beginning ios 6 game development pdf

Beginning IOS 6 development

Beginning IOS 6 development

... you the finer points of iOS application development. The most important tool you’ll be using to develop iOS applications is called Xcode. Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment ... was later doubled in both directions to 64 0 ì 960 with the introduction of the iPhone 4’s retina display. This was recently increased further to 64 0 ì 11 36 on the iPhone 5. That sounds like a ... 11-inch MacBook Air, supports 1 366 ì 768 pixels. On the other end of the spectrum, Apple’s largest current monitor, the 27-inch LED Cinema Display, offers a whopping 2 560 × 1440 pixels. Note that...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 20:06

750 1,5K 0
Tài liệu Micro Java™ Game Development pdf

Tài liệu Micro Java™ Game Development pdf

... ,66 68,1_0_30,00.html RIM/iPaq Blackberry 8 Picking a Game Genre There are literally millions of games in the world, and tens of thousands of computer games. But all these games can ... unexpected results. This type of game usually appeals to adolescents or hard-core RPG gamers. ã Games of ChanceAny game based upon random result. Most casino games are games of chance, with a little ... MIDlet Development 150 Development Environments 152 Lifecycle of a MIDlet 1 56 Displaying Stuff 157 Menus and Commands 161 Creating Help and About Alert Screens 164 Global Properties 168 Summary...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:20

418 8K 0
Tài liệu Beginning Windows Phone App Development pdf

Tài liệu Beginning Windows Phone App Development pdf

... process, is provided in Chapter 5. Figure 1 -6 shows a high-level view of the development life cycle of a Windows Phone application. Figure 1 -6. Application development life cycle As a developer, ... primarily used for creating games. The framework comes with a game engine that allows you to create loop-based games and a 3D engine that allows you to create 3D games. In the following sections, ... PLATFORM 6 Hardware Feature Description 256MB of RAM and 8GB of flash storage Keep in mind that your application can use only 90MB of memory unless the device has more than 256MB of memory....

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 12:20

538 8,9K 4
Beginning iOS Storyboarding with Xcode pdf

Beginning iOS Storyboarding with Xcode pdf

... Single View #3: wanderBoard Part III 569 ■ Chapter 12: How Far You’ve Come 60 9 ■ Index 61 3 CHAPTER 1: Preliminaries 12 Figure 1-9. For now click on the iOS Dev Center icon as indicated by ... Prep Storyboard 225 Step 3: Code: ModelController 2 36 Step 4: Code: DataViewController 254 Step 5: Code: RootViewController 265 ■ Chapter 6: Mastering Table Views with Storyboarding: Core Data… ... username and password as described in step 6, you will see a screen similar to Figure 1-10. The iOS Dev Center contains all the tools necessary to build iOS apps. Later on you will spend time...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

644 548 1
Learn iPhone and iPad cocos2d Game Development pdf

Learn iPhone and iPad cocos2d Game Development pdf

... 56 Anchor Points Demystified 56 Texture Dimensions 57 CCLabel 57 Menus 58 Actions 60  Repeating Actions 61  Ease Actions 61  Action Sequences 62  Instant Actions 62  Cocos2d Test Cases 63  Conclusion ... generation devices 60 0 MHz PowerVR SGX535 480x320 2 56 MB iPad 1000 MHz PowerVR SGX535 1024x 768 2 56 MB iPhone 4 1000 MHz Unknown 960 x640 512 MB As you can see, with every new generation iOS devices ... Physics Engines 263  Basic Concepts of Physics Engines 263  Limitations of Physics Engines 264  The Showdown: Box2D vs. Chipmunk 264  Box2D 265  The World According to Box2D 266  Restricting Movement...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20

417 6,9K 2
Tài liệu Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development pdf

Tài liệu Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development pdf

... language, for creating 3D iOS games. I have used the technology extensively and used it to create a full commercial physics puzzle type game for iOS similar to the iOS game Angry Birds. It is ... powerful tool that is excellent for iOS development. My intention here is to give others a quickstart guide for creating their own iOS games and share game frameworks I’ve developed that readers ... using Kismet on older iOS devices. At least one poster on the iOS development forum on the official UDK message board complained that older iOS devices would only run his game if most of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 12:20

