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Tài liệu C for The Microprocessor Engineer P2 doc

Tài liệu C for The Microprocessor Engineer P2 doc

... instruction. Table 2.4 Logic instructions. Flags Operation Mnemonic V N Z C Description AND Logic bitwise AND A; B ASL 0 ã [A]<-[A]Ã[M]; [B]<-[B]Ã[M] CC ANDCC #nn Can clear [CCR]<-[CCR]Ã#nn Complement ... Never carried out Equal BEQ; LBEQ Z flag set (Zero result) not Equal BNE; LBNE Z flag clear (Non-zero result) Carry Set BCS; LBCS 1 [Acc] Lower Than (Carry = 1) Carry Clear BCC; LBCC 2 [Acc] Higher ... as well as 8- and 16-bit Accu- mulators. Table 2.6 Operations which affect the Program Counter. Operation Mnemonic Description Bcc cc is the logical condition tested LBcc Always (True) BRA; LBRA...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 01:16

20 607 0
Tài liệu C for The Microprocessor Engineer P1 docx

Tài liệu C for The Microprocessor Engineer P1 docx

... complex Q related secondary decoder for simple interface circuitry. 6 C FOR THE MICROPROCESSOR ENGINEER the instruction LDA 5F, coded as 96-5F, actually moves data from 805Fh into Accumulator_A. When ... can run at higher clock rates. The access time for a memory chipis normally given 4 C FOR THE MICROPROCESSOR ENGINEER Figure 1.1 Internal 6809/6309 structure. 12 C FOR THE MICROPROCESSOR ENGINEER Figure ... output port cannot be erroneously read. Care must be taken when interfacing memory chips to choose a device with a suitable access time. This is especially true for more recent MPUs, which can run...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 01:16

30 404 0
Tài liệu Lập trình C for Windows ppt

Tài liệu Lập trình C for Windows ppt

... về kích thư c vùng client c a c a sổ hiện hành RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); // Tạo MDC tương thích với DC c a c a sổ HDC hMemDC; hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); // Chọn ... liệu, c c thông điệp này sẽ đư c truyền một c ch đồng bộ, đầu tiên thủ t c Windows c a c a sổ trên c ng bị mất kích hoạt, sau đó đến thủ t c của c a sổ trên c ng đư c kích hoạt. Nếu c c cửa ... một device context c thể đư c.  Sau khi chọn một đối tượng bitmap cho MDC, c thể dùng MDC như một device context thật sự.  Sau khi đư c hoàn tất trong MDC, ảnh đư c đưa ra device context...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 01:17

70 404 0
Tài liệu Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones doc

Tài liệu Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones doc

... addresses CLOB Character Large Object CONE A control environment that provides the basic framework for controls Context switch A task-switching facility to switch between programs and keep track of ... ConsoleMainL() { // Get a console gConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Hello Text"), TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen)); CleanupStack::PushL(gConsole); // Call function MainL(); // Pause before terminating User::After(15000000); ... project. ã SOURCE specifies the single source file, hellotext.cpp (in later projects, we’ll see that SOURCE can be used to specify multiple source les). ã USERINCLUDE and SYSTEMINCLUDE specify...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 04:20

836 287 0
Beginning WebGL for HTML5 pptx

Beginning WebGL for HTML5 pptx

... view and projection matrix view calculations. It also calculates normal vector and texture coordinate generation and transformations. e VS can perform per-vertex lighting calculations and ... green gl.clearColor(0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } function initShaders(){} function setupBuffers(){} function drawScene(){} e first function sets the clear color to ... we attach the source to each shader with API calls to: CHAPTER 1 ■ SETTING THE SCENE 2 change the <body> background to gray and the <canvas> background to white. is is not necessary...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

348 1,2K 1
Beginning C# 5.0 Databases pptx

Beginning C# 5.0 Databases pptx

... says I used “local\SQ2012” as “machine name\instance name,” which is incorrect unless that machine name is really local (in which case the SQL Server instance name is not correct). 1. To fix ... error, specify the correct parameter, check that the SQL Server service is started, or pass the correct machine name. 2. Once you have successfully loaded SSMS, the next step is to attach the ... Null keywords specify the data acceptance criteria, in other words, whether you must enter or can skip a column value. For example, consider you are filling a form for insurance and are asked...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

427 1K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A DmpA-homologous protein from Pseudomonas sp. is a dipeptidase specific for b-alanyl dipeptides Hidenobu Komeda and Yasuhisa Asano docx

Báo cáo khoa học: A DmpA-homologous protein from Pseudomonas sp. is a dipeptidase specific for b-alanyl dipeptides Hidenobu Komeda and Yasuhisa Asano docx

