beginning asp net 4 in c 2010

Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010 ppsx

Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010 ppsx

... Beginning Intermediate THE APRESS ROADMAP Pro ASP. NET 4 CMS Pro ASP. NET MVC 2 Framework Pro ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010 Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform Beginning ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010 SOURCE CODE ONLINE Companion ... MacDonald, Author of Pro ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010 Pro Silverlight 4 in C# Pro WPF in C# 2010 ASP. NET: The Complete Reference US $49 .99 Shelve in: Programming Languages / C# User level: Beginning Intermediate THE ... client-side models. this print for content only—size & color not accurate spine = 1.90625" 1016 page count MacDonald ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010 THE EXPERT’S VOICE đ IN .NET Beginning ASP. NET...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

1K 1,4K 0
Beginning ASP.NET 4: in C# and VB potx

Beginning ASP.NET 4: in C# and VB potx

... that Occur in the Data Source Controls 550 Hand-Coding Data Access Code 5 54 Caching 565 Common Pitfalls with Caching Data 565 Dierent Ways to Cache Data in ASP. NET Web Applications 566 Practical ... 47 3 Summary 47 4 linQ and the ado .net entitY Framework 47 ChaPter 14: 7 Introducing LINQ 47 8 LINQ to Objects 47 9 LINQ to XML 47 9 LINQ to ADO .NET 47 9 Introducing the ADO .NET Entity Framework 48 0 Mapping ... 736 Chapter 7 737 Chapter 8 738 Chapter 9 739 Chapter 10 741 Chapter 11 743 Chapter 12 744 Chapter 13 745 Chapter 14 746 Chapter 15 749 Chapter 16 751 Chapter 17 752 Chapter 18 7 54 ConFiGurinG...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20

844 1,6K 0
Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th edition pot

Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th edition pot

... Co-Author of Introducing Visual C# 2010 Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2010 Visual C# 2010 Recipes Programming .NET Security Microsoft .NET ... C BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS đ Matthew MacDonald, Author of Pro Silverlight 4 in C# Beginning ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010 Pro WPF in C# 2010 Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls US ... MacDonald (Microsoft MVP, MCSD) THE APRESS ROADMAP Pro Silverlight 4 in C# Pro Dynamic .NET 4. 0 Applications Pro Windows Azure Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform Pro ASP. NET 4 in C# 2010, ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21

1,6K 13,7K 0
Tài liệu BEGINNING ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB doc

Tài liệu BEGINNING ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB doc

... 49 3 Summary 49 4 CHAPTER 14: LINQ AND THE ADO .NET ENTITY FRAMEWORK 49 7 Introducing LINQ 49 8 LINQ to Objects 49 9 LINQ to XML 49 9 LINQ to ADO .NET 49 9 Introducing the ADO .NET Entity Framework 500 Mapping ... 395 jQuery Core 396 Selecting Items Using jQuery 397 Basic Selectors 397 Basic Filters 40 0 Advanced Filters 40 2 Modifying the DOM with jQuery 40 4 CSS Methods 40 4 css(name, value) 40 4 css(name) 40 4 css(properties) ... 9:39:21 AM xxi CONTENTS Skins 245 Creating a Skin File 246 Named Skins 248 Disable Theming for Specifi c Controls 249 Practical Tips on Creating Consistent Pages 249 Summary 250 CHAPTER 7: NAVIGATION...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20

890 6,7K 2
Beginning ASp.NET 4.5 in C# potx

Beginning ASp.NET 4.5 in C# potx

... 32,767. int Integer Int32 An integer from –2, 147 ,48 3, 648 to 2, 147 ,48 3, 647 . long Long Int 64 An integer from about –9.2e18 to 9.2e18. float Single Single A single-precision floating-point number from ... application. e only exception is if you choose to stack multiple case vi ■ Contents At A GLAnCe Part 4: Working with Data 42 3 ■ Chapter 14: ADO .NET Fundamentals ■ 42 5 Chapter 15: Data Binding ... line: // A single-line C# comment. Optionally, C# programmers can use /* and */ comment brackets to indicate multiple-line comments: /* A multiple-line C# comment. */ CHAPTER 2 ■ THE C# LANGUAGE 22 Note...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

900 10,3K 0
Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB doc

Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB doc

... because ASP. NET code is compiled to machine code before it’s executed. However, processor-crunching algorithms still can’t match the blinding speed of well-written C+ + code, because the CLR ... These instances are called objects. The XmlFile Class CreateCreateCreate SettingsFile1 ( an XmlFile Object) SettingsFile2 ( an XmlFile Object) SpecialConfigFile ( an XmlFile Object) Figure 3-1. Classes ... xxxiii Introduction ASP. NET is Microsoft’s platform for developing web applications. Using ASP. NET, you can create e-commerce shops, data-driven portal sites, and just about anything...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

891 2,7K 0
Tài liệu Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours ppt

Tài liệu Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours ppt

... Accounts in ASP. NET . 522 Allowing Visitors to Create New User Accounts . 533 Signing In to the Website with the Login Control 541 Displaying Content Based on Authentication Status 545 Examining ... Design Requirements . 73 Creating the User Interface 76 Writing the Source Code for the ASP. NET Page . 82 Testing the Financial Calculator . 86 Examining the Source Code 92 Using the Debugger 93 Q&A ... False: ASP. NET pages can include Visual Basic or C# source code. 4. What software packages must be installed to serve ASP. NET pages from a computer? 5. When should you consider using a web-hosting...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