393 1,1K 0
Beginning iOS Game Development pptx

Beginning iOS Game Development pptx

... STARTED CHAPTER 1: GAMES ON IOS 3 What Makes a Good iOS Game? 4 Device Usage 4 Use Unique Features of iOS 4 Make Your Game Fun 5 Graphics and Design 6 Developing Your Idea 6 Documenting Your Game 6 Prototyping ... ( blog/2011_05_distimo-and-newzoo%C2%A0partner-on-games-data-over-5-million -ios- games-downloaded-per-day-by -63 -million -ios- gamers-in-us-eu/ ), games are the largest cat- egory of applications ... Transitions 2 56 Property Animations 2 56 Transition Animations 267 ftoc.indd xviiiftoc.indd xviii 10/28/2011 4:23: 56 PM10/28/2011 4:23: 56 PM 12 x CHAPTER 1 GAMES ON IOS introduced...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

435 2,9K 1
Tài liệu Game Development Production P2 pdf

Tài liệu Game Development Production P2 pdf

... hardware vendor with no 26 Chapter 3: What Makes Game Development Hard? A Brief History of Software Development How to make a game, I believe, is the most elusive question in the game industry. In ... platform including the PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, N64, Game Boy Color, GameCube, and Xbox. Role-Playing Games Role-Playing Games No discussion of game making could be complete without discussing ... called usability. Having far less development resources to tap than Microsoft, Eidos Chapter 3: What Makes Game Development Hard? 27 ruthless pursuit of a clean, tight game can you hope to make a great game. The rest...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 04:15

20 522 0
Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

... Bluetooth Using GameKit: The GameKit framework makes it easy to create programs that communicate over Bluetooth, such as multiplayer games for the iPhone and iPod touch. You’ll explore GameKit by ... need to sign up to become a Registered iOS Developer. If you’re already a Registered iOS Developer, go ahead and download the latest and greatest iPhone development tools, and skip ahead to ... Apple’s Registered iOS Developer programs, navigate to ios/ , which will bring you to a page similar to that shown in Figure 1-1. Just below the iOS Dev Center banner,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20

542 5,4K 2
Tài liệu Những hạn chế của IOS 6 pdf

Tài liệu Những hạn chế của IOS 6 pdf

... thực hiện được khi thiết bị iOS kết nối với mạng WiFi hoặc 3G. truy cập nhanh hơn 11% so với phiên bản cũ trên iOS 5. Tuy nhiên, bên cạnh ưu điểm về tốc độ, iOS 6 vẫn còn một số hạn chế mà ... mà Apple chưa tiết lộ. Đó là, trong khi iPhone 3GS và iPhone 4 được cho là tương thích với iOS 6, cả hai thiết bị sẽ có phiên bản mới nhất của hệ điều hành này với các tính năng quan trọng. ... Photo Streams, danh sách Mail VIP hay Flagged Smart mailbox. Dưới đây là những hạn chế của iOS 6: - Một số tính năng không áp dụng cho tất cả các quốc gia trên thế giới. Flyover và khả năng...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 12:20

4 324 0
Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development pptx

Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development pptx

... following to play the game type for the hands-on example in Chapter 2: [Engine.GameInfo] DefaultGame=ExampleCh2.ExampleCh 2Game DefaultServerGame=ExampleCh2.ExampleCh 2Game Next, we need to ... your game to the iOS device where you can run it like any other iOS application. At this point the icon representing your UDK game should appear on your iOS device ready to run. NOTE: Epic Games ... Running the UDK Game on the iOS Device In order to play a game developed in the UDK on an actual iOS device, you need to package the game and then deploy it to the iOS device. After obtaining...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

393 983 0
Beginning SharePoint 2013 Development pdf

Beginning SharePoint 2013 Development pdf

... xxi CONTENTS Application Authentication 263 App and User Context in API Calls 266 Managing Tokens in Your Application 266 Application Authorization 269 Requesting Permissions Dynamically 271 App-Only ... 1 36 Summary 1 46 Recommended Reading 147 PART II: FUNDAMENTAL SHAREPOINT 2013 DEVELOPMENT BUILDING BLOCKS CHAPTER 6: DEVELOPING, INTEGRATING, AND BUILDING APPLICATIONS IN SHAREPOINT 2013 151 Development ... Services 359 What’s New in Access Services 362 Summary 366 Recommended Reading 368 CHAPTER 15: DEVELOPING WORKFLOW APPLICATIONS FOR SHAREPOINT 2013 369 Introducing Workfl ow Manager 370 The Big...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

460 6,3K 1