... Friesen Beginning Java ™ SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional 830-X FM.qxd 10/2/07 9:11 PM Page i Ithank Steve Anglin for giving me the opportunity to continue my exploration of Java SE 6 via ... Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional cyan magEnta yEllow BlacK pantonE 123 c Jeff Friesen Companion eBook Available THE APRESS JAVA ROADMAP Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java ... 123.45 123.4 56 rounds to 123.45 Rounding mode: CEILING 123.454 rounds to 123. 46 123.455 rounds to 123. 46 123.4 56 rounds to 123. 46 ■Note In addition to the NumberFormat and DecimalFormat enhancements, Java...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
... of the alternate Java compilers available on your platform. Listing 2-10. EnumAlternateJavaCompilers .java // EnumAlternateJavaCompilers .java import java. util.*; import javax.tools.*; public class ... ranging from index from copyOfRange(byte[] original, (inclusive) to index to (exclusive), of the original int from, int to) byte integer array. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if from ... ranging from index from copyOfRange(char[] original, (inclusive) to index to (exclusive), of the original int from, int to) character array. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if from is...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 3 pps
... set to false has no effect on platforms that always support dynamic layout. Prior to Java SE 6, setDynamicLayout(false) was the default. Beginning with Java SE 6, this default has changed to setDynamicLayout(true). public ... 3-5. Listing 3-5. QuickLaunch .java // QuickLaunch .java import java. awt.*; import java. awt.event.*; import java. awt.geom.*; import java. awt.image.*; import java. io.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ... in Java SE 6 ( http:/ /java. sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/Desktop/javase6/systemtray/) provides additional System Tray API information and examples. CHAPTER 3 ■ GUI TOOLKITS: AWT1 16 830-X...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 4 pps
... 5-1. Listing 5-1. ShowCalPage .java // ShowCalPage .java import java. applet.Applet; import java. awt.*; import java. awt.event.*; import java. text.*; import java. util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ... new getPrintable() method. Java SE 6 does the same thing for javax.swing.JTextField, javax.swing.JTextArea, and javax.swing.JEditorPane by integrating new methods into their common JTextComponent ... and customized to obtain the desired behavior. Prior to Java SE 6, ResourceBundle’s public abstract Enumeration<String> getKeys() method was poorly documented. There was no way to tell...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 5 pptx
... derby.drda.portNumber=1527 derby.drda.logConnections=false derby.drda.timeSlice=0 derby.drda.startNetworkServer=false derby.drda.host=localhost derby.drda.traceAll=false Java Information Java Version: 1 .6. 0 Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java home: c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\jre Java classpath: c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derby.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbytools.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbynet.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derby.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbytools.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbynet.jar; OS ... c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derby.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbytools.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbynet.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derby.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbytools.jar; c:\progra~1 \java\ jdk1 .6. 0\db\lib\derbynet.jar; OS ... shown in Figures 6- 1 and 6- 2 as a directory with the same name as the database. Within this directory, Java DB creates a log directory to store transaction logs, a seg0 directory to store the data...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 6 pptx
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Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 7 pdf
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Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 8 pps
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 9 pot
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 10 docx
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Beginning Java EE 5 From Novice to Professional phần 3 docx
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional phần 6 pps
... before, allowing the user to create a new thumbnail of a different size, if necessary. CHAPTER 6 ■ IMAGES98 66 76CH 06. qxd 9/27/ 06 11:55 AM Page 98 66 76CH 06. qxd 9/27/ 06 11:55 AM Page 100 The nice ... </a> </td> <?php CHAPTER 7 ■ A REAL-WORLD AJAX APPLICATION110 66 76CH07.qxd 9/27/ 06 11: 56 AM Page 110 Likewise, most of the JavaScript in the photo gallery has been moved into an external file called functions.js, ... $height); $ratio = $width / $height; CHAPTER 7 ■ A REAL-WORLD AJAX APPLICATION1 06 667 6CH07.qxd 9/27/ 06 11: 56 AM Page 1 06 function imageClick(img) { updateStatus(); runajax('middiv', 'midpic.php?curimage='...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Beginning C# 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 6 ppt
... rdr[1]); } Console.WriteLine("".PadLeft (60 , '=')); } while (rdr.NextResult()); CHAPTER 12 ■ USING DATA READERS 261 9004ch12final.qxd 12/13/07 4:07 PM Page 261 from customers where companyname like ... @" select productname, unitprice, unitsinstock, discontinued from products "; The reason we have you choose these columns is to deal with different kinds of data types and show how to use relevant typed accessors to obtain ... you use the parameterless constructor, the dataset name defaults to NewDataSet. If you need more than one dataset, it’s good practice to use the other constructor and name it explicitly. However,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:21
Beginning C# 2005 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 6 ppsx
... for customer WOLZA from Warszawa to Gdansk. Now click the Save Data button. The new row is now inserted into the Customers table in the database, and the city for WOLZA has been updated too. Close ... rerun the project to prove this. 9. Put Customers back the way it was by changing WOLZA’s city back to Warszawa and deleting customer zzz. Click Save Data to propagate the changes to the database. Once ... handler for the button ( customersBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click): this.Validate(); this.customersBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.customersTableAdapter.Update(this.northwndDataSet.Customers); The first...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20
Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 6 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21
Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional PHẦN 6 pot
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23
... use to acquire information from a web server is the HTTP 11 CHAPTER 2 66 76CH02.qxd 9/27/ 06 11:51 AM Page 11 Lee Babin Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional 66 76FM.qxd 9/27/ 06 11:49 ... level: Beginner–Intermediate Babin Beginning Ajax with PHP THE EXPERTS VOICE đ IN OPEN SOURCE Lee Babin Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK PANTONE 123 CV ISBN 1-59059 -66 7 -6 97815905 966 78 53499 6 89253 ... charset=iso-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <! CHAPTER 2 ■ AJAX BASICS20 66 76CH02.qxd 9/27/ 06 11:51 AM Page 20 66 76FM.qxd 9/27/ 06 11:49 AM Page xii Ajax Basics A n interesting...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:19