645 1,5K 0
beginning 4.5 databases 3rd edition

beginning 4.5 databases 3rd edition

... IntroduCtIon xxii Chapter 10 shows the new data binding features in ASP. NET 4. 5 and ASP. NET MVC 4. It also discusses the enhancements in data presentation. Chapter 11 discusses the Dynamic Data concept ... SqlConnection(" ")) { try { var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection); connection.Open(); var callBack = new AsyncCallback(CallBack); var result = command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(callBack, ... information is set in the Provider attribute. try { using (EntityConnection connection = new EntityConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); EntityCommand command = new EntityCommand( ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:44

267 752 0
applied 4 in context

applied 4 in context

... need to compile anything in the project explicitly. ASP. NET takes care of creating, compiling, and executing the temporary class for us. If we make any changes to the .aspx file, the ASP. NET server ... segment for Visual Basic .NET much reduced. CHAPTER 1 ■ INTRODUCTION 4 What Is Covered in This Book? This book covers the major features of ASP. NET version 4, including core platform features, ... dominant force in the programming world, and Microsoft created ASP. NET to bring the Visual Basic programming model to the web development world, including concepts such as drag-and-drop controls,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:38

932 1,7K 0
Tài liệu Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 doc

Tài liệu Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 doc

... work, which makes team collaboration unnecessarily complicated and increases the chances of the designer creating bugs in the code logic while working on cosmetic changes. Darie-Watson _46 8 1C0 ... BalloonShop database. Darie-Watson _46 8 1C0 Page 24 Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4: 51 AM xvii Introduction Welcome to Beginning ASP. NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional! The explosive ... The second phase concentrates on increasing revenue by improving the shopping experience and actively encouraging customers to buy more by implementing product recommendations. Again at the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 10:20

705 755 3
Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008. ppt

Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008. ppt

... MANY FACES OF ASP. NET With ASP. NET 3.5, Microsoft aims to continue its success by refining and enhancing ASP. NET. The good news is that Microsoft hasn’t removed features, replaced functionality, ... supported by the CLR. In fact, almost any block of C# code can be tr anslated, line b y line , into an equiv alent block of VB code (and vice versa). An occasional language difference pops up (for ... tutorials on the Internet, such as www.w3schools. com/html. You’ll also get a mini-introduction in Chapter 4. HTML 2.0 introduced the first seed of web programming with a technology called HTML forms ....

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:20

994 4,2K 0
c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start

... 35 ASP. NET AJAX Control Toolkit 39 Downloading and Installing the AJAX Control Toolkit 40 ColorPickerExtender 42 Extending <outputCache> 43 .NET 4 s New Object Caching Option 44 Historical ... task is Canceled. in task in loop in loop in loop in loop *** task canceled canceling was requested, canceling from within the task exception AggregateException, One or more errors occurred. inner ... interfaces that cause the implementations of the interface to fulfill the contracts. Contract tools can rewrite the assembly to inject contract checks PROFESSIONAL ASP. NET 4  54 ASP. NET MVC Is Totally...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:41

130 441 0
professional 4.5 in c# and vb

professional 4.5 in c# and vb

... 828 HttpCachePolicy and Client-Side Caching 830 Caching Programmatically 832 Data Caching Using the Cache Object 832 Controlling the ASP. NET Cache 833 Cache Dependencies 8 34 .NET 4. x’s New Object Caching Option ... PM4/10/2013 9:08:26 PM xxx CONTENTS CHAPTER 22: CACHING 823 Caching 8 24 Output Caching 8 24 Partial Page (UserControl) Caching 827 Post-Cache Substitution 828 HttpCachePolicy ... 844 Disabling a Table for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 844 Disabling a Database for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 845 SQL Server Cache Invalidation 845 Confi guring Your ASP. NET Application 847 Testing...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:34

1,4K 4K 0
pro 4.5 in c#, 5th edition

pro 4.5 in c#, 5th edition

... ShoppingCart.cs. The ShoppingCart represents a collection of Product objects. Listing 3-11. The ShoppingCart class using System.Collections.Generic; namespace LanguageFeatures { public class ShoppingCart ... interface. Listing 3- 14 shows the ShoppingCart class updated to implement the IEnumerable<Product> interface. Listing 3- 14. Implementing an interface in the ShoppingCart class using System.Collections.Generic; using ... namespace from the project into scope so that we can refer to classes without having to qualify the class name. Why do we care about namespaces? Since the other code nugget in the listing is a C# code...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:43

1,2K 10,3K 0
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 From Novice to Professional PHẦN 1 pdf

Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 From Novice to Professional PHẦN 1 pdf

... of companies utilizing the .NET platform. He specializes in C# , ASP. NET, and SQL Server. Paul works intimately with all aspects of software, including project planning, requirements gathering, ... files. In this book, we’re using C# ; in a separate version of this book called Beginning ASP. NET E-Commerce in VB .NET: From Novice to Professional, we’ll present the same functionality using ... Credit Card Transactions The last thing you need to do before launching the e-commerce site is enable credit card processing. In this chapter, we’ll look at how you can build this into the pipeline...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

71 552 0