... the sequence from 1320 to 1353. The two primers were as fol- lows: sense primer, 5Â-CACTTG AAGCTTTAAGGAGGA AtagACCATGCGTATCCGTGAGCTTGGCATCACC-3Â; antisen se primer, 5Â-ACGCAA TCTAGAGTCAGCCCTCA GGGGGCTTTCG-3Â. ... MnCl 2 , FeSO 4 , FeCl 3 , CoCl 2 , NiCl 2 , CuSO 4 , CuCl 2 , RbCl, Na 2 MoO 4 (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 24 , SnCl 2 , CsCl, BaCl 2 and PbCl 2 did not affect the activity. Substrate specificity To study the ... an aspartic protease inhibitor, pepstatin, did not influence the activity. Inorganic compounds such as LiCl, H 2 BO 3 , NaCl, MgSO 4 , MgCl 2 , AlCl 3 , KCl, CaCl 2 , CrCl 3 , MnSO 4 , MnCl 2 , FeSO 4 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

10 406 0
.Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics doc

.Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics doc

... places to look for already existing code. You can search the Internet with your favorite search engines. You can browse collections of links for bioinformatics, looking for programs. You can ... or C or T (any) Table 4-2. Standard IUB/IUPAC amino acid codes One-letter code Amino acid Three-letter code A Alanine Ala B Aspartic acid or Asparagine Asx C Cysteine Cys D Aspartic acid ... ( to become familiar with this essential bioinformatics resource. 1.3 In Silico Recently, the new term in silico has become a common reference to biological studies carried...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

394 244 0
Beginning WebGL for HTML5 ppt

Beginning WebGL for HTML5 ppt

... view and projection matrix view calculations. It also calculates normal vector and texture coordinate generation and transformations. e VS can perform per-vertex lighting calculations and ... Contacting the Author If you have any questions or comments—or even spot a mistake you think I should know about—you can contact the author directly at ... directly at or on the contact form at CHAPTER 1 ■ SETTING THE SCENE 8 Altogether, the process of assigning values to...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

348 1,3K 1
c for pic pptx

c for pic pptx

... thái c a bit đăng ký đư c thay đổi từ bên trong chương trình, đăng ký chạy mạch nhỏ trong vi điều khiển, c c mạch thông qua c c chân vi điều C c kiến tr c của vi điều khiển PIC 8-bit. C c mô-đun ... ngữ C hơi kh c nhau tùy thu c vào ứng dụng c a nó (điều này c thể đư c so sánh với c c phương ngữ kh c nhau c a một ngôn ngữ). 2.2 C c vấn đề c bản c a ngôn ngữ lập trình C Ý tưởng chính c a ... nhớ. C c nội dung c a bất kỳ vị trí nào c thể đư c truy c p và đ c bằng c ch giải quyết c a nó. Bộ nhớ c thể đư c viết ho c đ c từ. C một số loại bộ nhớ trong vi điều khiển: Bộ nhớ chỉ đọc...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:20

343 447 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Isolation and characterization of an IgNAR variable domain specific for the human mitochondrial translocase receptor Tom70 potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Isolation and characterization of an IgNAR variable domain specific for the human mitochondrial translocase receptor Tom70 potx


Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

12 522 0
Cay horstmannn   c++ for everyone

Cay horstmannn c++ for everyone

... inputs: ã purchase price1 and fuel efciency1, the price and fuel efficiency (in mpg) of the first car ã purchase price2 and fuel efciency2, the price and fuel efficiency of the second car We simply ... endl; } Initialize counter 1 for (counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) { cout << counter << endl; } Check condition 2 for (counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) { cout << counter ... 369 Looking for for Duplicates 9 Classes Forgetting a Semicolon 395 Trying to Call a Constructor 405 Implementing a Class 409 Implementing a Bank Account Class 10 Inheritance Private Inheritance 449 Replicating...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:06

562 508 0
Dan gookin   c for dummies 2004

Dan gookin c for dummies 2004

... Amok 131 Chapter 11: C More Math and the Sacred Order of Precedence 133 Chapter 12: C the Mighty if Command 147 Chapter 13: What If C= =C? 165 Chapter 14: Iffy C Logic 175 Chapter 15: C You Again ... C 9 Chapter 2: C of Sorrow, C of Woe 19 Chapter 3: C Straight 29 Chapter 4: C What I/O 39 Chapter 5: To C or Not to C 55 Chapter 6: C More I/O with gets() and puts() 65 Part II: Run and Scream ... 185 Chapter 16: C the Loop, C the Loop++ 201 Chapter 17: C You in a While Loop 215 Chapter 18: Do C While You Sleep 225 Chapter 19: Switch Case, or, From C to Shining c 239 Part IV: C Level...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:07

411 849 0