... routine to be entered anew. To alleviate some of the tedium, insert the stored routine creation syntax into a text file, and then read that file into the mysql client, like so: %> ;mysql [options] ... learned how easy it is to incorporate both stored functions and stored procedures into your PHP applications The next chapter introduces another feature new to MySQL 5: triggers 847 ... multistatement stored routine, you need to write several statements, but you don’t want MySQL to do anything until you’ve finished writing the stored routine. Therefore, you must change the delimiter to
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
... bandwidth auto login example, session handling, 459–461 auto_append_file directive, PHP, 44 auto_detect_line_endings directive, PHP, 47 AUTO_INCREMENT datatype attribute, MySQL, 714 auto_prepend_file ... session handling, 449, 454 autocommit method, mysqli, 790 AUTOCOMMIT variable MySQL transactions tips, 933 autocommits PDO_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT option, 800 auto-completion mysql client, 673 PEAR: ... (C:\audit\inventory.txt) to the table inventory located in the company database Note that mysqlimport strips the extension from each text file and uses the resulting name as the table into which to
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Apress beginning database design from novice to professional
... Reader, THE EXPERT’S VOICE ® Beginning Database Design From Novice to Professional Designing databases for the desktop and beyond Companion eBook Beginning PHP and MySQL Excel As Your Database ... BLACK PANTONE 123 CV BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS ® Beginning Database Design Clare Churcher THE APRESS ROADMAP Beginning Database Design Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals ... information to put in your database Forcing users to enter values encourages them to make things up! It is essential in the relational model that you be able to uniquely identify every row in a table To
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2017, 10:44
Beginning SQL queries from novice to professional
... information from your database Beginning From Novice to Professional Author of The EXPERT’s VOIce ® in Databases Beginning SQL Queries From Novice to Professional A thoughtful approach to learning ... PANTONE 123 C Books for professionals by professionals ® Companion eBook Available Beginning SQL Queries: Dear Reader, SQL Queries Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional Beginning ... 11:15 AM Beginning SQL Queries From Novice to Professional ■■■ Clare Churcher Churcher_943-8FRONT.fm Page ii Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:15 AM Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2017, 09:12
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 3 docx
... need to explain more about the various types of MySQL table types. MySQL Table Types MySQL supports several storage engines that can be used to store your data. When creating a new data table, ... that need to be doubled, so MySQL will know to interpret those as quotes to be added to the description, instead of as string termination characters. Adding Products and Relating Them to Categories ... Exercise: Creating the category Table 1. Using phpMyAdmin, navigate to your tshirtshop database. 2. Click the SQL button in the top menu, and use the form to execute the following SQL query, which
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 4 pot
... way to create this file is to open Notepad, type the contents, go to Save As, and type ".htaccess" for the file name, including the quotes. The quotes prevent the editor from automatically ... this exercise, you modified the ToIndex(), ToDepartment(), ToCategory(), and ToProduct() methods of the Link class to build keyword-rich URLs instead of dynamic URLs. To support this functionality ... /tshirtshop/500 .php ■ Caution Be sure to modify the URL to the location of your 500 .php file 4 Let’s test our new 500 .php file by creating an error in our web site Open include\config .php,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 5 potx
... class="description"> We hope you have fun developing TShirtShop, the e-commerce store from Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional! </p> <p class="description"> ... AdminMenu { public $mLinkToStoreAdmin; public $mLinkToStoreFront; public $mLinkToLogout; public function construct() { $this->mLinkToStoreAdmin... presentation/templates/store_admin.tpl template ... loads the store_admin Smarty componentized template • store_admin is a componentized template (made of store_admin .php and store_admin.tpl) that is loaded by admin .php to. .. stores the
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 6 doc
... ($_SESSION['link _to_ store_front'])) $this->mLinkToStoreFront = $_SESSION['link _to_ store_front']; else $this->mLinkToStoreFront = Link::ToIndex(); $this->mLinkToLogout = Link::ToLogout(); } 16. ... presentation/admin_menu .php, and modify the constructor of the AdminMenu class like this: public function construct() { $this->mLinkToStoreAdmin = Link::ToAdmin(); $this->mLinkToAttributesAdmin = Link::ToAttributesAdmin(); ... from the catalog. • RemoveProductFromCategory is called when the “Remove from category” button is clicked to unassign the product from a category. • GetCategories returns all the categories from
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 7 doc
... menu: < ?php class AdminMenu { public $mLinkToStoreAdmin; public $mLinkToAttributesAdmin; public $mLinkToCartsAdmin; public $mLinkToOrdersAdmin; public $mLinkToStoreFront; public $mLinkToLogout; ... ■ ACCEPTING CUSTOMER ORDERS $this->mLinkToOrdersAdmin = Link::ToOrdersAdmin(); if (isset ($_SESSION['link _to_ store_front'])) $this->mLinkToStoreFront = $_SESSION['link _to_ store_front']; else ... index .php script was updated to respond to AJAX requests as well.When making an asynchronous request to index .php, the AjaxRequest parameter is added to the query string so that index .php knows to
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 8 ppt
