... Surface (Parabolic Section) Basics of Radio AstronomyBasics of Radio Astronomy Basics of Radio AstronomyBasics of Radio Astronomy Basics of Radio Astronomy for thefor the for thefor the for the Goldstone-Apple ... samples of wavelength ranges, the temperatures of the matter emitting in that range, and some example sources of such thermal radiation. The hotter the object, the shorter is the wavelength of the ... distance, this phenomenon has the effect of rotating the plane of the linearly polar- ized wave. A measure of the amount of rotation can give a value of the density of a plasma. Magnetic field...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:03
... b) the ASBRs act as iBGP next-hops for their AS; thus, each SP needs to know of the other SP’s core only the addresses of the ASBRs. In case c), the SPs exchange the loopback addresses of their ... tighten security of the core, but the security of the BGP/MPLS IP VPN architecture depends on the security of the service provider. If the service provider is not trusted, the only way to fully ... Similar to IP spoofing attacks, where an attacker fakes the source IP address of a packet, it is also theoretically possible to spoof the label of an MPLS packet. In the first section, the assumption...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu The Basics of Social Marketing - How to Use Marketing to Change Behavior docx
... grand- mothers as the appropriate source for the intervention. The grandmothers who participated in formative research developed the chitterlings cleaning method for their peers. Having the grandmothers ... by offering the audience benefits they want in return for making the desired behavior change. For example, you give them a sense of being cool and accepted by their peers if they give you themselves ... transmission?” The women in the focus groups identified hygiene breaks, either during refrigeration or during the long hours of cleaning the chitterlings, as the likely method of transmission...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20
Brilliant At The Basics of Business 100:1 pdf
... day? Could they make one do per day by writing their name on it? They could. There are loads of other ways of both saving the company money and respecting the planet. Brainstorm them. 91. Be ... will cause them to really love or to really hate you. 87. Pinch the best ideas from your competition. Then build upon them. 88. Walk right across the open-plan of ce of every one of your teams. ... points of margin? Or employee satisfaction? Brilliant At The Basics of Business 1 00: 49. What happens to the data in the complaint’s file? Hopefully it has a hot link to the actions for the quality...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
Basics of Interest Rates, The Richard D.C. Trainer pptx
... greater than the principal, thereby compensating the lender for giving up the use of her money for an amount of time. Even if there were little or no risk of the principal not being repaid, the lender ... tools of fiscal policy, the responsibility of the Congress and the Administration, are changes in the levels of public spending, taxation and borrowing. Monetary policy, the responsibility of the ... businesses to trim their demands for credit or to postpone financing their spending plans until the economy improves. The net effect of these changes in the demand for and the supply of funds during...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
... provocative book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). The publication of this The Basics of Economics 16 1870s The marginalist school of economic thought rises under ... one way rather than another. That is, the opportunity cost of a choice represents the second-best use of scarce resources. Once again, consider the purchase of a $1.50 cup of coffee. If the buyer ... contributed to the maturing of economics into a social science. The logical starting point for the timeline is the life and times of Adam Smith, the founder of modern eco- nomics. The Basics of Economics...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20
The Basics of hacking and penetration Testing pot
... Introduction to Backtrack Linux: Tools. Lots of Tools n Working with Backtrack: Starting the Engine n The Use and Creation of a Hacking Lab n Phases of a Penetration Test Reconnaissance CHAPTER ... tar file by running the following command in a terminal: tar xf theHarvester Please note the capital “H” that is used when untarring the code. Linux is case sensitive, so the operating system ... testing, it is highly suggested that you watch the video and buy the book. You can see the video for free online (check the Defcon media archive), and the book is published by Syngress and available...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
Healthy eating – basics of nutrition of the elderly ppt
... D - folic acid and other vitamins from group B CHANGE Project CHANGE Project Healthy eating – basics of nutrition of the elderly Beata Piórecka, PhD Institute Institute of of Public Public Health Health Jagiellonian Jagiellonian University University Medical Medical College ... projectCHANGE projectCHANGE project project Erythronormoblastic anemia 1. Iron deficits (5- 40% of the elderly), Causes: - the issue of body aging, - deficiency of iron in the diet, - taking drugs neutralising hydrochloric acid, - ... the eating habits and nutrition condition of the elderly • individual and social preferences (tradition, economics), • individual possibilities of preparing food for digestion (technology of...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
Financial Accounting: A comprehensive and practical online guide for the basics of financial accounting docx
... capitalize the costs of acquiring Further this course discusses the impact of expensing or capitalizing decision on the firm’s financial statements and ratios. The course also explains the treatment ... liabilities. The course also elaborates the effect of changing interest rates on the market value of debt as well as on financial statements and ratios. Lastly, the course describes the concept of retiring ... www.kesdee.com 12. Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt The course explains the fundamentals of lease financing and focuses on various forms of off- balance-sheet financing. Further, it differentiates...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
The Basics of Water Pollution potx
... for weed control • Thermal stress - removal of stream buffers or streamside vegetation, loss of shade The Basics of Water Pollution 1 The Basics of Water Pollution The Basics of Water Pollution Cooperative ... all types of NPS pollution, especially if the open space is not properly maintained. The Basics of Water Pollution 20 · Thermal stress · · Thermal stress Thermal stress Sources: runoff from heat-absorbing ... lots, roofs, roads, compaction of soil) that absorb heat and transfer it to runoff, removal of streamside vegetation The Basics of Water Pollution 21 Impacts of temperature pollution Impacts of...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
... unless the head of the agency that has custody of the records certifies that the records shall be retained in the agency’s custody for use in the conduct of the regular current business of the ... completion of the request • inform the requestor that the requested materials do not exist or are not in the custody of the Department 3. Upon receipt of payment, the Department shall provide the ... Department of State, hereby certify that the attached are true and correct copies of (insert description of public records, including the number of pages), and that I am the official custodian of the...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20
teach yourself the basics of aspen plus
... is β j = l k=1 f j k p m=1 F m (3.9) where β j is the overall split fraction of stream j to the sum of flows of all p feeds, F m represents the sum of the flows of all components in feed stream m,andl represents the number of components. Note ... that the flows of the components may not be known a priori as in the Sep block; therefore, the solution of a set of simultaneous equations in which the unknowns are the individual component flows of ... streams. If the composition of the VOCs exceed 20 parts per billion, the stream is to be diverted to the second outlet of the splitter. Otherwise, the stream is to be diverted to the first outlet. Execute...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:57
The Impact of Spatial Correlationon Routing with Compressionin Wireless Sensor Networks
... use the joint entropy of sources as a measure of the uncorrelated data they generate. An empirical approximation for the joint entropy of sources as a func- tion of the distance between them ... optimal cluster size will also depend on the amount of correlation in the data originated by the sources (quantified by the value of c). Generally, the amount of corre- lation in the data is highest for sensor ... toward the sink. CDR places a greater emphasis on maximizing the amount of compression close to the sources, at the expense of longer routes to the sink, while RDC does the reverse. When there...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:41
The Impact of Spatial Correlationon Routing with Compressionin Wireless Sensor Networks
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:41
Financial managment Solution Manual:The Basics of Capital Budgeting
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:28
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