English noun phrases and Vietnamese noun phrases have pre-modifiers ... researches on translation equivalence which have been key words in the field of translation so far Within the thesis, an investigation of the equivalence of the English and Vietnamese translation

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 14:23

77 89 0
A study on common methods to translate marketing terms  from english to vietnamese

A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

... THE TRANSLATION OF MARKETING TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE II.1 Shift or transposition translation ………………………………… 30 II.2 Translation by paraphrase using related words ………………… 33 II.3 Translation ... is an attempt to make an investigation and exploration into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of Marketing terms However, translation is an extensive sector, and Marketing ... objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to select new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2020, 00:51

56 23 0
A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

A study on common methods to translate marketing terms from english to vietnamese

... THE TRANSLATION OF MARKETING TERMS FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE II.1 Shift or transposition translation ………………………………… 30 II.2 Translation by paraphrase using related words ………………… 33 II.3 Translation ... is an attempt to make an investigation and exploration into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of Marketing terms However, translation is an extensive sector, and Marketing ... objection to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to select new words in Vietnamese rather than borrow English words However, this strategy is very useful when the translator deal

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2021, 12:44

56 14 0