... WHERE customer_id = inCustomerId; END$$ The customer_get_customer stored procedure returns full customer details for a given customer ID 5 Execute the following code, which creates the customer_update_account ... shipping_region_id, day_phone, eve_phone, mob_phone FROM customer WHERE customer_id = inCustomerId;... $_SESSION['tshirtshop_customer_id'] = $customer_id; return $customer_id; } 86 44ch16FINAL.qxd 1/30/ ... CUSTOMER DETAILS public static function Get($customerId = null) { if (is_null($customerId)) $customerId = self::GetCurrentCustomerId(); // Build the SQL query $sql = 'CALL customer_get_customer(:customer_id)';...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 9 ppt
... Send e-mail to the customer public function MailCustomer($subject, $body) { $to = $this->mCustomerInfo['email']; $headers = 'From: ' CUSTOMER_SERVICE_EMAIL "\r\n"; $result = mail( $to, $subject, ... to send e-mail to customer.'); } } 2 Add the MailSupplier() method to the OrderProcessor class: // Send e-mail to the supplier public... processing moves on to PsCheckStock PsCheckStock ... instructing the supplier to check stock availability Add the following code to a new file in the business folder named ps_check_stock .php: < ?php class PsCheckStock implements IPipelineSection
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 10 pps
... enables you to. .. 'ps_check_stock .php' ; require_once BUSINESS_DIR 'authorize_net_request .php' ; 4 Add a reference to the business/authorize_net_request .php file in admin .php as highlighted: ... doesn’t stop us from adding even more features to make it more useful and pleasant for visitors By adding a product reviews system to your web site, you can increase the chances that visitors ... reference to the business/datacash_request .php file in index .php as highlighted: require_once BUSINESS_DIR . 'ps_check_funds .php& apos;; require_once BUSINESS_DIR . 'ps_check_stock .php& apos;;
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21
Beginning php and mysql from novice to professional 4th edition ppt
... and Configuring MySQL 487 Downloading MySQL 487 Installing MySQL 488 Installing MySQL on Linux 488 Installing and Configuring MySQL on Windows 492 Setting the MySQL Administrator Password 495 ... form into symbolic variables, encouraging exportation into other systems. To accomplish this, he opted to continue development in C code rather than Perl. Ongoing additions to the PHP toolset ... Summary 626 Chapter 32: Stored Routines 627 Should You Use Stored Routines? 627 Stored Routine Advantages 627 Stored Routine Disadvantages 628 How MySQL Implements Stored Routines 629 www.it-ebooks.info ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 1 doc
... section determine PHP s default char- acter set, PHP s default MIME type, and whether external files will be automatically prepended or appended to PHP s returned output. arg_separator.output = string Scope: ... many aspects of PHP s behavior. This file is known as php. ini, but it was originally named php. ini-dist. You need to copy this file to its appropriate location and rename it php. ini. The later ... install PHP. If PHP is installed as a CGI binary, the php. ini file is reread every time PHP is invoked, thus making changes instantaneous. If PHP is installed as an Apache module, php. ini is...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 2 pdf
... because the multiplication (*) operator is left -to- right associative. In contrast, right -to- left associativity evaluates operators of the same precedence from right to left: $c = 5; print $value ... performed in two directions, left to right or right to left. Left -to- right associativity means that the various operations making up the expression are evaluated from left to right. Consider the following ... CHAPTER 3 ■ PHP BASICS 89 Operator Precedence Operator precedence is a characteristic of operators that determines the order in which they evaluate the operands surrounding them. PHP follows...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 3 ppsx
... constructor. If PHP had located a constructor in the Employee class, then it would have fired. If you want both the Employee and Executive constructors to fire, you need to place a call to parent::__construct() ... visitors. You wouldn’t want the visitor count to reset to zero every time the class is instantiated, and therefore you would set the field to be of the static scope: < ?php class Visitor ... this additional task, the concept of autoloading objects was introduced in PHP 5. Autoloading allows you to define a special __autoload function that is automatically called when- ever a class...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 4 pps
... Reading a Directory into an Array The scandir() function, introduced in PHP 5, returns an array consisting of files and directories found in directory, or returns FALSE on error. Its prototype follows: array ... OPERATING SYSTEM string readdir(int directory_handle) Among other things, you can use this function to list all files and child directories in a given directory: < ?php $dh = opendir('/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/'); ... package: %>pear info Console_Getopt Here’s an example of output from this command: ABOUT CONSOLE_GETOPT-1.2 ======================== Provides Classes: Console_Getopt Package Console_Getopt Summary Command-line...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 5 pot
... service corresponding to the supplied port number. Its prototype follows: string getservbyport(int port, string protocol) The protocol parameter specifies whether you’re referring to the tcp or the ... Gilmore_862-8C15.fm Page 400 Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:08 AM CHAPTER 17 ■ PHP AND LDAP 427 Using LDAP from PHP PHP’s LDAP extension seems to be one that has never received the degree of atten- tion it deserves. ... connection made to either a local or a remote MTA, defined by this directive. sendmail _from = string Scope: PHP_ INI_ALL; Default value: NULL The sendmail _from directive sets the From field of...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 6 ppt
... a version of PHP older than 6.0, you also need to configure PHP with the enable-soap extension. On Windows, you need to add the following line to your php. ini file: extension =php_ soap.dll Instantiating ... prepended to the authentication realm. Further- more, the PHP_ AUTH variables are not set when safe mode is enabled. ã If using the MySQL database server, the username used to connect to a MySQL ... name="boxing" targetNamespace="http://www.beginningphpandmysql.com/boxing" xmlns:tns="http://www.beginningphpandmysql.com/boxing" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
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