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.Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics doc

.Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics doc

... computation to a biological problem. This is bioinformatics. About This Book This book is a tutorial for biologists on how to program, and is designed for beginning programmers. The examples ... Code When downloading from the http://www .perl. com site, you need to choose between binary or source-code distributions of Perl. The best choice for installing Perl on your computer is to ... hard-to-maintain code in Perl, as in other languages, but I'll give you pointers on how to make your code easy for other programmers to read.) 2.2.4 Versions of Perl Perl, like almost all popular software,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

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perl for sysadmins - o'reilly

perl for sysadmins - o'reilly

... ipRouteType(8) does indeed follow ipRouteNextHop(7). The answer to the question we asked a moment ago, "How do you know when you are done querying for the contents of a table?" is "When ... RCS Tutorial Contents: References for More Information This quick tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about how to use Revision Control System (RCS) for system administration. RCS ... section) Log on Locally to the local group Local−Authorized Omphies. 5. Removes the user right Log on Locally from all other unauthorized groups. The result is that only the authorized local...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:28

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... really meant to use an operator, but this is highly unlikely to be correct. For example, if you say *foo *foo it will be interpreted as if you said *foo * 'foo'. Out of memory for yacc stack (F) ... not found for `next %s` (F) You named a loop to continue, but you're not currently in a loop of that name, not even if you count where you were called from. See last. Label not found for ... not here to convert you into a raving object-oriented zealot, even if you want to be converted. There are already plenty of books out there for that. Perl& apos;s philosophy of object-oriented design...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:29

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advanced perl programming - o'reilly 1999

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... blessed. To the crew at O& apos ;Reilly who worked on this book, including Jane Ellin, the production editor, Mike Sierra for Tools support, Robert Romano for the figures, Seth Maislin for the index, ... through endless revisions and gently taught me how to write a book. To O& apos ;Reilly and Associates, for allowing both authors and readers to have fun doing their bit. To Larry Wall, for Perl, ... Learning Perl | Learning Perl on Win32 | Programming Perl | Advanced Perl Programming | Perl Cookbook ] Previous: What Must I Know? Preface Next: Conventions The Book's Approach You have not...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:25

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... information, it's also the best tool going for processing log files of nearly any format. You can use Perl to drive your favorite word processor or spreadsheet using OLE Automation. You can use ... through this book, you'll have touched on the majority of the most common operations and language idioms found in most Perl programs. This book is not intended as a comprehensive guide to Perl ... career. For more information, check out the voluminous and readily available Perl reference material. For obvious reasons, we recommend highly the companion volume to this book, Programming Perl, ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:26

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... good enough to function effectively for all of the jobs, including some jobs for which you might not have a special-purpose tool in your toolbox.) There is one hazard: when you use splice to ... Reading This Book This book assumes you have Perl 5.004 or better. If you don't, you can download it for free from http://www .perl. com/CPAN/src. This book often refers to CPAN modules, which ... construction," "alpha," "beta," and finally to "Released," there is an increasing likelihood that it will behave properly. Online Information about This Book All of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:27

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... program to search for either Perl or perl I have a couple of options, neither of which are too much work: % perl- "[pP]erl" % perl- "(p|P)erl" If I want to ... or other, later configurations. I have to turn it on for all of mod _perl, meaning that every program run through mod _perl, including apparently normal CGI programs run with ModPerl::PerlRun or ... trouble. Take this innocuous-looking line of code that opens a file: open my($fh), $file or die "Could not open [$file]: $!"; That looks harmless, so where’s the problem? As with most...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:27

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... the opposite occurs (the number 6 becomes the string "6"), because the rules for datatype conversion are different for the + operator than for the - operator. We'll cover data conversion ... ("a" < "z") { // Do something else } The combinations, comparisons, assignments, or other manipulations performed by operators are known as operations. Arithmetic operations ... knows what you're talking about, you must refer only to the world it knows using terms it recognizes. What may be obvious to you is not obvious to a computer. Think of programming a computer...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:39

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... When you say, for example, $button->setForeground("yellow"), the setForeground function automatically knows which button you are talking about. In a sense, the facility for closures ... generate_greeting("hello"); $greeting = "Goodbye"; &$rs(); # Prints "Goodbye", not "hello" The anonymous subroutine is not a closure in this case, because it doesn't ... certain "busy" or "active" hours. What is a good representation for this? You might choose to represent the line "Mon 2-3, Tue 4-6" as follows: $time_range = { 'Mon'...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:39

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... recognizable domain names. These new top-level domains are biz (for corporations), info (for informational use), name (for people's names), pro (for professionals, such as doctors and lawyers), ... earlier, routers do not forward broadcasts. Therefore B-Node name resolution mode will not work in a routed environment. P-Node Clients configured to use the P-Node (or point-to-point) mode ... predecessors to DHCP, the Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) and the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). These two protocols are illustrated here to highlight the need for a more robust and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:41

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... Monson-Haefel, for users of JBoss™, an open-source J2EE™ application server. It is one of a series of workbooks that is being published by O Reilly & Associates as an informative companion to ... to thank Marc Fleury, the founder of JBoss, for recommending us for this book and Richard Monson-Haefel for accepting the recommendation. We would also like to thank Greg Nyberg, the author of ... JBoss Workbook for Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition 11 Depending on your platform, you’ll have to execute commands like these: Windows: C:\workbook\ex04_1> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3 C:\workbook\ex04_1>...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:46

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... computation or to be stored into a variable. For example: "hello" . "world" # same as "helloworld" "hello" . ' ' . "world" # same as 'hello ... electronically. To be put on our mailing list or to request a catalog, send email to: To ask technical questions or to comment on the book, send email to: We ... Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, your one-stop shopping for Perl. It has the source code for Perl itself, ready-to-install ports of Perl to all sorts of non-Unix systems, 24 examples, documentation,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:47

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... guide perlpod Plain old documentation perlbook Book information perlembed Embedding Perl in your C or C++ application perlapio Internal IO abstraction interface perlxs XS application programming ... Language 4.10 Formats Formats are a mechanism for generating formatted reports for outputting data. Formats are defined with the format keyword. The general form looks like: format name = template ... variation of this line. If you get a mysterious "Command not found" error on a Perl program, it's often because the path to the Perl executable is wrong. When you download Perl programs...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:51

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